Autumn riddles for children 5 6 years old. Simple riddles and short poems for children about autumn. Riddles about autumn trees and leaves

Appeared without paints and without a brush,
She painted the leaves on the trees.

A beautiful girl appeared
The leaves are plucked from the trees.
What is her name
Try it, name it!

She crept stealthily
With a big book, with a notebook.
Calling back to school
Start studying again.
She covered everything with gold.
The trees are yellow. (Autumn).

A girl wanders in a motley square,
Distributes hotels:
Scarlet necklace for mountain ash,
Hot pink skirts for aspens
Yellow hats - poplars. (Autumn)

A lanky guy wandered, rooted to the damp earth. (Rain)

He rattled with a large shot, soaked everything around. (Rain)

Little sunshine
A cloud floats across the sky
The wind is vicious, merciless,
Tears all the leaves from the trees.
What time of year does this happen? (End of autumn)

Foliage flies bright
Spinning fast in the dance
Sounds very rustling,
The canvas fits!
What is yellow snow?
That autumn (Leaf fall)

The harvest is big
Sowing the fields again
Sends the birds south
Yellow earth all around
Only the green pine sways.
What is this season called? (Autumn)

The days got short
And the nights are longer
Who can guess
When does it happen? (in autumn)

Removes leaves from trees
Sends migratory birds on their way.
"What time of year?" - ask.
We will be answered: “This is (Autumn)!”

I paint with colorful paint
Field, forest and parks.
And I love the sound of rain
What is my name, friends? (Autumn)

Yellow and red
glitter in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
They fly and circle. (autumn trees)

On the tree - green,
Fell - yellow,
Lie down - black. (Leaves in autumn)

Guest - autumn has wandered
And brought as a gift ...
What? Tell me at random!
It is yellow (Leaf fall).

He walks and we run
It's a pity, it will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Suddenly there will be a knock on the window,
And on the roof thump thump!
Sorry, we won't let you in, friend! (Rain)

The face of nature is getting sadder:
The gardens darkened
All the forests are exposed
The bird voices subsided,
The bear fell into the den.
Who has come to us? (Autumn)

There is a guy on the road
He lays a carpet under our feet,
Not simple, but golden.
What kind of boy is this? (tree sheds leaves)

Cloudy sky,
gloomy people,
Birds, animals and houses
Only trees in gold
Then they stand happily.
The days are shorter, the nights are darker.
What is this time?
Tell me quickly. (Autumn)

I saw a lot of beauty in the park
So much gold around, take a look and you.
Bright birches, maples and aspens
What time of year are they, tell us? (in autumn)

The birds disappeared, flew away to the land where it is sunny and warm.
The harvest has ripened well, the leaves have been yellow for a long time,
We rejoice very much, it has come (Autumn).

What is the first tree to turn yellow first? (Birch)

What time of year:
Leaves turn red and yellow
Birds fly south
The days are shorter and the nights are longer.
The sun doesn't heat well. (in autumn)

With a knapsack on his back, the boy runs.
It carries notebooks and books.
He goes to school for the first time.
We are all familiar with this number. (September first)

What a colorful carpet
Is it rustling under your feet?
I walk on it
And everything ripples in the eyes. (Carpet of leaves)

The beds are all dug up,
The garden and garden have been cleared.
Rest you earthling!
We have harvested... (Harvest)

Which tree has green leaves? (Alder gray)

The fields are empty
It rains for weeks.
The night is getting longer
The days are colder! (Autumn)

The berries ripened on it,
We will collect and make beads.
What kind of tree is
Berries hang in winter. (Rowan)

Name autumn shades. (Red, yellow, brown)

This month, my friend: autumn is coming.
Beets, carrots, potatoes are harvested.
The apples are ripening. (September)

next after september
Coming... (October)

The nights got cold
It's raining, it's snowing,
The puddles are frozen
It's harder for birds to get food! (November)

