Description bibliography collection of articles. Library and Information Complex of the Financial University. Numerals in the bibliographic description

Bibliographic description for a book or any other document is drawn up according to certain rules. It contains bibliographic information about the document, given in a certain order, allowing to identify the document and give its general characteristics.

Brief outline of the bibliographic description can be schematically represented as follows:

Description title. Title proper: information relating to the title / statement of responsibility. - Publication information.Output. - volume.

Depending on the structure of the description, there are:

    one-level bibliographic description- this is a description of one single (one-part) document (monograph, textbook, reference book, collection of articles, archival document, etc.);

    multilevel bibliographic description- this is a description of a multi-part document (multi-volume edition);

    analytical bibliographic description is a description of a part of a document (an article from a periodical or collection).

When compiling a bibliographic description, in order to ensure its compactness, it is possible to use abbreviations of words and phrases, omitting some elements, combining various entries into one bibliographic entry.

The main condition for abbreviating words is the unambiguity of their understanding and ensuring the decoding of abbreviated words. Words should not be abbreviated in cases where this may distort or obscure the meaning of the text of the description, make it difficult to understand.

The unified forms of abbreviations used in certain provisions are given in Russian or Latin:

other (et alii) - and others (et al.); and so on (et catera) - etc. (etc.); i.e (id est) - i.e. (i. e.); no place (sine loco) - b.m. (s. l.); no publisher (sine nomine) - b.i. (s. n.)


Single volume editions

Isaev I.A. History of the state and law of Russia: textbook. allowance for students. universities / I.A. Isaev. - M. : Prospekt, 2009. - 336 p.

Pisakhov S.G. Tales of Senya Raspberry: fairy tales / S. G. Pisakhov. - Arkhangelsk: IPP "Pravda Severa", 2009. - 272 p. ill.

Cold War in the Arctic / comp. M. N. Suprun. - Arkhangelsk: [b. and.], 2009. - 379 p.

Iberica Americans. Latin American culture in the discussions of the late 20th-early 21st centuries. - M. : IMLI RAN, 2009. - 463 p.

Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation: textbook / ed. Yu.A. Dmitriev. - 7th ed., Rev. - M. : Omega-L, 2009. - 381 p. - (Higher legal education).

Information systems of university administration: All-Russian scientific and practical conference. Moscow, January 29, 2009 - M.: Modern Humanitarian Academy (SGU), 2009. - 157 p.

Legislative materials

When describing materials of a legislative nature, a reference to the official state source of information is obligatory - the Russian newspaper or the Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. Additionally, changes and additions adopted by state bodies are indicated.

Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation: [Adopted by popular vote in 1993] // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 1993. - No. 248.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Part One - Four: [Adopted by the State. Duma on April 23, 1994, with amendments and additions as of April 10, 2009] // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1994. - No. 22. Art. 2457.


Title entry

GOST R 52652-2006. Information and communication technologies in education. - Input. 2006-12-27. - M.: Standartinform, 2007. - 3 p.

Entry titled

Representation of dates and times: general requirements: GOST ISO 8601-2001 - Replaces GOST 7.64-90. - Input. 2002-07-01. - Minsk: Mezhgosud. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. - 18 p.

Collection of standards

Bibliographic record: basic standards / compiled by: A. A. Dzhigo, G. P. Kalinina, S. Yu. Kalinin. - M. : RKP, 2006. - 239 p. - (B-ka RCP: method. materials and recommendations / ed. R.A. Aigistov; issue 1).

Collections without a common title

Collection of documents concerning international aspects of education: (laws, decrees, resolutions, conventions, declarations...) / comp. E.V. Shevchenko. - St. Petersburg. : Oracle, 2000. - 541 p.

The Last Lel: Prose of Yesenin's Circle Poets. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989. - 572 p. - Contents: Articles / N. A. Klyuev. Flame: a novel / P. Karpov. The last Lel: a novel / S. A. Klychkov. Tomorrow: a novel / A. Ganin. Yar: a story / S. A. Yesenin.

