Where does the Brazilian wandering spider Phoneutria live? The most poisonous spider in the world (10 photos) Social structure and reproduction

Let's talk about the Brazilian spider. It is one of the most dangerous insects on the planet. The word wandering is added to its name, and for good reason. This spider, unlike the others, does not weave a web, but is on a constant journey, that is, it wanders.

You can meet him only in America, where he lives not only in the tropics, but can often be a resident of houses and outbuildings. Why is it special and what threat does it pose to a person?

The killer spider (phoneutria) is a very fast and aggressive arthropod of its kind.

The Brazilian has two species: jumping and running, but they are all equally poisonous. What does he look like?

Spider appearance

An individual of this species of spiders is very large, sometimes its dimensions reach a length of 10 cm. The size of the head and chest are small, in contrast to its belly, which is very thick, since the spider feeds a lot.

The legs are very massive, covered with hair, which makes it look the most menacing. The color changes depending on the habitat. Sometimes it can be dark brown, sometimes with the addition of green speckles or brown with reddish hues.

Another feature by which you can easily determine that this particular spider is in front of you is a method of protection that also determines its appearance. During a threat from the environment, he takes a very interesting position, stands on his hind legs, and raises his front legs up. During such a ritual, he sways from side to side, his chelicerae (jaw apparatus) become crimson red.

Reproduction and life cycle

It is often found in nature that female insects are larger than the male, and this is the case with spiders. After mating, the female can eat the male, but some species live in families in the same nest, and since the Brazilian is constantly wandering, it sometimes happens that the male spider is a victim.

In adult representatives, the mating dance looks very interesting. The male offers the food he has caught to the female, who cannot resist and freezes. At this time, mating takes place.

After a few weeks, the female lays her eggs in a cocoon and guards it until the appearance of young nymphs, which then independently disperse through the tropics and roam in search of food in order to grow to large sizes.


During constant movement, the spider is looking for prey, which can be insects, small spiders, and even attacks tropical frogs, birds and lizards.

The arthropod got its name "banana" for a special passion for fruits. Because of this, the spider can often be found in boxes of bananas prepared for export. Thus, it can be imported to another country.

But the basis of the diet is still meat food. Once inside, the poison turns the insides into a broth, which is subsequently sucked out by the insect.


The soldier spider, as it is called for the way it raises its front legs up, is a nocturnal resident, that is, during the daytime it hides in a cool place. Such a place can be a snag or a stone (on the ground). Seeing the prey, the spider instantly makes itself felt. The insect wanders at night.

During an attack on small animals, he plunges his jaws and injects poison into the body, which paralyzes the animal in a couple of seconds. If the insect managed to get into the house, then it immediately hides.

Its storage can be shoes, clothes, hats. And therefore, people can suffer due to their illiteracy, that is, not checking the items of clothing before putting them on.


Its habitat is the tropics and subtropics of South America. They prefer an earthly location, but often climb tree trunks, hide in dense wet foliage.

In Russia, such a representative of wildlife has not been recorded, but still you should not be careful. He has a replacement that is not inferior in danger - this is a black widow.

Human danger

The poison of the Brazilian representative of arthropods for humans carries a mortal danger.

It contains a neurotoxin that, when released into the human bloodstream, causes the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased body temperature and fever;
  • asthma attacks followed by respiratory arrest;
  • stiffness of the limbs;
  • complete atrophy of muscle mass.

Poison is most dangerous for males, the reasons for this are unclear. They have a painful erection that lasts for a long time.

If you managed to meet with a banana spider, then after biting once, he does not try to escape, but strives to do it again. Once in the child's blood, the neurotoxin causes a severe allergic reaction, in which in some cases the child cannot be saved without even being taken to the nearest ambulance station.

And since the South American countries are not very rich in experienced medical workers, and some settlements do not see them at all, an antidote that is not introduced in time takes a person's life.

Important! Independently, the insect does not attack the victim. This is what happens in self-defense. For example, if you put on a shoe that has a spider in it and thereby crushed it, then it is not surprising that it will bite you. Therefore, caution is needed here.

