What rivers flow to Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal. Naughty daughter of Angara

The drainage basin of the lake is 540,034 sq. km. There is still no consensus on the number of rivers flowing into Baikal. According to I.D. Chersky (1886) 336 rivers and streams flow into the lake. In 1964, the calculation of the Baikal rivers according to topographic maps was carried out by V.M. Boyarkin. According to his data, 544 watercourses (temporary and permanent) flow into Baikal, 324 from the eastern shore, 220 from the western. Rivers annually bring 60 cubic meters to Baikal. km of low-mineralized water. This is explained by the fact that the area of ​​the Baikal drainage basin is composed mainly of igneous and metamorphic rocks, consisting of sparingly soluble minerals.


The Angara is one of the largest and most unique rivers in Eastern Siberia. The total length of the Angara is 1779 km. It flows out of Lake Baikal in a powerful stream 1.1 km wide and up to 1.8-1.9 m deep. The average water flow at the source is 1920 cubic meters. m / s, or about 61 cubic meters. km per year. It flows into the Yenisei 83 km upstream of the city of Yeniseisk. The catchment area of ​​the Angara basin, including Lake Baikal, is 1,039,000 sq. km. Half of the basin area falls on Baikal, the rest - on the Angara itself. The length of the Angara within the region is 1360 km, the catchment area is 232,000 sq. km.
In the Angara basin, within the region, there are 38,195 different rivers and streams with a total length of 162,603 ​​km, which is four times the circumference of the Earth at the equator.
The Angara flows through the territory of the Irkutsk region from south to north. Its valley is well developed. In some sections, it expands to 12-15 km, and in the places where the gangways exit, it narrows to 300-400 m.
Angara receives food from Lake Baikal. The Irkutsk reservoir is a natural regulator of water consumption. The Angara is fed by the waters of the tributaries, the role of which increases towards the mouth.
Before the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, the level regime of the Angara was very peculiar. In summer, due to heavy rains, and in winter, due to the accumulation of bottom ice and sludge in the narrow places of the channel, the height of the water rise reached 9 m. In connection with the creation of the Irkutsk and Bratsk reservoirs, the level regime of the Angara has changed. The levels increased during the off-season and decreased during the flood due to the distribution of water over a large area.
A distinctive feature of the Angara is that it is located in relatively harsh climatic conditions, but freeze-up on it occurs later than on other rivers of Siberia and even the European part of Russia. This is explained by the rapid flow and the inflow of relatively warm deep waters from Baikal.
After the construction of the Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk HPPs, the Angara does not freeze below these HPPs, since the waters in the reservoirs warmed up during the summer do not have time to cool down in these areas.
The high degree of water content of the Angara throughout the year, the constancy of flow, a large drop give grounds to evaluate it as a river with huge reserves of hydropower resources. On the Angara, it is possible to build a cascade of hydroelectric power plants with a total capacity of 15 million kW, which can produce 90 billion kWh of electricity, that is, as much as the Volga, Kama, Dnieper and Don combined can provide.
Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power stations were built on the Angara. As a result, the Angara turned into a chain of reservoirs and a deep lake-river highway.
The creation of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations and reservoirs introduced fundamental changes in the hydrobiological regime of the Angara, greatly hindered the natural connection of the river with Baikal, and led to a significant transformation of the species composition of flora and fauna.
The largest left-sided tributaries of the Angara are the Irkut, Kitoy, Belaya, Oka, Uda, Biryusa; small right-sided tributaries - Ushakovka, Kuda, Ida, Osa, Uda, Ilim.


Kitoy is one of the large left-sided tributaries of the Angara River. It flows into the Angara below the dam of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station. Kitoy is formed from the confluence of two rivers - Samarin and Zhathos, originating on the Nuhu-Daban upland, near the sources of Irkut. The length of Kitoy is 316 km, the catchment area is 9190 sq. km, drop - 1500 m. The main part of the river basin is located in the highlands, only its lower part is in the flat terrain. 2009 rivers and rivers flow into Kitoy with a total length of 5332 km.
Kita feeds on underground, atmospheric and partially glacial waters. Precipitation is of the greatest importance in nutrition. The lowest water levels are at the end of winter, at the beginning of spring. The highest levels are in summer. During the period of intense precipitation, the height of the water rise reaches 4 m.
It freezes in Kitoy in November, opens in April, the duration of freeze-up is 80 - 126 days.


