Conqueror tank guide by jove. Heavy British tank Conqueror. Booking Super Conqueror

Super Conqueror is a tier 10 British heavyweight that many have liked. A decent car that can adapt to your play style and become a great competitor to everyone else.

Let's start our review with the viewing radius of this heavyweight. It is equal to 400 meters here. Very comfortable indicator for combat.

The tank weighs from 77 to 80 tons, and the power of its engine is determined by an indicator of 950 horsepower. In total, we obtain a specific power equal to 12.34 hp / t.

These indicators also affect the maximum speed, which is not bad for a TT here - 34.3 km / s front and 12 km / h rear.

The traverse speed is 26 deg/s, the turret traverse is 32 deg/s.

Booking Super Conqueror

This machine has a very good margin of safety - 2,400 units.

The tank has become more fortified compared to its predecessors. The turret and hull are equipped with screens that make the tank less vulnerable to enemy onslaught.

The sides of the hull have armor similar to that installed on tanks below the level.


We see that we have a very strong tank in front of us, capable of an effective game, thanks to its armor. Will we be pleased with his weapons?

Let's consider from the very beginning. The one-time damage of the TT is not allocated, it is equal to 400/400/515 units here.

However, the rate of fire makes up for the lack of alpha strike. It is precisely because of the rate of fire that the tank takes the lead among its classmates in terms of damage per minute - 2,758 units / min.

Armor penetration is also not inferior to other characteristics - 259/326/120 mm. With such indicators, the tank will be able to target and hit heavy tanks even in the frontal part of the hull, not to mention the sides, for example. However, there may still be situations where additional assistance is needed. We recommend carrying about ten sub-caliber charges, which become very useful in critical situations.

With the results of accuracy, this tank is doing great. It has a record 2 seconds of convergence and 0.33 meters spread at 100 meters.

The elevation angles are very comfortable. The gun can bend down 10 degrees. This will allow you to play comfortably on different terrain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having talked about armament, armor and the main characteristics of the tank, let's proceed to the systematization. For clarity, we will present all the strengths and weaknesses using a system of points.


  • viewing radius;
  • excellent forehead armor of the tower;
  • mobility;
  • high DPM;
  • excellent accuracy.


  • insufficient NLD;
  • weak one-time damage;
  • small BC size for such a DPM.

In order to improve the strengths of the machine as efficiently as possible, we will install the necessary equipment for this. We offer this option:

  • The sender will increase the PDM indicator;
  • The vertical stabilizer will provide even greater accuracy of the gun for more confident shooting on the move;
  • Improved ventilation will increase all crew skills.

Crew training

Crew training is usually taken seriously, because working on bugs takes time. Therefore, we offer the following sequence of pumping your crew:

  • Commander - "Sixth Sense", "Repair", "Combat Brotherhood", "Disguise";
  • Gunner - "Repair", "Smooth turn of the tower", "Combat brotherhood", "Disguise";
  • Driver mechanic- "Repair", "Smooth move", "Combat Brotherhood", "Disguise";
  • Loader (radio operator)- "Repair", ""Non-contact" ammunition rack", "Combat Brotherhood", "Masking".


Choosing equipment is always easier. You can ride with a standard set in the form of:

  • small first aid kit;
  • small repair kit;
  • manual fire extinguisher.

However, if there is no lack of silver, we choose a premium set, which includes:

  • large first aid kit;
  • large repair kit;
  • pudding with tea (you can also take an automatic fire extinguisher, but this technique rarely burns).

How to play Super Conqueror

Before us is definitely a very strong machine that can adapt to any style of play and combat situation.

As a rule, at the beginning of the battle, the vehicle takes close range in order to restrain the enemy with its armor, and, using powerful weapons, to break through tanks.

The good news is not only that the tank will adapt to any style of play you choose, but also confidently hold on to any map. Whether it's a city or open spaces.

18-06-2016, 01:47

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Today we are going to talk about a car that every player feels genuine joy when he gets to the top, a heavy British tank of the ninth level – here is the Conqueror guide.