An interesting fact of a wandering American that describes the symptoms of a spider bite. The incident happened in 1998. While sorting bananas into boxes, he was accidentally bitten by a soldier spider. It looked like this: as if a long sharp dagger was stuck in the hand.

The hand immediately swelled up, the head swirled sharply. His heartbeat increased to such an extent that it seemed to him that it would break out. Breath intercepted, there were spasms. The doctors were in the right place and on time, they injected him with an antidote, which made the American stand on his feet the very next day.

Time from bite to death

This concept is very vague, since it is impossible to define this period of time with the same name, it all depends on the resistance of the human body and the immune system.

Video: Spider Danger

If you believe the stories of travelers, then this time can be 30 minutes if the bite fell on a small child. And a little longer if an adult was bitten. Not every time there is a doctor with an antidote nearby, so a meeting with a spider can end tragically.

lethal dose of poison

It is believed that one bite and the injected portion of the poisonous substance is enough for death to occur. During a bite, a person may not feel the introduction of poison, but after a second the skin begins to burn, the poison enters the lymph and blood. In 80% of cases, you are guaranteed cardiac arrest.

If you determine the amount of poison that is needed to kill your victim, then it is as follows: for a small rodent, 6 micrograms is enough directly into the blood and a little more, about 130 micrograms under the skin. You can calculate the dose for humans, given that the average weight of a rodent is about 50 grams.


Today, medical scientists have nevertheless developed an antidote against the action of the poison of the Brazilian wandering insect.

Getting it is a very difficult process, but still it helps many. Due to the presence of antivenom, mortality from bites is reduced. According to statistics, it is 3%.


Summing up the whole story, we note that the spider causes danger if he senses danger from the environment, but he himself does not attack first. This must be remembered whenever you encounter arthropods, be it a Brazilian or other poisonous spider.

But there are real extremes for breeding exotics. And the Brazilian spider is their favorite pet, kept in glass terrariums.

Video: Brazilian Wandering Spider

In 2007, another poisonous record holder appeared in the Guinness Book of Records - the Brazilian wandering spider. As is already clear from its name, the habitat of this aggressive and rather dangerous arachnid for humans is South America. But often this agile arthropod can also be found in human habitation, where boxes, boots, hats, etc. turn out to be its favorite places.

Brazilian wandering spider: appearance

These spiders are quite large - about 10 cm long. They have a spindle-shaped body and eight eyes, two of which are large. A voluminous abdomen and long, thick legs ending in spikes, covered with thick hairs, distinguish this arachnid from its fellows. Its color can vary from dark brown to brown.

Becoming in a protective pose, the Brazilian wandering spider, whose photo you can see in this article, rests on its hind legs and, raising two pairs of front legs, sways menacingly from side to side. One of the main signs of this spider is large chelicerae covered with red bristles.

Brazilian wandering spider: lifestyle

Wandering spiders are so named because they do not build nests or weave webs, but roam in search of food: insects, other spiders, or even frogs, small birds and mammals. Bananas occupy a special place in the diet of the spider, for which in the homeland of the arthropod gourmet they are also called the “banana” spider.

These arachnids move quite quickly, developing especially high speed in pursuit of prey. And some species are also able to jump far. The wandering spider sticks chelicerae into its prey, through which poison is carried. It paralyzes small animals in just a few seconds.

Wandering spiders are nocturnal creatures that prefer to roost during the day under rocks, in thick grass, or in people's homes.

Brazilian wandering spider: a danger to humans

The cause of particular concern when a person encounters a Brazilian wandering spider is that this poisonous arthropod is in no hurry to escape, but, on the contrary, takes a defensive position and, having bitten once, seeks to do it again and again.

The venom of these spiders causes a severe allergic reaction in humans. And if the victim is a child, an elderly or weakened person, then the bite of the "Brazilian" can be extremely dangerous, even fatal. True, in medicine there are means that can help with the bite of a poisonous arthropod, but it is necessary to seek help no later than 20 minutes after the incident.

