Fire support fighting vehicles terminator 2. "Terminator" strikes everything around. Armament and suo

The fire support combat vehicle (BMPT), made on the basis of the chassis of the T-72 tank, has a high level of security, firepower and controllability.

It is capable of effectively fighting tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored targets of the enemy, destroying enemy firing structures, as well as hitting infantry using grenade launchers and anti-tank systems.

As the representative of UVZ explained, in the development of the BMPT-72, the experience of creating and using the basic version of the BMPT "Terminator" was taken into account. Like the base model, the Terminator-2 has a high level of firepower, protection, command controllability, and is able to effectively solve tasks of fire support for tanks and infantry in all types of combat operations, in various climatic zones, at any time of the day.

At the same time, the BMPT-72 has a number of differences from the previous model, including: improved fire control system and orientation system; for the first time on machines of this type, protection of launchers of guided missiles from fragments and small arms fire was implemented; it is possible to install a more powerful propulsion system; depending on the wishes of the customer, an engine with a capacity of 840-1000 hp can be installed on the machine. and means of communication of Russian and foreign production; the crew of the car was reduced to 3 people.

The main advantage of the BMPT-72 is that created on the platform of the T-72 tank, it provides an extension of the life cycle of vehicles, quickly and at minimal cost can raise the combat capability of the ground forces to a new level, the source explained.

The combat weight of the BMPT-72 is 44 tons. The vehicle is equipped with a powerful automatic weapons system, including two 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannons and a 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun coaxial with them, ensuring the defeat of lightly armored targets and manpower. Supersonic missiles are placed in two twin launchers, which ensure the destruction of highly protected targets in the entire range of the firing distance, with a probability close to 100%.

Automatic weapons have a large ammunition load - 850 rounds for cannons and 2100 rounds for a coaxial machine gun. All remote-controlled weapons (automatic guns, machine guns and guided missiles) are placed in a superstructure placed outside the habitable compartment. The fire control system is automated, all-day with a multi-channel sighting system that provides effective detection, recognition and destruction of targets.



. "Terminator" is exactly what they called their offspring, JSC Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod, the creators of this weapon. Terminator-2 BMPT capable of effectively solving fire support tasks on a single or integrated modern battlefield. As you know, when conducting a battle for a tank, the main threat is posed by infantrymen armed with portable anti-tank weapons. For their destruction, the "Terminator" was created, which is the name given to it by the creators of this machine. In any climatic conditions, at any time of the day, against any opponent.

Tank support fighting vehicle BMPT-72 Terminator-2 top photo, on the bottom the first modification of the Terminator

Nothing like this has been created in any country in the world at the moment. In order not to powder the brain, I will describe the most interesting moments, so to speak, without unnecessary water. If something is not clear, we look more closely at the photo, who is too lazy to read the text in the course of the description, watch the video.

photo 30 mm automatic grenade launcher AG-17D (remote) with an enlarged barrel for better cooling, absent on the Terminator 2, due to which the crew was reduced, and allowed to increase the angles of armor.

Terminator-2 tank support fighting vehicle BMPT-72 photo

Terminator-2 BMPT tank support fighting vehicle photo video .

  • The combat vehicle was built on the chassis of the T-72 tank, which made it possible to observe almost complete unification with the T-90 tank.
  • The same multi-fuel engine with a capacity of 1000 hp, a cruising range of 500 km, and a fuel tank capacity of 1100 liters.

SLA, a complex of high-precision automatic weapons. Equipped with a new digital fire control system.

In the photo there are 2 twin 30-mm 2A42 automatic guns, and 4 Ataka-T missiles, there are no AGS-17 (D) course automatic grenade launchers, which made it possible to limit the crew to 3 people

  • The crew of the Terminator combat vehicle consists of 5 people,
  • moreover, in the original version, the number of crew members was 7.
  • But the new modification of the Terminator 2 is only out of three, the reduction in the crew was due to the abandonment of 2 exchange rate automatic grenade launcher systems. If you look closely at the photo of the second modification, you will not see them.
  • In fairness, I will say that both the first and second modifications are produced simultaneously, so the choice is the privilege of the customer.

The photo shows the fourth part of the BMPT Terminator ammunition

The Russian Terminator, due to its mobility, high security, fire and strike power, cannot be replaced as a tank support vehicle during offensive and defensive operations, against enemy troops highly saturated with armored vehicles, in the difficult conditions of a modern battlefield when exposed to various weapons.
Almost complete unification with the T-90 tank. The height of the overcome wall is about 1 meter. Easily crosses water barriers.

Terminator 2 photo from this angle shows that the tower is uninhabited, ammunition is supplied to the weapon installed in it remotely

Terminator-2 BMPT tank support fighting vehicle photo video .

    • 30 mm automatic grenade launcher AG-17D (remote), with an enlarged barrel, 600 fragmentation grenades.
    • 30 mm cannon with a changeable rate of fire of 8 or 22 rounds (in 2 seconds of firing). Each of the two 30mm guns fires a different type of ammunition. High-explosive fragmentation or armor-piercing type of projectile. Guaranteed to hit lightly armored vehicles such as armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles at ranges up to 2.5 km. High-explosive fragmentation shells operate at ranges up to 4500 meters.
    • Missile armament, a complex of 4 Ataka-T missiles, guidance is carried out by a laser beam, unlike those installed on helicopters where a radio command channel is used. 4 guided missiles are capable of hitting both air and ground targets. Unlike the first model, the missile system received protective armor, from the damaging effect of fragments, and small-caliber bullets.
    • Coaxial 7.62 machine gun with a single belt not required to reload for 2000 rounds.
    • We watch the Terminator machine BMPT shooting T 600 resting video

Coaxial 7.62 machine gun single belt for 2000 rounds not required reloading photo

All weapons are controlled remotely. A remote supply of ammunition has been carried out, which is interesting, the ammunition load is below the turret shoulder strap. As a result, an uninhabited tower with weapons.
The full ammunition load carried on the Terminator was fired at a uniform pace during the tests, continuously and more than once. And this is several tons of ammunition, it’s scary to imagine the loads on various types of barrels.

photo Terminator shot, missile exit from the Ataka-T complex, guidance is based on a laser beam

We also watch the video Terminator War Machine shot in SLOMO mode

Russian Terminator BMPT tank support combat vehicle has not yet been adopted by the Russian army, meanwhile it is already being exported to foreign countries such as Kazakhstan.