Leaves fall from rowan trees,
A wedge flies in the sky.
When does it happen? (in autumn)

Painted everything yellow
And forest, valleys, fields.
Love the sound of the rain!
Did you remember me? (Autumn)

The air smelled of damp
It got cold all around.
Bushes, trees in other outfits,
The leaves are slowly falling off.
Now do you understand friends?
Golden came ... (Autumn)

Here the grandmother spread the dirt,
Everywhere is slippery and wet. (Slush)

Came without paints and without a brush,
I gilded everything ... (Autumn)

Summer and spring in one color,
Noise, rustle.
And become colorful
They fly in the wind. (Leaves)

The kids are wearing rubber boots.
A janitor sweeps colorful leaves in the yard.
Guess the name of this pore? (Autumn)

Trees fly around, flowers wither, nights become shorter and cold days. The birds flew away, the animals hibernated. What time of year is this? (Autumn)

The wicked bastard has arrived! Naughty! She laughs all the time, amusing everyone with her deceptive warmth! And everyone rejoices - her time has come! She will frolic to her heart's content, swirling in the fall of the leaves everything that summer gave us and that disappeared forever in her fire! Who is this trickster? (Autumn)

In the leaden sky you can still see the shades of the strings that melt in the sky, and all this time of the year will hide their traces, turning everything into a farewell leaf fall! What time of year is this? (Autumn)

The last leaf left on the branch. He misses, grieves for the old days. All his brothers have already scattered, and he was left alone with his house (what?) To meet. (Autumn)

The time for warmth has passed, now it's her turn. And, all in bright paint, she knocks on the house - she calls for the door. She calls to admire her art, how she painted everything around with a magic brush! It (autumn)

The rain is pouring behind the glass and everything is gloomy around. It's starting to get colder and it's getting dark outside the window earlier. The sun shines less often and everything breathes around with a barely audible, farewell warmth. The flowers withered, the grass withered. This guest (who?) came. (Autumn)

Birds fly away after the warmth leaving somewhere, then they will return again, along with spring. Following the warmth, the flowers disappear and the leaves from the trees fly. A little sad somehow. The sun sleeps again in the clouds. It is tired over the summer, you see, shine and shine. It's time for everything to rest - it comes (what?) again. (Autumn)

In the forest today, everything is somehow different: the trills of birds are not audible and the rustles too, only a heap of gold rings on your feet. Everything seemed to freeze, waiting for something. And what can you expect after the summer? (Autumn)

This month of autumn borders on winter. This month is the last one in the autumn period. It's called (November)

Summer isn't over yet. This month the tired sun warms still. Summer argues with autumn - whose month is it? Summer said: “He is mine! It's still warm, the flowers are still blooming! To which autumn said: “The heat is not at all the same! You look at the sun - it's already tired to warm it! What about flowers? Only those who are stubborn like you still bloom! And by law, my month! It's time for you, my brother, to rest!" In what month does autumn and summer “argue”? (In September)

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Riddles for children about Autumn

Came all dressed in gold
And transformed the whole of nature.
Brought cold rain
Repainted, withering plants,
Unrolled a colorful carpet.
It turned out tender bright ... (Autumn).

All the bushes and trees make noise,
And they take off their clothes.
Who can help us
And he will call
What is the name of the gentle beauty who came?
She brought magical gifts of mushrooms and vegetables!
Guessed? This is ... (Autumn).

Help the kids
Name your second brother
What comes after September?
This is ... (October).

In village gardens
All around lies bare cold ground.
The days are shorter
Freezing at night.
Sometimes it can snow.
This third brother is named ... (November).

magic girl,
To spend with a brush the craftswoman.
Where it does not conduct, it leaves a bright trace everywhere!
Guess without a clue?
Red - girl - ... (Autumn).

Grow on fruit trees
solid bases,
Cores hide inside
And they call them ... (Walnuts).

