Nekrasov grandfather main events. Nikolai Nekrasov - Grandfather: Verse. Negative images of the poem

] July 18 - was born in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Irkutsk region. Mother - Zinaida Ermolaevna Evtushenko (1910-2002). Father - Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus (1910-1976). Both are geologists. Soon the child was transported to Zima station, to the relatives of his mother, Dubinin.

1933 - moving to the house of his grandfather, Rudolf Alexandrovich Gangnus, at the address: Moscow, Chetvertaya Meshchanskaya, 17, apt. 2, in Maryina Roshcha.

1937 - the first poem "I woke up early, early ..."

1940 - study at the Moscow school number 254.

1941 , autumn - evacuation to Winter. The mother, who became a singer, goes to the front with concerts.

1944 - Grandmother Maria Baikovskaya changes her grandson's father's surname to her mother's.
End of July - return with mother to Moscow; to simplify entry into the capital, the son's year of birth was changed to 1933.

1945 - studies at the school of the "incorrigible" No. 607.
Spring - mother returns from the front. Birth of sister Elena.

1948 - attends a literary consultation of the publishing house "Young Guard".
Autumn - expelled from school. Leaves to work in the geological exploration party of his father in Kazakhstan.

1949 , June 2 - first publication: the poem "Two Sports" in the newspaper "Soviet Sport".
October 9 - the first mention of the name of Yevgeny Yevtushenko as a poet in a review of poems sent to the editorial office of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

1950 - active publications in newspapers.
Autumn - present at the reading of B. Pasternak's translation of Goethe's Faust at the Central House of Writers. The first meeting with Y. Smelyakov.

1952 , April - the first book of poems "Scouts of the Future" (publishing house "Soviet Writer").
August - admission (without a matriculation certificate) to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. The beginning of friendship with V. Sokolov, R. Rozhdestvensky, V. Morozov, Yu. Kazakov, M. Roschin, M. Tarasov. Joining the Writers' Union of the USSR.

1953 , summer - a trip to Siberia (Winter, Irkutsk); an attempt to publish a collection of poems in Irkutsk; participation in a conference on the work of Mayakovsky; the beginning of work on the poem "Station Winter".
Autumn - acquaintance with Bella Akhmadulina.

1955 - marriage to Bella Akhmadulina.
The book of lyrics "Third Snow" (publishing house "Soviet Writer").

1956 , summer-autumn - publication of the book of poems "Highway of Enthusiasts" (publishing house "Moscow worker"); trips to Georgia and Abkhazia. Completion and publication of the poem "Station Winter" (magazine "October", No. 10).

1957 , March 8 - speech at a meeting of writers dedicated to the discussion of V. Dudintsev's novel "Not by Bread Alone".
May - expelled from the Literary Institute.
June-July - a trip to the Far East and Siberia.

1958 , June-July - the second trip to the Far East and Siberia. Poem "Where are you from?"
End of October - refusal to participate in the condemnation of B. Pasternak due to the publication of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" abroad.

1959 - the first prose: the story "The Fourth Meshchanskaya"; poem "Loneliness"
May 3 - personal acquaintance with B. Pasternak; parting autograph of the senior poet on the book "My sister is life".

1960 - the first visit to the United States as part of a delegation of Soviet writers. Beginning of friendship with Albert Todd, professor of Slavic studies at Queens College (New York).
The poem "Fence" (magazine "Youth", No. 12) - in memory of B. Pasternak with a mystified dedication "To the memory of V. Lugovsky."

1961 , August - visit to Babi Yar in the company of Anatoly Kuznetsov.
September 19 - publication of the poem "Babi Yar" in the "Literaturnaya Gazeta".
Stay in Cuba, work on the screenplay and the film "I am Cuba". Communication with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Acquaintance with Yuri Gagarin.
The song “Do the Russians want wars?..” was written with the composer E. Kolmanovsky; performed by M. Bernes.

1962 - Getting started with Dm. Shostakovich over the Thirteenth Symphony to verses by Evg. Yevtushenko.
Summer - the book "Wave of the Hand" (publishing house "Young Guard"): the first 100,000th edition.
The publishing house "Volk und Welt" (GDR) publishes the first foreign book by Evg. Yevtushenko "That's what's happening to me."
July-August - VII World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. The poem "Snotty fascism."

1964 , July - the second trip to the North with Yu. Kazakov. New northern poems (“Long screams”, “Komarov smeared on the bald head ...”, etc.).