Belaya flows into the Angara 106 km below Irkutsk. It is formed from the confluence of the Bolshaya and Malaya Belaya, originating in the bald zone of the Eastern Sayan at an altitude of up to 2500 m. The length of the river is 359 km, the catchment area is 18,000 square meters. km, drop 1750 m.
Belaya flows through a populated mountain area. Its shores are picturesque, often cut off by sheer cliffs to the riverbed. There are rapids and waterfalls in the upper and middle reaches of the river. 1573 rivers and rivers with a total length of 7417 km flow in the Belaya basin.
Meals Belaya mixed. The main source of nutrition (more than 60%) is rain. Precipitation in the White basin causes sharp rises in water levels up to 8 m.
The average annual consumption is 178 cubic meters. m / s, the lowest water flow occurs in February - March and is 16 cubic meters. m/s.
The annual flow of Belaya is 5.6 cubic meters. km, runoff for the period from May to October is more than 80% of the annual. White was used for timber rafting, harvested in its basin.


The Selenga is the largest tributary of Lake Baikal. The river starts on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic, where it is formed from the confluence of the Ider and Muren rivers. The total length of the Selenga is 1591 km. The catchment area is 445,000 sq. km, annual flow - 28.9 cubic meters. km.
The Selenga provides half of the total mass of water entering Baikal from all its tributaries. It flows into the lake in several branches along a wide swampy lowland, forming a delta that extends far into Baikal.
The hydronym "Selenga" comes from the Evenk "sele" - iron. Another version of the origin of the name of the river from the Buryat "Selenge", which means - smooth, spacious, calm.


Barguzin is the third, after the Selenga and the Upper Angara, in terms of water content, a tributary of Baikal. It originates from the slopes of the Barguzinsky Range. The river gives Baikal 7% of its total annual water inflow. The Barguzin flows through the Barguzin depression. The length of the river is 480 km. Its fall from source to mouth is 1344 m. The catchment area of ​​the river is 19,800 square meters. km, annual flow - 3.54 cubic meters. km.
The name of the river comes from the antonym "Barguts" - an ancient Mongol-speaking tribe, close to the Buryats, who once inhabited the Barguzin valley. “Barguts” - comes from the Buryat “barga” - wilderness, wilderness, outskirts.

Rivers of Khamar-Daban

The slopes of the ridge are cut by deep and narrow river valleys, the density of the Khamar-Daban river network is 0.7-0.8 per 1 sq. km. km.
Often there are canyons with steep multi-meter walls and picturesque, bizarre rocks. Such canyons have rivers Snowy, Utulik, Langutai, Selenginka, Hara Murin, Variable. Canyons are rightfully considered impassable, and impassable into big water. Rivers are characterized by an abundance of rapids and waterfalls. Particularly beautiful are the sections of the rivers in the places where they break through the ridge. Almost all rivers of the ridge originate in the pre-bald and bald belts. Their channels are short, with a steep fall. There are many lakes on Khamar-Daban. The largest of them: stalemate, Tagley, Sable. There are dozens of small lakes and waterfalls in cars and circuses.

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world. This pearl of Russian nature contains 20% of all fresh water on the globe and is the wealth of our country.

Lake Baikal is located in a rift fault in the earth's crust, which was formed as a result of the pressure of the huge Hindustan plate on the Eurasian platform. The interaction of these plates gave rise to Baikal.

Few people know, but Baikal has a younger brother - Lake Khubsugul, which is located in the continuation of the rift fault, but lies on the territory of Mongolia.

The length of Lake Baikal is 636 kilometers, the width is from 42 to 82 km, the area of ​​the water surface is 32,000 square kilometers, the length of the coastline is more than 2,000 kilometers. The lake is surrounded by mountains on all sides.

The volume of fresh water is amazing: the lake contains 23,615 cubic kilometers of water, which is 23,216,000,000,000 cubic meters of water or 2.36 x 1017 liters.

The lake is replenished by 1120 rivers and streams, which flow down from the surrounding mountains $ g permanent rivers - 336.