Can fly past
But, not a forest bird,
Carries colorful leaves
Dry maple seeds.
Friendly drives the kids to school.
Schoolchildren leave the house in the morning.
You guessed it… (Autumn wind).

Some silver on the branches
It is called snow-white ... (Hoarfrost).

The future basis for the herbarium on the tree blushed,
And then she flew into the book to us.
Guess what part of the different trees are called?
It is light with veins ... (Leaflet).

Low temperature all the time
Sometimes it rains heavily.
The whole harvest is stored in the cellar.
Wet, slippery asphalt.
I want to be in my room.
This period is called ... (Late autumn).

Knocked for a visit
Bright is coming ... (Late autumn).

In forest natural corners,
Store: fruits, mushrooms, berries and roots.
Who is it?
These are wild animals ... (Hedgehogs, squirrels).

A mournful cry is heard
A flying wedge to the south.
Flashed past ... (Crane flock).

Many birds in autumn weeks
Fly to warmer climes.
What is the name of this part of the earth - ... (South).

There is a tree, and on twisted branches,
Dark, red, ripe bunches hung,
Freezing ... (Rowan).

We picked ripe, coral berries.
And made a necklace
And Masha did the craft.
They grow on the old ... (Rowan).

First the buds bloomed
Then the fruit turned green.
Then purple sheaths were put on.
What are these berries called?
Who will tell and guess?
These are ripe baskets ... (Rowan).

If the knock is in the morning,
So he went and wets everything around!
They call this fidget ... (Rain).

The inhabitant of the forests is preparing for sleep,
Lies in a lair
Until the best warm days.
They call him ... (Bear).

A nimble girl hides
In a convenient part of the tree supplies.
And in the winter cold it eats like a godsend.
This is a bright, fiery color ... (Squirrel).
If it started raining in the morning
Then we take with us a special device.
It is called ... (Umbrella).

We love to collect them
And fill the basket
Wait more buddy
I'll put more ... (Fungus)!

Funny appeared at the edge ... (Talkers).

He is wearing a bright shirt.
With white peas.
Ripens in the woodlands
And this mushroom is called ... (Amanita).

We measure the depth of puddles in them.
All bright, different in pattern and color.
These are rubber ... (Boots).

Solving riddles is a very exciting activity. And not only fascinating, but also informative, forcing the child to think and reason, to find the answer. In autumn, of course, we cannot do without the corresponding riddles: about autumn as a season, about its gifts, autumn beauty. And it doesn’t matter at all how old the child is - 3-4, 5-6 or already 7-8 and even more, he will be happy to guess such riddles.

Riddles about the season - autumn

A fox passed under a bush
And burned the leaves
Fire climbed the branches
And blazed
Autumn forest. (Autumn)

The fields are empty, the earth is wet,
It's raining, when does it happen? (in autumn)

The days got shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen? (in autumn)

The red girl came
And sprinkles the leaves.
What is her name,
Who can guess, kids? (Autumn)

I paint yellow
field, forest, valley.
And I love the sound of rain
Call me! (Autumn)

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Set fire to forests.
Red fox. (Autumn)

Walks on the fox
And paint the leaves. (Autumn)

Red - yellow beauty -
Golden braid.
Long pouring rains,
Summer camp behind.
The wind blows the leaves
What is this? (Autumn.)

Slush. Puddles. Bad weather.
Rainy season.
Clouds roam the sky,
The park is full of leaf fall.
The wind of the song is howling
Sweeps leaves in heaps.
The rain is pouring like a bucket.
What a wonderful time! (Autumn)

golden guest
live happily,
All your wealth
Giving away as a gift. (Autumn)

The sad witch came -
She is whiny and naughty.
I painted the leaves everywhere
Mushrooms grow from her tears. (Autumn)

Leaves fall,
It's raining,
The herbs are withering
Summer is behind.
Wet weather
Everything is gray around.
It's the time of year
Guess, my friend. (Autumn)

Trees undressed
Gold is the Queen.
Thinned out the dense forest.
Yellow, red, gold!
Dropped tears.
Frost rolled in. (Autumn)

Leaves are falling from the aspens, a gray wedge is rushing in the sky ... What season is it? (Autumn)

I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I do not touch pines and fir-trees.
I - ... (Autumn)

Now we only dream of summer
For a long time already in the south of the bird,
Leaves fall, beat on the ground ...
The time has come - it has come ... (autumn).