1965 , April - the publication of the "Bratskaya HPP" in the journal "Youth" and the nomination of the poem for the Lenin Prize.
Summer is a trip to Italy. Italian poetry. Trouble about the return of I. Brodsky from exile.

1966 March 5 - the death of Anna Akhmatova. A poem in her memory.
March - a trip to Australia with successful performances.
June - I. Brodsky and V. Aksenov visit Yevtushenko.

1967 , April-June - the poem "Corrida".
May - the story "Pearl Harbor" in the magazine "Youth".
Summer - an expedition along the Lena River on the Mikeshkin carbass led by Leonid Shinkarev. Lena cycle.
Autumn - staging of the performance "Bratskaya HPP" at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

1968 , spring - a big trip to Latin America (12 countries). David Siqueiros paints a portrait of Yevtushenko.
June 6 - Assassination of Robert Kennedy. The poem "Freedom to kill." Visiting together with I. Brodsky and E. Rein of the American embassy as a token of condolences.
August 22 - sends a protest telegram addressed to L.I. Brezhnev (and A.N. Kosygin) in connection with the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia.
August 23 - the poem "Tanks are moving through Prague."

1969 , February 10 - becomes a tenant of a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment.
March - receives the Order of the Badge of Honor.
The book of the chosen ones "White snows are coming ..." (Goslitizdat) is published. The poem "Silver Forest".
Evg. Yevtushenko and V. Aksenov were removed from the editorial board of the Yunost magazine.

1970 - struggle with officials for the play "Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty" ("Protest is the weapon of the unarmed") at the Taganka Theater.
April - the poem "Come to my grave ...".
End of summer - a trip to Siberia.

1972 , January - stay in Vietnam.
Spring - an attack on Yevtushenko by the offspring of Bandera during a performance at a stadium in the city of San Paul (Minnesota). The poet's one-volume "Stolen Apples" is published in the USA. American poems ("Grand Canyon", "House of the Wolf", etc.). Arrest of luggage (books) at customs upon return from America.
May - meeting with I. Brodsky in Yevtushenko's house.
Summer - the decision of the Moscow writers' organization to expel B. Okudzhava from the party. Yevtushenko's troubles in his defense.

1973 , February-May - the poem "In full growth".
June - a trip to Japan, the Philippines and Hawaii. Poem Tokyo.

1974 , the beginning of the year - the poem "Snow in Tokyo".
March-April - business trip to Naberezhnye Chelny. The poem "KamAZ begins."

1975 - publication of the two-volume "Selected Works" (publishing house "Fiction").
August-December - the poem "Proseka".

1976 , the beginning of the year - the poem "Ivanovskie chintz".
December 28 - the death of Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus, the poet's father.

1977 , June - the poem "Northern allowance" is published in the magazine "Youth". A trip to Kolyma. The beginning of friendship with V. Tumanov.
November 16 - Literaturnaya Gazeta publishes Yevtushenko's review of O. Chukhontsev's first book "From Three Notebooks".

1978 , January 8 - publication of the article "For the great cause of love" on the 100th anniversary of the death of N.A. Nekrasov in Komsomolskaya Pravda.
The poem "Dove in Santiago" in the "New World" (No. 11).

1979 - The beginning of professional photography.
The first exhibition of Yevtushenko's photographs.
Summer - the film "Rise" receives the Silver Prize at the ninth International Film Festival in Moscow.

1980 - publication of the story "Ardabiola" in the journal "Youth" (No. 3).
May - evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Olga Berggolts. The poem "Victory's face is not girlish ...".

1981 , the beginning of the year - goes to Italy to receive the Fregene award. Awarding the prize to them. Galaktion Tabidze.
The release of books - "Ardabiola"; "Berry Places"; "Fulcrum" (literary and journalistic works).
The East-Siberian newsreel studio releases a film essay "The Poet from Zima Station".

1982 , January - the first public reading of the poem "Mom and the Neutron Bomb" in the Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
The poem "Mom and the Neutron Bomb" in the journal "New World" (No. 7). Work on the film "Kindergarten".

1983 - Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
July 18 - a concert in the sports complex "Olympic" (12 thousand spectators).

1984 , April - a trip to Latin America. The idea of ​​the poem "Fuku!". Release of the first volume of the three-volume "Collected Works" (publishing house "Fiction").
Simba Academy Award (Italy).

1986 - rental of the film "Kindergarten" in New York and Paris.