Indeed, this unit is the first truly strong, comfortable and just a good tank in this development branch. All these Churchels, Black Prince, even Caernarvon are much inferior to the ninth level, and now you will see for yourself.

TTX Conqueror

It’s worth starting with the fact that we have a good margin of safety for our level and a good basic view of 400 meters, which can be easily raised to the required values.

As for the booking characteristics of the Conqueror, everything is very good. We have a very strong turret, which, when placed head-on, is capable of tanking a lot of damage. The hull armor is not so strong, but even here ricochets often fly from the VLD if it becomes a small rhombus. It is better to always hide the NLD and do not expose the board, even at an angle it makes its way from powerful guns.

If our booking is decent, then with mobility, not everything is as good as we would like. No, the Conqueror tank has a good ratio of horsepower to a ton of weight, but the weak maximum speed and maneuverability cause a lot of inconvenience, we cannot accelerate much or quickly turn around.


Now consider the strongest and most pleasant side of this unit - its armament. The fact is that on the Conqueror, the gun costs from a vehicle of the tenth level, which means that we finally have a good alpha strike and armor penetration is almost always enough.

You can also note a good rate of fire, which in total with the above characteristics allows you to deal about 2285 damage per minute, and taking into account modules and crew perks, this figure can be accelerated to almost 2800.

And the best part is why this Briton is valuable - the Conqueror World of Tanks tank has the best accuracy among all the heavies on the level. Our spread circle is always very small, the stabilization is excellent and the aiming speed is excellent, which allows you to shoot very accurately right away and not waste time on aiming after stopping.

In other respects, the Conqueror WoT's gun sloshes down by 7 degrees, which is pretty good, and the turret turns at an acceptable speed, there are absolutely no complaints about the gun, this is our main advantage.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, we looked at the general characteristics of the tank, the parameters of its wonderful gun, and everything seems to be clear, the British is very good, but it’s still worth highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the vehicle to make it easier for you to navigate.

Good alpha strike;
Excellent armor penetration;
High damage per minute;
Excellent accuracy and stabilization;
Decent armor (especially towers);
Good review.

Weak mobility and maneuverability;
The body armor is weak.

Equipment for Conqueror

Installing modules on this heavy tank is very simple, all you have to do is improve its already strong points to make it even more comfortable to play. Thus, the following equipment is selected on the Conqueror:
1. - everything is simple and clear, with this module we will be able to deal even more damage.
2. - we have a very accurate gun with excellent stabilization and this choice will improve these indicators to the maximum.
3. - raise the view to the required value (especially important if the crew is not pumped).

The last point has a great alternative -. This option gives a boost to damage per minute, vision and other equally important characteristics, so in some situations this choice is in some ways even better than optics.

Crew training

In order to correctly distribute and pump skills to the crew on this weight, there is no need to reinvent the wheel either, since our actions can even be called standard. Based on this, on Conqueror perks are begging as follows:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) - , , , .

Equipment for the Conqueror

As is usually the case, consumables have a very strong impact on the situation in battle, so their choice is no less important. If you do not have extra silver and you are trying to save money, then the best solution would be to take equipment in the form of , and . In other cases, a more reliable option is,, where the fire extinguisher can be replaced with if desired.

Tactics of the game on Conqueror

The British heavyweight Conqueror is a very comfortable and strong machine, the weak points of which are only limited mobility and rather vulnerable hull armor. Otherwise, we have solid advantages and we should try to use them all.

Thus, the combat tactics on Conqueror are very diverse, on the one hand, we feel good on the second line. By tanking the turret and using your accurate gun with a good alpha strike and DPM, you can easily play from the terrain. All that is needed in such cases is to roll out, take a shot and drive back again, just do not forget about enemy artillery.