As the rain falls,
And the day does not bring us warmth.
A sad round dance of leaves.
Everything is clear: it has come (autumn).

The forest is divided
blue sky,
This time of year
... (autumn).

All the trees turned yellow
In addition to lush pines,
The birds flew south.
Autumn has come).

Here is the sky, gray with clouds,
A ray of sunshine struck by accident.
And everything was covered with gold:
Forest, field, river and swamp.
But, the ray disappeared and as before
I wrap myself in warm clothes.
It got dark very early, at eight ...
But what to do, this is ... (autumn)

Comes to us every year
Leaves leads a round dance ...
She wears a yellow cape all the time.
What is the name of the princess? ... (autumn)

On birches and maples
Once there was a green leaf
And today it's golden
Lies quietly under your feet.
Who ripped it off and threw it away?
Guessed! Of course ... (autumn).

The good wizard took paints and brushes,
They painted both stems and leaves,
The year has become shorter by eight months,
You are welcome, beauty (Autumn).

Yellow blizzards are circling:
Les took off his clothes.
Bird trills became less common:
The birds flew south.
Walking in the rain .. (Autumn)

Forest - easel,
And the wind is brushes.
Paints herbs, leaves.
Gold and blue skies
I brought it with me ... (autumn)

Riddles about autumn trees and leaves

Orange, red
Glitter in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
They spin and float. (trees in autumn)

Falling from a branch
gold coins. (Autumn leaves)

redhead egorka
Fell into the lake.
Didn't drown myself
And he didn't stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

Flying in the wind
circling in the air,
yellow coin
It lies on the grass. (Autumn leaf)

Grow - turn green,
They will fall - they will turn yellow,
Lie down - turn black. (Leaves)

Riddles about autumn natural phenomena

Walked, wandered on the roof,
Loud, then quiet.
Walked, wandered, tapped,
The owners were lulled. (Rain)

He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend! (Rain)

It wets the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know it's... (rain)

Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds
In the mist
Only feet on the ground. (Rain)

It's dripping from the sky.
Wet everywhere, damp everywhere.
It's easy to escape from it
Just get an umbrella. (Rain)

There was a lanky one, he got stuck in the damp earth. (Rain)

Large, fractionally frequented,
And the whole earth got wet. (Rain)

Who hits the roof all night
Yes, it knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls? (Rain)

Tears drip from the clouds -
The unlucky master is crying.
Gloomy autumn artist -
Slurping in puddles ... (rain)

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

The clouds are catching up
Howls, blows.
Roaring around the world,
Sings and whistles. (Wind)

Flying, not a bird
A howl, not a beast. (Wind)

The wind plays with leaves
picks them off the trees.
Everywhere the leaves are circling -
it means ... (leaf fall).

Yellow leaves are flying
Falling, spinning
And under your feet just like that
How the carpet lay down!
What is yellow snow?
It's just ... (leaf fall).

Yellow wings of aspen, birch,
Red - ash, oak and rose
In the air they circle and rustle
This autumn is coming ... (leaf fall).

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say random!
Well, of course ... (leaf fall).

