Maria Zakharova's legs. Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova in everyday life. How the German media respond about the Russian Foreign Ministry

A photo of Maria Zakharova where she was in a swimsuit first appeared on Instagram, where users noted that she looks even younger than the pupils of the children's camp.

On her first day in the camp, the State Duma deputy took up exercises with her children. “Cheered up,” Maria said after the warm-up. According to her, this is a completely acceptable schedule, the optimal mode, and you should constantly keep your body in good shape.

“Regardless of the type of business trip, or the state in which you meet the dawn, exercises help you get ready,” the “star counselor” admitted. She graduated from school with honors, but she had never been to Artek before. Now she is confident that she "received a well-deserved reward."

Selfie before the race

In June 2016, Maria took part in the SPIEF RACE as part of the SPIEF. She, like other 250 runners, gathered in St. Petersburg on the square. Isaakiev at 6.30 am. Having achieved successful results (27 min. 21 sec.), the woman hastily shared with her followers on Facebook the secret of the correct passage of marathons:

“Always take a selfie at launch and post it online right away. Then there will be no chance of going off the track, ”Zakharova shared. At the same time, she published her own pictures without makeup, which pleased the subscribers. Many were surprised how, with such employment, she manages to have an excellent appearance.

How do the German media respond to the Russian Foreign Ministry?

The editors of the German magazine "Stern" called Zakharova "the miracle gun of Putin's propaganda." In their article, they emphasize the "sexuality, sharp mind and self-confidence of a blond beast." According to foreign media, the Russian woman frankly enjoys this status.

The appearance of a violent reaction from reporters was preceded by the behavior of a representative of the Foreign Ministry at one of the conferences, when she ridiculed the employees of the Reuters agency, after speaking about the preparation of the Russian Federation for reforms in Syria.

“I had a legitimate question for the Reuters company, represented in the capital of the Russian Federation by about 50 reporters: are you sure that you are conducting journalistic activities?” - the deputy clarified, motivating her puzzlement by the lack of interviews with representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry by the Moscow news agency.

“If you didn’t bother to work out the Moscow comments, and everyone writes for you in London, then what are you doing in the capital?” the politician asked.


The identity of Maria Zakharova, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, is constantly discussed not only in connection with her latest statements and speeches, conceived as razor-sharp, but also because of the personal photos that Maria regularly posts on her Facebook page.

Zakharova recently gave an interview to the glossy magazine Tatler, probably revealing some unknown details of her life outside of work for the first time.

The path to the ideal figure of Maria began 2 years ago, when she decided to lose 20 kg, and successfully achieved this goal.
As the photos below will show with a small amount of clothes)).

How did Maria lose weight?
- She says she used to carry chicken breast and broccoli to work in a container.

Much more difficult, according to Maria herself, was during international negotiations.
“When I could,” I explained. When she could not, she pretended to eat, and very artistically.

In addition, Maria spoke about her hobby - collecting miniature interior items.
Her interest in this arose in her childhood, when she got acquainted with a book about an elegant copy of the St. Petersburg apartment of Pushkin's friend Pavel Nashchokin.

The first exhibit in Zakharova's collection was a miniature straw hat with a flower, seen in Beijing.
The owner of the souvenir refused to sell the hat for a long time, but in the end he gave in to the pressure of young Mary and presented it.
Later, traveling around the world, Maria brought various items to her collection: from England - a porcelain bath, from Canada - a pincushion chair, from Kaliningrad - an amber iron.
Over time, the number of exhibits has increased so much that it took a separate place to store them.
In the apartment of Maria's parents, there is a meter-high wooden house, which houses the entire collection of miniature items.


According to the haters, Maria publishes too personal photos

And this is the famous photo for Harper's Bazaar magazine.


New York wedding of Maria Zakharova November 14th, 2016

Last week, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova published Facebook archive photo from his wedding, November 7, 2005 in New York. Photographer Nikolai Komissarov, who shot the wedding photo shoot, shared his memories.

“I have been living in America for 25 years,” recalls Nikolai. - I cooperate with leading media and generally don’t do weddings. But in those years, I often photographed the events of the Russian consulate, where Maria then worked; Maybe that's why she invited me. The ceremony was modest, and the program was ordinary: marriage registration at the consulate, sightseeing tour. Again, with the standard set - Central Park, Fifth Avenue.

In the beginning, of course, I had my own idea of ​​​​how to shoot it; but Zakharova boldly interfered, offered angles. She felt in a good sense authoritativeness, composure - the qualities of a real diplomat. And not the slightest excitement, although what a reason!

With the exception of one bottle of champagne (which was sipped and then smashed during the presentation of the marriage certificate), there was not a drop of alcohol at the ceremony. Although, after the photo shoot, they already went to celebrate without me in a restaurant, and of course I don’t know what happened there. I don't remember any wedding rituals, such as locks on the fences of bridges that are now fashionable.