Multi-volume editions

Document as a whole

Marx K. Works: in 39 volumes / K. Marx, F. Engels; Institute of Marxism-Leninism. - 2nd ed. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1955-1981.

Single volume

Reale J. Western philosophy from the origins to the present day: in 4 volumes : per. from Italian. / J. Reale, D. Antiseri, ed. S.A. Maltsev. - St. Petersburg. : Pneuma Publishing House. T.4: From romanticism to the present day. - 2005. - 880 p.

Reale J. Western Philosophy from the Beginnings to the Present Day. In 4 volumes. V.4. From romanticism to the present day / J. Reale; D. Antiseri, ed. S.A. Maltsev. - St. Petersburg. : Pneuma Publishing House, 2005. - 880 p.

Deposited scientific works

Efimov A.V. Reform of the House of Lords: past, present, future / A.V. Efimov; Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. - M., 2006. - 43 p. - Bibliography: p. 42-43. - Dep. in INION RAN 06/13/2006, no. 59784.

Sociological study of small population groups / V.I. Ivanov [i dr.]; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Financial Academy. - M., 2002. - 110 p. - Bibliography: pp. 108-109. - Dep. in VINITI 06/13/2002, No. 145432.

Research reports

State and prospects for the development of press statistics in the Russian Federation: report on research (conclusion): 06-02 / Ros. Book. ward; hands A.A. Jigo; performer V.P. Smirnova [and others] - M., 2000. - 250 p.

Upadyshev N.V. Gulag in the European North of Russia: genesis, functioning, decay (1929-1960): dis. … Dr. ist. Sciences / N.V. Upadyshev; Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. - Arkhangelsk, 2009. - 485 p.

Latynina Yu.L. Literary origins of the anti-utopian genre: author. dis. … cand. philologist. Sciences / Yu.L. Latynin; Institute of World Literature. - M, 1998. - 20 p.

Archival materials

Notes on the plague riot. Autograph // RO IRLI. F.265. Op.2. D.1195. L.7 - 10.

Serials and other continuing resources


Arkhangelsk: newspaper of the regional center. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House "Arkhangelsk", 1907 -. - Comes out daily.

Teacher's newspaper: independent pedagogical. ed. - M., 1924 - . - Published weekly.


Advances in Modern Biology / RAS, Dep. biol. Sciences. - M.: Nauka, 1932 -. - Published 6 times a year: 2 volumes of 3 issues each. - Since 1991 - 1 volume - 6 issues.

Arkhangelsk Diocesan Bulletin / Arkhangelsk Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. - Arkhangelsk: Ed. Volokhov S.P., 2004 - . - Published monthly.

Bulletin of Moscow State University: scientific. magazine Series 8, History / Moscow State University, East. fact. - M.: MGU, 1946 -. - Comes out every two months.

Ongoing compilation

Middle Ages: Studies in the History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. - M.: Nauka, 1942 - . Issue 69 (3) / otv. ed. P.Yu. Uvarov. - 2008. - 232 p.

Middle Ages: Studies in the History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General History. - M.: Nauka, 1942 - . Issue 58. - 1995. - 298 p. ; Issue 63. - 2002. - 506 p. ; Issue 69 (3). - 2008. - 232 p.

Cartographic publications

Europe. States of Europe [Maps]: [physical map] / comp. and prepare. to the press of PKO "Cartography" in 1985; Art. ed. L.N. Kolosov; ed. ON THE. Oak. - Correct. in 2000 - 1:5,000,000, 50 km in 1 cm; pr-tion norms. con. equal industry - M.: Roskartografiya, 2000.

Electronic resources

Britannica CD "99 [Electronic resource]: encyclopedia: Knowledge for the Information age. - Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1999. - 2 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM): color, sound + 2 br. + 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM).

5555 masterpieces of world painting [Electronic resource]. - M. : LLC "DirectMedia Publishing", 2003. - 1 el. opt. disc (CD-ROM) : col. - (Digital library).

Library of Russian classics [Electronic resource]. - M. : DirectMedia Publishing. - (Electronic Library) Vol. 2: A. Ostrovsky, I. Turgenev, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet. - 2005. - 1 email. opt. disc (CD-ROM) : col.