The largest rivers are located in Buryatia - this is the Selenga, the length of which is 1,024 kilometers, it supplies 935 m³ / s to the lake; this is the Upper Angara, which pours 265 m³ / s into Baikal every second (its length is 438 km); this is Barguzin (river length - 480 km, water volume - 130 m³ / s).

Baikal has only one outlet - the Angara River, which is 1,779 km long. Through the Angara, 142.47 cubic meters flow out of Baikal per year. km. In terms of full flow, it is the second river in Russia.

unique water

Baikal water is soft, transparent, contains almost no salts, it contains a lot of oxygen. Some geologists believe that this is mostly artesian water.

It contains unique bacteria and phytoplankton, which completely purifies water from contaminants, including decomposing methane and oil. In addition, due to its low temperature, water also retains its unique properties.

The absolute depth of Baikal is 1642 meters. It is curious that Mount Zhim rises literally directly above the deepest part of the lake, which the Buryats consider a sacred place (the total elevation difference is almost 3,000 meters. It was under this mountain in the depths of the lake that Buryat shamans placed the gates to the world of the dead).

In addition to Baikal, there are only two reservoirs in the world that have a depth of more than 1,000 meters - Lake Tanganyika (Central Africa) and the Caspian. The average depth of Baikal is also impressive - 744.4 meters. However, the relief of the lake is very uneven - near the depths there are shoals, banks, underwater spits.

Unique fauna On the shores of the lake and in the water there is a unique fauna, half of which are endemic, that is, they are not found anywhere else in the world. The most famous endemics are the Baikal seal, Baikal omul, Baikal sturgeon, transparent viviparous golomyanka fish, epishura crustacean and Baikal sponges, but in total 1,000 species of unique living organisms live in the lake.

Baikal is surrounded on all sides by the Baikal Range. The western coast is more rocky, the eastern (Buryatia) is more gentle. There are unique animals in the taiga - red deer, red wolf, Barguzin sable, ermine, musk deer (deer with fangs), brown bears, lynxes and wolverines and snow leopards.

lake islands

There are 27 islands on Baikal, but only one of them is large enough to receive tourists. This is the "Heart of Asia" - the island of Olkhon, which has recently been trying to make it attractive to tourists from Buddhist countries. This is an amazing place with a lot of sand, no water sources, little forest. There are no mosquitoes, ticks, poisonous snakes and predators. It doesn't rain here. But there are a lot of sacred places, starting from Mount Shamanka and ending with the northern tip of the island - Cape Khaboy. Here is a unique plant world: a lot of tiny, but very bright flowers. A special attraction of the island is walking trees - relic pines and larches.

There are unique archaeological monuments on the island, for example, the Kurykan wall, which was built by the people who lived on the island even before the Buryats.

Baikal - source of energy

The lake itself has long been part of the reservoir of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, which generates 4,100 million kWh per year. The fact is that during the construction of the dam, the level of the lake was raised by several meters. In addition to the Irkutsk HPP, the Angara River, flowing from Baikal, has a whole cascade of hydroelectric power plants that provides energy for the entire Eastern Siberia - these are the Bratsk HPP (capacity 22,600 million kWh per year) and the Boguchanskaya HPP (capacity 17,600 million kWh per year).

The lake also has problems - this is the pollution of the southern part of Baikal with gray-green algae - spirogyra. Environmentalists attribute pollution to a large flow of tourists. For example, in 2017, 1,500,000 tourists visited the Irkutsk region alone. About 40,000 of them are foreigners, mostly Chinese.

However, Alexander Vasilyevich Tatarinov, a researcher at the Geological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that environmentalists exaggerate the human impact on Baikal, and the spread of spirogyra is connected with deep processes under the lake - with the heating of the earth's crust, thermal waters, and, as a result, Baikal itself.

One of my friends recently went to Lake Baikal. She returned under the great impression of this majestic lake in its beauty. After looking at her photos and listening to numerous stories, I decided that someday I would definitely go there. In the meantime, at least I will expand my horizons with information about this unique lake.

General information about the rivers of Baikal

This lake is fed by the waters of many rivers. Now there are 544 tributaries, including temporary ones. Most of them are located on the east coast. Rivers bring here a volume of water of about 60 cubic meters. km.

