Foam gun dried up what to do. How to clean a foam gun. How to avoid gun clogging - video

Polyurethane foam is a real salvation not only for professional builders, but also for amateurs. It is able to cope with sealing of almost any complexity, and is used when installing windows and doors, as well as soundproofing metal pipes and bathtubs.

What are the benefits of using a foam gun?

The ability to quickly solidify the material and the reliability of its fixation are the main reasons for the popularity of the material in construction and repair. However, these same advantages make specialists work very carefully with foam, because removing its cooled residues is not an easy procedure.

Today, a foam gun is an optional attribute; in hardware stores you can find a huge selection of spray cans filled with material. If the foam will be used by you only once, then the need to buy a gun disappears by itself. However, in practice, the acquisition of the tool is still quite justified.

The device for applying mounting foam provides several great advantages:

  • it becomes possible to accurately dose the material used;
  • the ability to adjust the feed rate of the material;
  • comfortable use of foam in conditions with irregular cavities and limited access;
  • stopping the supply of material at the moment the lever is released;
  • the possibility of using an incomplete cylinder, without the risk that the material inside it will harden;
  • subject to daily use of the gun, the frozen material does not need to be removed from it.

During pauses between operation, no oxygen enters the instrument's access supply system. Accordingly, the material does not seize in it. A small ball of hardened foam at the end of the tube is responsible for sealing the barrel. Tightness from the side of the cylinder provides a closed trigger mechanism. If immediately after use, the old cylinders of the material are replaced with new ones, then you can not think about cleaning the tool for the next few weeks. You only need to cut off the dried ball and continue applying the material.

For beginners who do not have experience in working with a gun, we advise you to purchase a special cleaner along with the tool, which will help out more than once when servicing equipment.

So that later you don’t have to clean the working tool from the remnants of dried foam for a long time, you need to think about its cleanliness in advance. To do this, along with the gun, buy everything you need to clean it.

It is possible to thoroughly wash equipment only if two important conditions are met: speed and foresight. Both of these factors imply the purchase of a special cleaning agent and the efficiency in its use. At the same time, experts advise buying a cleaner from the same company that produces the mounting foam you purchased.

You need to clean the device immediately after work, without waiting for the foam to dry completely

When you have finished applying the foam, immediately start cleaning the tool without waiting for it. To do this, remove the used cylinder from the gun. If it still contains foam, then you do not need to throw away the container - the material in it will retain its characteristics for a long time. Then remove the protective cap from the purchased cleaner. Attach the tool to the gun. Next, press the trigger of the gun several times, repeating the pressing until the moment when there are no particles of dried material in the jet.

After that, the cleaner must be removed and the free play of the start lever checked. You can also use the remaining agent on things and surfaces on which foam particles have solidified. The main thing - do not forget to close the jar of cleaner.

When removing foam residues, in no case should you forget about safety precautions. Chemical components from the composition of the cleaner can cause severe harm to the mucous membranes, eyes and skin of a person. Moreover, the flushing agent is in a pressurized container, so one careless movement can lead to big trouble.

Safety precautions must be observed when using the cleaner

First of all, the cleaner must be stored away from heat sources. It is best if the cleaner is in a dark, cool place. Secondly, do not smoke near the cleaner cylinders - they are highly explosive. Thirdly, rinse the instrument only after protecting your skin from drops of the product. To do this, put on thick gloves and a respirator.

The solvent jet must be directed away from you and ensure that its drops do not fall on the skin. Use old clothes, since the fabric is quite difficult. If during the cleaning process the drug still gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, be sure to rinse it with plenty of clean water. Under no circumstances should you attempt to cut open the empty container or use it for any other purpose.

If you decide to clean the foam gun, but a large amount of dry material has already accumulated in it, then do not try to remove them by force. In most cases, the foam will remain inside the tool, and some of its elements may break. To prevent this from happening, you will have to act very carefully and show maximum patience.

First of all, you will need to remove the remaining material on the outer walls of the gun. To do this, use a sharp construction knife and carefully scrape off the particles without damaging the piston. After that, you need to put on gloves and draw acetone into a syringe. Next, the pistol is lowered down to the floor, and a few drops of solvent are poured into the beginning of the barrel next to the trigger mechanism. At the same time, be careful and try not to get the product on the plastic elements of the tool.