Library of dictionaries [Electronic resource]. - M. : LLC "Sea ETS" T. I: Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities; Bible Dictionary; Diplomatic Dictionary. - 2005. - 1 email. opt. disc (CD-ROM).

World at War [Multimedia] / by L. Olivier. - M.: Soyuz video. Ch 2, Disc 1: Desert: North Africa 1940-1943; Stalingrad: June 1942 - February 1943; Wolf Pack: Submarines in the Atlantic 1939 - 1944; Red Star: Sov. Union 1941 - 1943; Disc 2: Storm: Bombing Germany Sep. 1939 - Apr. 1944; Tough Old Gut: Italy November 1942 - June 1944; Tomorrow will be a beautiful day: Burma 1942 - 1944; House on Fire: Britain 1940 - 1944. - 2006. - 2 el. opt. disc (DVD-ROM): color, sound

Bakhtin M.M. Creativity of Francois Rabelais and folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. - 2nd ed. – M.: Artist. lit., 1990. - 543 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// www. philosophy. en/ library/ bahtin/ rable. html#_ ftn1 (date of access: 05.10.2008).

Borges H.L. Terrible dream // Letters of God: a collection. – M.: Respublika, 1992. – 510 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 20.05.2008).

Components of documents

Article from a book or other one-time publication

Sanakina T. A. The fate of the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary in 1917-1920. / T.A. Sanakina // 1917 in the fate of Russia and the world: a collection of materials of a scientific conference / Feder. education agency, PSU. - Arkhangelsk: SOLTI, 2007. - S.198-207.

Article from serial

Kozlova O.V. The problem of freedom and objectification in the philosophy of N.A. Berdyaeva / O.V. Kozlov // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook. - 2001. - M., 2003. - S. 282-290.

Kulagina M.G. Birth and upbringing of children among the English aristocracy in the XVII-XVIII centuries / M.G. Kulagina // Bulletin of General History. Issue. 2. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - S. 64-93.

Vladimirova A. V. The origins of political marketing / A. V. Vladimirova // Moscow University Bulletin. Ser. 12, Political sciences. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 90-99.


Vsevolozhsky V. A. Textbook "Regional hydrogeology" / V. A. Vsevolozhsky, I. F. Fidelli // Moscow University Bulletin. Ser. 4, Geology. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 68-70. Rec. on the book: Kiryukhin V. A. Regional hydrogeology, 2005.

Litvinenko N. A. Review of the monograph by G. A. Sorokina "Buddhism in European culture of the first third of the 20th century" / N. A. Litvinenko // Bulletin of the University of the Russian Academy of Education. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 47-50. Rec. on the book: Sorokina G. A. Buddhism in European culture of the first third of the XX century. M.: RAGS, 2008. 196 p.

Tokhtasyev S. R. [Review] / S. R. Tokhtasyev // Bulletin of ancient history. - 2008. - No. 1 (264). - S. 193-204. - Rec. on the book: A.I. Ivanchik. before colonization. Northern Black Sea region and steppe nomads of the 8th-7th centuries. BC e. in the ancient literary tradition. Folklore, literature and history / A.I. Ivanchik. - M. - Berlin: Paleograph, 2005

A. R. [Review] / A. R. // New Literary Review. - 2007. - No. 6. - S. 431-432. - Rec. on the book: Druzhinin P.A. Books with dedicatory inscriptions in the library of G.P. Makogonenko / P. A. Druzhinin, A. L. Sobolev.- M.: Truten, 2006.- 235 p.

(Book description)

Title. Title proper = Parallel title: information relating to the title proper / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability information. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. – Volume: illustrations + accompanying material. – (Title proper of the series: information related to the title of the series / statement of responsibility related to the series; issue number of the series). – Note.

  1. Document description with one author:

    Ezova, S. A. The world of library communication [Text]: scientific and practical guide / S. A. Ezova. - M. : Litera, 2010. - 251 p.

    Reznik, S. D. Department management [Text]: textbook / S. D. Reznik. -3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2010. - 605 p. – (Management in higher education).

