Find out if pregnant test. The first signs of pregnancy - a complete list. At what time pregnancy is determined by ultrasound

How easy is it to know that you are pregnant? First of all, you need to understand that the Internet and useful articles will not give an exact answer to the question. With this, only the test done and the subsequent trip to the doctor will cope. However, if in doubt, look out for some of the signs that indicate early pregnancy. How easy it is to understand that you are pregnant and which test is better - read the article.

How do you know that you are pregnant?

Signs of pregnancy

We remind you that only a doctor gives an accurate result. But if you have these signs, contact your gynecologist to confirm the presence of pregnancy at the earliest possible date. But first you need to purchase a special test. To find out if you are pregnant, pay attention to these signs.

Possible signs of pregnancy:

  • Delayed menstruation for more than 7-10 days;
  • Chest pain;
  • Sensitivity to strong odors;
  • Change in tastes in food, smells, etc.
  • Fatigue and decreased immunity;
  • Frequent urge to urinate;
  • Increase or decrease in libido;
  • morning sickness, vomiting;
  • Mood swings.

Many mothers admit that during pregnancy in the early stages they had dreams in one way or another meaning the expectation of a child: dreams about fish, eggs and other symbols. Of course, there is no scientific evidence of the connection between dreams about fish and replenishment in the family, but you can’t just write off the experience of many generations of women.

Many of these symptoms can speak not only about the birth of a new life, but also about many other factors. The absence of menstruation and pregnancy can be a consequence of both taking OK and their cancellation. A delay in menstruation can indicate stress, excessive physical exertion, hormonal failure, and some other gynecological problems that are not related to an interesting position.

Many women feel chest pains before the onset of menstruation, so this symptom is also difficult to call accurate. These include sensitivity to pungent odors, urination, and mood swings. Nausea and vomiting can be signs of poisoning and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Fatigue and reduced immunity can also indicate physical and emotional overload. It can also be a symptom of a cold or the onset of menstruation.

During pregnancy, these signs may not be at all. For many women, the first three weeks of the period are asymptomatic. Even menstruation in particular cases can persist after conception due to the individual characteristics of the woman. Some women find out about their situation only before the birth itself. That is why relying only on the signs of pregnancy is not worth it. All these symptoms can only be a reason to do a test or see a doctor.

Possible signs of early pregnancy:

  • Two strips on the test;
  • Ultrasound confirming the completed ovulation;
  • Positive analysis when donating blood for hCG;
  • The doctor who said you were pregnant.

It may sound silly and obvious, but one cannot draw conclusions about pregnancy based only on possible signs.

Determination of pregnancy at the earliest possible date

Measurement of basal temperature

Basal temperature is an important indicator that will help a woman find out about the onset of ovulation or pregnancy. The temperature is measured in the anus, in the vagina or in the mouth. It changes under the influence of changes in the hormonal background of a woman during pregnancy and ovulation. Such a measurement will help a woman not only control the birth of life inside, but also be aware of hormonal changes that may be unhealthy.

What is the temperature during pregnancy?

At the beginning of ovulation, the normal basal temperature in women is 37.2 degrees. When planning children, this indicator is important to take into account.

When pregnancy occurs, a temperature range from 37.1 degrees to 37.3 is possible.

Please note that if a woman's basal temperature drops to 37 degrees or lower in position, this means that the level of progesterone in the body has fallen. This can lead to early miscarriage. Therefore, if you have already had spontaneous abortions, then during the next pregnancy it is advisable to monitor this indicator.

How to measure basal temperature?

  • Measure it in the anus, vagina or mouth (your choice, not in this order).
  • Measurements should be started on the first day of the start of the cycle (when menstruation should occur).
  • Take measurements in the morning at rest, before you get out of bed. Take measurements at the same time.
  • Keep notes where you will record the data of each measurement. Also write down how you feel during these moments.

Measure your basal body temperature only once a day and only at rest, excluding stress. Ideally, you need to measure the temperature after 6 hours of sleep or more. To keep the body relaxed. Then the results will be accurate.

Pregnancy test - which one is better?

In order to choose which pregnancy test is better, it is useful to find out what types there are. Most manufacturers recommend using it for 7-10 days of delay. But some suggest finding out the exact result within a week after the intended conception. Accuracy depends on the level of sensitivity of the device, with more expensive ones it is higher. If you need to know the result at the earliest possible time, you should pay attention to highly sensitive tests. Let's figure out what types of pregnancy tests there are and which one is better.