The first symptoms of spider venom poisoning are quite severe pain from the bite itself, and then a strong increase in pressure, nausea, dizziness and difficulty in breathing.

But we must remember that this spider does not attack a person first. The bite in this case can only be for the purpose of self-defense. True, because of the strong love of this species, living in boxes and dark rooms, the inhabitants of South America have to be especially careful and attentive.

Brazilian wandering spider - he is a soldier, runner, wandering spider,. Belongs to the Ctenidae family of runners. Reads 8 types. The natural range covers South, Central America. As a pet, it is found all over the world. In 2010, he entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous.

Appearance description

The Brazilian wandering spider grows to a size of 15 cm, which is equal to the size of the hand of an adult. Assigned to . The color is varied - gray, brown, black, red, brown. The body is divided into the abdomen, cephalothorax, connected by a thin bridge. Long powerful 8 pieces. Well-marked mandibles. The photo is located below.

The whole body is covered with small, dense hairs. The legs serve as an instrument of movement, are the organs of smell, touch. On the head, providing a broad outlook.

On a note!

The wandering spider sees in different directions, but does not differ in good vision. Perceives silhouettes, shadows, responds well to movement.


The Brazilian spider runner got its name because of the characteristics of life, certain qualities. The animal moves quickly, jumps well. Lives on trees, in most cases, these are bananas. The burrow does not stand, constantly moving from one place to another in search of food.

On a note!

The Brazilian spider forms powerful trapping webs. The diameter of the largest reaches 2 m. The threads are so strong that they freely hold birds, lizards, snakes, and small rodents. Fishermen put it in several layers and use it to catch fish.

In search of food, the Brazilian wandering spider often crawls into residential buildings. Hiding in lockers with dishes, things, shoes, in the corners of rooms. Since in such conditions it does not weave a web, it does not betray its presence in any way.


The main diet is insects, snails, small ones, caterpillars. Often the victims are small birds, rodents, lizards, snakes. The spider soldier lies in wait for the victim in the shelter. At its sight, it takes a characteristic pose - it rises on its hind limbs, lifts its front legs up, pulls its middle ones forward, spreads it to the side. He waits for the right moment, rushes to attack.


Spider runner injects poison, saliva. The first substance paralyzes the prey, the second turns the insides into a liquid mass, which the predator then drinks. Insects die almost immediately, frogs, rodents, snakes after 15 minutes. The Brazilian soldier spider hunts at night, during the day it hides away from sunlight under stones, in crevices, and tree leaves.


Runners lead a solitary lifestyle, gather in pairs at the time of mating. The male coaxes the female with food. Such manipulation is necessary so that the spider simply does not eat it. After fertilization, the "boyfriend" must immediately hide, since a hungry female can start her hunt.

After some time, a wandering spider lays eggs in a cocoon formed from a web or on bananas. Cubs are born after 20 days, crawling in different directions. Up to a hundred small spiders are born at a time. An adult lives on average 3 years.

Human danger

The British wandering spider is one of its huge family. A toxic substance disrupts the nervous system, causing spasms. Possible consequences of a bite:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature change;
  • arrhythmia;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • breathing difficulties, shortness of breath.

Redness, swelling, pain, burning appear on the spot.

The situation is especially dangerous for young children, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and allergy sufferers. The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider can kill a child in 15 minutes, an adult in half an hour. Anxiety symptoms develop within 20 minutes after a predator attack. However, with the provision of qualified assistance, the condition is normalized. Call an ambulance immediately if you have difficulty breathing.

Poison in high concentration leads to muscle failure, disruption of the heart, breathing becomes difficult. Death occurs as a result of suffocation. There is an effective antidote - Phoneutria. With its introduction, human life is not in danger.

Benefits of the Brazilian Wandering Spider

The animal is kept as a pet all over the world. Attracts unusual appearance, large size. In artificially created conditions, the runner lives up to 3 years, reproduces, feeds on insects.

The poison contains a powerful PhTx3 neurotoxin, which is used in medicine in strictly metered concentrations. The substance has a beneficial effect on male potency. Based on the poison, effective medicines are made.