Leaves turn yellow
They lie on the ground with a rug.
Yellow leaf round dance
It happens in autumn.
This dance is every year.
What is it called? (Leaf fall)

He is not snow, but also white,
And in the shade a little blue.
What is it, what is the matter here?!
It turns white on the grass ... (hoarfrost)

Even though I ate a little
But the earth still cooled. (First snow)

Gifts of autumn

small, remote,
Passed through the earth
Found the red cap. (Mushroom)

It looks like an umbrella
Only a hundred times less.
If there is a storm on the horizon,
He is very happy.
If it's raining and warm
He considers himself lucky! (Mushroom)

Standing on a strong foot
Now lies in a basket. (Mushroom)

Who stands on a strong foot
In the brown leaves by the path?
Got a hat made of grass
There is no head under the cap. (Mushroom)

I'm under a colored hat
I stand alone on my feet.
I have my habits.
I always play hide and seek. (Mushroom)

Who has a hat without a head,
And the leg without the boot? (Mushroom)

Under the bushes
Under the sheets
We hid in the grass
Look for us in the forest yourself
We will not shout to you: "Ay!" (Mushroom)

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, -
Adults and children know
They grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose. (Honey mushrooms)

I grow up in a red cap
Among aspen roots.
You will see me a mile away -
My name is - ... (boletus).

Along forest paths
Lots of white legs
In colorful hats
Noticeable from afar.
Collect, do not hesitate!
This is ... (russula).

It grows in the ground
Known throughout the world.
Often on the table
Shows off in uniform. (Potato)

The whole summer tried -
Dressed, dressed...
And as autumn approached,
She gave us clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel. (Cabbage)

The orange root sits underground,
He keeps a storehouse of vitamins,
Helps kids become healthier
What kind of vegetable is this? (Carrot)

Make everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow).

Riddles about the autumn months

Spinning, spinning leaf fall,
The garden was covered in gold.
From North to South of the Earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us? (September)

Who comes after August
Red summer spends
Indian summer is calling
Sending kids to school? (September)

Rain from the sky drip-drip-drip,
Leaves turn yellow.
Everyone knows, kids
Time to go to school in... (September)

When does this happen
Short summer? -
We expect him
And we call it a grandmother! (September)

Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret
Who is your second servant? (October)

All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.

Glorious autumn leaf fall -
The leaves are swirling in the breeze.
The earth is wet with that gold
Covers like a carpet.
Forests without leaves
The birds' voices subsided
The bear fell into hibernation -
What month has come to us? (October)

Here is a maple leaf on a branch,
It's just like new now.
The day will pass - it will fall,
The wind will take him away.
The last leaf at dawn
Will reset our maple in ... (October)

School will open in September
Doors for cheerful children,
The animals have their own lesson -
Stock up on groceries.
We will collect everything from the fields
Before meeting with... (October)

The gloomy wind drives the clouds
For fields and meadows.
And in the dark sky
The moon is moving darkly.
After sunny weather
September and October
Gloomy nature coming soon
Waiting to arrive... (November)

The field is black and white
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please? (November)

Who does not let us warmly,
Does the first snow scare us?
Who calls the cold to us,
You know? Of course yes! (November)

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. She is mysterious, bright and a little sad at the same time. In order to make it easier to learn the phenomena that occur this time, we offer you children's riddles about autumn with answers.

Riddles about autumn allow kids to learn more about its beauty, features, as well as unusual changes and phenomena in nature. Indeed, in autumn, not only the leaves change color and fall off, at this time the birds fly away to warmer climes, the harvest period ends. Autumn is a transition period from warm to cold.

Solving riddles about autumn, children become smarter. They get acquainted with this beautiful time, learn to notice the beauty of fading nature.

Children's riddles about autumn consolidate knowledge about the phenomena, signs and features of this period, develop imagination, memory, logical thinking, broaden their horizons.

Children's riddles about autumn with answers

Riddles about autumn:

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I do not touch the fir trees and pines.
I - …

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...

Leaves fall from aspens
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

The days got shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

Leaves fall off the branches,
Birds fly south.
"What time of year?" - ask.
They will answer us: "This is ..."

Came without colors
And without a brush
I repainted all the leaves.