Next, begin to gently pull the trigger. If you remembered the need for cleaning not too late, then not yet completely dried material will begin to flow from the nozzle of the device. After that, fix the cleaning agent bottle in the gun and remove the remaining foam inside. As soon as the rinsing of the gun for the application of mounting foam is completed, the container with the cleaning agent must be removed and tightly closed with a lid.

If the trigger of the tool does not lend itself to pressing, then this indicates that the ball valve is jammed. In such a situation, cleaning the gun for applying polyurethane foam will be a little more complicated.

To clean the tool, locate the metal ball next to the gearbox for holding foam cans. After that, fill the ball with acetone and leave it for 15 minutes. Do not carry the tool so that the liquid does not spill onto other parts of the gun.

Next, securely fix the container with the cleaner and begin to gently pull the trigger of the gun to blow through the barrel. If the acetone has acted and destroyed the dry material on the surface of the ball, then you just have to thoroughly clean the gun from the dried mounting foam.

The remaining material from the outside of the gun must be carefully scraped off with a knife.

If all of the above measures did not help, then the acetone will need to be poured as deep as possible, partially disassembling the gun for this. To do this, hold the tool with your left hand at the place where the cylinders are fixed. Carefully unscrew the adapter, remove the valves and set them aside. Pour the solvent into the barrel and the place where the cylinders are attached and set the gun aside for half an hour. After that, start pressing on the ball, gradually removing adhering foam particles from it. If you followed the described algorithm, then dissolved material will begin to flow from the nozzle of the gun.

At the end, it remains to assemble the tool in reverse order and attach a cleaner bottle to it in order to completely get rid of the foam in the device.

All these measures will help to remove the remnants of the foam that has remained in the device at the outlet, has already hardened, but has not yet fully gained its characteristic strength.

Cleaning the tool in advanced cases

You can clean the gun from completely hardened polyurethane foam using various methods and means. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the end you will not be able to return the tool to an acceptable state for work. However, you still need to try.

To begin with, take a rigid metal wire, the diameter of which will be a couple of millimeters smaller than the diameter of the barrel. You will also need acetone to work, so do not forget to wear gloves and a respirator.

Completely disassemble the working tool without tearing the thread. Large pieces of hardened material must be scraped off with a construction knife. Next, start picking out the foam, trying not to make very sharp movements with your hand with the wire. First, remove any dry material from the trigger lever and valve. After that, proceed to cleaning the starting barrel of the gun. To do this, drip acetone inside the part and wait about 15 minutes. As a result, the foam will soften, and you can stick the wire inside it, so that you can then pull it out along with the frozen material. As soon as you finish cleaning the barrel, attach a can of cleaner to the tool and start flushing it.

If you are sure that you will work with a gun within two weeks from the date of the last use, then you can not clean it at all, but simply leave the used foam can on it in a screwed state. If you remove the can, the gun will dry out.

Cleanliness before and after work

To clean the mounting gun, it is recommended to wash it with a special solution, which is sold in bottles. To do this, remove the can of foam, screw on the can of cleaning liquid. After that, substitute a bucket or other container where the liquid from the gun will drain, and gently press the hook for 3-5 seconds.

Wipe the edge of the mounting gun with a rag, wait 5-10 minutes and press the hook again for 5-10 seconds. And so on until the cleaning tank is completely used up. After that, unscrew the cylinder, shake off the remaining liquid from the barrel. The gun is cleaned and ready for storage and further work.

Chemical cleaning

Dried foam can be used with an acetone-based solvent or white spirit, as well as using the same cleaning fluid. Carefully cut off the dried foam from the muzzle of the gun and the hole where the can is connected. Then pour solvent into these holes and wait 10-15 minutes. Do not allow solvent to come into contact with the plastic parts of the gun. Clean the nozzles with a thin needle; it is almost impossible to wash them with a solvent.

mechanical cleaning

Attach the cleaning can to the gun and gently pull the trigger. If the gun has not started to be cleaned with a spray can or the trigger hook does not work, then you will have to disassemble the device.