  1. test strip;
  2. Tablet;
  3. Jet;
  4. Electronic;

1. Test strip - the most common type. Its advantages are low price and fairly accurate results. Many women buy several of these strips at once to be completely sure of the result, but this is not always wise. First, for the price, several cheap strips can come out as one that is more accurate. The probability of a false result may occur at very early stages of pregnancy. It is worth redoing a false negative test in a couple of days and the result may change, because every day the pregnant woman has the level of hCG, which affects the result.

The disadvantages include the inconvenience of use. The strip should be lowered for 5-10 seconds into a container with urine. This is less convenient than using an inkjet device. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of inaccurate results in the early stages.

2. The tablet is essentially the same test strip, only it is in a special frame. Its effectiveness is identical to the strip, the difference is only in use. For the test, you need to collect urine in a container. With the help of the volumetric pipette that comes with the kit, draw up a little of the contents and drop onto the indicator. Perhaps for some, such a process is convenient, but this is purely individual. The price is much higher - the efficiency is the same.

3. The jet test is the most convenient, since it does not need to collect the urethra anywhere. The device is immediately substituted under the stream of urine, closed with a cap and the result is expected. The price, of course, is much higher than the previous ones, but the efficiency and convenience pay for themselves.

4. An electronic test also detects the level of hCG, you also need to pee on it, as with a jet one, and the effectiveness is also good. The only difference is the electronic indicator, which will say “you are pregnant” or not. He may be able to create a solemn mood, but the price-quality ratio does not justify itself.

How not to determine pregnancy?

Try to do without "grandmother's" ways to determine pregnancy, when urine is boiled and poured into it with iodine and covered with soda. There is no practical proof of the effectiveness of these methods. Besides, living in the 21st century and having a sufficient number of pharmacies nearby, is it worth torturing yourself and your family with such outdated methods? Have pity on homemade dishes!

Do not determine pregnancy online. At best, this is just a stupid joke, especially do not send money to strangers who promise you to predict the appearance of a child. It is impossible to find out about your situation online.


When there is a delay in menstruation, you naturally begin to wonder - are you pregnant for an hour? Whether you wanted it or not, the process happens naturally, so there are plenty of ways to confirm your suspicions to be sure you're pregnant.

There are many ways to determine pregnancy at home, but this is not a 100% guarantee that this really happened. Only a gynecologist, who, based on an examination, ultrasound examination and the necessary tests, can accurately confirm the presence or absence of pregnancy. Also, do not forget that the body of each woman is individual - therefore, the signs and the process itself can take place differently for each. You can also use online tests - that is, answers to questions such as "have you had sex in the last 4 days", "do you have frequent", etc.

But to be honest, this method will not lead to any consensus - the computer will not diagnose you like a doctor, and certainly will not examine you. Naturally, for an online test, no matter how untrue it is, you have to pay money (sending SMS), but is it worth it if there are more reliable methods to find out about it - buy a pregnancy test for the same amount!

So how do you determine pregnancy? Let's take a look at some of the most popular methods used by women.

As a rule, women begin to suspect pregnancy due to obvious signs, such as:

nausea in the morning- one of the most pronounced symptoms, at the initial stage of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel very sick.

delayed menstruation- this may not happen to all women, but this is already a signal that you can draw your own conclusions and take the necessary measures. It rarely happens when menstruation occurs during pregnancy - the amount of discharge is insignificant, they can happen every 4-5 weeks. But if bleeding occurs, then you have a miscarriage.

jumps in sexual desire or vice versa its fall- every woman has an increased libido, or vice versa. This is due to hormonal changes.

Such signs appear 7-9 days after conception. During this period, the amount of a hormone such as progesterone increases in a woman's body, which provokes an increase in body temperature. As a rule, fever lasts no more than two weeks after ovulation. During this decisive period, blood discharges, the so-called implants, may appear, and only later those periods may begin that already significantly differ in quantity, color and density. This suggests that the fetus has already managed to gain a foothold in the uterus. Of course, this is not yet the "ceiling" of signs that you are really pregnant. It happens that all the signs seem to be there, but there is no pregnancy! The reason for this may be a hormonal failure.

The sooner a woman is aware of her pregnancy, the better it will be for her and for the baby! Alcohol, nicotine, drugs, some drugs can cause abnormal fetal development. Doctors can accurately diagnose pregnancy only after 2-3 weeks, when the uterus is already enlarged.