1987 - the book "Tomorrow's Wind" (publishing house "Pravda").

1989 – Evg's photo album is released in the USA. Yevtushenko in collaboration with Boyd Norton “Separated twins. Alaska and Siberia (Viking Publishing House).
Creation of the "Memorial" society: co-chairs - A. Adamovich, Yu. Afanasiev, Evg. Evtushenko, A. Sakharov.

1991 , August 19-21 - August Revolution. Speech on the balcony of the White House with the poem "August 19".

1992 , July 18 - the poem "No years", written at the Zima station. Celebration of the 60th anniversary in Irkutsk.
Yevtushenko becomes an honorary citizen of Zima.

1995 - the release of the anthology "Strophes of the Century" (Minsk - Moscow, publishing house "Polifact").

1996 , May - completed the poem "Thirteen" (begun in October 1993).

2001 , July 22 – trip to Siberia: Zima station, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Angarsk. Siberian International Poetry Festival.
Opening of the house-museum Evg. Yevtushenko in Winter.

2002 , January 11 - the death of Zinaida Ermolaevna Yevtushenko, the mother of the poet.
November - Aquila international award (Italy). Hospitalized in Tulsa (USA). Cycle of verses.

2007 , January 16 - evening in the Great Hall of the Central House of Writers. The release of the single volume “All Yevtushenko: Poems and poems 1937–2007” (Slovo / Slovo publishing house); reissued in 2010.
June - "a zigzag tour with poetry reading around the globe - in the USA, Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela, where he spoke in both Russian and Spanish, and then in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, in Petrozavodsk, Sartaval, in Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk."

2009 , March - the one-volume "All Yevtushenko" wins in the "Poetry" nomination at the "Book of the Year" competition for 2008.

2010 , June - awarding the State Prize of Russia.
July 17 - the opening of the museum-gallery in Peredelkino, donated by Yevgeny Yevtushenko to the state.

2013 , April 24-25 - premiere of the play "No Years" based on the poems of Evg. Yevtushenko directed by V. Smekhov at the Taganka Theatre.
July 18 - the 80th anniversary of the poet: receives congratulations from V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill. The release of the first volume of the anthological five-volume edition “A poet in Russia is more than a poet. Ten Centuries of Russian Poetry (Russkiy Mir Publishing House), Happiness and Retribution (Eksmo Publishing House) and One Hundred Poems (Progress-Pleyada Publishing House).
November 26 - announced as a laureate of the special nomination "For Honor and Dignity" within the framework of the "Big Book" award.

2017 , April 1 - died at the age of 85 surrounded by relatives at the Hillcrest Medical Center in Tulsa (Oklahoma, USA).

    Poet, screenwriter, film director; co-chairman of the "April" Writers' Association, Secretary of the Board of the Commonwealth of Writers' Unions; was born on July 18, 1933 at st. Winter in the Irkutsk region; graduated from the Literary Institute. A. M.… … Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (b. 18.7.1933, old Winter of the Irkutsk region), Russian Soviet poet. Studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky (1951–54). The first collection of poems - "Scouts of the Future" (1952), then came the collections "Highway of Enthusiasts" (1956), "Promise" ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (b. 1933) Russian poet. In the lyrics, there is a sharp formulation of complex moral and historical issues (poems Stalin's heirs Babi Yar), problems of morality, citizenship, international politics. Compilations Highway Enthusiasts (1956), Intimate ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. July 18, 1933, the city of Zima, Irkutsk region), Russian poet and writer. In the cinema he acts as a screenwriter, actor, director; laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1984, for the poem "Mother and the Neutron Bomb"). He studied at the Literary Institute named after ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    - (b. 1933), Russian poet. In the lyrics, the optimism of the "Thaw" years, an open civic position, a sense of personal involvement in history, the complexity of the spiritual world of a contemporary who is freed from many ideological dogmas, a combination of journalistic ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    EVTUSHENKO Evgeny Alexandrovich- (b. 1933), Russian Soviet poet. Poems “Station “Winter”” (1956), “Bratskaya HPP” (1965), “Pushkin Pass” (1966), “Corrida” (1967), “Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty”, “Kazan University” (both - 1970) , "Snow in Tokyo" (1975), ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yevgeny Yevtushenko Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Poems and poems. M .: Young Guard, 1990 (XX century: poet and time) Birth name: Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus Date of birth: July 18, 1932 (76 years old) Place of birth: Nizhneudinsk ... Wikipedia