    Zotikov, I. A. Sagas of the polar seas [Text]: an unusual journey from Chukotka to Murmansk in August 1991 / Igor Zotikov; ill. ed. - M. : Terra, 2002. - 414 p., L. ill.

    Dale, D. Bob, fidget kitten [Text]: for children ml. school age / Jenny Dale; per. from English. N. Dudnik. - M. : Egmont Russia, 2000. - 64 p. : ill. - (Guys about kittens).

  2. Document description with two authors:

    Glukhov, Vladimir Viktorovich Economic foundations of ecology [Text]: textbook. allowance for students, obuch. according to special 060800 "Economics and management at the enterprise of nature management" / V. V. Glukhov, T. P. Nekrasova; St. Petersburg State. polytechnic un-t. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg. : PETER, 2003. - 384 p.: ill.

    Glushakov, S. V. Self-instruction manual for working on a personal computer [Text] : : training course / S. V. Glushakov, A. S. Suryadny. - Moscow: AST; Kharkov: Folio, 2002. - 275 p. : ill.

    Shipitsyna, L. M. Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing, speech and vision [Text]: textbook / L. M. Shipitsyna, I. A. Vartanyan. - M. : Academy, 2008. - 432 p. – (Higher professional education).

  3. Document description with three authors:

    Anisimov, Yu. P. Profitability of innovation activities [Text] : monograph / Yu. P. Anisimov, V. B. Artemenko, O. A. Zaitseva; Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance. - Voronezh: IMMIF, 2009. - 192 p. - Bibliography. : with. 158-170.

    Kryuchkov, I. P. Electrical part of power plants and substations [Text] / I. P. Kryuchkov, N. I. Kuvshinsky, B. N. Neklepaev. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : Energy, 2008. - 456 p.

    Nikonov, D. A. The law of social security in Russia [Text]: a short training course / D. A. Nikonov, A. V. Stremoukhov, S. V. Kryukov. - M. : NORMA, 2004. - 208 p.

  4. Description of the document created by more than 4 authors:

    Designing men's and women's clothing [Text]: textbook / B. S. Sakulin, E. K. Amirova, O. V. Sakulina, A. T. Trukhanov; Institute of Development prof. education. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 304 p.

    Designing men's and women's clothing [Text]: textbook / B. S. Sakulin [and others]; Institute of Development prof. education. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 304 p.

    Concepts. Categories: linguistic reality [Text]: a collective monograph dedicated to the anniversary of Professor Maria Vasilievna Malinovich / M. V. Malinovich, D. A. Aripova, V. V. Batitskaya [and others]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; GOU VPO "Irkutsk state. Linguistic University. - Irkutsk: IGLU, 2011. - 382 p.

  5. Description of a non-authored document created by writers, editors, etc.:

    1000 and one dispute won from the tax authorities [Text] / ed. G. Yu. Kasyanova. – M. : Informtsentr XXI veka, 2004. – 320 p.

    100 terms of the Labor Code [Text]: explanatory dictionary / comp. S. Yu. Golovina. - Yekaterinburg: Humanitarian. un-t, 2007. - 29 p.

  6. Description of collections of scientific papers

    Ethnosocial processes in Siberia [Text]: thematic collection of scientific papers / ed. ed. Yu. V. Popkov. - Novosibirsk: Siberian Scientific Publishing House, 2007. - Issue. 8. - 312 p.

    Siberia in the system of international relations [Text]: collection of scientific articles / ed. ed. V. P. Zinoviev. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk University, 2001. - 151 p.

    The development of languages ​​and cultures of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in the context of a changing Russia [Text]: materials of the II International Scientific Conference, September 25-27, 2008 Abakan / Institute of Sayan-Altai Turkology; [res. ed. T. G. Borgoyakova]. - Abakan: Publishing House of KhSU named after. N. F. Katanova, 2008. - 400 p.

  7. Description of dissertations, abstracts of dissertations

    Lagkueva, I. V. Features of labor regulation of theater creative workers: dis. ... cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.05 / Lagkueva Irina Vladimirovna. - M., 2009. - 168 p.