According to basal temperature

Of course, this method has its advantages. The first is the most affordable method to find out about pregnancy at home, and with regular temperature measurement, it can show the reason for the delay. But, it is also worth understanding that in addition to the advantages, this method also has its drawbacks - it does not provide information about the function of the corpus luteum, does not provide information about the absence of ovulation or its presence. As a rule, basal temperature will not help in the search for any pathologies.

  1. To measure your basal temperature correctly:
  2. measure the temperature in any way - it can be in the vagina, it can be in the mouth
  3. measure the temperature at the same time, every morning, without getting out of bed, and record the readings. Should be measured throughout the cycle, but best during menstruation.
  4. Keep in mind that there is a difference between digital thermometers and glass thermometers.

The mercury thermometer should be held for about five minutes. Digital - a little less - about four minutes. The advantage of digital thermometers is that they show a clear pattern of rising and falling temperatures. If you still doubt the results, it is best to use a glass thermometer. Try to use the same thermometer for one cycle, at the same time. For accurate monitoring, keep a schedule for at least three months.

Folk ways to find out about pregnancy

Since ancient times, a woman really wanted to know whether she was pregnant or not. And the sooner, the better. As a rule - how many nations, so many methods. They were varied. For example, Jewish women walked through tall grass, and the one that leaves a mark is pregnant. And for the ancient Egyptians, everything was complicated in general - the woman was given a special drink, after which she could vomit in case of pregnancy. Basically, women were better able to determine pregnancy at home, since there were few doctors then, and only the rich could afford a visit to them.

It is not even necessary to buy a test in a pharmacy. You just need to look into your closet and remember "grandmother's methods." True, such methods do not give a 100% guarantee.

With the help of urine. Urine is a mandatory “artifact” that will show the presence or absence of pregnancy. At the same time, some kind of container, paper, iodine is still needed. It is necessary to drop iodine into the urine, and in case. If the drop does not spread and remains on the surface of the urine, then the result is positive. Another way is to drop iodine on paper soaked in urine and if there is a color change to purple, then this result is negative, and if lilac is positive. You can also recognize by the color of urine. After all, the presence of hormones and the stages of pregnancy also affect the color. You can, for example, water a growing flower bush with this urine. And if you are pregnant, then the flowers will bloom and become very lush. This will happen due to hormones.

Onion . It turns out that you can not only cry with him, but also learn about the sore. It is necessary to put the onion in two glasses. The first bulb is pregnancy, and the second is not. Wait until the feathers of the bulb reach a height of 4 cm, which onion will happen first - then it indicates pregnancy.

Dreams. As we know, our mothers and grandmothers like to say: if the fish is dreaming, then you will be pregnant. But, this is not always a true source of information.

Soda. Take a glass of your urine and throw a spoonful of baking soda into it. If the soda hisses, then you are not pregnant, and if it just precipitates, then the result is positive.

Pulse. You need to lie on your back and relax. Feel for the place that is 7-8 cm below the navel. And if you feel a pulsation there, it means that pregnancy has come! But it's not about the heartbeat! This method is very questionable and extremely unreliable.

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman's body. Many have been waiting for this moment for a very long time and with impatience, and some are trying their best to avoid it.

One way or another, the problem of diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages before a delay is very relevant, which has given rise to the emergence of many methods for determining pregnancy before a delay at home.

In addition to the well-known pregnancy tests, there are other ways to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test and without visiting a doctor. They have varying degrees of credibility.

But many, if performed correctly, can give an accurate result almost from the first day of implantation of the zygote into the uterine wall. Let's talk about them.

Ways to determine pregnancy at home

Pregnancy occurs from the moment when the fertilized egg completes its movement through the body and is implanted in the wall of the uterus. Some folk methods and methods for determining pregnancy before a delay have a high degree of reliability.

They are based on scientific research and are able to determine the beginning of embryo development with an accuracy of 90%. These include:

  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • specific sensations;
  • using the reaction of soda to urine;
  • implantation bleeding;
  • changes in vaginal discharge.

To understand how these methods work, you need to consider each of them in detail.

Measurement of basal temperature

So, how to determine pregnancy by basal temperature before the delay of menstruation?

Basal temperature is the minimum body temperature per day.

Usually, it is measured during sleep. You need to measure it either before going to bed, in a calm state, or after a night's rest.