    Yevgeny Yevtushenko Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Poems and poems. M .: Young Guard, 1990 (XX century: poet and time) Birth name: Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus Date of birth: July 18, 1932 (76 years old) Place of birth: Nizhneudinsk ... Wikipedia

    Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko- Poet, prose writer, screenwriter, film director Yevgeny Yevtushenko (real name Gangnus) was born on July 18, 1933 (in different sources, the year of birth varies: either 1932 or 1933) in Siberia at the Zima station of the Irkutsk region, in a family of geologists, ... … Encyclopedia of newsmakers


  • Yevgeny Yevtushenko. All poems, Yevtushenko Evgeny Alexandrovich. We present to your attention the collection of Evgeny Yevtushenko ALL POEMS. ISBN:978-5-906339-95-9…
  • Collected works of Evtushenko E. A. Volume 3, Evtushenko Evgeny Alexandrovich. The collected works of E. A. Yevtushenko presents the work of the outstanding poet and writer in its entirety, sums up all the best that he did in his life: love and civil lyrics, ...

Yevgeny Yevtushenko has written more than 130 books, and his works are read in 70 languages ​​of the world.

The correspondent studied data from open sources and collected a biography of the legendary writer, poet, publicist and actor Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who died on April 1.

The world-famous poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko was born in Siberia in 1932. The head of the family, Alexander Rudolfovich, was half German, half Baltic and bore the surname Gangnus. Mother Zinaida Ermolaevna Yevtushenko - poet, geologist, honored worker of culture of the RSFSR. After the birth of her son, she specifically changed her husband's surname to her maiden name in order to avoid problems with documents during the evacuation during the Great Patriotic War.

Subsequently, the poet's parents divorced, but the father continued to raise his son. He took Yevtushenko to an evening of poetry at Moscow State University. They went to the evenings of Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Svetlov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Pavel Antokolsky.

In 1951, Yevtushenko entered the Gorky Literary Institute and was soon expelled for not attending lectures. The poet received a diploma of higher education only in 2001.


From his youth, Yevgeny Yevtushenko began to compose poetry. In 1949, Yevtushenko's poem was first published in one of the issues of the Soviet Sport newspaper.

The first book that Yevgeny Yevtushenko wrote - "Scouts of the Future", immediately after its release, the young poet releases the poems "Wagon" and "Before the meeting." This marked the beginning of his future serious creative work. In 1952, he became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, being the youngest in this community. In the same year, the first collection "Scouts of the Future" was published, consisting of praising poems. Future fame is brought to him by collections of poems, which he writes further: "Third Snow", "Highway of Enthusiasts", "Promise", "Poems of Different Years", "Apple".

Many critics did not understand and did not accept the works of the poet. Among the scandalous poems were: "Stalin's heirs", "Pravda", "Bratskaya hydroelectric power station", "Ballad of poaching", "Wave of the hand", "Morning people", "Father's rumor" and not only.

The young poet read his poems along with such legends as Bulat Okudzhava, Bella Akhmadulina, Robert Rozhdestvensky and many others.

Despite the fact that poetry was recognized in society, Yevtushenko did not limit himself to just writing them. The first work in prose - "The Fourth Meshchanskaya" - was published in 1959 in the journal "Youth". Yevtushenko published his first novel, Berry Places, in 1982.

Yevtushenko is a 1963 Nobel Prize in Literature nominee.

Yevtushenko is the director and screenwriter of the military drama "Kindergarten" and the melodrama "Stalin's Funeral".

The poet's poems inspired many musicians to create songs and musical ghosts. For example, on the basis of Yevtushenko's poem "Babi Yar", composer Dmitry Shostakovich created the famous "Symphony No. 13". This work has gained worldwide recognition: "Babi Yar" is known in seventy-two languages ​​of the world. Evgeny started working with composites back in the 1960s, working with such celebrities as Evgeny Krylatsky, Eduard Kolmanovsky and Yuri Saulsky.

In 1991, having signed a contract with the American University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he left with his family to teach in the United States, where he lived permanently, sometimes coming to Russia.

The editors managed to contact the University of Tulsa and obtain unique archival photos of Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

During his creative life, more than one hundred and thirty books were published, and his works are read in 70 languages ​​of the world.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko managed to prove himself in the cinema. He wrote the screenplay for the 1964 film I Am Cuba, co-authored with Enrique Pineda Barnet. In the picture of Savva Kulish "Rise" the poet played the main role of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Personal life

The poet fell in love often. Throughout his life, Yevgeny Yevtushenko had four wives. With his first wife, the famous poetess Bella Akhmadulina, Yevtushenko was in a creative union in his youth, which grew into family ties. It was the first love of the poet, Akhmadulina at that time was barely eighteen. The marriage was destined to last exactly three years.