The most significant rivers flowing into Baikal:

  • Selenga. Just imagine, this river brings almost 50% of Baikal's waters here. Its source is located in Mongolia.
  • Upper Angara. It is the next largest river in terms of importance.
  • Barguzin. In terms of full flow, it loses to the first two rivers.

These are only the largest rivers. In addition to them, there are many other tributaries: Langutai, Snezhnaya, Utulik, Selenginka, Khara-Murin, etc.

How many rivers come out of Baikal

Are there such rivers? There is! This is the only river - the Angara.

This river, like the other large rivers of Siberia, is characterized by a powerful flow. It starts from Baikal and rushes in a north-western direction to the Yenisei.

The basin of this river, about 1800 km long, combines 38,000 different tributaries and 6 lakes. The largest tributaries of the Angara:

  • Irkut;
  • White;
  • Kita;
  • Biryusa;

Legend of the Angara

The hero Baikal lived in those places. He had many sons and one daughter, Angara. His sons worked hard. They had to melt the ice and drive the water into a deep depression in the earth's crust. But Angara only spent what she acquired on outfits. Somehow she found out that the handsome Yenisei lives far beyond the mountains and fell in love with him. But the stern father was against this love, he wanted his daughter to marry the old man Irkut. Then Angara ran away. Baikal could not catch up with her and from resentment and anger began to throw stones, but Angara dodged, and the old man missed. This is how, for example, the Shaman stone appeared. Angara managed to run to the Yenisei, they embraced and together they went to the sea to the north.

Rivers flowing into Lake Baikal.

A lake is a body of water, which is a depression in the land filled with water. It can be fed by groundwater, rainfall, and even flowing rivers. There are lakes that are larger than the sea.

Which lake flows into 336 rivers, and one flows out: name, location on the world map, brief description

This lake is called Baikal. It is very big and deep. In size, it is second only to the Caspian Sea, which is also a lake. But in this reservoir there is salt water, and in Baikal it is fresh. This lake is considered the deepest.

It is a hollow or depression filled with water. On one side are mountain ranges, and on the other, more gently sloping terrain. According to some data, 336 permanent rivers and channels flow into the lake. If we take into account the streams and rivers, which sometimes dry up, then their number is 1123.

The water in the reservoir is fresh, an insignificant amount of mineral salts and impurities are dissolved in it. But it is saturated with oxygen, which has a great effect on the number of fish and plants.

The average water temperature is +8+9 degrees. In summer, in some areas it warms up to 23 degrees, but this is observed in very hot summers.

What major rivers flow into Lake Baikal: list, names, where are they located on the world map?

The largest rivers that flow into Baikal are the Selenga, Barguzin and Turka. All these are mountain rivers, which are often replenished by streams after the snow thaws and the water flows down.

Large rivers flowing into Baikal:

  • Selenga. This is a huge river that carries clean water. It starts on the territory of Mongolia and flows through Russia, flows into the lake.
  • Barguzin. A huge river that begins in the territory of Buryatia. The beginning of the river is located on the territory of the reserve, the terrain of which is quite flat. But soon the river flows in the area of ​​the gorge.
  • Turk. The emphasis is on the last letter. The river is mainly replenished by melted snow that flows down from the mountains.
  • Snowy. Tourists fell in love with such a gentle river. There are not very dangerous rapids here, so you can often see people who are engaged in rafting here. The nature in these parts is also very beautiful, people often come here to admire the waterfalls.

River flowing into Baikal

What is the only river that flows out of Lake Baikal: the name, where is it located on the world map?

The only river that flows out of the lake is the Angara. There is a legend associated with this river. According to legend, father Baikal threw a stone at his daughter because she fell in love with a guy who did not like her father. Thus, this stone blocks the road to the river, but still part of it flows out of the lake.

The river begins from the lake, with a channel, 1.1 km wide. It is considered a tributary of the Yenisei and is located in the Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions. There are several hydroelectric power stations on the territory of the river. From the source to the city of Irkutsk, the river is represented by the Irkutsk reservoir.

This lake is the largest source of fresh water in the world.

VIDEO: Lake Baikal

Baikal is not just a legendary lake, it is also very deep.

The water in it is always clean and cold, and it owes it to the rivers and streams that flow to it from all over the world.