Before ovulation, the basal temperature first falls slightly, then rises. By the end of the cycle, if conception has not occurred, it drops again, if there has been no decrease, then it is possible to speak with fairly probable accuracy about the onset of pregnancy.

If your basal body temperature hasn't dropped, you're pregnant!

It is best when the basal temperature measurement chart is examined over several periods. In this case, deviations can be noticed immediately, therefore, for women in whom the issue of pregnancy is of particular importance, it is worth keeping a constant diary of measurements.

Measurements of basal temperature are best done with accurate thermometers, with a detailed scale. This is important because the temperature does not fluctuate too much.

It is convenient to keep a schedule with the help of special computer programs, but even with a regular pen and notepad, you can achieve accurate diagnosis.

Definition by plants
If you water the flowers with the urine of a pregnant woman in the morning, then after a while they will bloom more magnificent and brighter.
It is popularly believed that because of the hormones in the urine of pregnant women, the plant grows rapidly.

Measurement Rules

To correctly measure the basal temperature, you need to remember the following points:

  1. Keep your thermometer nearby so you don't have to get up in the morning to pick it up. He remembers that the temperature should be measured immediately after a night's rest, without the slightest manifestation of physical activity.
  2. It should take at least three hours, without breaks to visit the toilet.
  3. The most accurate method for measuring basal temperature is rectal.
  4. You need to use the same thermometer throughout the entire period of the schedule, it is better if it is mercury.
  5. Write down unusual events during the day in the schedule: stress, moving, insomnia. They can affect temperature changes.
  6. The most accurate diagnosis of pregnancy is possible when maintaining a schedule for 3-4 menstrual cycles.
  7. Enter the result in a notepad immediately after receiving it, so as not to confuse anything.
  8. Start charting from the first day of your menstrual cycle.
  9. The most accurate measurements can be obtained at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, i.e. in the middle of the night.

During pregnancy, the basal temperature reaches 37 degrees, slightly higher results can be obtained. At the initial stage of pregnancy (up to four months), this indicator does not change, so it can be used to judge the state of health of the fetus.

If the result still confuses you, then you can buy and dispel all doubts.

Specific sensations

Any deviations from the norm in the sensations of the expectant mother can occur only after the implantation of the zygote into the uterine wall, i.e. from the start of pregnancy.

Up to this point, the body does not feel “pregnant”, since the future embryo is in no way connected with mommy.

After pregnancy, most women experience changes in appearance, behavior, and sensations. To notice them, you need to carefully listen to yourself.

Of course, these are purely individual signs, but nevertheless, their arrival almost always marks conception. The list of those is quite extensive:

  • from the very first days of pregnancy, most women notice some increase and induration of the abdomen;
  • compaction of the cervix, if conception does not happen, then it will be loose and ajar;
  • frequent urge to urinate, at the initial stage of pregnancy they are associated with the relaxation of muscle tissue as a result of changes in hormonal levels;
  • changes in any direction of the strength of sexual desire;
  • sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands, this symptom does not work in women who note a similar phenomenon before each menstruation;
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, and many also notice a thickening of the uterus;
  • fatigue, constant desire to sleep;
  • nausea and vomiting, early toxicosis is a fairly common phenomenon;
  • a significant exacerbation of the sense of smell;
  • bowel dysfunction: constipation, bloating, increased gas formation.

If a woman is pregnant for the first time, then such signs will tell her little. And for more experienced mothers, this is a rather clear signal, since the same woman, as a rule, repeats during a second pregnancy.

Diagnosis with soda

How to determine pregnancy before a delay with folk remedies, in particular, with the help of soda?

Determining the presence of pregnancy with soda is a folk method, which subsequently received scientific justification.

For such a test, it is necessary to pour a teaspoon of soda into the container with morning urine, if the liquid hissed, then conception did not occur. Otherwise, the substance will calmly settle to the bottom.

This statement has its confirmation in the fact that in women in the normal state, an acidic environment prevails in the urine, so a neutralization reaction occurs, which is noticeable in the bubbles. Pregnant women are characterized by an alkaline environment in the urine, so soda precipitates.