In 1961 Yevgeny Yevtushenko married a second time. His wife was the former companion of his friend Mikhail Lukonin - Galina Semyonovna Sokol-Lukonina. In 1968, Evgeny and Galina adopt a boy named Peter. After 10 years, Yevtushenko falls in love with his Irish fan Jen Butler, who also became his legal wife and gave birth to two sons: Anton and Alexander. Evgeny Alexandrovich entered into his last marriage in 1987. His wife was Maria Vladimirovna Novikova - at that time a student at a medical school, who also gave him two sons: Evgeny and Dmitry. Maria was with her husband until the last days of the poet's life.


For his creative work, the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko received dozens of awards and honorary titles.

The poet during his lifetime was an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts, the Academy of Fine Arts in Malaga (Spain), a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences, an honorary professor Honoris Causa of the New School University in New York and King's College in Queens, as well as a professor at the University of Pittsburgh and at the University of Santa Domingo. Among the most striking awards of the poet are the Badge of Honor, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the medal "Defender of Free Russia", an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, and many others.

For the poem "Babi Yar" in 1963, the poet became a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Yevtushenko was the winner of the Tefi Academy of Russian Television Award for the best educational program "A poet in Russia is more than a poet" in 1998, as well as the Walt Whitman Award (USA). Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. In 1995, in Italy, Yevtushenko's novel "Don't Die Before You Die" was recognized as the best foreign novel.

For literary achievements in November 2002, the poet was awarded the Aquila International Prize (Italy), and in December of the same year, for his outstanding contribution to the culture of the twentieth century and the popularization of Russian cinema, he was awarded the Lumiere gold medal.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Yevtushenko was born on July 18, 1932 in Siberia. According to the passport, the year of birth is 1933. Both Baltic and German blood flows in Yevtushenko's blood through the father of a geologist, amateur poet Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus. Mother Zinaida Ivanovna Yevtushenko is a poet, geologist, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. After the birth of Yevgeny, Zinaida Ivanovna specifically replaced her husband's surname with her maiden name. She also changed the year of birth of her son, since at the age of 12 it was necessary to receive a pass.

From childhood, Yevtushenko was attached to books. Parents helped to know the world with the help of books, regular communication. Yevtushenko recalls: “Father could spend hours telling me, still an unintelligent child, about the fall of Babylon, and about the Spanish Inquisition, and about the war of the Scarlet and White Roses, and about William of Orange ... Thanks to my father, at the age of 6 I learned to read and write, I read in one gulp indiscriminately Dumas, Flaubert, Boccaccio, Cervantes and Wells. There was an unimaginable vinaigrette in my head. I lived in an illusory world, did not notice anyone and nothing around ... ".

In the future, the father leaves his mother and Eugene, goes to another woman. With her, he forms his family. Despite this, Alexander Rudolfovich continues to raise his son. He took Evgeny to an evening of poetry at Moscow State University. We went to the evenings of Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Svetlov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Pavel Antokolsky. The mother allowed the father to see his son. She understood that their communication was only for the benefit of Eugene. Zinaida Ivanovna often sent letters to Alexander Rudolfovich containing poems written by her son.

She kept all the manuscripts of Eugene. There was even a notebook containing nine thousand rhymes. But it was not possible to save it. Mother also instilled in Eugene a love of art. Zinaida Ivanovna was a soloist of the Stanislavsky Theater. She also had a musical education. Her frequent guests were artists who in the future became famous on the pop stage. Zinaida Ivanovna constantly toured the country. During the war years, she even suffered from typhus while on tour.

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko video

Naturally, with such parents, Eugene mentally developed rapidly. He grew up as an erudite, literate child. Many of his peers envied him. Zinaida Ivanovna was only glad that such wonderful poets as Vladimir Sokolov, Evgeny Vinokurov, Grigory Pozhenyan, Bella Akhmadulina, Mikhail Roshchin and many others visit their house. Yevtushenko lived, studied, worked in Moscow. He was a regular guest of the House of Pioneers. He studied at the Gorky Literary Institute, was soon expelled for "incorrect" statements.