What rivers flow into and out of Baikal

Researchers still cannot accurately calculate how many rivers this lake has that flow into it. The rivers flowing into Baikal have beautiful names.

It is interesting that there are such rivers as the Kotochik River, which flows into Turku, and already that into Baikal itself. The tributary Upper Angara often misleads geographers who confuse it with the beautiful Angara.

There are a little more than a thousand small rivers and streams, so we’ll better deal with large rivers.

Many rivers of Baikal have their own history. The largest is the Selenga. It crosses two states and breaks up into a delta, flowing into Baikal.

This full-flowing beauty brings almost half of all water to the lake, and it receives it from its four tributaries.

The Upper Angara is considered to be the next in terms of beauty and abundance of water; this mountainous and capricious beauty can be very unpredictable even on the plain. Near Baikal it forms a bay - the Angarsk Cathedral.

The very famous Baikal-Amur Mainline stretches along most of the river. Just like the Selenga, this river has tributaries.

The waters of all the rivers flowing into Baikal bring some surprises with them. And Barguzin is no exception. Along with the waters, silt, sand and small pebbles enter Baikal.

The river was named so most likely because of the Barguzin sable, which lives here in large numbers. Barguzin carries its unruly waters through the vast expanses of the Buryat Republic.

It originates on the mountain slopes, filled mainly with rain. This river has a small lake formed by it - Balan-Tamur.

The turbulent waters of the Turks are collected from melting snow and rains, they also have tributaries. Not only tributaries, but also Lake Kotokel fills this river with water.

There are still two rivers with beautiful names Sarma, Snezhnaya. That's all the rivers flowing into Baikal.

Now we can talk about what rivers flow from Baikal. This is only one river - the Angara. Proud and rebellious, whose waters are directed to meet the handsome Yenisei, being its largest tributary.

Where it originates lies the legendary shaman stone. Anglers love the river, as it has a huge number of different fish. The river has many tributaries.

Four road bridges are thrown across it, but there is no railway bridge. In the warm season, ships go along it. Angara has many islands.

So we learned what rivers Baikal has.

Related materials:

Films about Baikal

If you want to get acquainted with the lake, then watch a documentary film about Baikal by the Irkutsk Scientific and Educational Center, released in 2003. It is called - "Baikal. Legends of the Great Lake. ...

What is the transparency of Baikal's water?

Lake Baikal impresses not only with its size, surrounding nature, but also makes you admire the water. It is very transparent in the reservoir, which allows you to see the bottom of the lake, ...

Their exact number is still the subject of disputes among specialists. According to the official version, there are 336 of them. But only one river carries the waters of Baikal further - .

Among the rivers flowing into the lake, the largest - Selenga, Turka, Barguzin and Snezhnaya. Among the small rivers of Baikal, sometimes there are very funny names: for example, Pokhabikha, Slyudyanka, Golaya, Klyuevka, Buguldeyka, Durnya. The latter, however, does not flow into the lake itself, but into the Kotochik River, which, in turn, - in Turku, and she already - to Baikal. And such rivers and streams - over a thousand! That is why there is a problem with the exact number of rivers flowing into the lake.

The largest river flowing into Baikal - Selenga.

It flows through the territory of Mongolia and Russia, and brings almost half of all water flowing into Baikal. The Selenga Delta is included in the list of unique natural phenomena of planetary significance: it has to play the role of a natural filter, performing the primary treatment of industrial wastewater entering Baikal through the Selenga.

Upper Angara - second in volume of water after the Selenga. This river is mountainous, fast, rapids, and even then, falling into the plain, does not cease to break up into channels. But the Upper Angara approaches Baikal already quiet and calm: near the northernmost part of the lake, it forms a bay with a small depth, which is called Angara Sor. A large part of the Baikal-Amur Mainline runs along the Upper Angara. The river itself is navigable, but only in the lower reaches.

River Barguzin, known more thanks to the Barguzin sable, which lives in its vicinity, - another river flowing into an ancient lake. It flows through the territory of Buryatia and is mostly fed by rains. The upper reaches of this river are located in a protected area.
The nature of the river is not easy, and its rapid flow brings a lot of silt, sand and small stones to Baikal.

