Congratulations on the upcoming month of Ramadan. Congratulations on the coming month of Ramadan. Address of the Chairman of the Coordinating Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus Ismail-hadji Berdiev with the holy month of Ramadan

You mark
Your faith
You strengthen
You pray
In abstinence
Be strong!

We create praise to Allah
We celebrate Ramadan
We write on paper
That we'll be better
We repent of sins
Waiting for the blessing
And in love words
Ramadan sing to us!
Purify your soul
And prepare your body
Listen to your mind
This whole month!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
Ramadan has come to every home,
Do good deeds
Do not do anywhere with your soul,
Praise this month
Be an ascetic
Give glory to heaven
Believe in miracles today
Let them enter the house with Ramadan,
Calm and peace, troubles will fall asleep.

Ramadan the holy month has come,
Sin, Muslim, you stop
Cleanse your spiritual realm
And make peace with your enemies, you boldly
Let thoughts be pure, like a tear,
Let Ramadan help you
Repent humbly of your sins before Allah,
Do not forget to give up carnal pleasures!

Today is fasting blessed Ramadan
And he is revered and desired by all of us.
We will spend the fast in mercy, forgiveness,
Hoping for God's forgiveness!
To avoid the fire of the hyena and sins,
We ask Allah to forgive our slaves.
Let everyone's prayers be carried out in the month of Ramadan,
While the doors of Hell are closed, as the Koran says,
This month is given to us so that everyone can pray and fast,
This congratulations to all faithful Muslims

What is Ramadan holiday?
Every Muslim knows:
Allah has given them a covenant,
Punishment for those who forget.

A whole month of posting
From Fajr to Maghreb
Who is sick, he submits
No one just for thanks.

The days are busy with prayer
Or reading the Quran
No sex all day he orders
Get up early for prayer.

In honor of the great post
Greetings to Muslims:
extracts for the stomach,
Learn a lesson for the soul!

Accept our little gift
Muslims, true believers, are here now and just in time!
May Allah bless us
We will all praise him!

In the bright fasting month of Ramadan
Let's pray to God, read the Quran!
Saturate the soul, cleanse the body,
We will walk skillfully through life!

Glory to Allah, may everything be with the faithful,
Good deeds imperceptible to all Muslims,
Only helping each other in everything,
We always glorify the suras of the Koran!

Holy holiday Ramadan
He is given to us from heaven by Allah!
And we honor his laws
We watch from dawn to dusk.

Let the fire of all faithful Muslims burn,
By uniting all the faithful from different countries into one!
And a gentle breeze blows around the world
This quivering and bright, and necessary congratulations!

I congratulate Muslims on the holy month,
And I will send congratulations to the Eastern people.
I wish you the strength to hold fast,
Refrain from eating and drinking.
Come to the aid of the poor, the destitute,
And in the late evening, do what is permitted.
May Ramadan teach you great thrift,
Get rid of unnecessary stupid cowardice.
Let my congratulations lead to good friendship,
And the main Muslim service in this matter.

Muslim, at this hour
Purify yourself by fasting
The main thing in life is to understand
And try to comprehend!

What is more important and what is needed
What are the priorities
Why are given to us
Various bans!

Keep faith in the truth
And grow spiritually
And love other people
You are unquestioning!

Congratulations on the holy month of Ramadan, I wish you happiness. May your prayers be accepted this month. Don't forget to pray (pray a lot). I wish you to spend the holy month of Ramadan with your loved ones in health and tranquility. May this month be happy for all mankind! And in the future, may it bring you strengthening of faith and spirit. Let your soul and body be cleansed of all unnecessary. With the start of Ramadan.

Ramadan or Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. This month is the most important and honorable for Muslims. Throughout the month, a strict fast is observed, which implies the rejection of water, food and intimate relationships during daylight hours. So let this month, with dignity, help you withstand all temptations, and bring that purification for the sake of which we are entering this post. May the strength of will and the dignity of the mind not let you go astray. And you will proudly walk through this post.