First, try to carefully pour the solvent into the seat. If this does not help, carefully unscrew the crown of the seat and pour solvent into the crown and seat and wait 5-10 minutes. Using a wooden stick, remove the remaining dirt from the channels, drip more solvent and assemble the gun. Then connect a can of cleaning fluid and use it to clean the gun as described above.

If the foam is packed and the solvent does not take it, try the mechanical cleaning method, just pick it with a hard wire of a suitable diameter, periodically shaking out the remaining foam from the device. In the end, still pass the cleaning liquid through the tubes, dry and assemble the gun.

The procedure for removing the remnants of the old foam is not particularly difficult even for those who first picked up a tool for foaming the surface. Most manufacturers make detailed instructions on how to clean the foam gun in the easiest way so that the cleaning process takes a minimum of time and does not become fatal for the tool itself. Unfortunately, the lost paper with the cherished instruction has to be looked for after the gun with dried foam finally stops working.

How to clean a pistol properly and effectively

Sooner or later, the gun for working with polyurethane foam starts to work unstably, jerkily, and at one moment stops the supply of foam. If such a situation has arisen, do not rush to press with all your might on the trigger, one excessive effort, and an expensive repair of the foam gun will be guaranteed. There can be two reasons for the mechanism to freeze:

  • Sealing with a polyurethane film the stem or needle that controls the valve on the barrel cut;
  • Sticking in the foam of a ball valve with a spring.

In both cases, force will not help to clean the cork, for example, to rip off a needle seized by mounting foam, a huge effort of several tens of kilograms will be required. On the other hand, using a branded flushing mixture, acetone or Dimexide, you can clean the channels without any effort, you only need a couple of keys and a bunch of wooden toothpicks and chips of different sizes. The choice of method for cleaning the foam gun depends on the model of the tool and the degree of neglect of the device.

How to Maintain a Foaming Gun Properly

In theory, you can clean any gun, even those models that are considered disposable and non-separable. The best pistol of all time, the Hilti brand, considered to be non-separable, is also cleaned with the transition to a new type of polyurethane foam or after storage for more than one year with the cylinder installed.

A tool that works with such a complex adhesive mass as polyurethane foam must be cleaned regularly and carefully remove residues, especially from parts of valve systems. Most users forget that polyurethane foam is polyurethane foam, in fact, adhesive foam. If you clean the gun with the first solvent that comes to hand, then the resulting solution of the polymer in the solvent can turn into a thick film, hard as a stone. Cutting off a glue bump even with a knife is very difficult, not to mention cleaning the gun chamber with an alcohol-acetone mixture or solvent.

The easiest way is to use a ready-made branded cleaner for a foam gun. In composition, it almost does not differ from acetone, contains a foam setting retarder and an inhibitor that protects rubber gaskets from drying out. If you clean the gun for a year with one acetone, then the mounting foam in the form of a dense adhesive mass will siphon through the butyl-styrene gaskets that have lost their elasticity.

Note! Most finishers who constantly work with foam find that instead of cleaning the tool, it is best to store it with a new can of foam.

This decision is justified if the gun is used every day. If the tool is used every three to four months, it is best to rinse it immediately after use with any available foam gun rinse, then clean with a solvent and dry.

Intermediate cleaning, how to properly clean the tool in the process

The organization of instrument maintenance, its preparation for storage is fundamentally different for professional finishers and ordinary users. The pros are more practical:

  • Leave the old cylinder, even if it is almost empty. This allows you to protect against the access of water vapor in the air. You just need to clean the nozzle on the extension, this will require an ordinary match, cut obliquely with a knife, and a few drops of acetone;
  • If a new foam bottle is installed, the procedure is the same. It is necessary to squeeze out a small amount of the mass, after which, with a toothpick, a cloth moistened with acetone, and a knife, traces of polyurethane foam are removed from the nozzle of the tool and nozzle.