River Turk flows in the mountains at an altitude of 1430 meters, so its waters are fast, and on the way to Baikal they manage to absorb water from snow and rain, as well as from their tributaries - Golonda, Kotochik, Yambuy, Ara-Khurtak. Rafting on this river can be a very memorable trip: wild roe deer, ducks, herons and even wild swans are often found on this route.

snowy river - one of the largest rivers flowing into Baikal. The area of ​​its basin is 3020 sq. km, and the length - 173 km. The source of the river is located on the northern slope of the Khamar-Daban ridge, or rather, in its western part. Characteristic features of Snezhnaya are its strong rapids and sharp turns. Such features of the channel make the river a favorite place for connoisseurs of water tourism and rafting.

river source Sarma located near Mount Golets Three-Headed. If you look in a straight line, then this place and Baikal are separated by only a dozen kilometers, but Sarma winds so much that it stretches for 66 km. The river is famous for the fact that the strongest of the Baikal winds, which the locals call Sarma, accelerates in its valley. In Lake Baikal there is also a strait called the Small Sea, and it is this strait that is the final point where Sarma delivers its waters. Small Sea - also a favorite place for tourists, as it is here that you can swim with pleasure in the summer.

One of the tributaries of Baikal - river Utulik, whose name is translated from Buryat as "low pass". This river is the most visited by locals and is very popular among tourists, especially those who love extreme sports. The length of the river is 90 km, but at this not so long distance there are many obstacles of varying complexity. In addition, Utulik flows in a very picturesque area. The river is fed by snow and rain, and in summer also by groundwater.

How many myths and legends are dedicated to the beautiful Angara! At its source is the famous rock Shaman-stone. According to one of the legends, father Baikal threw this stone after his runaway daughter Angara, who refused to marry the unloved Irkut and fled to her beloved Yenisei. The waters of the Angara are clean and transparent, they are home to more than 30 species of fish. Fishermen from all over Irkutsk have chosen this river as their favorite place for fishing, and Irkutsk residents are happy to arrange evening promenades along its banks.

Lake Baikal- one of the largest lakes in the world is a symbol of water purity, a hallmark of Eastern Siberia and Buryatia, attracting tens of thousands of tourists from Russia and other countries. The huge volume is larger than the Baltic Sea, the size of the lake is 636 long with a width of up to 80 km; practically distilled water, have long given the locals a good reason to call it the "sacred sea".

Baikal, Buryatia, Barguzinsky district

How nature created the Baikal basin, what sources of water filled this reservoir with a depth of more than 1.5 km will be discussed in this article.

From volcanoes to glaciers

Lake Baikal is located in a basin surrounded by mountain ranges and hills. The surface of the water surface today is 456 m above the level of the Baltic Sea, which is the reference point for heights in our country. According to geological studies, scientific ideas, the lake was formed as a result of tectonic changes in the bowels of the Earth more than 25 million years ago, at the same time it began to fill with water. The maximum depth of the Baikal fault of the earth's crust, based on instrumental studies, reaches 8 km, the lower part of which is filled with compressed bottom sediments. It is considered one of the oldest lakes, a huge 20% natural storage of fresh water on the planet.

To estimate the real size of Lake Baikal, it is worth quoting the following figures.:

The volume is more than 23 thousand km3 of water, which is more than in the Great Lakes of America or the Baltic Sea.

The length of the coastline is about 2100 km.

The area is almost 32 thousand km2, which is comparable with the area of ​​Belgium or the Netherlands.

By the way, a giant tectonic fault about 2.5 thousand km long created not only Baikal, but also its “little brother”. This is the name of the mountain lake Khubsugul in Mongolia, in many ways similar to it, only smaller in size and depth.

Such serious geological changes were accompanied by volcanic eruptions, the formation of mountain ranges along the shores of Baikal, bordering it today. Volcanoes, fortunately, have long ceased their activity. Their last visible traces are the mountain peaks of the Baikal Range near the Cedar Capes. Traces are frozen lava flows, there are igneous rocks in the upper reaches of the river. Slyudyanka, on the Khamar-Daban ridge. Volcanic tuffs, bombs are found both along the entire coast of Lake Baikal and on the Ushkany Islands.

The notorious Ice Age made a significant contribution to the filling of the formed Baikal depression, bringing here a huge amount of frozen water, which passed along the shore of the lake in a wide ridge. Scientists believe that it was then, about 10-12 thousand years ago, that the modern look, the contours of the Baikal coast, was formed. According to the residual traces, the thickness of the moving glaciers reached 100 m.