With this method, it is worth remembering that the alkaline environment in the urine takes place not only during pregnancy, but also in the following conditions:

  • infection of the internal organs responsible for the formation and excretion of urine;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • the predominance of plant products in the diet;
  • long-term disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk omen on the ring
If you hang a wedding ring on her hair over the belly of a potential pregnant woman, then it will begin to swing in a circle or from side to side.
If the ring does not move, then you are not pregnant.

implantation bleeding

When the zygote is implanted into the wall of the uterus, short-term vaginal bleeding may occur. Many women take it for the onset of menstruation, but it has its own special features:

  • short duration (1-4 hours, less often up to a day);
  • pale pink or slightly brownish;
  • scarcity;
  • usually this process coincides with unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.

If you notice the presence of these signs in yourself, then for complete confidence in the onset of pregnancy, count the days. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, at which point fertilization occurs.

By the day of ovulation, add from seven to ten days before implantation, if the “spotting” bleeding began at that time, then the probability of conception is extremely high. This sign works in the absence of increased bleeding.

Such discharge is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy. It is possible to talk about its diagnosis only if the reproductive system of the expectant mother is in perfect order, there are no diseases and infections.

Discharge during pregnancy

Many ladies navigate their cycle with the help of vaginal discharge, and this raises the question - is it possible to determine pregnancy by discharge before a delay?

During the period of ovulation, the discharge acquires a mucous consistency with no color. After the end of the period favorable for conception, this phenomenon disappears.

If conception has occurred, then the discharge returns, often they are accompanied by thrush. Its appearance is associated with a weakening of the immune system due to the onset of pregnancy.

Folk methods

Folk methods for diagnosing pregnancy are popular to this day, despite the huge number of modern methods for determining it.

Among these, it is worth mentioning only a few that have a certain amount of common sense.

And such, for example, as a fish in a dream or a grown “pregnant” bulb, do not carry a single drop of reliability.

The best diagnosis is a visit to the doctor.

Our predecessors focused on the following features:

  1. If you boil urine, it will give a precipitate in the presence of pregnancy.
  2. Diagnosis with iodine has several ways:
    • drop a drop of this substance into the urine, if it blurs, then there is no pregnancy;
    • paper soaked in the urine of a pregnant woman will turn purple when exposed to iodine.
  3. The method of determining pregnancy using soda was quite popular, but we classified it as reliable, since it received a scientific justification.
  4. The color of the urine of a woman in position has a greater intensity.
  5. A sharp change in mood, although it is also characteristic of PMS.

Folk methods for determining pregnancy in many cases carry little meaning. The reliability of most of them tends to zero.

If the issue of determining the presence of pregnancy is of particular importance to you, and you want to know about its onset as early as possible, then a visit to the doctor will be the best diagnosis. Home methods in this case are best used as aids..

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

If thoughts of pregnancy appear, the first thing every woman goes to the pharmacy. Modern tests determine the "interesting position" with an accuracy of 99%. True, not early. And not everyone has the opportunity to promptly purchase such a test.

What to do in this case?

The body will not deceive: how to determine pregnancy by its condition

Pregnancy affects every woman differently.

But, as a rule, they are the same for everyone ...

  • The chest is enlarged. This happens due to the action of sex hormones. The mammary glands “wake up” for a future meeting with the child - the chest fills up and becomes especially sensitive, and the nipples become brighter and more painfully sensitive (although this may be before menstruation). If menstruation has passed, and the chest is still unusually enlarged, there is reason to think.
  • Heaviness in the lower back and lower abdomen. Again, in addition to pregnancy, these signs are also characteristic of premenstrual days.
  • Weight gain.
  • Nausea. Especially the morning one. The most striking sign of the 1st trimester. But toxicosis is not characteristic of all expectant mothers. At the same time, if it occurs simultaneously with other signs of pregnancy, then morning sickness may well indicate that another life has arisen inside you.
  • A sharp exacerbation of the sense of smell. Expectant mothers, as a rule, begin to react sharply to smells. Even those that have long become familiar. Can irritate the smell of fried food, fish in the store, etc.
  • Changes in taste preferences. Salty cravings are not necessary at all: the changes can be completely unexpected. For example, you want chalk, coffee grounds or herring with jam.
  • Mood swings. They are also characteristic of expectant mothers: gaiety sharply flows into tearfulness, that into hysteria, hysteria back into gaiety, then into anger, etc. True, it is worth noting that stress, dissatisfaction and fatigue, sometimes even outside of pregnancy, create similar “miracles” with women (especially before menstruation).
  • Increased drowsiness, weakness, occasional dizziness. When a new life is born, the mother's body begins to spend more energy - now not only for itself, but also for the development of its child. Therefore, the former endurance falters, and sometimes you want to lie down even after climbing the stairs.
  • Increased appetite. This is also natural during pregnancy - after all, you have to eat for two.
  • Pigmentation. This symptom does not appear in all expectant mothers, but very often - pimples and freckles, various spots appear on the body, which are formed due to changes in the hormonal background and an increase in the level of melanin. There are many cases when changes even affect the hair - they begin to curl or, on the contrary, straighten. True, as regards the latter case, it manifests itself already in a later period.
  • Frequent urination. As you know, the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder over time, which explains such urges. But not in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Change in the nature of menstruation. They may become scarcer, more abundant, or not come at all. And they can come for 1 day with “smearing traces”.