Refusal to eat, from the time when “the black thread begins to differ from white” until the full sunset, is not an end in itself. The meaning of abstinence and fasting in general is the strengthening of faith, spiritual growth, rethinking one's lifestyle, priorities. Fasting for Muslims is, first of all, an opportunity to get away from the forbidden, to determine for oneself the true values ​​of life. I congratulate you on the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and may your soul and body go through temptation and trials this month with dignity. May your heart be cleansed and faith become even stronger.


In this blessed month, may the creator of the universe and the ruler of the worlds, the All-forgiving and merciful Allah, accept all your prayers. May a thousand drops spread in your heart, may your soul be filled with a thousand happiness, may your dreams come true, and may your prayers be accepted this month. With the beginning of the month of Ramadan, I wish you strong faith. And it is worthy of steely willpower to go through all temptations and live in prayer every day.

I congratulate you brothers and sisters on the long-awaited beginning of the month of Ramadan. Evidence of the transience of this life is the speed with which a whole year of our destiny flies by. The day is divided into five parts: from one prayer to the next. Happy is he who divides his allotted time on earth from the performance of one duty assigned to him by the Almighty to another. The year of the believer stretches from Ramadan to the Hajj, from the festive sacrifice - Kurban to the desirable fasts of Muharram, from the Muslim New Year to the Mawlid in the month of Rabiul-Awwal, etc. And it is not our merit that the regime of our life is arranged so joyfully for us . Therefore, we must give unlimited praise to the Almighty for the fact that He created us as Muslims. And worthily go through all the trials of temptation this month.

The month of Ramadan unites and equalizes everyone. Regardless of wealth, both the rich and the poor fast during this month. Wealthy Muslims, feeling themselves in the role of those brothers whose families are experiencing hunger and need, become more generous to others. Earthly blessings are given to us for a while and it is important to properly dispose of them. We must not forget that we only own what we have given to those in need. I congratulate you all on the beginning of this great month of Ramadan. I wish you to pass this month worthily in prayers. And don't expose yourself to temptation. For Allah sees everything.

Dear Muslims, the month of Ramadan is a month of cleansing not only the human body, but also the cleansing of our souls from their inherent vices. For example, during fasting, one must especially monitor the spoken word. Do not discuss your brothers and sisters, for the word is what can hurt the most and for which you will have to answer to the Almighty. The word is a weapon that can humiliate and exalt anyone. Do good, call others to nobility and improve morality through your own examples. I wish everyone to righteously spend this good time, spend more nights in the service of the Creator, read the Quran and please loved ones.

Ramadan has finally arrived. An important period begins for all Muslim believers. For a long time, for a whole month, you can not drink and eat food every day. Morning - evening - this is a special time when you need to follow many instructions of the Koran. I believe that you and all your loved ones will definitely pass the existing tests with dignity. Let everything in your life develop successfully and happily. I want to wish you great faith in Allah and a bright future, because only on the basis of this can you move forward. Pray to Allah, because he always hears his children, who so need his protection and support, help. Let Ramadan help cleanse the soul of any bad notes, give sincere hope and reveal the goodness of the heart. Go through a successful purification of the body and soul, because this will allow you to open new moments of worldly life, to find happiness.

So the holy fast has come, lasting a whole month. Ramadan is a chance for true happiness and spiritual enrichment, gaining inner strength, which will certainly help you withstand life's difficulties. Please accept my congratulations on the onset of such a valuable and important stage in your life. Pray to Allah, think about your life and the laws of being, because only thanks to this you will be able to go the path of improvement, understand in which direction you need to actively develop. For your salvation of soul and heart, it is extremely important to help the poor and neighbor people, because they often need a helping hand, but are far from always ready to admit it. Let your acquaintance with the Quran become even closer and more important this month, because you can find many valuable tips and recommendations for life. Allah will surely protect you and guide you in the right direction.

Ramadan is a miraculous period for all Muslim believers. Understanding its great significance, I want to sincerely congratulate you on this fast, on the beginning of the holy month. You know, I believe that you will definitely show the strength of your character and the depth of faith in Allah, because only on the basis of this will you have the opportunity for active development in the chosen direction. Dear friend, think about what your soul needs, not your body, because it is she who has eternal life and plays an important role in your determination, the opportunity to feel truly happy. Let everything in your life always work out only in the best way. Pray to Allah, because He is omnipotent and ready to hear prayers, fulfill the requests and wishes of His children. I believe that you are always under the protection of Allah, and he will surely direct you in the right direction.