Rivers big and small

It is believed that there are only 336 permanent tributaries, annually delivering up to 60 km3 of pure water to the Baikal bowl. The number of such rivers and streams was determined by the scientist Jan Chersky back in the 19th century and since then (!) has not been recalculated in kind. Spoiled by aerial photography, space reconnaissance, as well as cozy offices, modern scientists, apparently, have completely forgotten how to work in the field.

From time to time, home-grown researchers, lovers/creators of high-profile myths for various media, armed with pictures of Baikal, find on them either 500 or even a thousand rivers and rivulets flowing into it. In fact, they simply count the number of gullies leading to Baikal, most of which do not have rivers or are partially filled with water only during periods of snowmelt and heavy rains.

Scientists say that it is time to clarify the number of Baikal rivers empirically, recognizing their undeniable decrease due to deforestation and climate change. According to some estimates, there may be more than 100 disappeared, dried up sources of annual replenishment of the "sacred sea".

Main rivers feeding Baikal:

Selenga. The largest source, over 1,000 km long, accounts for about half of the annual water supply. The river is interesting in that its tributary Egiin-Gol is, like the Angara, the only river flowing from the Mongolian lake Khubsugul. Therefore, the two lakes have a direct connection with each other, including exchanging fish. Until the beginning of this century, regular navigation was carried out between the coast of Lake Baikal and the Mongolian Sukhe-Bator.

Upper Angara. The river is 438 km long in the north of Buryatia. The second largest tributary of the lake begins its journey from the spurs of the North Muya Range.

Buryatia, Barguzinsky district

Rivers flowing into Lake Baikal.

Lake - a body of water, which is a depression in the land filled with water. It can be fed by groundwater, rainfall, and even flowing rivers. There are lakes that are larger than the sea.

Which lake flows into 336 rivers, and one flows out: name, location on the world map, brief description

This lake is called Baikal. It is very big and deep. In size, it is second only to the Caspian Sea, which is also a lake. But in this reservoir there is salt water, and in Baikal it is fresh. This lake is considered the deepest.

It is a hollow or depression filled with water. On one side are mountain ranges, and on the other, more gently sloping terrain. According to some data, 336 permanent rivers and channels flow into the lake. If we take into account the streams and rivers, which sometimes dry up, then their number is 1123.

The water in the reservoir is fresh, an insignificant amount of mineral salts and impurities are dissolved in it. But it is saturated with oxygen, which has a great effect on the number of fish and plants.

The average water temperature is +8+9 degrees. In summer, in some areas it warms up to 23 degrees, but this is observed in very hot summers.

What major rivers flow into Lake Baikal: list, names, where are they located on the world map?

The largest rivers that flow into Baikal are the Selenga, Barguzin and Turka. All these are mountain rivers, which are often replenished by streams after the snow thaws and the water flows down.

Large rivers flowing into Baikal:

  • Selenga. This is a huge river that carries clean water. It starts on the territory of Mongolia and flows through Russia, flows into the lake.
  • Barguzin. A huge river that begins in the territory of Buryatia. The beginning of the river is located on the territory of the reserve, the terrain of which is quite flat. But soon the river flows in the area of ​​the gorge.
  • Turk. The emphasis is on the last letter. The river is mainly replenished by melted snow that flows down from the mountains.
  • Snowy. Tourists fell in love with such a gentle river. There are not very dangerous rapids here, so you can often see people who are engaged in rafting here. The nature in these parts is also very beautiful, people often come here to admire the waterfalls.

River flowing into Baikal

What is the only river that flows out of Lake Baikal: the name, where is it located on the world map?

The only river that flows out of the lake is the Angara. There is a legend associated with this river. According to legend, father Baikal threw a stone at his daughter because she fell in love with a guy who did not like her father. Thus, this stone blocks the road to the river, but still part of it flows out of the lake.

The river begins from the lake, with a channel, 1.1 km wide. It is considered a tributary of the Yenisei and is located in the Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions. There are several hydroelectric power stations on the territory of the river. From the source to the city of Irkutsk, the river is represented by the Irkutsk reservoir.

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