1. Introduction

The main difference between the proposed alternative BMPT-72A from the existing BMPT "Terminator" and the new BMPT-72 "Terminator-2" is in the weapon system. The sketch of the alternative BMPT-72A was drawn on the basis of the projections of the T-72MP tank.

Perhaps it would be right to start the article with a question "Why do we need an alternative BMPT, if there is a new BMPT-72 anyway?"

Let's try to answer this question by comparing the new BMPT-72 with other tank support vehicles (including their prototypes) according to several individual criteria that are relevant for BMPTs:

the number of simultaneously hit targets;

availability of auxiliary anti-personnel weapons;

the effectiveness of the main artillery armament.

1.1. Number of simultaneously hit targets

BMPT "Terminator" ( ) . There is enough information on the Internet about the advantages and disadvantages of the first serial BMPT created on the basis of the T-90 tank on the topic "Frame-99", which you can read and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this vehicle. Obviously, the main idea of ​​​​the BMPT "Frame-99" was precisely in the crew from 5 people, 4 of which monitor the battlefield through individual observation devices and are capable of hitting independently of each other 3 different goals simultaneously. This layout solution allows (according to official information) one such BMPT to effectively replace several BMPs on the battlefield. During the operation and testing of this machine, various shortcomings in its armament and layout with a crew of 5 people were identified. Machine weight - 48 tons. An important advantage of this BMPT is the small sweeping radius of the trunks, which ensures the rotation of the tower by 360 degrees even in the cramped streets of cities, which makes it possible to fire at the enemy in buildings almost point-blank.

BMPT-72 "Terminator-2" ( ) - new (2013), simpler and more budget vehicle, designed for the mass conversion of old models of T-72 tanks into modern BMPTs. The crew of the new vehicle is a standard tank crew, 3 people. The BMPT-72 weapon system is similar to the previous Ramka-99 BMPT, but with some changes - two AGS-17D automatic grenade launchers were excluded. As a result, the new machine is capable of hitting only 1 target. It is difficult to say how critical this “cutting” of weapons is, since the machine has just appeared. The mass of the new BMPT has decreased to 44 tons, which expands the range of modernization of old T-72 tanks with 780 and 840 hp engines. Also, the BMPT-72 outperforms its predecessor in terms of the area of ​​weakened zones in the upper projection of the hull - this area has noticeably decreased (there are no longer three hatches in the front of the hull, not covered by the turret, which are vulnerable to RPG shots from above).

BMPT prototypes developed in the 1980s ( ):

Option number 1.Base - tank T-72. Armament - 2 automatic 30-mm guns 2A72 with synchronized guidance + 2 side launchers 2 x 6 NAR S-8 (80 mm cumulative fragmentation rocket). Crew - 3 people.


Option number 2.Base - chassis based on the T-72. Armament - 2 independent automatic 30-mm cannons 2A72 + coaxial 7.62 mm machine guns, 2 automatic 40-mm grenade launchers, 2 ATGM launchers, 2 x 12.7 mm independent NSVT machine gun mounts. Crew - 7 people.

The number of simultaneously hit targets - 6.

Option number 3. Base - chassis based on the T-72. Armament - twin 100 mm 2A70 cannon + 30 mm 2A72 cannon + 7.62 mm PKT machine gun, 2 independent 40 mm automatic grenade launchers paired with 7.62 mm machine guns, 2 autonomous machine gun mounts with 7.62 mm machine guns on the sides of the hull and one installation with a 40-mm grenade launcher on the tower. Crew - 5 + 2 people.

The number of simultaneously hit targets - 6.

Main battle tanksOBT.

Most modern tanks have a remote-controlled machine gun mount (controlled by the commander), which allows the tank to simultaneously fire at2 goals.

Perhaps the number of simultaneously hit targets is not so significant for a modern BMPT, but given the declared multifunctionality of this machine, this criterion should not be the last one.

1.2. Availability of auxiliary anti-personnel weapons

BMPT is a tank support vehicle, that is, this vehicle must reliably hit those targets that are difficult for a tank to hit - infantry, ATGM crews, highly maneuverable light vehicles and low-flying air targets. Consequently, the main focus of the armament of the BMPT should be on anti-personnel and partly anti-aircraft weapons.

Fig.1. BMPT "Terminator". Armament - 2x30-mm 2A42 cannons, 1x7.62-mm machine gun, 2 independent AG-17D grenade launchers, 4 Ataka-T ATGM launchers.

The armament of the BMPT "Terminator" includes 2 independent 30-mm AGS-17D grenade launchers. Two of the three experimental BMPT prototypes created back in the 1980s also had automatic anti-personnel grenade launchers (2 and 3 grenade launchers).

The BMPT prototype, which did not have a grenade launcher, was armed with two launchers with 12 S-8 aircraft missiles, each such missile has a cumulative fragmentation warhead (400 mm armor penetration + 500 ready-made fragments).

The presence of two grenade launchers in the BMPT "Terminator", as you know, caused a lot of conflicting opinions. Obviously, the problem is not in the grenade launchers themselves, but in the rather limited angles of their guidance on this BMPT and the lack of their stabilization systems. Additionally, the impracticality of using vehicles with a non-standard crew of 5 people (3 people of a standard crew + 2 grenade launcher operators) was revealed.

The armament of the new BMPT-72, as noted above, does not include AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers, which limits its combat capabilities compared to other BMPTs.