The Muslim religion has existed since ancient times. She has already managed to unite many people who are ready to glorify Allah and worship him. Let Ramadan be another important stage for you to take a step towards Allah, who is ready to protect you and guarantee worthy protection from any life difficulties. I want to wish purity in the heart and body, sincerity, energy and health, inner harmony. May you have only the best and positive in everything, because Allah gave life to gain happiness and strengthen the spirit, the opportunity to better understand the laws of life. Be sure that God's hand will never let you go, because it controls everything in worldly life. Praise Allah, pray sincerely and hope that everything will turn out as it should. Only in this case you can be a truly happy person. Please accept my sincere congratulations on the start of Ramadan.

Allah is the protector of our entire world, humanity. Under his guardianship and care, we can live without thinking about what we will have to face tomorrow. By all means, you need to use the chance in order to fulfill the will of Allah, to take a step towards him. Today, fate gave this chance. We mark the beginning of Ramadan, a holy fast that will last for a whole month. My dear friend, I want to wish you happiness and faith in a bright future, love and tenderness from loved ones, amazing kindness. Let in your life there will always be a place for good deeds and good news. I wish you strong faith and a strong spirit, readiness to go through many life trials and show everything that you are really capable of. I know that you are a believing Muslim, therefore Allah should extend a helping hand to you at a crucial moment for the improvement of the soul.

Today, all Muslims celebrate a great holiday, a holy fast, Ramadan. We have waited for such a significant day to come when you can go through cleaning and gain faith that everything will definitely turn out worthy. Of course, a strict fast is not so easy to observe, it is difficult to fulfill all the instructions of the Koran, but the hand of Allah has already taken your fate. Trust our Defender, because he will definitely direct you in the right direction and allow you to avoid life's upheavals and serious trials. Let everything in your life develop as it should. I want to wish you a bright future and inner harmony, because this is what we were born for. Let everything in your life turn out for the best. Dear friend, I believe that you will definitely find yourself and be able to be truly happy. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the beginning of a responsible period for every believing Muslim. I want to wish you a successful test of deep faith and strong character through the fast of Ramadan. For a whole month you will be able to check yourself and, of course, you will become closer to Allah, because you will be able to go through a certain stage of self-improvement. Please accept my words of support and admiration, because I imagine how important the current period is for the entire Muslim people. I want to wish a bright and easy life, understanding of true values. Let abstinence certainly help you understand how important Ramadan is for moving along the right path of life, holding the hand of Allah. I wish you peace and love, prosperity and all the brightest in the house. Let the hassle remain in the past. Be happy my dear brother.

Today, all Muslims celebrate a special day, the beginning of Ramadan. Let this fast turn out to be a special and worthy test of deep faith and the opportunity to find happiness in worldly life. I want to wish you a serene and happy life, in which peace will definitely be felt. Please accept my congratulations on the beginning of the holy monthly fast, which is truly important for every Muslim believer. I want to wish purity in the soul and heart, good thoughts and deeds. May Allah give you chances for correction, because every person has committed misconduct at least once. I know that you strive to be a legitimate and worthy Muslim, because misconduct can be minor. Believe that Allah, even in the most difficult moments of life, will surely protect you from any danger. Happiness and bright life!

Ramadan is an amazing holiday, the beginning of a truly important fast, with which comes the strengthening of the spirit, the deepening of faith. My dear friend, I want to congratulate you on this solemn day. May Allah guide you carefully along the path of life, protecting you from all kinds of incidents. I believe that you will definitely find true happiness, and the strength of character and spirit will contribute to this. Remember that only you can be responsible for the actions that you do, so you need to take care of a righteous lifestyle. The soul definitely needs harmony, which can only come with gaining an understanding of true values, the development of the soul. Holy fasting also turns out to be important for the body, because one must have the opportunity to refuse the blessings of civilizations for one's self-improvement. Please accept my words of support and encouragement, in which you can feel the belief that you will definitely reach the desired level of development.