It makes no sense to lick the tool and try to clean it to a shine, if in the near future the gun will need to be put into action again. The cylinder mounted on the gun will block the access of air and thereby protect the internal valve from the hardening foam mass. Mounting foam without contact with air water vapor remains in a liquid state for a long time.

The outer needle valve on the barrel must always be washed and cleaned after work from the polyurethane film, into which the remains of the mounting foam turn. If there is no time to clean the gun from the remnants of the mounting mass, you can tie the nose with a rag soaked in a common nitro-based solvent or Dimexide.

Advice! Do not attempt to clean the gun with anything other than wood chips or toothpicks.

Aluminum or steel wire leaves marks on the inner surface of the needle valve, as a result of which the uniformity and stability of the spray foam is disturbed. Due to poor tightness, the foamed polyurethane inside the gun with a worn needle and seat hardens in a few hours, while on a new, even the most budgetary product, the setting time is at least three days.

How to clean a week old foam gun

With a large amount of finishing work, there is simply not enough time to put in order or clean the gun. When the hands finally reach the tool with the mounting foam remaining in the barrel, it turns out that the trigger with a significantly increased effort, but you can still press it, but instead of a torch, only small drops of foamed polyurethane fly out.

The recovery problem can be solved in three ways:

If there is no time for a thorough cleaning, then the easiest way to try to clean the valves is with a small injection of acetone. To clean the pistol valve, you need to lightly press the trigger and use a five-cc medical syringe with acetone or solvent to quickly squeeze the contents into the barrel. In a similar way, you need to clean the ball valve.

Important! The force required to turn the knob is the best indicator of the degree of polymerization of the foam. Instead of pressing the trigger, you can turn the locking needle several times to restore its mobility.

Before cleaning the gun from the mounting foam, perform the procedure for turning the stem. It remains only to install a fresh bottle and squeeze out the dissolved films with the pressure of fresh foam.

How to clean the gun according to the instructions

Modern models of pistols allow you to remove the barrel even with the cylinder installed, you just need to pre-wrap the foam flow regulator to a minimum and put the tool on the fuse. The foam still remains in the barrel, but when the pressure is blocked, it will not splash out on hands or clothes.

If the degree of polymerization of the mounting foam is low, then the easiest way is to clean the gun with a proprietary mixture. To do this, you just need to remove the old cylinder and install a container of acetone. For professional pistols, it is necessary to open the regulator and press the trigger several times, after 25-30 minutes repeat the procedure until the dissolved assembly mixture is completely gone. For example, clean the foam gun, as shown in the video

The cheapest models are best cleaned mechanically, by hand and with a tool. If there is a need to clean and rinse a cheap model of the gun, you need to fill the gun with a cleaner for 5-7 minutes and, after the final cleaning, rinse the insides with solvent 647 with a small addition of Galosha gasoline. In this way, it is possible to protect the rubber seals from swelling and premature wear.

We clean the gun with old polyurethane foam

If the tool was stored with the cylinder connected for more than two months, or open for a couple of weeks, there is nothing left to do but mechanically clean the gun from the hardened mounting foam. Just take it apart to the screw and clean it with a piece of wood and a little acetone.

How to disassemble the device

Within a month, the mounting foam inside the gun turns into a fairly viscous or solid substance. The polyurethane mass behaves like glue, it adheres well even to polished barrel walls, and cleaning it with a scraper is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Before you disassemble the gun for polyurethane foam, you must definitely get acquainted with the scheme of the tool. This will help not to break the parts when disassembling the device. Often, threaded connections were firmly glued together with a polyurethane film, and in order to unscrew, for example, a flange for installing a cylinder, one has to exert efforts bordering on breakage of parts.

In order to clean the device, it is necessary to remove:

  • The nose nozzle on the barrel of the gun, in order to clean the part, you need to send it to a cup of acetone for 10 minutes;
  • The flow regulator is simply unscrewed along the thread from the stem;
  • The sealing nut of the needle valve stem is unscrewed with a wrench by 8-10 mm;
  • The landing flange for a cylinder with polyurethane foam is unscrewed with a conventional screwdriver, inserting its tip between the side drains.

The day before, all threaded connections can be sprayed with Dimexide and left for two to three hours, after which the reagent must be wiped off with a cloth moistened with a solvent. Acetone is added inside the ball valve and barrel.