Fig.2. Prototype BMPT option 2. Armament - 2 x 30 mm 2A72 cannons, 2 x 7.62 mm PKT machine guns, 2 x 40 mm automatic grenade launchers, 2 x 12.7 mm NSVT machine guns, 2 ATGM launchers.

Fig.3. BMPT-72 (2013). Armament - 2x30 mm 2A42 cannons, 1x7.62 mm machine gun, 4 Ataka-T ATGM launchers.

It turns out that it is logical that the presence of an anti-personnel automatic grenade launcher of 30 or 40 mm caliber is desirable for a modern BMPT.

1.3. The effectiveness of the main artillery armament

The composition of the artillery armament of all the above BMPTs includes a 30-mm automatic gun 2A42 (two or one). There is a lot of different information and opinions on the effectiveness of this gun as part of the BMPT weapon system, which, for the most part, justify the low efficiency of using a gun of this caliber on a modern BMPT.

Let's look at this question from the other side: "what are the advantages in armament of the BMPT-72 over a tank with an auxiliary automatic gun of 30 mm caliber?"

For comparison, let's take the Slovak tank T-72M2 Moderna-2.

Fig.4. Slovak tank T-72M2 "Modern 2". On the right rear of the turret is the installation of a 30-mm automatic gun 2A42.





main gun


Automatic gun

Number of simultaneous shooters

30 mm guns

Bokomplekt, 30-mm rounds

Coaxial machine gun


Automatic grenade launcher

ATGM launchers

ATGM ammunition

Number of simultaneously hit targets

The above comparative information shows that the BMPT-72 does not have significant advantages in armament over the T-72 Moderna-2 tank. The main advantages of the BMPT-72A in service:

minimum sweeping radius of trunks;

the ability to switch the type of projectile, thanks to the two-tape feed guns(on "Modern-2" a single feed of a 30-mm gun);

larger portable ammunition load of 30-mm rounds (850 pieces);

a larger angle of vertical guidance of the guns (45 (60) degrees versus 35 degrees);

a larger ammunition load of 7.62 mm rounds (2500 pieces);

The Ataka ATGM is superior to the TUR in terms of armor penetration and launch range.

A comparison of these two vehicles, which are in principle different in purpose, is not objective, but at first glance, the modernization of T-72 tanks into BMPT tanks in the likeness of Moderna-2 looks easier and cheaper than the conversion into BMPT-72, which does not have significant advantages in armament over the T-72 "Modern-2".

Fig.5. Tank T-64E. In order to eliminate the weakened zone of the turret to the right of the cannon (in the area where the coaxial machine gun was installed on previous modifications of the T-64), the coaxial machine gun was moved to the left rear of the tank turret. Behind the hatch of the tank commander, an automatic 23-mm gun GSh-23 is installed.

The situation is similar with the upgraded T-64E tank. If this tank is re-equipped with a 30 mm cannon (instead of the rotating 23 mm GSh-23 cannon mounted on its turret), it also becomes a BMPT tank, also capable of hitting two goals simultaneously.

Obviously, a modern BMPT should have noticeable advantages over a tank in the fight against a “tank-dangerous” enemy, since this is its main task.

The priority artillery system for the BMPT can be an anti-aircraft gun. It is known that ZSU-2-57, ZSU "Shilka" and ZSU "Tunguska" were effectively used in various conflicts specifically to destroy ground targets, but it was impossible to use them fully as BMPTs due to weak armor protection.

The main anti-aircraft guns developed in the USSR, which can be used for BMPTs:

23mmanti-aircraft quad gun (ZSU "Shilka"),rate of fire -850 shots/min. on the trunk;

30mmdouble-barreled gun 2A38 (ZSU "Tunguska"),rate of fire -2500 shots/min.

37 mmanti-aircraft gun 2A11 (experimental ZSU "Yenisei"),rate of fire -524 shots/min. on the trunk;

57 mmanti-aircraft gun S-60 (ZSU-2-57, PT-76B with BM "Burevestnik"),rate of fire -120 shots / min per barrel.

The feasibility of using guns:

23-30 mm guns are considered insufficiently powerful for BMPTs, it is problematic to equip cartridges of this caliber with remote fuses.

The 37mm assault rifle is belt-fed and has a rate of fire almost as good as the rate of fire of the 30mm 2A42 cannon, it can be equipped with shells with a remote fuse, however, 37mm shells are practically not used by the troops, and have a relatively small advantage in armor penetration over 30mm projectile.

The 57-mm cannon is the most promising for the BMPT - high ballistics, long firing range, powerful projectile, wide range of shots. One of the important issues is the automatic loader for this gun, which should provide a rate of fire of 100-120 rounds / minute, the required amount of ammunition to be carried and quick switching of the type of projectiles (the number of which in the ammunition rack can be 3-5 pieces or more).

Fig.6. ZSU-57-2. Armament 2x57-mm guns S-60. Rate of fire - 240 shots / minute. Full ammunition - 300 shots. ZSU has effectively proven itself in various conflicts and wars as a powerful means of defeating various ground targets.


The draft model of the BMPT-72A was made taking into account the above justifications for choosing a weapon system, which is arranged on the basis of the three described in section 1 criteria:

The number of simultaneously hit targets - simultaneously2 different goals;

Availability of auxiliary anti-personnel weapons -automatic grenade launcher;

The effectiveness of the main artillery weapons -57 mmanti-aircraft gun S-60.

Fig.7. Alternative BMPT-72A. The sketch was made on the basis of projections of the T-72MP tank.

Brief description of the machine:

BMPT-72A is a tank support vehicle based on the T-72 tank. The hull of the tank remains unchanged when converted to BMPT. The tank turret is undergoing changes - the embrasure is being modified for the installation of a 57-mm S-60 cannon and a coaxial 7.62-mm PKT machine gun. Attached to the rear of the turret is an armored container with an automatic ammo rack for 76 rounds. On the right side of the container is a remote-controlled installation armed with a 30-mm automatic grenade launcher and two mortars for smoke or lighting grenades. On the sides of the tower there are retractable launchers of the Ataka-T ATGM, which in the stowed position are protected by an armored screen with hinged dynamic protection.