The forest is divided
blue sky,
This time of year is…

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It blows like that, there is no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
(Late fall)

Redhead Egorka
Fell on the lake
Didn't drown myself
And the water did not wake up.
(Autumn leaf)

The red girl came
And sprinkles the leaves.
What is her name,
Who can guess, kids?

I paint yellow
Field, forest, valley.
And I love the sound of rain
Call me!

It smells like rain in the air
It's getting colder every day.
Trees change their dress
Leaves are slowly disappearing.
It is clear to everyone how twice two -
(Autumn time)

I am in the realm of puddles, in the land of fires and waters.
I am in the principality of the winged people,
Wonderful apples, fragrant pears.
Tell me what season is it?

She rewarded everyone, she ruined everything.
The fields are empty, the earth is wet,
The rain is pouring down
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

Orange, red
glitter in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
spin and float.
(trees in autumn)

Grow - turn green,
They will fall - they will turn yellow,
Lie down - turn black.
(Autumn leaves)

Autumn has come to visit us
And I brought with me...
What? Say random!
Well, of course …
(Leaf fall)

Yellow leaves are flying
Falling, spinning
And under your feet just like that,
How the carpet lay down!
What is yellow snow?
It's simple …
(Leaf fall)

The branches in the park rustle,
Throw off their outfit.
He is at the oak and birch
Multi-colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)

The collective farm garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?

All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?

August comes after
Dances with leaf fall
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!

Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret
Who is your second servant?

The field became black and white:
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?

Riddles about rain:

Who hits the roof all night
Yes, it knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls?

There was a lanky one, he got stuck in the damp earth.

Large, fractionally frequented,
And the whole earth got wet.

He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend!

Everyone has a favorite time of the year, but not everyone, unfortunately, loves autumn. But this time is so necessary for people and nature to facilitate the transition from warm to cold weather. Remember how beautiful it is in autumn when the sun shines brightly and it does not rain. These children's riddles will allow educators and parents to introduce and fall in love with children this amazing time of the year - autumn.

In children's riddles about autumn in a playful way, you will help children learn autumn signs and phenomena. And besides, you will significantly expand the horizons of the child, train his imagination and have fun.

August comes after
Dances with leaf fall
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!
Answer: ( September)
The collective farm garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?
Answer: ( September)

All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?
Answer: ( October)

Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret
Who is your second servant?
Answer: ( October)

The field became black and white:
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?
Answer: ( November)

Who does not let us warmly,
Does the first snow scare us?
Who calls the cold to us,
You know? Of course yes!
Answer: ( November)

Grow - turn green
Fall down - turn yellow
Lie down - turn black.
Answer: ( Leaves)

Redhead Egorka
Fell on the lake
Didn't drown myself
And he didn't stir up the water.
Answer: ( Autumn leaf)
Came without colors
B without brush
And repainted all the leaves.
Answer: ( Autumn)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...
Answer: ( Autumn)

I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again,
I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,
But I don't touch the pines and fir-trees, I...
Answer: ( Autumn)

The days got shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?
Answer: ( autumn)

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?
Answer: ( autumn)

It smells like rain in the air
It's getting colder every day.
Trees change their dress
Leaves are slowly disappearing.
It is clear to everyone how twice two -
Answer: ( Autumn time)

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It blows like that, there is no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
Answer: ( Late fall)

Orange, red
glitter in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
spin and float.
Answer: ( Trees in autumn)

Who hits the roof all night
Yes, it knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls?
Answer: ( Rain)

Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds
In the mist
Only feet on the ground.
Answer: ( Rain)
He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend!
Answer: ( Rain)

It wets the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is...
Answer: ( Rain)

Flying, not a bird
A howl, not a beast.
Answer: ( Wind)
The clouds are catching up
Howls, blows.
Roaring around the world,
Sings and whistles.
Answer: ( Wind)

Yellow leaves are flying
Falling, spinning
And under your feet just like that
How the carpet lay down!
What is yellow snow?
It's simple...
Answer: ( leaf fall)

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say random!
Well, of course...
Answer: ( leaf fall)
The cold scares them so much
Fly to warm countries
Can't sing, have fun
Everyone gathered in flocks...
Answer: ( Birds)

Children's riddles about autumn with answers collected on this page will be useful to teachers, educators, parents in the process of teaching and developing children.