On the first line, the heavy tank Conqueror WoT is also capable of a lot, but here it is very important to constantly dance, slightly turn the hull and stand with your forehead to the enemy, hide your NLD. At the same time, it is important to use superiority in accuracy, shoot on the move, push the enemy to shoot, but in no case let him on board. Due to the poor mobility of the Conqueror, the tank is easy to spin, in such cases it is better to have several allies nearby.

Summing up, I would like to add that we have a creative machine in our hands and in order to play it as efficiently as possible, you need to learn how to analyze the situation in battle and take the right position. If you stand on the Conqueror World of Tanks so that only your tower is visible and the art cannot throw at you, making simple movements back and forth, you can safely play from alpha and realize your DPM.

Level 9 called Conqueror World of Tanks.

The British tank conqueror is in the development tree at the ninth level.

Heavy tank conqueror for an amateur. His chip is two important traits, rate of fire and damage. On it, you can quickly disassemble an enemy equal to yourself, but at the same time you will pay with your almost the weakest armor on the level. He does not like noobs, because he has a decent cost of repairs and shells, but it will not be difficult to get a plus on him in capable hands. In addition, you will be pleased with a good margin of safety and a good hull and turret traverse speed.

Tactics of the game on Congueror

From the very beginning of pumping, you will be met by a “trough” that is slow in speed and turn, weakly armored and with low one-time damage. But after he becomes top, he will inspire fear on the battlefield among rivals of his level. The battle tactics on it are the only and very simple, presented in the form of support for the heavy tanks of the allies. Our tank has a cannon that has a fast reload, excellent penetration, and a terrible one-time damage per shot of 400-500Hp. After an accurate shot at the enemy, he will most likely get scared and hide away from you. The accuracy of this top gun can be compared with the accuracy of fire. Our tank penetrates well in the forehead, sides, and especially in the commander's cupola.

Disadvantages and Advantages

  1. High rate of fire
  2. Good dynamics at its level
  3. High damage per shot
  4. Large margin of safety
  5. Good shooting accuracy
  1. Weak hull and turret armor
  2. A large number of turrets on the tower

Additional modules

  1. Medium caliber gun rammer
  2. Reinforced pickup drives
  3. Improved ventilation


  1. Small First Aid Kit
  2. 105-octane gasoline
  3. Small repair kit

Tank Yield

Repair from 17000 to 18000

Ammunition for 1 shell 1085

Profitability without a premium account from 20,000 to 40,000

Profitability from a premium account from 30,000 to 60,000

Pumping sequence

  1. Chassis (FV214A)
  2. Engine (Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk.IVC)
  3. Engine (Rolls-Royce Meteor M120)
  4. Engine (Rolls-Royce Griffon)
  5. Cannon (OQF 20-pdr Type B Barrel)
  6. Tower (Conqueror Mk. II)
  7. Gun (120 mm Gun L1A1)

Crew Skill Leveling

  1. Repair
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Commander - eagle eye

Gunner - sniper

Driver - smooth ride

Loader - non-contact ammo rack

review guide heavy tank conqueror

Here it is, the boiling point. No, not yours. This is the boiling point of the loin of your enemies. One of the most terrifying vehicles in the game, matched in firepower only by the terrifying T92. Greek atlas, universal titan, true power. All this is now under your control. Meet Conqueror Gun Carriage!

History reference

Little is known about this advance project. We only know that it was supposed to be a gun with a caliber of 234 mm, mounted on the chassis of the Conqueror tank. The design idea was captured exclusively on paper and not a single prototype was ever published.