Of course, the appearance of these symptoms, even in their totality, is by no means cannot be considered 100% confirmation of pregnancy. This is just an excuse to seek advice from a gynecologist and confirm your "position" or lack of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without a test at home?

The temptation to experience the cherished "2 stripes", of course, is great. But it makes sense to conduct such “research” only if there is already a delay in menstruation - that is, after 2 weeks of conception .

How to check whether it happened or not happened at an early stage?

  • . Usually girls use this method when planning a pregnancy. The meaning of the method is the difference in basal temperature. This temperature rises markedly on the days of ovulation and then slowly decreases before menstruation. If there is no such decrease, and the basal / temperature on the 1st days of the delay is at the level of 37 degrees and above, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Important: temperature measurement should take place at the same time (approx. - in the morning, before getting out of bed) and, of course, with one thermometer.
  • Iodine and urine. Test scheme: wake up, collect the first urine in a clean glass container, drip 1 drop of iodine into it (using a pipette) and analyze the result. It is believed that in the "interesting position" iodine will collect in one drop directly on top of the urine. But if iodine spreads and settles at the bottom, then it’s too early to buy booties. True, in this method, much depends on the density of urine (high error of the method) and on the intake of medicines.
  • Iodine and paper. Test scheme: we collect the first urine again in a clean container, dip a piece of white paper into it, wait a few minutes, pull out and gurgle a drop of iodine on it. Evaluation of the result: when staining the "parchment" in purple - there is a pregnancy, in blue - no. Again, the error of the method is high.
  • Soda and urine. Test scheme: we collect the first urine in a clean glass container, pour ordinary soda there (no more than 1 tsp), wait for the reaction. Test score: soda bubbled and hissed - no pregnancy. The reaction is calm - you are pregnant. The basis of the method, as in the previous case, is the determination of the acidity of the material. The urine of the expectant mother is usually alkaline, and, accordingly, there can be no violent reaction upon contact with soda. If soda gets into an acidic environment (approx. - in the urine of a non-pregnant woman), then the reaction will be violent.
  • We boil urine. The “test” scheme: we collect morning urine in a transparent and refractory container and, putting it on fire, wait for it to boil. Then immediately remove and cool. If there is a precipitate, you are pregnant. In its absence, the liquid will remain clean. Note: sediment can also appear if there are problems with the kidneys or with the urinary tract.

We determine pregnancy in the early stages - folk methods

The unknown is the worst. Therefore, until the moment when it will be possible to determine pregnancy by a doctor or with the help of a test, a variety of methods are used. Including "grandmothers".

How did our ancestors determine pregnancy?

  • Urine color. In the morning and in the evening, as our great-grandmothers also noticed, the urine of the expectant mother acquires a dark yellow color.
  • Flowers and urine. Not very romantic, but fun and authentic. In any case, our ancestors thought so. So, we collect urine all night and morning, and then we water our garden flowers with it. If they bloomed in full force, we can assume that there is a pregnancy. You can also water a home flower: if it gives new leaves and grows up, then the result is positive.
  • Ficus. And again about flowers. If your old ficus is suddenly “born” with new shoots or leaves, expect an addition to the family (according to legend).
  • Pulse. We lie down on our back, look for a place that is 7-8 cm below the navel and lightly press our hand to the stomach in this area. A pulsing sensation means pregnancy. Ancestors considered this pulsation to be the heartbeat of the unborn baby. In fact, it only means the pulsation of the vessels, which increases in the "interesting period" due to good blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Onion. Another fun method. We take 2 onions and plant them in 2 glasses, respectively signed: the left one - “yes” (approx. - pregnancy), the right one - “no” (its absence). Waiting for bulbs to germinate. Which will germinate first by 4 cm - she will give the answer.
  • And, of course, dreams. Without them, nowhere. According to them, many of our ancestors practically predicted the future, clarified the past and studied the present. So, a dream about ... fish was considered a 100% sign of pregnancy. It doesn't matter which one or where. You can catch it, keep it, eat it, buy it, etc. The main thing is fish. It should be noted that laughter is laughter, but even in our time, which is quite free from superstitions, many mothers say that this is a “dream in the hand.”
  • Recipe from medieval literature. Pour morning urine into the container and add wine to it (approx. - proportion 1: 1). If the liquid remains clear, you are pregnant.