Fig.8. BMPT-72A in combat position. Before launch, blocks with ATGMs rise up. If necessary, the Ataka-T ATGM launchers can be changed to 80 mm NAR S-8 launchers.

Depending on the task, the BMPT-72A weapon system can vary in various weapon combinations. All BMPT weapon modules are unified in terms of mounts and guidance system, which makes it possible to re-equip vehicles with various weapons by their crews practically in the field.

Nomenclature of auxiliary weapons:

remote control with 30 mm AGS-17D grenade launcher;

remote control with 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun;

remote control with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun;

remote control with 23-mm gun GSh-23 (alternative configuration);

Remote control with 40 mm UAG-40 grenade launcher (alternative equipment).

Remote controlled installation (RC) controlled by the BMPT commander and has independent stabilization in 2 planes. Ammunition (grenades, cartridges or shells) is located at the bottom of the installation (pedestal). The tape with ammunition is twisted by a “snail”, the shots in it are in a vertical position, they occupy almost the entire volume of the “pedestal”. At the bottom of the feeder there is a special transition of the tape with shots from a vertical to a horizontal position. The electric drive, which rotates the entire remote installation in a horizontal plane by 360 degrees, is located in the gap between the container with 57-mm shots, the right launcher of the Ataka-T ATGM and the rear right part of the tower.

Remote installation is universal, to change the type of weapon it is necessary to change only the machine gun itself, grenade launcher or cannon, without changing the "pedestal".

Nomenclature of launchers:

2 x 2 launchers ATGM "Ataka-T";

2 x 6 launchers NAR S-8 (AR-8);

2 x 2 PU MANPADS "Igla-S / Igla-V" (alternative configuration);

combinations of the above complexes.

Launchers (PU) in the stowed position are hidden in special niches on the sides of the tower. The niches are protected by armored screens with hinged dynamic protection. Before the shot, the blocks with PU rise up and to the required vertical aiming angle in the range from 0 to 30 degrees. It is possible to equip the launcher with a vertical stabilization system for firing S-8 (AR-8) unguided missiles on the move.

Several options for completing the BMPT-72A remote module:

Fig.9. Armament options for the BMPT-72A.

3. Comparative characteristics of the BMPT







Basic data

combat weight

~47 tons

44 tons





tower T-72


Engine power

Specific power

Maximum speed on hard surface

reverse speed

Range on hard surfaces


Number of simultaneously hit targets

Automatic gun, brand

Quantity and caliber

Ammunition total

Of which in the automatic loader

Number of types of ammunition used

in the automatic loader

Elevation angles

Coaxial machine gun

Quantity and caliber


Automatic grenade launcher



Quantity and caliber

Ammunition and number of tapes

firing range

Elevation angles

Horizontal guidance angles

Grenade launcher stabilization


Optional armament

guided weapon




Rocket caliber

Launch range







armor penetration


ATGM protection from bullets and shrapnel


armored screen




Sweeping radius on the trunk/trunks

at 1600 mm

less than

at the T-72 tank

Armor protection BMPT-72A:

The armor protection of the alternative BMPT, in this case, is at the level of protection of the T-72MP tank. The sides of the tower are additionally protected by armored screens, 20 mm thick, with a hinged remote sensing. The blocks with PU inside create an additional barrier to the cumulative jet or kinetic ammunition.

Thus, the dimension of the side armor of the tower is: DZ + 20 mm + 400 ... .800 mm (compartment with PU and PU drives) + 80 mm main armor + turret lining.

The rear of the turret is additionally protected by a container with an automatic ammunition rack and an anti-cumulative grille. The container is airtight and has a lockable airlock for feeding shots into the BO. In case of damage to the container in its upper part there are covers for the release of the energy of the explosion. Also, this container makes the standard T-72 turret more balanced.

The dimensions of the rear of the tower are: Lattice + 400 mm (boxes with spare parts) + 650 mm (container size) + 60 mm main armor + lining.

Additionally, all tanks-racks were removed from the BO and the control compartment, they were replaced with safer protected fuel tanks. External fuel tanks - on the fenders, similarly as on the T-72MP tank.

It is planned to install an auxiliary diesel generator (in the rear of the left fender) and an air conditioner.

The OPVT equipment is standard for the T-72 tank, the fording depth is up to 5 meters. The OPVT pipe (not shown in the sketch) is supposed to be mounted on top of the container with shots in a horizontal position, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the BMPT.

4. Comparative characteristics of automatic guns.




Basic data

gun caliber

barrel length

Shot length (shell with cartridge case)

Gun carriers


Initial projectile speed

Cannon rate of fire



Projectile weight

Ability to use projectiles

with remote detonation

Cannon power


or clips



Firing range against ground targets

Inclined firing range for air. goals

Target height

Armor penetration mm/ 60 deg.

Projectile brand

At a distance of 100 m

There is no data

At a distance of 300 m

There is no data

At a distance of 500 m

At a distance of 1000 m

At a distance of 1500 m

At a distance of 2000 m

It is absolutely obvious that the comparison of these two artillery systems cannot be fair - the 30 mm cannon is not a competitor to the 57 mm in terms of projectile power and firing range, respectively - the 57 mm is inferior to the 30 mm in terms of rate of fire and the amount of ammunition carried.

It was not possible to install two guns at once (57-mm and 30-mm) in a rather limited BO of the T-72 tank. Accordingly, the choice was made towards the S-60 anti-aircraft gun, which has a wider range of targets than the 30 mm gun:

Fig.10. Targets hit by BMPT-72A

An important advantage of the 57-mm guns is the ability to use remotely exploded HE and fragmentation shells, the use of new anti-aircraft and cumulative shells.