I want to congratulate all representatives of the Muslim people and, of course, your family. Let everything in your life add up 100%. I wish you wisdom and peace of mind, true faith in a brighter future. May Allah always protect you from life's adversities and give you great, truly amazing happiness. Please accept my congratulations on the holy fast, on the Muslim holiday. I sincerely congratulate you on Ramadan, understanding all the responsibility for fasting. I wish you great strength and the opportunity to resist the daily meal, which is prohibited. Use the opportunity to cleanse yourself of negative emotions. I wish you an easy cleansing, despite all kinds of obstacles. I believe that Allah will help you in self-improvement and strengthening of the spirit, faith in a better future. Congratulations on a unique holiday, Ramadan!

Dear brother, I want to sincerely congratulate you on Ramadan. This sacred fast must certainly be used for one's improvement, strengthening of faith and spirit. Let during this important period you can test the strength of your character and the depth of faith, go through physical and mental purification. Let Ramadan turn out to be a truly important holiday that will make it possible to understand how significant faith in a bright future is. Please accept my congratulations and words of admiration, because I already know in advance that you will definitely overcome the test and be able to prove yourself at a decent level. I want to wish you and your entire family strength and faith that Allah will always be there, that he will provide protection from any life shocks. I believe that Ramadan will definitely help the entire Muslim people to unite, to feel amazing unity, no matter what. Happy holy day!

Today, all Muslims celebrate the beginning of a sacred and strict month, aimed at testing the strength of the spirit and the depth of faith. Fasting promises to be severe and truly significant. May Allah give strength to pass this important test with dignity, to show how significant faith can be. I want to congratulate you on the beginning of Ramadan, because I understand how important this period promises to be. But I believe that you will definitely show the depth of your faith and be able to show how strong in spirit, despite physical deprivation. May you be able to show your best character traits and with dignity go through the cleansing of any bad weather that has already settled in your heart and soul. Please be a happy person and take care of your loved ones, because they really need it. Happiness to all your family!

بسم الله الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuh.

Dear brothers and sisters, the editors of our site congratulate you on the coming of the blessed month of Ramadan - the month of forgiveness and mercy for those who seek the pleasure of Allah and His forgiveness.

Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

من صام رمضان إيمانا ً واحتساباً غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه

“Whoever fasts in Ramadan with Faith (Iman) and hope for a reward, his former sins will be forgiven” .

This month, dear to our hearts, is a great opportunity to throw off the burden of past sins, an opportunity to become better and deserve a great reward.

Allah promised to generously reward those who fast, they will enter the Janat through the doors of Rayyan and will never experience thirst, and will never experience sorrow.

Ramadan is both a mercy of Allah and His test: fasting brings many benefits to our souls and our bodies, makes us God-fearing and patient, tames our base desires and evens out the crookedness in our hearts.

Dear Muslims and Muslim women, take care of this precious month, let it be not a burden for you, but a holiday of 30 days. Do not be angry, do not be irritated, do not show weakness and timidity - truly, a fasting person should increase good deeds and make his temper even nobler.

This month, many of our new brothers and sisters will fast for the first time, I would like to support them and say that Allah facilitates what seems difficult to a person. Despite the fact that during this period the duration of the day is the longest of the year, and the night is short, we must remember that everything is in the hands of Allah, He does not impose anything excessive on the soul, and we rely on Him. The strength of your Iman will help you pass this test with dignity, and you will cope, just like all Muslims do.

Also general advice to all Muslims.

Try, as far as possible, to free yourself from hard exhausting work, so as not to complicate your post.

Avoid long stay in the heat and the sun, because Allah wants to make your life easier and does not want difficulties. Therefore, you make it easy and do not make it difficult.

Do not skip suhoor (pre-dawn meal) because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that suhoor contains grace (barakat). When a person eats during suhoor and drinks water and praises Allah, he will feel strength and energy for the whole day. If he misses the suhoor, then the uraza will be more difficult for him, no matter how much food he eats before going to bed. Do not reject the grace pointed out to you by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

If it happens that you get tired, feel heaviness, fatigue and thirst, then do not grumble, do not complain and do not get angry, on the contrary, gather all your determination, because this is patience in the path of Allah, this is the very thorny path, which leads to eternal Paradise. Verily, with difficulty comes relief, and with patience comes victory.