The process of cleaning the parts of the gun for polyurethane foam

The first step is to remove the central rod of the needle. After removing the regulator screw, a short piece of current will remain free, which must be wrapped with thick paper and, grabbing it with pliers, you can pull out the entire stem with force. An empty barrel can be cleaned with a knitting needle or simply punch a foam cork with a wooden stick of a suitable diameter.

The most difficult step is cleaning the mounting flange with the valve. The foam sticking out from above can be cut off with a sharp knife, in order to clean the valve with a ball and spring, you will have to fill it with acetone. After softening, the spring is slowly unscrewed from the cavity.

In addition to metal and plastic parts, it is necessary to remove the rubber gaskets, wipe them with a cloth moistened with acetone, lubricate them with grease, such as grease, and reinstall.


Before assembling the gun, it must be cleaned of polyurethane foam and washed with a solvent. All parts are installed on the foam gun only in a dry and clean state. Mechanical cleaning of the machine is time consuming, but the gun can be cleaned without the risk of dissolving body parts and gaskets. The best way to remove polyurethane is considered to be a mixture of vinegar essence and acetone, while the mixture is non-toxic and safe enough for human health.

In the process of construction and repair work, both professional and home craftsmen use a gun for mounting foam. It allows you to accurately and accurately blow out the seams on a variety of objects. This tool can save the owner a lot of money, as buying a spray can with a special mounting tube will cost more.

To serve for a long time, he needs proper care. Dried material on such equipment can prevent proper blowing into joints and seams. Therefore, every master, even before starting work, should know how to clean the foam gun.

There are several approaches to solving this problem. Which one to choose in each case, prompt the advice of experts. Responsibly referring to the need to maintain the cleanliness of the tool, you can significantly extend its service life.

The need for cleaning

A good foam gun is quite expensive. It pays off during operation due to the ability to use it several times. How long you can use this tool in your work depends on the quality of its service.

Foam remains in the gun after processing. It is not scary if you immediately remove it from the muzzle and other pieces of equipment. But sometimes even with a short delay, the substance freezes. It becomes harder to remove.

At the same time, inexperienced craftsmen may have a question whether it is necessary to clean the foam gun. Of course, if in the future it is supposed to be used for repairs, this process cannot be avoided. Otherwise, the purchase of the presented instrument simply does not make sense.

For single use, it is better to purchase a balloon with a special applicator. Although even home craftsmen, as experience suggests, use a foam gun more than once. Therefore, it is more beneficial to clean regularly.

Professional installers know the importance of keeping the foam gun clean. They give advice to novice craftsmen using this tool in repairs. It is very important to remove traces of dirt immediately. This will simplify the maintenance that the foam gun needs so much. How to clean it depends on the degree of contamination, as well as the residence time of the material on the instrument. The faster you wipe off the foam, the less effort you need to spend on it.

Various chemicals are used for cleaning. Experts advise to purchase them immediately together with mounting foam from the same manufacturer. Special tools show better results than universal varieties.

Each manufacturer produces polyurethane foam with different properties and chemical composition. A cleaner from the same series takes into account all the features of this material and acts on it purposefully.

The main characteristics of the cleaner

All chemical solvents of polyurethane foam have a different composition. But they are characterized by almost identical properties. These are substances designed to remove contaminants both from the instrument and from other surfaces, the skin of the hands.

Getting acquainted with the technology of how to clean a foam gun, it is necessary to consider the principle of exposure to funds. These are substances of medium toxicity. They are not dangerous to humans, but if they get on the face, mucous membranes can cause irritation. Therefore, if the chemical comes into contact with the skin, it must be washed with plenty of water. In case of accidental contact with the eyes or inside the body, seek immediate medical attention.

In a container, the substance is under pressure. It has a high level of flammability. Therefore, do not spray it near an open flame or overheat. Compliance with these elementary rules will help to avoid trouble in the process of work.

Timely cleaning

When studying the question of how to clean the mounting gun after foam, you should consider this procedure in detail. If the product has not yet dried, the process is quite simple.