Draft angles of vertical guidance of the gun -5 ... + 60 degrees. The gun and machine gun are stabilized in two planes. It is planned to install modernized gunner's and commander's sights, which provide aiming the gun at the target in the vertical range of -5 ... + 60 degrees.

The gun ammunition consists of 182 shots located in the automatic loader and additional compartments.

5. Automatic loader for 57 mm BMPT-72A gun

Fig.11. Automatic loader BMPT-72A

Figure 11 shows one of the possible options for an automatic loader for 57 mm rounds. One of the main limitations when modeling an autoloader is the height of the T-72 fighting compartment (if you look at the photos of the PT-76B with the Burevestnik BM, its turret is higher than the standard PT-76 turret with a 76-mm cannon), since the breech of the C gun -60 is quite overall and it is necessary to provide for its normal lowering down at the maximum elevation angle of the gun. Shown in blue shot orientator- it is rigidly fixed in the turret and ensures the transportation of the shot to the gun in any of its vertical positions. Given the increased number of cannon loading operations, its rate of fire is expected to drop to 100 rounds per minute.

Comparative characteristics of automatic loaders:




Basic data

Anti-aircraft S-60

Cannon rate of fire, rds/min

Type of automatic loader



for 20 shots


machine on

54 shots +


machine on

Full ammunition, rds.

Of these, in the automatic loader, rds.

Maximum continuous queue length

guns (technical), shots

Max continuous length

queues (actual), shots

Shooting modes



2-5 shots,




2, 3, 5 and 7 each



Replenishment of the automatic loader

(70 shots)

(52 shots)





The BMPT-72A automatic loader consists of 2 parts:

1) Carousel mechanism, with a capacity of 54 shots;

2) A container with a chain mechanism for 76 shots.

The principle of operation of the carousel mechanism:

Fully equipped carousel (54 shots) scrolls one full turn for automatic identification of shots using a special reader (shown in the diagram). Data on the number of shots of each type and their sequence are entered into the FCS computer.

After the gunner selects the type of shot and the firing mode (let's consider the example of a burst of 3 shots), the carousel scrolls to the required shot, which is pushed out of it (inside) into the lifting mechanism , after pushing shot number 1 carousel fails shot #2 (of the same type) and waits for the hoist to be released.

The gun is loaded at any of its vertical position in the range of pointing angles -5 ... + 60 degrees.Orientatorshot (shown in blue in Figure 11) takes shot #1 from the lifting mechanism, turns it to the desired angle and feeds it into the gun. At this moment, from the carousel is served shot #2 into the lifting mechanism, then the carousel leads to the lift shot #3 and stops in standby mode.

Volley. Sleeve #1 thrown out through the hole near the coaxial machine gun. At this point, the submission shot number 2 into the shot orientator and loading the gun. Parallel, shot #3 is pushed out of the carousel into the lifting mechanism and follows shot number 2 .

Obviously, this carousel is an order of magnitude more complicated than the automatic loader of the Burevestnik combat module for the PT-76B, provides for a larger number of electric drives and has a greater number of operations. This is due to the impossibility (at least on a sketch on a scale it could not be done) of placing a conveyor with shots (as on the Burevestnik) rigidly connected to the gun, since the T-72 tank initially has a BO limited in volume and height + large angles gun pointing -5 ... + 60 degrees.

Previously, the carousel automatic loader has the following drives:

- reversible electric drive rotating the carousel;

- electromechanical shot ejector from the carousel;

- electromechanical shot lift;

– electromechanical drive of the shot orientator.

All drives are electromechanical, which reduces the fire hazard of the BMPT as a whole.

Replenishment of the carousel mechanism in automatic mode:

The gunner turns on the mode "carousel replenishment" and sets the type of shot required. The chain is rewound until the desired type of shot is found, which, usingpusherfed into the tower in a special cassettefeeder. After serving - the chain moves one shot and waits for the cassette to be released.

The carousel scrolls and brings an empty cell under the feeder cassette. The feeder moves down 90 degrees, the bottom of the cassette opens and the shot slides down into the empty cell.

The carousel advances to the next empty cell, and the whole cycle repeats.

After filling the carousel with shots, it scrolls one full turn to identify the shots and enter new data into the FCS.

Chain feed mechanism works independently of the carousel. It has its own shot identification device. Damage, detonation or jamming of the chain feed mechanism does not affect the performance of the SLA and the carousel automatic loader. In some way, the container with a chain feeder additionally protects the rear of the tower from RPGs and ATGMs, since its size is approximately 650 mm.

The chain feed mechanism includes three main drives:

Reversible electric drive with a gearbox, rewinding the chain with shots;

Electromechanical shot pusher;

Cassette tipper drive.

Replenishment of the carousel machine from a manual ammo rack (52 shots):

The gunner or commander turns on the mode "manual replenishment" , in this mode, the carousel automatically brings empty cells to the gunner or commander (depending on who turned on the manual replenishment mode).

The loader (it can be either a commander or a gunner) manually takes out the shots from the ammo rack and sets them vertically in the empty carousel cells. After that, the carousel brings the next empty cell.

After completing the entire operation and turning off the mode "manual replenishment" - the carousel makes a full turn to identify the shots and transfer this information to the FCS.

Loading the gun in manual "emergency" mode:

In the event of failure or damage to any mechanism of the carousel automatic loader, a mode is provided "manual loading" .

In manual mode, only the gunner can load the gun. ATorientator shots, a special lock for manual loading is provided, the entrance to which is available at the extreme vertical angle of declination of the gun - (minus) 5 degrees.

After turning on the mode gunner "manual loading" . The gun goes to the loading line - 5 degrees. The gunner puts the desired shot into the opening window of the loading chamber.

The cycle is repeated.