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that Ramadan is not only abstaining from food and water. The entire Ramadan is a month of worship and the Quran. Visit tarawih - this is a wonderful sunnah of the Prophet and his righteous caliphs, it cleanses the hearts and increases the reward for Ramadan.

Since the day is long and many people work for a long time and get tired, therefore, it is necessary to prepare especially for taraweeh. Build your day so as not to miss the taraweeh prayer in a team with all Muslims. Try to get some sleep before iftar, even a short (30-40 minutes) sleep will give you a boost of energy and the opportunity to stand on taraweeh in a good mood.

Leave the house well in advance to take the most worthy front row for prayer.

Do not overeat, because, as they say, "a stuffed belly is deaf to prayer." Of course, after a long uraza, you really want to eat and drink, but still keep yourself in control. Do not forget that information about satiety reaches the brain with some delay, after the food begins to be digested and absorbed by the blood. If you greedily eat a plentiful dinner, then during taraweeh the stomach may distract you from prayer, and you will miss part of this reward.

Ramadan is a holy month, but what does it mean - "holy"? This means that in this month the importance of righteous deeds increases and prayers are accepted, and the severity of sins is also aggravated.

Do not gossip, do not slander, do not swear, do not quarrel, do not defame people, be brothers in Islam, love each other, speak only good things to each other or remain silent.

Ramadan is the month of the Quran. This month, the Holy Qur'an was sent down from the Preserved Tablet to the House of Power (Beit-ul-'Izza), which is in the first heaven, and then gradually sent down to our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

In Ramadan, special attention should be paid to reading the Koran. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), his companions and the righteous of subsequent generations read the Koran more than usual, because the best kind of worship that is performed along with uraza is reading the Book of Allah.

Let us, brothers and sisters, join this blessed assembly, imitating them and following them, because as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "He who becomes like some people, he is one of them" .

We ask the Almighty to make this Uraza the purification of our hearts, so that it increases our piety and strengthens our Iman by the grace of Allah.

Dear Muslims, may Allah accept your fast and help you spend it so that at the end of it you become pure from sins, as you were on the day you were born into this world.

Praise be to Allah, peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family and all his companions!

I wish you happiness. May your prayers be accepted this month. Don't forget to pray (pray a lot). I wish you to spend the holy month of Ramadan with your loved ones in health and tranquility. May this month be happy for all mankind! And in the future, may it bring you strengthening of faith and spirit. Let your soul and body be cleansed of all unnecessary. With the start of Ramadan.

The month of Ramadan has come, congratulations, friends! Let there be comfort in the house, comfortable at work, pleasant at a party, and light and reliable in the soul. Health, fulfillment of desires, prosperity, new opportunities and promising ideas. Do not stop there, believe in the best, go to your goal.

Ramadan, our Ramadan!
Given to us by Allah from heaven.
So be blessed
Instead of fiery hell.

You will be forgiven - and you will forgive.
Let go of evil thoughts
So that the holiday does not have to -
Suddenly peace is replaced by anger.

Don't forget about sin
Sweeten your ears with prayer.
And, in all your affairs,
Remember: Insha Allah.

Everything for Muslims
On the bright holiday of Ramadan,
You can't eat or drink during the day
To endure, friends!

It's been going on for a whole month
You need to pray a lot
Strengthen faith in Allah
In earthly joys know the measure.

Congratulations on Ramadan
I want to be worthy!

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the coming of the holy month of Ramadan. Let this time show that you can do everything. I want to understand what your soul really aspires to and what your heart really wants. I wish you high spiritual growth, mercy and good nature towards others, true love and trust in loved ones, self-sacrifice for the good and good retribution for all efforts and efforts.

Test for body and soul
Test of love and patience
Ramadan for those who are not in a hurry to glory,
It is for those who firmly believe in purification.

May Allah help you in everything,
In joy and in sadness will not leave,
And for pure faith in Islam
Bless you for good luck.

With the advent of Ramadan
Congratulations, friends!
Let Muslims rejoice
We can't be without fasting

We will cleanse our soul
From sorrows and sins
We will not break the holy oath,
And a stream of kind words

Let's glorify Allah
Miraculous this month!
Let the pain and fears disappear
The kindness of the heart will fill!

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