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Animals of Brazil - Brazilian spiders

Brazilian wandering (banana) spider - aranha armadeira

Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria). Brazilian animal name: aranha armadeira, aranha de bananeira(aranha armadeira, aranha de bananeira) - armed spider or banana spider. The Brazilian wandering spider has a body size of 3.5-5 cm and a leg span of 10-15 cm.

The Brazilian wandering spider lives in foliage, banana trees and inside houses. This spider is very aggressive and venomous (one bite can kill a rat). The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider is dangerous to humans. Its bite is very painful and causes a lot of anxiety. Serum - antiaracnidico, previously tested for anti-allergic reaction, is used for treatment.

Brazilian tarantula spider - tarantula

Brazilian tarantula (Lycosa). Brazilian name of the animal: tarantula (tarantula). In Brazil, the tarantula is also known as aranha de jardim (garden spider) and aranha de grama (grain spider). The Brazilian tarantula spider measures 3 to 5 with folded legs.

Brazilian tarantulas, like all spiders of this species, are cannibalistic, that is, they feed on other spiders. Tarantula is one of the most poisonous spiders. A tarantula bite causes great pain and necrosis of the bitten area. There is no specific treatment for bites.

Brazilian brown spider - aranha marrom

Brazilian brown spider (Loxosceles). Brazilian name of the animal: aranha marrom (aranha marum). The Brazilian brown spider has a body less than 1 cm and long and thin legs.

The Brazilian brown spider hunts at night and during the day sits under old tree bark, palm leaves or behind furniture in houses, and is also often found in garages. The spider is very dangerous. The bite of a brown spider is almost invisible. 12 hours after the bite, severe pain, fever and loss of consciousness begin. The treatment for the bite of the Brazilian brown spider is antiloxoscelico serum. The brown spider is especially active in summer.

Brazilian crab spider - caranguejeira

Brazilian crab spider (Grammostola). The Brazilian name of the animal is caranguejeira. The Brazilian crab spider is a very furry, large spider. The average size of a spider is 20 cm.

The crab spider leads a nocturnal, solitary lifestyle. Eats insects and small animals. The bite of the Brazilian crab spider does not contain poison, but the powerful fangs bite very painfully. The bite site should be lubricated with antihistamine ointment. The crab spider lives in the Amazon and some other parts of Brazil.

Animals of Brazil - Brazilian scorpions

Brazilian black scorpion - escorpiao preto

Black scorpion (Tityus bahiensis). Brazilian name of the animal: escorpiao preto (iscorpiao preto). The black scorpion is found in the west and in the center of Brazil. This Brazilian scorpion is approximately 6 cm in size and is dark in color with brown spots (sometimes referred to as "brown scorpion"). The sting of a black scorpion is very painful and is treated with anti-scorpion or anti-spider serum. Rural black scorpion stings rank first among all scorpion stings in Brazil.

Brazilian yellow scorpion - escorpiao amarelo

Yellow scorpion (Tityus serrulatus). Brazilian name of the animal: escorpiao amarelo (iscorpiao amarelo). The yellow scorpion is characteristic of the southeast of Brazil. This Brazilian scorpion is approximately 6 cm in size.

Yellow scorpions are nocturnal. During the day, they hide under trees, rocks or in dark places at home. The sting of a yellow scorpion is very painful. Bite sera - antiescorpionico or antiaracnidico or other polyvalent sera. Yellow scorpion stings in urban areas rank first among all scorpion stings in Brazil. Over the past 25 years, the number of yellow scorpions in Brazilian cities has increased significantly, and more and more people are suffering from stings.

Other animals of Brazil -

Photos used in the preparation of the material: http://www.fiocruz.br, http://www.bbc.co.uk, http://www.escorpiao.vet.br and http://www.ufrrj.br

For residents of Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries, local spiders do not pose a particular danger, since even poisonous individuals cannot kill a person. However, there are more terrifying varieties in the world, the representative of which is the Brazilian wandering spider, which will be discussed later.