    Lukina, V. A. The creative history of I. S. Turgenev's "Notes of a Hunter": author. dis. ... cand. philol. Sciences: 10.01.01 / Lukina Valentina Aleksandrovna. - St. Petersburg, 2006. - 26 p.

  8. Official publications

    The Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: official text. - M. : Marketing, 2007. - 39 p.

    The Russian Federation. The laws. Family Code of the Russian Federation [Text]: federal law: adopted by the State. Duma December 8, 1995: as of January 3, 2007 - St. Petersburg. : Stone Country, 2007. - 94 p.

Multi-level bibliographic description (Description of a multi-volume book)

1 level

Title proper [General material designation] = Parallel title: information relating to the title proper / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability information. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. – Volume: Illustrations + Accompanying material. – (Title proper of the series: information related to the title of the series / statement of responsibility related to the series; issue number of the series).

2 level

Volume number: Title proper of the volume: information related to the title / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability information. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. – Volume: Illustrations + Accompanying material. – (Title proper of the series: information related to the title of the series / statement of responsibility related to the series; issue number of the series). – Notes.

    Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor [Text]: at 3 o'clock / V.D. Kazmin. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2001 - .

    Part 2: Children's diseases. - 2002. - 503 p. : ill.

    Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor [Text]. At 3 o'clock. Part 2. Children's diseases / V. D. Kazmin. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p. : ill.

    Kazmin, V.D. Childhood diseases [Text] / V.D. Kazmin. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p. : ill. - (Handbook of a family doctor: at 3 o'clock / V. D. Kazmin; part 2).

Analytical bibliographic description (Description of the article from the publication)

  1. Scheme of an analytical bibliographic description of an article from a collection, book:

    Title. Title proper of the constituent part: Statement relating to the title proper of the constituent / Statement of responsibility relating to the constituent // Title. Book title proper: Information related to the title of the book / Statement of responsibility. - Publication information. – Place of publication, Date of publication. – Volume (release) number. – Designation and number of the chapter, paragraph. – Volume (pages on which the component is placed).

    Description of the article from the book (collection) and ongoing editions:

    Dvinyaninova, G. S. Compliment: Communicative status or strategy in discourse [Text] / G. S. Dvinyaninova // Social power of language: coll. scientific tr. / Voronezh interregional. Institute of Societies. Sciences, Voronezh State. un-t, Faculty of Romano-German. stories. - Voronezh, 2001. - S. 101-106. - Bibliography. : with. 105-106.

    Pushkov, Yu. G. On the normalization of the quality of liquid electrates in their production by the repercolation method [Text] / Yu. G. Pushkov // Scientific and technical progress and optimization of technological processes for the creation of drugs: abstracts of the report scientific conference, May 21-22, 1987 - Lvov, 1987. - S. 282-283.

    Bulatova, T. A. Social anxiety in the context of psychological defenses [Text] / A. T. Bulatova, E. I. Chernykh // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University: scientific journal / ch. ed. V. V. Obukhov. - Tomsk: TSPU, 2010. - Issue. 2 (92). - S. 107-113.

    Description of the article from the collected works:

    Engels, F. Socialism in Germany [Text] / K. Marx, F. Engels // Composition. - 2nd ed. - M., 1987. - T. 22. - S. 247-264.

    Pasternak, B. L. Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers [Text] / B. L. Pasternak // Selected: in 2 volumes - M .: Khudozh. literature, 1985. - T. 2. - S. 280-283.

    Description of the encyclopedia article:

    Korndorf, S. F. Electronics [Text] // Brief reference book of the machine builder / S. F. Kondorf; ed. S. A. Chernavsky. - M., 1966. - S. 143-166.

    Medvedev, B. V. Quantum field theory [Text] / B. V. Medvedev, D. V. Shirkov // Encyclopedia of Physics. - M., 1990. - T. 2. - S. 300-308.

  2. Scheme of an analytical bibliographic description of an article from a periodical:

    Title. Title proper of the constituent part: Statement relating to the title of the constituent / Statement of responsibility relating to the constituent // Title proper: Statement relating to the title of the edition / Statement of responsibility. – Release date (year of publication). – Edition number. – Volume (pages on which the component is placed).