In order to gain access to this beautiful machine, you need to earn 267,000 experience points on the previous SPG. By the way, this is one of the smallest amounts compared to other machines of this level. The cost of the Conqueror Gun Carriage is standard and is 6.100.000 silver. Compared to our younger brother, we have one gunner added, so we will have to fork out a little. There are two options for landing the crew on this unit:

  • For gold. Be sure to transfer the crew with the help of gold coins. The advantages of this method have already been described more than once: thanks to gold, your crew will not spend a single percentage of the experience earned. As for the additional gunner, then probably you will need to “buy” it. But this is only if there was no previously pumped tanker of this specialty in the barracks. The cost of such retraining will be 200 * 6 = 1200 gold.
  • For silver. I do not recommend transplanting brave soldiers for silver. Not only will you spend a fairly large part of the experience, but you will also be forced to ride with reduced technical characteristics at first. In order to avoid such torment, you will have to reset skills before retraining. And such an operation also takes most of the experience. As a result, you will lose about 130,000 experience on the crew. And this is instead of spending a couple of hundred gold, which is now quite easy to earn. The cost of retraining for silver will be 20.000 * 6 = 120.000. The skill reset cost is 20,000 * 6 = 120,000 silver. The total transplant costs will be 240,000 silver.

Our dimensions are the most suitable for gentle disguise, but still we will get some small percentages of invisibility from camouflage. And, in the end, this service is not so expensive. The cost of applying camouflage for all types of cards for 1 month will be 3 * 100,000 = 300,000 silver.

Research tree

Thank the potato, you don't need to explore anything on the Conqueror Gun Carriage. The car is premium, you can immediately turn on the "Accelerated Crew Leveling" - a solid positive.

The Conqueror Gun Carriage has one of the most powerful guns in the game, only the T92's armament is worse. At the same time, given the strong one-time damage and penetration, this gun is not without quite obvious disadvantages. I would even say that the minuses are very serious. First, the Conqueror Gun Carriage has the worst accuracy in this game, which is a whopping 1.1m per 100m (T92 has 0.92m). Guess the scale? Secondly, we have the longest mixing, even longer than that of the same American. And as many people know, the dispersion of the American self-propelled guns loves to go beyond the edges of the visible image on the monitor. Thirdly, the Conqueror Gun Carriage has the longest reload time in the game among vehicles with a single-loader system. It is not entirely clear why, because the T92 has higher damage and faster reload. In general, there is something to complain about, but not everything is so bad. The gun is actually quite comfortable, and the presence of gorgeous horizontal aiming angles helps a lot to avoid accidental adjustments, and also makes it easier to target, especially at long distances.

The engine is pretty good and, coupled with a large mass, it is still able to show good dynamic results. Whatever the dry numbers say, the Conqueror Gun Carriage moves, though not fast, but very smoothly and comfortably.

At the tenth level, we get a radio station with a communication radius of 750 m for free. By and large, for several levels, 700 m was enough for us to play comfortably. But, as they say, “for free and sweet vinegar”, so the extra 50 m of communication will not be superfluous.

The chassis has more dynamic performance than its predecessor. Already 24 degrees per second - very, very good for such a mass. And given our UGN - translated to the other end of the map, we will be pretty smart.

comparison table

Well, I propose to compare our experimental Conqueror Gun Carriage with other top-level Art SPGs. Strength. One of the best. As expected, the first place is occupied by the German, and after him we go. In terms of specific power, we confidently occupied the middle niche. Conqueror Gun Carriage is certainly not "Bachat" and not "261", but much faster than the US or Germany. The Briton is downright a symbiosis of conditions for a comfortable ride. The rotation speed of the hull is kept at the level of most machines and, specifically for us, does not cause any particular inconvenience. With a clear advantage, only "Bachat" breaks out, but he is supposed to be on duty. But what we can boast to everyone is our phenomenal booking. As much as 152 mm in the forehead. Such figures can frighten even inveterate fireflies. Circular booking is also at a good level. Particularly pleased with the security of the stern. Moreover, such figures will protect us very well from the land mines of enemy artillery. Conqueror Gun Carriage is the most fearless when it comes to shooting at tracers. Damage. Our damage is great. Only T92 has more, but the difference of 50 damage is not significant. The top "alpha strike" is supported by the top penetration. For all these goodies, Conqueror Gun Carriage pays in full. Worst accuracy, rate of fire, and intelligence in the entire game. We were also deprived of an overview, “rewarding” with some miserable 350 meters. To see someone, while not lit up, we will never succeed. The communication range of the radio station at the top level for all machines is approximately the same. The difference of 5-10 meters is not noticeable, so you should not focus on this. Well, it is logical that with the deterioration of accuracy, we increased the radius of the "splash"