Disadvantages of the alternative BMPT-72A:

large sweep radius 57-mm cannon, which goes beyond the dimensions of the hull when the turret is rotated 360 degrees, which makes it almost impossible to turn the turret on a very narrow city street - the result of a purely tank layout of the BMPT-72A (however, its barrel is shorter than the standard 125-mm cannon by about 1600 mm );

large mass of BMPT-72A- 47 tons, which significantly reduces the specific power and mobility of the vehicle, in the case of re-equipment of obsolete T-72 tanks with engines with a capacity of 780 and 840 hp. Thus, when converting old tanks into BMPTs, it is also necessary to install new engines (with a capacity of 1000 hp or more), which will increase the cost of an alternative BMPT;

rather complex automatic loader, consisting of two separate loading mechanisms, reducing the rate of fire (approximately) to 100 rounds per minute;

for an emergency transition of the driver to the BO he needs to get 4-5 shots from the carousel (a problem similar to tanks of the T-64 and T-80 type, only in the BMPT-72A the driver himself can get the shots). Spare hatch - in the bottom of the hull behind the driver's seat;

this "tank" layout does not allow to provide the angle of vertical elevation of the S-60 gun more than + 55 ... 60 degrees.

P. S. The proposed alternative BMPT-72A is only a draft author's work, which does not claim any exact technical correspondence.

"Terminator-3" - tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) based on the "Armata" platform completely breaks the ground strategy of the US armed forces.

Oleg Sienko, General Director of OAO Uralvagonzavod, informed the public about the plans to prepare for the production of a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) based on the Armata single platform. The project received the unofficial name "Terminator-3" and has already been characterized by experts from the analytical publication The National Interest as especially dangerous for the US ground forces, since we are talking about a system that completely discredits the entire US land military strategy.

The modern organizational and staffing structure of the US ground forces, the requirements for their weapons and the methodology for using them on the battlefield are based on the principles that emerged from the results of World War II and were reinforced by the experience of using the American army in subsequent conflicts. First of all, this concerns the concept of maximum preemptive fire impact. The positions and heavy weapons of the enemy must be destroyed by rocket and bomb strikes, artillery fire, mortars and tank guns. Infantry is used at the final stage for the final cleaning of the territory and collecting trophies. This strategy was most clearly formulated in its final form in the Shock and Awe doctrine (Shock and Awe, 1996) and implemented in Operation Iraqi Freedom (the US invasion of Iraq in 2003).

Based on absolute air superiority and the absence of a continuous front line, the American troops, as part of brigade columns, carried out a series of dissecting detour maneuvers in order to localize the defense centers of the Iraqi army, depriving it of mobility, cutting supply lines and disorganizing the control system. With tank battalions at the forefront, the advancing American units sought to destroy Iraqi heavy weapons at once from extreme distances, which were usually 1600-2200 meters. To a large extent, success was provided by the superiority of the American army in reconnaissance (of all types) and detection (thermal imagers), which demonstrate superiority especially at night and in bad climatic conditions, in particular, in smoke and dust storms.

If the opened defense center was not captured after the first strike, patrols from observer-spotters were left along its perimeter, and the ground units bypassed it and moved on. The liquidation of the encircled groupings was part of the task of the infantry of the second echelon, moving with a separation of 12-20 hours from the combat formations of the first line. As a result, already on the 19th day of the operation - April 9 - the troops of the anti-Iraqi coalition occupied Baghdad, and by May 1, 2003, any organized resistance of the Iraqi army, whose generals were simply bought up by the Americans (very, by the way, an effective military strategy), was eliminated.

Despite the efforts of the Western media to praise the superiority of the American land strategy, even in Iraq, its fundamental vulnerabilities were noted. First of all, a critically high dependence on fire support from aviation and a sharp drop in the effectiveness of units in close contact combat, especially where infantry support by artillery and tanks turned out to be impossible. This was most clearly manifested in the battles for Kirkuk, Mosul and, in particular, in the battle for Fallujah in April 2004 (the suppression of the uprising of the local population by the forces of the US 82nd Airborne Division).

From the experience of fighting in Iraq and the operation in Afghanistan, the command of the American army drew the following conclusions. Artillery, as well as attack planes and helicopters, are the main strike means of land combat. But even in their absence, the distance of the brigade's fire impact on the enemy of 2 km provides guaranteed superiority, since the tanks of the Soviet / Russian production T-55, T-64 and early modifications of the T-72 encountered in battle with MBT M1 "Abrams" fire confidently are amazed, while he himself has never been hit at such a distance. The threat of a tank strike from the enemy is stopped by the organization of ambushes of mobile anti-tank systems (heavy, such as TOU-2, and universal, such as FGM-148 "Javelin"). Thus, the enemy infantry is deprived of tank cover at a distance from which it itself is not yet capable of inflicting damage, and is further destroyed by the fire of large-caliber weapons of infantry fighting vehicle modules. In particular, the automatic 25mm cannon M242 Bushmaster BMP M2 Bradley and 12.7 mm machine guns M2 Browning BMP M1126 Stryker.

The new structure of the US Armed Forces is based on the field manual FM 3-96 "Combat Brigade" adopted in October 2015, to which the ground forces are planned to be transferred by 2030. By this date, the army will have to have 58 combat brigades, including: 10 armored, 8 Stryker brigades, 14 light infantry. Each of them has a combat autonomy of up to 3 days, in the event of a large-scale conflict, and up to 7 days when performing "peacekeeping missions" and in low-intensity conflicts. The US Army command believes that the brigade is able to turn around in 8-9 hours and take full control of the situation within a radius of up to 50 km.

The emergence of information about Russian work in the field of creating BMPT tank support combat vehicles (Project Frame-99) did not at first cause concern among the American command. The first sample of the Object 199, which later received the unofficial name "Terminator", was the chassis of the T-72A tank with the replacement of the turret by an automated weapons module, consisting of two 30mm 2A42 automatic cannons, a 7.62mm PKTM machine gun, four launchers of the Ataka-T anti-tank systems , as well as two automatic grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame".