How did Maria behave? - At the official part, in the consulate, she was more silent; during photosets in the park, she was attracted to wildlife - flowers, trees. Passers-by, by the way, reacted emotionally, waved their hands - it is not customary for New Yorkers to marry in a white dress.

- And Andrey (husband of Zakharova - Ed.). He looked more agitated, straightening the folds in his wife's clothes, taking care of her. In general, it was felt: the leader in this pair is Maria. I am sure that she chose the dress that thundered in social networks herself ... By the way, many customers ask to process the pictures in Photoshop, remove flaws - but not Zakharov.

And when on November 7, on her wedding anniversary, she posted one of those old photos on Facebook, I posted several others - according to the principle “it means you can”. Maria wrote to me: “I wanted to eat you with french fries, but I consulted with my husband, and he said: let it be.” So, I think she is the mistress at work, and he is at home.

We first took pictures with the flag, with documents in the consulate, then the painting. After that, we went for a walk in the park on her initiative. I offered them some other place, but she said that it would be better to go to the park. This is the part of Central Park that opens onto 91st Street, where the Russian Consulate is.

During the shooting, she was laconic. If she did, then everything was on the case, where it was not necessary, she did not correct anything. But where necessary, she always corrected. Which is better this way or that way. It was felt that she was very extraordinary. In Russia, after all, women are usually simpler, they look at men, but she is different. She had some insight. Margaret Thatcher reminded me very much then. I told her back then: "You have such a Slavic appearance, but your mind and sarcasm are British." And she liked it so much.

Until recently, photos did not appear in the public domain - she did not want to, because she is a politician. But then she posted one on the Web on the day of the anniversary, then I decided. She then told me that she was ready to eat me with some kind of hot meat ... I don’t remember exactly. But her husband said: calm down, because this is life. So I told her: this is important for a politician, because the people are of little interest in speech, for them the main thing is that a person be a person.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, spoke about the appearance on the Web of her photos from the wedding, which many netizens considered unnecessarily depraved. According to her, the pictures were posted without her knowledge.

Photos from the wedding of Maria Zakharova appeared on the Web about a year ago, but still haunt some users. The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia was subjected to real streams of criticism because of them, they say, the pictures are too depraved and allegedly indicate her bad taste.


Maria Zakharova admitted that the photos became public property without her knowledge - the photographer decided to put them on the Internet. "He did it on purpose," the press secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed in an interview with the MIR 24 TV channel. After that, she contacted the photographer and asked why he did this.

“He said a brilliant thing: everyone sees you official, against the background of some emblems, behind the podium, but I really wanted to see you like that. I said thank you, but ask next time,” added Maria Zakharova.

According to her, she met her lover literally a month before her departure, when she already had all the necessary documents in her hands. "My future husband came to me, made me an offer. We signed. It was both solemn, and fun, and very sincere. We did not do this for anyone - there were as many guests at the wedding as needed for the wedding - exactly two," emphasized Maria Zakharova.

However, there was also a photographer at the celebration, thanks to which anyone with access to the Internet can virtually visit this wedding.

41 years old

The identity of Maria Zakharova, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, is constantly discussed not only in connection with her latest statements and speeches, conceived as razor-sharp, but also because of the personal photos that Maria regularly posts on her Facebook page.

Zakharova recently gave an interview to the glossy magazine Tatler, probably revealing some unknown details of her life outside of work for the first time.

The path to the ideal figure of Maria began 2 years ago, when she decided to lose 20 kg, and successfully achieved this goal.
As the photos below will show with a small amount of clothes)).

How did Maria lose weight?
- She says she used to carry chicken breast and broccoli to work in a container.

Much more difficult, according to Maria herself, was during international negotiations.
“When I could,” I explained. When she could not, she pretended to eat, and very artistically.

In addition, Maria spoke about her hobby - collecting miniature interior items.
Her interest in this arose in her childhood, when she got acquainted with a book about an elegant copy of the St. Petersburg apartment of Pushkin's friend Pavel Nashchokin.

The first exhibit in Zakharova's collection was a miniature straw hat with a flower, seen in Beijing.
The owner of the souvenir refused to sell the hat for a long time, but in the end he gave in to the pressure of young Mary and presented it.
Later, traveling around the world, Maria brought various items to her collection: from England - a porcelain bath, from Canada - a pincushion chair, from Kaliningrad - an amber iron.
Over time, the number of exhibits has increased so much that it took a separate place to store them.
In the apartment of Maria's parents, there is a meter-high wooden house, which houses the entire collection of miniature items.


According to the haters, Maria publishes too personal photos

And this is the famous photo for Harper's Bazaar magazine.


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