Creativity Evgeny Yevtushenko

The first book written by Yevgeny Yevtushenko was Scouts of the Future. It contains slogan, pathos poetry of the 50s. In the year of the release of the book, Yevtushenko also publishes his poems: “The Carriage” and “Before the Meeting”. This marked the beginning of his future serious creative work. In 1952, Yevtushenko became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR, and he was the youngest in this community.

The future fame of Yevgeny Yevtushenko is brought by collections of poems, which he writes further: “The Third Snow”, “Highway of Enthusiasts”, “Promise”, “Poems of Different Years”, “Apple”.

Yevtushenko takes part in poetry evenings that were held at the Polytechnic Museum. His partners were those known to us and dearly loved: Robert Rozhdestvensky, Bella Akhmadulina, Bulat Okudzhava. Yevtushenko understood that, thanks to his works, he was becoming a poet of the next generation. They were then called "sixties". He dedicates the poem "To the Best of the Generation" to the new generation.

Yevtushenko begins to perform with his poems from the stages, conveying the depth of his thoughts to the viewer. For the first time he performs on the big stage in Kharkov in the central lecture hall. Yevgeny was invited then by a fan of his work, and the entertainer of this event was Livshits L.Ya. The audience was captivated by his work. Each work of Yevtushenko is filled with its own life, they are diverse in their own way. Either he writes about intimate lyrics, which can be traced in the poem “A dog used to sleep at his feet”, then he proclaims an ode to beer in the work “Northern Surcharge”, then he touches on a political theme in the poems: “Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty”, “Corrida”, "Italian Cycle", "Dove in Santiago", "Mom and the Neutron Bomb", "Distant Relative", "Full Body" and others.

Many critics did not understand and did not accept the works of the poet. He was always at the head of some scandals, provocations. Among the scandalous poems were: "Stalin's heirs", "Pravda", "Bratskaya hydroelectric power station", "Ballad of poaching", "Wave of the hand", "Morning people", "Father's rumor" and not only.

His works are also noticed in journalism: “Notes to the autobiography”, “Talent is a non-random miracle”, “Tomorrow's wind”, “Politics is the privilege of all”. Eugene writes easily, rhyme goes by itself, he plays with words and sounds. Yevtushenko continues his creative path, reading his poems from the stage. Full halls of listeners come to his evenings. He is a huge success. Eugene releases books, CDs, where he performs his works. Among them: "Berry Places", "Dove in Santiago" and many others. In addition to poetry, Yevtushenko writes memoirs: "Wolf Passport", "Sixty's Man: Memoir Prose", "I Came to You: Babi Yar". In the cinema, Yevtushenko also managed to work. He is known as an excellent director and screenwriter.

With musical groups, Yevtushenko’s work is also available: Rock opera “White snows are falling ...”, his poems are present in “The Execution of Stepan Razin”. Music was superimposed on Yevtushenko's poems, wonderful songs were obtained: “And it's snowing”, “Motherland”, “This is what happens to me”, “When the bells ring”, “Under the creaky, weeping willow”, but this is just a small part. Yevtushenko was appointed secretary of the Writers' Union. He later becomes Secretary of the Commonwealth of Writers' Unions. He is also chairman of the April Writers' Association. Became a member of the Memorial Society. Elections to People's Deputies of the USSR were held in Kharkov. So, Yevtushenko won, bypassing other candidates, leaving in a huge, unattainable gap. There he worked until the collapse of the USSR. In 1991, Yevtushenko signed a contract to teach at a university in the United States. Actually, Eugene takes his family and leaves for permanent residence in America, where he lives to this day.

Personal life of Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Yevgeny Yevtushenko, as a true womanizer, was officially married four times. The first wife was the famous poetess Bella Akhmadulina. As we know, from their youth they were together in a creative union. The second wife was Galina Semyonovna Sokol-Lukonina. She also gave birth to Eugene's son Peter. Yevtushenko's head was turned by his admirer from Ireland, who, as a result, became his third wife, Jen Butler. From her, the poet has two sons: Anton and Alexander. The last legal wife was Maria Vladimirovna Novikova (married since 1987). They also have children: Eugene and Dmitry.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko, according to several sources, collaborated with the KGB, where he was an agent of influence. He is fluent in several languages: English, Italian, French. The poet publishes the smallest book, the size of which is 0.5 * 0.45 mm. It contains the poems of the poet, is called "Volga". This book is also one of the ten smallest books in the world.

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