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine


  • Excellent UVN and UGN
  • The trajectory of the projectile allows you to throw over obstacles
  • One of the highest damage and penetration in the game
  • Closed felling
  • Unprecedented for self-propelled guns booking


  • Large dimensions
  • Worst rate of fire in the game
  • Worst accuracy in the game
  • Worst mixing in the game
  • bad review
  • Limited projectile range - 1 km

Balance weight

Conqueror Gun Carriage hits level 10, 11 and 12 fights. Being the tenth level, our art does not experience any discomfort even when playing with the most armored opponents. Moreover, we can easily kill 99% of the equipment in the game with one shot.


You will spend half of the games at a loss. Even with a premium account. The fact is that most of the costs go to the repair of equipment. If you managed to survive, the balance is likely to be positive. If not - alas and ah. Moreover, with the current calculation of obtaining loans, art generally earns very little.


Starting from the eighth level, KVG prepared us to play on this unit. Several levels and several hundred fights should be more than enough to develop some pattern of behavior on this type of machine. One of the biggest inconveniences you will encounter when playing the Conqueror Gun Carriage is the range of the projectile. And the more inexperienced the player, the more inconvenience this feature will bring to him. Moving in order to reach the enemy from a distance is nonsense at this level. By the time you move and recombine, your target has already been killed several times. Therefore, you should always make a minimal move in the push direction to minimize the occurrence of such situations. Focus on heavily armored opponents such as Maus, E100, IS-7, IS-4, various Fochs and so on. Next, the priority should be all sorts of drummers. Thanks to the hinged trajectory of the projectile, you will be able to hit these beasts in the roof of the tank and deal decent damage, which others cannot do. Good luck on the battlefield!

Optional equipment

All the hardware we installed on our predecessor can be successfully removed and reinstalled on the Conqueror Gun Carriage - the devices are completely identical here. The presence of the same closed cabin allows you to install ventilation, as before. Drives, like the rammer, are mandatory for any artillery. Equipment prices are listed below:

  • "Reinforced aiming drives" - 500.000 silver
  • "Large caliber howitzer rammer" - 600.000 silver
  • "Improved ventilation Class 3" - 600.000 silver


  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher/Tea pudding

As for the first two slots for equipment - I advise you to put a repair kit and a first aid kit. Regarding the third - depends on your financial situation. If there is a large enough amount of silver available and in any case you always have the opportunity to farm well (premium tank + premium account) - put "pudding" without hesitation. If you are as distressed as I am, you can get by with a fire extinguisher. In the end, it also benefits.

Crew perks


  1. Disguise
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Smooth turn of the tower
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Optional
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. Virtuoso
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Non-contact ammo rack
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Desperate/Intuition
  3. The Brotherhood of War

The core skills for the Conqueror Gun Carriage are Combat Brotherhood, Disguise (as weird as it sounds) and Light Bulb. Combat Brotherhood works very well in tandem with improved ventilation, and if you also add “tea pudding” here, you get a very, very strong up of all characteristics. Camouflage, taking into account our dimensions, will not give such an increase in stealth as, for example, "Bachata". But in any case, it is one of the most useful skills for self-propelled guns, so there is no doubt about whether it is worth learning or not. It is a light bulb and a light bulb in Africa - everyone needs it in order to avoid unexpected death. The smooth traverse of the turret will come in handy, as the Conqueror Gun Carriage has excellent traverse angles. I put the second skill of one of the gunners at your discretion - I did not find anything unambiguously useful for myself. The virtuoso will be, in my opinion, the most useful. It will be easier for us to deal with fireflies, and the overall level of shooting comfort will increase. For two loaders, you can choose the combination of skills that you like.

Interesting videos from one of the best gun carriers featuring Conqueror Gun Carriage:

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