Riddles about autumn for schoolchildren with answers

The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind rips off the leaves.
Fog is creeping in from the north
Terrible clouds hung.
The birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pines with a wing.
Guess, dear friend
What time of year? - ...

Leaves fall from aspens
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky (Autumn)

Don't trust the warm sun
Blizzard ahead.
In a golden circle
Leaves flew.
I came with the rain
Leaf fall and winds.

Yellow leaves are flying
Falling, spinning
And under your feet just like that
How the carpet lay down!
What is yellow snow?
It's simple...
(Leaf fall)

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

I paint yellow
Field, forest, valley.
And I love the sound of rain
Call me!

Redhead Egorka
Fell on the lake
Didn't drown myself
And he didn't stir up the water.
(Autumn leaf)

He came, filled the tubs,
He diligently watered the beds,
Wandered on the rooftops
And went through the puddles into the field

He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend!
Answer (rain)

Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds
In the mist
Only feet on the ground.

It wets the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is...

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say random!
Well, of course...
Answer (Leaf fall)

Not snow, not ice
And he will remove the trees with silver.

The field became black and white:
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?
Answer (November)

The collective farm garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?

When does this happen
Short summer? -
We expect him
And we call it a grandmother!

August is a busy month
Sing apples and plums,
Peaches and pears sing.
Just make sure to eat them.
But the maples in the yard
Fall in ... (September)

The last leaf at dawn
He threw our forest into ...

All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?

The darkest month of the year
I want to go home -
Sleepy nature soon
Meet winter.

The field became black and white:
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What a month, tell me!

Who does not let us warmly,
Does the first snow scare us?
Who calls the cold to us,
You know? Of course yes!

It flies, not a bird, Howls, not a beast.
Answer (Wind)

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It blows like that, there is no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
(Late fall)

The wind will call the cloud
A cloud floats across the sky.
And over gardens and groves
Drizzling cold ... (rain)

It became gloomy outside the window,
The rain is begging for our house.
The house is dry, but outside
Appeared everywhere ... (puddles)

In gray skies low
Are the clouds moving close?
Close the horizon.
It will be raining.
We took ... (umbrella)

The boy is almost seven years old.
Behind the shoulder.
And in the hands of a large bouquet,
Blush on cheeks.
What is the holiday date?
Answer it guys!
(1 September is the day of knowledge)

The branches in the park rustle,
Throw off their outfit.
He is at the oak and birch
Multi-colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)

In autumn it is often needed
If the rain hits the puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds,
He is the best helper for us.
Open it above yourself
And arrange a canopy for yourself!
Answer (Umbrella)

September and October
There are so many in the yard!
The rain has passed - left them,
Medium, small, large. (puddles)

Looks like a wedge
Open up - damn it.

If it's raining, we don't grieve -
We smartly splash through the puddles.
The sun will shine -
We stand under the hanger. (Rubber boots)

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble.

The clouds are catching up
Howls, blows.
Roaring around the world,
Sings and whistles.

Autumn is the season when fading nature tries to show itself in all its glory. This is the time of leaf fall, the time for birds to gather in flocks and fly south. The kids go to first grade. Nature brings surprises in the form of rain and sleet, the first frosts draw patterns on the puddles. People hide from bad weather under umbrellas, hurrying home, where the warmth of their native hearth is more acutely felt.

Indian summer, crane wedge, yellow leaves, short days - all these are signs of autumn. Autumn puzzles are interesting for both schoolchildren and preschoolers. For a long time, people have been inventing short riddles, noticing the features of a given time of year. For children 6-7 years old is also interesting

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