Appearance, color and size

The Brazilian wandering spider is a relatively large arthropod, whose body length often exceeds 10 cm. The head and chest are small, but the belly is thick, which is explained by the constant consumption of food. Massive legs are covered with hairs, which largely gives the spider a frightening appearance.

The color of the arthropod varies depending on the specific habitat conditions. Most often it is dark brown with light patches on the legs and back, but can have a brown color with reddish tints or even black.

It is not difficult to recognize a spider by its behavior: at the moment of danger, the arthropod stands on its hind legs, raising its forelimbs up. For this feature, he was nicknamed the "soldier". In the process of such a “ritual”, the spider can sway from side to side, and its jaw acquires a crimson red color.

Did you know? The spider web is so unique that it has not yet been possible to reproduce it in the laboratory. In addition, it is very light, therefore, according to preliminary calculations, only 340 g of such “yarn” would be needed to cover the globe.

Where does it live

The main habitats of the "Brazilian wanderer" are the territories of Central and South America, where arthropods settle mainly in tropical forests. Sometimes they can be found in private homes, where they climb in search of food or shelter.
Spiders crawl into boxes with shoes, bags of clothes and even things scattered on the floor, which only increases the danger to humans. During the day, they can sit out in cool basements or dark closets, and at night they actively move around the house.

This behavior is also typical in forest conditions: during the day, the spider sits under stones or in cool burrows, and with the onset of night it quickly moves around the territory, for which it is also called a “runner”.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, the “Brazilian wanderer” can only be found in terrariums, but has not yet been recorded in open nature. True, this does not mean that there is nothing to fear: there are many poisonous varieties that are common with us (for example, the “black widow”).

What does it eat

The diet of the Brazilian spider is quite wide, and includes:

  • small insects;
  • small lizards;
  • other spiders, and even weaker members of their own species;
  • sick birds, even if they are larger than him.

Attacking its prey, this small predator plunges its teeth into it and injects poison into the body, which paralyzes the animal in a few seconds. This allows him to calmly proceed to the meal.

In the absence of such food, he does not disdain some fruits, especially bananas. For the love of them, the arthropod was called the "Brazilian banana spider."

Important! In boxes of bananas, they travel very long distances. There are cases when a spider got to another continent, endangering the local population.


Brazilian wandering spiders are dioecious creatures. The color of the female is much brighter than the color of the male, but the size of the male exceeds the size of the female, in addition, the males have an additional pair of limbs (used during mating).

To attract the attention of his chosen one, the male performs a kind of dance, at the same time offering her caught food.

After intercourse, the female often eats her partner, and after a few weeks she lays eggs and guards them until the very appearance of the young. After that, the mother's mission of the female is completed: young individuals crawl along the paths in search of food.

How dangerous is a spider bite

The Brazilian wandering spider has entered the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most venomous creatures in its squad. This attitude of people is explained by its aggressive behavior and powerful neurotoxins, which are part of the poison.

In a healthy adult, they cause a strong allergic reaction, but with timely access to a doctor, a fatal outcome can be avoided. The “wanderer” poses a great danger to children and people with weakened immune systems, among whom the percentage of deaths is much higher.

During a bite, a person feels a sharp pain, difficulty breathing and swelling of certain parts of the body. Over time, complete paralysis of the respiratory muscles occurs and the victim suffocates. Depending on the state of the body, death occurs within 2-6 hours after the bite.

How poison is used in medicine

The poison of various animals has always been the subject of study by scientists, because this is the only way to develop an antidote and save a large number of people. However, the poison of the "Brazilian wanderer" is interesting not only for this.

Did you know? The most notable representative of large spiders is the Goliath tarantula. With a body size of up to 10 cm, the span of its limbs reaches 30 cm.

It contains the toxin TX2-6, which helps to increase erections in the male. And although there is no cure for erectile dysfunction with his participation yet, developments in this direction are still underway. It is likely that soon the world will know about a new cure for impotence.

As you can see, a wandering spider is an interesting object for detailed study, but if you have to meet him in the wild, it is better to bypass the predator without endangering yourself.

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