Of course, there are no medical grounds to consider these methods correct. All of them are based on the superstitions of our ancestors.

It should be remembered that "home" tests do not give such accuracy as pharmacy "2 strips", an hCG test, a consultation with a gynecologist, and.

The site site provides background information. Determination of pregnancy in a high degree of probability is possible only with special pharmacy tests or on examination by a doctor. If you experience the first symptoms, contact a specialist!

Conception, bearing and birth of a child is, without a doubt, one of the most exciting and important periods in the life of every woman. Many girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to find out if she is pregnant or not at home without an early test? Let's take a look at the most popular methods and find out how true they are.

How was pregnancy known in the old days?

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, not having at their disposal modern methods of diagnosing pregnancy, learned about the onset of conception using various folk methods. They made it possible to determine the onset of pregnancy at home even before the onset of a delay. Of course, such diagnostic methods do not always give a reliable result, but some of them still help determine that conception has occurred. Let's consider them.

This home test requires a woman's morning urine. It should be placed in a metal container and brought to a boil. After this procedure, the urine is poured into glassware and observed. If a precipitate appears in the liquid in the form of white flakes, then presumably the woman will soon become a mother.

Another option used by women in ancient times is to mix urine with red wine. To conduct the test, you need to take the urine collected in the morning and mix it with a few drops of wine. If the liquid becomes cloudy, then the woman is not pregnant. If the urine remains clear and does not change, it can be suspected that conception has occurred.

To confirm pregnancy, our great-grandmothers used another simple method. To do this, you need to cut off a strand of hair and tie a ring worn by a woman to it. The ring on the curl should be kept motionless above the stomach. If it remains in place, there is no conception. At the beginning of the movement of the ring, loosening or rotating in a circle, one can suspect that a woman will become a mother.

Modern medicine does not recognize such methods. Doctors believe that it is possible to determine the onset of conception only by laboratory means or by using a pregnancy test at home. Despite this, many women still use the ancient methods of diagnosing conception.

To confirm the "interesting" situation with folk remedies in ancient times, they also used a method that involved planting onions in two cups. This method consisted of the following:

  • Take 2 plastic cups.
  • Write “pregnant” on one and “not pregnant” on the other.
  • Fill cups with soil.
  • Plant them in bulbs.

In which of the cups the onion will grow faster, this is the result. The disadvantage is that this type of diagnosis takes a lot of time.

Planting shoots should be done exclusively by a woman who wants to determine whether conception has occurred. Our grandmothers believed that this diagnostic method works at the energy level.

It's no secret that pregnant women are often drawn to salt. On this basis, one can suspect that the family will soon be replenished. By the way, this method of diagnosis has a scientific justification.

The fact is that expectant mothers undergo hormonal changes and the water-salt balance is disturbed. Without knowing it, a woman tries to eat salty foods, as it blinks the body to restore the balance of salts and minerals.

The interpretation of dreams was given great importance in determining pregnancy at home. It was believed that if a girl sees raw caught or live fish in the water in a dream, then this indicates the onset of conception. To date, this method is considered by many to be false. Psychologists say that a woman can inspire herself with her "interesting" position. That is why many girls can see fish in a dream.

The above methods for diagnosing the onset of conception without using a test at home cannot be considered completely reliable. Very often the result is false. Only a specialist can confirm the fact of pregnancy after the woman has passed certain tests.

The most reliable methods

You can check whether a girl has flown or not even before the onset of menstruation using simple but effective methods. In this case, you will have to use soda or iodine. In addition, a mercury thermometer can be used. A girl can use this diagnostic method herself at home. So, let's consider each of the types of diagnostics in more detail.

By measuring body temperature in the rectum itself, it is possible to suspect the onset of conception. To do this, from the date of the onset of menstruation, you should count a few days and start measuring the temperature. During ovulation, basal body temperature typically rises to 37-37.2°C. Before the onset of menstruation, it decreases. If this decrease did not occur and elevated marks remain on the thermometer, there is reason to believe that conception has occurred.