The balloon, which was used by the master and no longer contains foam, is twisted out of its socket. In its place is a container with a solvent. Before that, the protective cap must be removed from it.

Then the lever of the tool is pressed several times. Flushing is continued until pieces of mounting material appear in the jet. After that, the agent is removed from the equipment. If there is still some substance left in the bottle, you can screw the protective cap back on and store the cleaner for some more time. If repairs are not planned in the future, the chemical is best disposed of.

If the foam is dry

Sometimes it happens that the flushing was not carried out in a timely manner. In this case, the mounting foam hardens right inside the gun. In this case, the trigger cannot be moved. How to clean the gun for in this case? There are a number of recommendations.

Under no circumstances should you pull the trigger. This is guaranteed to lead to the breakdown of expensive equipment. Instead, it is necessary to scrape off the dried foam at the base of the trunk. This should be done carefully so as not to scratch the metal.

In this case, the cleaning work is considered completed. But if it was not possible to reanimate the instrument after carrying out the above actions, you will have to resort to another method.

Cleaning the main valve

If, after the manipulations listed above, the trigger is still not pressed, it means that the foam has hit the main valve. It will take more time and effort to clean it up.

How to clean the mounting gun in this case, experts will advise. There is a small ball on the top of the tool, where the balloon is screwed into. It requires a few drops of solvent to be applied to it. Next, you need to wait 10-15 minutes.

The chemical flush bottle is screwed onto the valve and the trigger is pressed. The remains of the dissolved foam should come out of the barrel of the mounting gun. After that, you can continue to work on applying foam to the seams.

But sometimes there are more neglected blockages. In this case, the work becomes much more difficult.

Full flush

If a large amount of foam has frozen inside the tool, you will need to disassemble it into its component parts. This must be done carefully. Delving into the topic of how to clean a foam gun, you need to understand the design features of the presented device.

First you need to unscrew the crown of the valve to which the balloon is attached. The solvent is introduced into the instrument. Moreover, it is also necessary to process the nest of the installation node.

To unwind the equipment more conveniently, you should hold it below the cylinder attachment point. The solvent is inside the system for about 25 minutes. Next, you need to press the ball of the main valve. Clots of dissolved foam come out.

The tool is assembled in the reverse order.

The foam has solidified completely.

Some craftsmen have a question about how to clean the foam gun if it is completely frozen. In this state, the material already has all its inherent qualities. In this case, solvents or other chemicals will not help. You will have to act with brute force.

All parts that can be dismantled are removed from the gun. It is necessary to prepare a wire of the appropriate thickness and acetone. Having poured a few drops of solvent inside and after waiting for a while, small pieces of foam are taken out with a wire.

The action is performed until the wire appears on the other side of the muzzle. Then the gun is assembled and washed with a chemical agent.

Experienced installers say that it is impossible to bring the equipment to such a state. Even after cleaning, the foam will be much heavier.

If the material to be mounted has not yet hardened, the whole procedure will be faster. The answer to the question of how to clean a foam gun is simple in this case. You need to use a special tool.

Experts advise keeping a can of flush with you during installation work. This will avoid unpleasant consequences and unforeseen costs when the material solidifies inside the tool.

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How to clean the gun from mounting foam? A few simple ways

High-quality and fast installation of systems:

In using this construction tool, the biggest problem is how to clean the gun from the mounting foam after the repair. In operation, it is very convenient, in all respects it wins in comparison with any applicator cans, but its design does not really correlate with maintaining equipment in exemplary order

At the same time, the tool itself is not cheap and will obviously be needed in the future - in any case, to those who are not used to calling a repair team for every trifle.

Therefore, it is worth remembering the most important rule: the foam must be removed in a fresh state. However, if you missed this moment, you should not fall into despair and throw away a valuable tool: it still needs to be saved.

How to clean the gun from mounting foam, including frozen foam, is the topic of our article. We hope that our advice will help you in your decision.