Despite the wide range of weapons and the presence of anti-tank missiles with a range of up to 6 km, in general, this vehicle is considered the Russian analogue of the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle of the M2A2 modification. The re-equipment of the BMPT Object 199 with more advanced means of reconnaissance, guidance and target designation, the introduction of some design improvements and the installation of the Relikt dynamic protection complex, which resulted in the BMPT-72 Terminator-2 project, were also not appreciated by the American command. First of all, because both projects were not adopted by the Russian army. At the moment, they are supplied only to the ground forces of Kazakhstan.

This position of the Russian Defense Ministry was perceived by the military-political leadership of NATO as confirmation of the lack of understanding in the Russian army of the fundamental purpose of such a machine, and its role in the concept of combined arms combat in general. The statement by the Director General of Uralvagonzavod indicates that the search for the concept has been completed and the functional purpose of the vehicle has been determined.

According to currently available information, the Terminator 3 is a BMPT based on the self-propelled part of the Armata platform, similar to the latest T-14 tank, with the installation of an automatic weapon station AU-220M, developed by JSC Central Research Institute Burevestnik. Its main distinguishing feature is the 57 mm cannon, designed for light warships and adapted to land conditions. With a rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute, a firing range of up to 16 km and an altitude reach of more than 4 km, it ensures the destruction of all types of air and ground targets on the modern battlefield. The module was developed as part of the Russian-French project of the ATOM heavy infantry fighting vehicle, after the closure of which they were used in a new modification of the BMP-3 "Derivation", which is currently undergoing a cycle of field tests.

The transition to the 57mm caliber is due to the need for guaranteed fire damage to fortified and armored targets at distances exceeding the effective fire range of Western anti-tank weapons, reaching an average of 3.5 thousand meters. The gun of the AU-220M module is guaranteed to penetrate more than 100 mm of armor at a distance of more than 4 km. A standard panel high-rise building breaks through from 4.5 km. In combination with a machine gun and an automatic grenade launcher, as well as detection and aiming equipment, the module is capable of providing reliable fire cover for tanks and infantry at ranges 1.6-2.4 times the effective fire distance of both the M2 Bradley and the BMP " Stryker" of all modifications, including the M1128, armed with a 105-mm M68 cannon, as well as anti-tank missile systems, which are in service with NATO armies. There is no information yet about the installation of own anti-tank systems on the AU-220M module, but the need for their presence is obvious. In the Frame-99 and BMPT-72 projects, anti-tank missile launchers are present. This predetermines their appearance in the final version on the BMPT "Terminator-3".

The appearance of such a vehicle in the combat formations of tank and mechanized battalions and / or brigades, as well as equipping the airborne troops with the AU-220M BMP-3 module, and installing them on promising heavy Kurganets infantry fighting vehicles, means depriving the American ground forces of the tactical basis for their dominance on the battlefield - hitting targets beyond the range of return fire. Including - direct support from the army aviation, without which the American army is not capable of conducting a land battle.

Of course, some kind of response from the United States will be worked out over time. However, given the pace and effectiveness of similar work that has taken place over the past 10-12 years, it can be said with confidence that at the moment the American command does not even have an approximate theoretical understanding of how to stop the new threat. At the moment, the emphasis is on DARPA projects in the field of railguns and electromagnetic guns, the dubiousness of which is obvious. Thus, for the next 7-10 years, the American ground forces will lose the ability to effectively confront an enemy of an equal technological level in a ground battle.

Oleg Sienko, General Director of OAO Uralvagonzavod, informed the public about the plans to prepare for the production of a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) based on the Armata single platform. The project received the unofficial name "Terminator-3" and has already been characterized by experts from the analytical publication The National Interest as especially dangerous for the US ground forces, since we are talking about a system that completely discredits the entire US land military strategy.

The modern organizational and staffing structure of the US ground forces, the requirements for their weapons and the methodology for using them on the battlefield are based on the principles that emerged from the results of World War II and were reinforced by the experience of using the American army in subsequent conflicts. First of all, this concerns the concept of maximum preemptive fire impact. The positions and heavy weapons of the enemy must be destroyed by rocket and bomb strikes, artillery fire, mortars and tank guns. Infantry is used at the final stage for the final cleaning of the territory and collecting trophies. This strategy was most clearly formulated in its final form in the Shock and Awe doctrine (Shock and Awe, 1996) and implemented in Operation Iraqi Freedom (the US invasion of Iraq in 2003).

Based on absolute air superiority and the absence of a continuous front line, the American troops, as part of brigade columns, carried out a series of dissecting detour maneuvers in order to localize the defense centers of the Iraqi army, depriving it of mobility, cutting supply lines and disorganizing the control system. With tank battalions at the forefront, the advancing American units sought to destroy Iraqi heavy weapons at once from extreme distances, which were usually 1600-2200 meters. To a large extent, success was provided by the superiority of the American army in reconnaissance (of all types) and detection (thermal imagers), which demonstrate superiority especially at night and in bad climatic conditions, in particular, in smoke and dust storms.

US Army during an operation in Iraq, 2003

If the opened defense center was not captured after the first strike, patrols from observer-spotters were left along its perimeter, and the ground units bypassed it and moved on. The liquidation of the encircled groupings was part of the task of the infantry of the second echelon, moving with a separation of 12-20 hours from the combat formations of the first line. As a result, already on the 19th day of the operation - April 9 - the troops of the anti-Iraqi coalition occupied Baghdad, and by May 1, 2003, any organized resistance of the Iraqi army, whose generals were simply bought up by the Americans (very, by the way, an effective military strategy), was eliminated.

M1A1 Abrams pose in front of the Hand of Victory statue in 2003 in Baghdad, Iraq

Despite the efforts of the Western media to praise the superiority of the American land strategy, even in Iraq, its fundamental vulnerabilities were noted. First of all, a critically high dependence on fire support from aviation and a sharp drop in the effectiveness of units in close contact combat, especially where infantry support by artillery and tanks turned out to be impossible. This was most clearly manifested in the battles for Kirkuk, Mosul and, in particular, in the battle for Fallujah in April 2004 (the suppression of the uprising of the local population by the forces of the US 82nd Airborne Division).