It is best to carry out the measurement procedure in the morning immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed. It is recommended to do this at the same time, for example, at eight o'clock. The time of temperature measurement in the rectum is 5-7 minutes.


To understand whether conception has occurred at home, you can use ordinary baking soda. It has been scientifically proven that when pregnancy occurs, the acid-base balance of urine begins to change. For the study, it is recommended to collect the morning portion of urine in a sterile container. The bowl can be boiled beforehand. Add a teaspoon of soda to the urine and observe the reaction. If at the same time the soda remains at the bottom and no reaction is observed, then there will be a replenishment. If hissing and bubbles appear in the urine, it can be assumed that there is no pregnancy.

We must not forget that a change in the acid-base balance can be observed not only during pregnancy. A decrease in Ph may indicate acute infectious diseases in the kidney area or other pathologies.

How to recognize pregnancy without a test using iodine

There are two simple methods that allow you to quickly confirm or refute the onset of conception at home. You can make them with your own hands. Both of these involve the use of urine and iodine. To conduct such a diagnosis, morning urine is required. The check is done like this:

  • Soak a small clean piece of paper in urine and drop a drop of iodine on it. If the leaf turns bluish or purple, the woman may be pregnant. With a brown color, there is no conception.
  • The second method involves the use of urine in a container. At the same time, you need to very carefully drop a drop of iodine into it and follow the reaction. If the drop submerges, and then emerges a little to the surface, there is reason to believe that the woman will soon become a mother.

Both methods are based on changing the acid-base balance of urine, hCG and the hormonal background of the body.

Due to the fact that these indicators can also change under the influence of other provoking factors, for example, under the influence of various diseases, these methods cannot be considered 100% reliable.

Signs and signs by which conception can be determined

From generation to generation, women pass on signs by which one can almost unmistakably suspect an imminent replenishment in the family. Moreover, this can be done even before the start of the expected menstruation without pharmacy tests. Let's look at the most common and reliable signs:

  • Changing taste preferences of women. For no reason, for no reason, a girl can sharply pull on salty, sour, spicy or, conversely, sweet. This is due to an increase in the level of hormones in the body and a change in the water-salt balance.
  • Increasing the sharpness of the sense of smell. Some smells, which the girl previously tolerated quite normally, may now seem disgusting to her. The scent can be irritated by detergents, perfumes, certain foods, and more.
  • Nausea and vomiting often occur in the morning. This condition is called toxicosis.
  • Increased soreness of the mammary glands. In addition, the breasts increase in size, and the nipples darken and coarsen.
  • Pigmentation may appear from the navel line to the pubis. At first, the strip has a barely noticeable outline, later it appears more strongly and disappears only after childbirth.
  • There is instability of the emotional background. A woman can cry over trifles, worry about little things, feel insecure.

At a later date, there is such a sign as frequent urination. At the same time, many girls mistakenly believe that they have cystitis. In addition, sexual desire may increase or, conversely, decrease. It is worth noting that, nevertheless, one of the main signs that allows you to accurately determine whether pregnancy has occurred is morning sickness.

In the early stages, to confirm the onset of conception, a girl should pay attention to such manifestations as a constant desire to lie down, the appearance of chronic fatigue, and frequent mood swings. Often, fertilization is accompanied by an increase in vaginal discharge. They can be profusely mucous in nature. It often happens that a woman also observes minor spotting. This symptom indicates the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus (implantation). In addition, the manifestations are of the following nature:

  • The appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Increasing the sensitivity of the breast.
  • Change in taste.
  • Sharpening of the sense of smell.
  • General fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Increased tearfulness and irritability.
  • Nausea and dizziness, which occur mainly in the morning.
  • An increase in body temperature to 37-37.2 ° C.

Another common sign of the onset of fertilization is a disorder in the digestive system. This happens against the background of hormonal changes, as a result of which the walls of the stomach and intestines lose their tone and peristalsis worsens.

Summing up

Pregnancy, childbearing and childbirth is a difficult, exciting, but at the same time wonderful period in the life of every woman. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the onset of conception in the early stages without much difficulty. If there is no time to visit a gynecologist, you can always use a test from a pharmacy. It is important to remember that not one popular method for determining pregnancy does not give a reliable result.


You can get more information about diagnosing conception at home without using a test by watching this video.

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