Competent approach

Any person who has a construction gun on the farm and is at least a little prudent will certainly purchase a cleaner in advance. We note one subtlety: professional builders advise taking the solvent at the same time as the foam, from the same manufacturer. The fact is that the composition inside the cylinder may differ significantly from the similar one. He will clean it in any case, but much worse than his own. Using this tool is easy:

  • The used foam can is removed from the gun.
  • The protective cap is removed from the aerosol cleaner.
  • A new balloon is fixed in place of an already unnecessary one.
  • The trigger is pressed, several times, until the jet does not contain lumps of foam.
  • The spray can with the cleaner is removed, the free play of the trigger is checked.
  • If there is still a product left inside, the cap is put back, and the can is stored for the next time.

Do not forget that there is a solvent inside the container, which, like any chemical, is not very healthy. And he's under pressure. We follow basic security measures:

  • do not store packaging near the stove or in the sun;
  • we do not try to open or burn an empty cylinder;
  • working on our own; if the jet gets into the eyes, nose or mouth - run to the doctor;
  • be aware of the risk of explosion and do not smoke nearby.

Force Majeure

Now let's say that for some reason, timely flushing did not take place. The foam is tightly frozen inside, the trigger is not pressed. The main thing you should never do is put pressure on him. By brute force, you will only achieve the fact that you will break the mechanism. We act consistently and accurately.

  • First of all, the barrel is freed from the foam adhering to the outside. A knife is quite suitable for this purpose. Our task is not to scratch the piston.
  • The gun drops to the ground. At the very beginning, carefully, so that it does not get on other parts, a solvent is instilled.
  • Smoothly, without sharp insistence, the trigger is pressed. No rudeness - we act gently and without jerks, gradually. If the problem is small, thin foam will start to come out at this stage. No, move on to the next step.
  • An unyielding trigger indicates that the foam has jammed the main valve. Near the place where the cylinders are screwed on, there is a small ball. The next few drops of solvent go to him. After 10 minutes, a bottle with a wash is attached.
  • With careful pressing, we are trying to purge the tool. If this does not help, it is the turn of drastic measures.
  • The gun adheres to the bottom of the socket, the crown is carefully unscrewed. The valve is removed and set aside. The solvent is buried in the interior of the construction tool and in the nest. After waiting for 25 minutes, by pressing the ball, the parts are freed from foam clots.
  • The last stage - assembling the tool into working condition - is carried out in the reverse order.

Most neglected case

Let's face it: the actions described in the previous section are effective only when the foam has begun to harden, but has not yet turned into reinforced concrete. When she has grappled with the details of the gun with the same force with which she holds double-glazed windows in window openings, gentle procedures are ineffective. However, it's a shame to just give up.

If the chances of saying goodbye to the tool and going to the hardware store are still great, you can stop being silly. A hardened montage does not lend itself to any chemicals, it can only be affected physically, which is what you have to do.

  • Looking for a hard wire of the right diameter.
  • Spin the gun, removing everything that can be dismantled from it. In different designs, the set of such parts is different, but, I think, a real repairman is quite able to disassemble such a mechanism.
  • With a wire, digging ordinary acetone into the treated area, clean off all the observable shreds. You need to try not to damage anything, but there are no particularly thin and vulnerable parts in the mounting gun. Acetone softens the hardened foam quite well.
  • The last step is cleaning the muzzle. A little solvent is also poured in there. If the target is clogged all over, you will have to pick out the cork piece by piece.
  • When the wire comes out from the opposite end of the muzzle, the tool is assembled to its original state, a can of cleaner is connected to it, and the entire system is thoroughly washed.

The people say that the method is quite effective, although it takes a lot of time (no one succeeded in less than an hour) and extreme caution so as not to damage something vital for the further performance of the pistol.

The main drawback of the proposed method is that you are unlikely to be able to completely mechanically clean the foam from the inside of the barrel - both because of its round section and because it is not visible where the remnants are hidden. So it is likely that there will be some reduction in foam pressure the next time you use it. And if you once again bring your weapon to such a disastrous state, the diameter of the barrel will narrow even more, even if you manage to clean it.

Hence the conclusion: in order not to invent ways to clean the gun from mounting foam in a frozen state, before using it, put a bottle of cleaner next to you - it will not let you forget about the need to use it.

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