The fighting in Fallujah showed the unpreparedness of the American army for close contact combat

From the experience of fighting in Iraq and the operation in Afghanistan, the command of the American army drew the following conclusions. Artillery, as well as attack planes and helicopters, are the main strike means of land combat. But even in their absence, the distance of the brigade's fire impact on the enemy of 2 km provides guaranteed superiority, since the tanks of the Soviet / Russian production T-55, T-64 and early modifications of the T-72 encountered in battle with MBT M1 "Abrams" fire confidently are amazed, while he himself has never been hit at such a distance. The threat of a tank strike from the enemy is stopped by the organization of ambushes of mobile anti-tank systems (heavy, such as TOU-2, and universal, such as FGM-148 "Javelin"). Thus, the enemy infantry is deprived of tank cover at a distance from which it itself is not yet capable of inflicting damage, and is further destroyed by the fire of large-caliber weapons of infantry fighting vehicle modules. In particular, the automatic 25mm cannon M242 Bushmaster BMP M2 Bradley and 12.7 mm machine guns M2 Browning BMP M1126 Stryker.

ATGM FGM-148 "Javelin"

The new structure of the US Armed Forces is based on the field manual FM 3-96 "Combat Brigade" adopted in October 2015, to which the ground forces are planned to be transferred by 2030. By this date, the army will have to have 58 combat brigades, including: 10 armored, 8 Stryker brigades, 14 light infantry. Each of them has a combat autonomy of up to 3 days, in the event of a large-scale conflict, and up to 7 days when performing "peacekeeping missions" and in low-intensity conflicts. The US Army command believes that the brigade is able to turn around in 8-9 hours and take full control of the situation within a radius of up to 50 km.

Fighting vehicle MGS M1128 "Stryker", modification with a 105mm tank gun

The emergence of information about Russian work in the field of creating BMPT tank support combat vehicles (Project Frame-99) did not at first cause concern among the American command. The first sample of the Object 199, which later received the unofficial name "Terminator", was the chassis of the T-72A tank with the replacement of the turret by an automated weapons module, consisting of two 30mm 2A42 automatic cannons, a 7.62mm PKTM machine gun, four launchers of the Ataka-T anti-tank systems , as well as two automatic grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame".

Object 199 (BMPT "Frame" / "Terminator")

Despite the wide range of weapons and the presence of anti-tank missiles with a range of up to 6 km, in general, this vehicle is considered the Russian analogue of the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle of the M2A2 modification. The re-equipment of the BMPT Object 199 with more advanced means of reconnaissance, guidance and target designation, the introduction of some design improvements and the installation of the Relikt dynamic protection complex, which resulted in the BMPT-72 Terminator-2 project, were also not appreciated by the American command. First of all, because both projects were not adopted by the Russian army. At the moment, they are supplied only to the ground forces of Kazakhstan.

Fire support combat vehicle BMPT-72 "Terminator-2"

This position of the Russian Defense Ministry was perceived by the military-political leadership of NATO as confirmation of the lack of understanding in the Russian army of the fundamental purpose of such a machine, and its role in the concept of combined arms combat in general. The statement by the Director General of Uralvagonzavod indicates that the search for the concept has been completed and the functional purpose of the vehicle has been determined.

According to currently available information, the Terminator 3 is a BMPT based on the self-propelled part of the Armata platform, similar to the latest T-14 tank, with the installation of an automatic weapon station AU-220M, developed by JSC Central Research Institute Burevestnik. Its main distinguishing feature is the 57 mm cannon, designed for light warships and adapted to land conditions. With a rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute, a firing range of up to 16 km and an altitude reach of more than 4 km, it ensures the destruction of all types of air and ground targets on the modern battlefield.

Automatic combat module AU-220M

The module was developed as part of the Russian-French project of the ATOM heavy infantry fighting vehicle, after the closure of which they were used in a new modification of the BMP-3 "Derivation", which is currently undergoing a cycle of field tests.

Modernized infantry fighting vehicle BMP-3 (ROC "Derivation")

The transition to the 57mm caliber is due to the need for guaranteed fire damage to fortified and armored targets at distances exceeding the effective fire range of Western anti-tank weapons, reaching an average of 3.5 thousand meters. The gun of the AU-220M module is guaranteed to penetrate more than 100 mm of armor at a distance of more than 4 km. A standard panel high-rise building breaks through from 4.5 km. In combination with a machine gun and an automatic grenade launcher, as well as detection and aiming equipment, the module is capable of providing reliable fire cover for tanks and infantry at ranges 1.6-2.4 times the effective fire distance of both the M2 Bradley and the BMP " Stryker" of all modifications, including the M1128, armed with a 105-mm M68 cannon, as well as anti-tank missile systems, which are in service with NATO armies. There is no information yet about the installation of own anti-tank systems on the AU-220M module, but the need for their presence is obvious. In the Frame-99 and BMPT-72 projects, anti-tank missile launchers are present. This predetermines their appearance in the final version on the BMPT "Terminator-3".

BMPT "Terminator-3"

The appearance of such a vehicle in the combat formations of tank and mechanized battalions and / or brigades, as well as equipping the airborne troops with the AU-220M BMP-3 module, and installing them on promising heavy Kurganets infantry fighting vehicles, means depriving the American ground forces of the tactical basis for their dominance on the battlefield - hitting targets beyond the range of return fire. Including - direct support from the army aviation, without which the American army is not capable of conducting a land battle.

Of course, some kind of response from the United States will be worked out over time. However, given the pace and effectiveness of similar work that has taken place over the past 10-12 years, it can be said with confidence that at the moment the American command does not even have an approximate theoretical understanding of how to stop the new threat. At the moment, the emphasis is on DARPA projects in the field of railguns and electromagnetic guns, the dubiousness of which is obvious. Thus, for the next 7-10 years, the American ground forces will lose the ability to effectively confront an enemy of an equal technological level in a ground battle.

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