    Description of the newspaper article:

    Ischeeva, Ksenia. Brass band for the soul [Text]: [in December 2005 the municipal brass band of Abakan will turn 15] / K. Ishcheeva // Khakassia. - 2005. - July 5 (No. 122). - p. 5.

    Description of the article from the magazine:

    Divnogortsev, A. L. Professor Shamurin's difficult time [Text] / A. L. Divnogortsev // World of Bibliography. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 33-36.

    Arslanov, G. Reforms in China: Change of generations [Text] / G. Arslanov // Asia and Africa today. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 2-6.

    Description of conversations, interviews:

    Tikhomirov, S. With the "Code" you can safely get down to business [Text] / S. Tikhomirov; the conversation was led by E. Malinin // Economics and Life. - 2004. - Jan. (No. 4). – P. 6.

    Description of regulations and documents:

    RF. Ministry of Education and Science. On the orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the accreditation of educational institutions [Text]: order dated December 29, 2005 No. 259 / RF. Ministry of Education and Science // Department of Internal Affairs: Interdepartmental Information Bulletin. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 49-50.

    The Russian Federation. President (2008; D. A. Medvedev). On holding the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation [Text]: Decree of the President of Ros. Federation dated March 10, 2009 No. 259 // Bulletin of Education of Russia. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 31.

Bibliographic description of the electronic document

According to the access mode, electronic resources are divided into:

  • Local (resources distributed on machine-readable media and available only on individual workstations or local networks, including CDs, floppy disks).
  • Remote access or network (resources distributed via global telecommunications networks, in particular, via the Internet, hosted on a website and having a network address, accessible to a potentially unlimited range of users via networks).

The bibliographic description of an electronic resource allows you to identify an electronic resource, i.e. to get an idea about its:

  • content
  • appointment;
  • physical characteristics;
  • system requirements;
  • access mode;
  • methods of distribution;
  • sources of information.

Scheme of the bibliographic description of the electronic resource:

Title proper [General material designation]: / Statement of responsibility. – Edition statement/statement of responsibility relating to the edition, additional edition statement. – Designation of the type of resource (amount of resource). – Place of publication: name of the publisher, date of publication (Place of manufacture: name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture). – Specific designation of the material and the number of physical units: other physical characteristics; size + information about the accompanying material. - (Title proper of the series or subseries = Parallel title of the series or subseries: information relating to the title of the series or subseries / statement of responsibility relating to the series or subseries, ISSN ; numbering within the series or subseries). – Note. – Standard number = Key title: terms of availability and/or price.

For remote access electronic resources, a note is given about the access mode in which it is allowed instead of words "Access mode"(or their equivalent in another language) use an abbreviation for an email address URL(Uniform Resource Locator - Uniform Resource Locator).

Information about the protocol for accessing a network resource (ftp, http, etc.) and its electronic address are given in the format of a uniform resource locator.

After the e-mail address, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given in parentheses: after the words “date of access”, the day, month and year are indicated. Information about the date of access to the document is very important, because the Internet is characterized by such a concept as volatility. For a year, any directory of network resources becomes obsolete by one quarter. This or that document can be deleted or transferred.

  1. Bibliographic description of an electronic document located on a physical medium (local electronic document):

    Baburina, Nina I. 1917. A poster in the revolution - a revolution in the poster [Electronic resource]: from the history of Russian. and owls. poster of the beginning 20th century : multimedia. a computer. course / Nina Baburina, Klaus Vashik, Konstantin Kharin; Ros. state humanitarian. un-t and Moscow. scientific center for culture and information. technologies, Institute of Rus. and owls. culture them. Yu. M. Lotman (Bochum, Germany) – Electron. Dan. - M. : RGGU, sor. 1999. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) : sound, color ; 12 cm. - System. Requirements: IBM PC 486 (Pentium or higher recommended) ; Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (Russian recommended); 20 MB; video card and monitor supporting 800 x 600 mode, 65K colors. ; mouse or similar. device; sound card compatible with Microsoft Windows. - Zagl. from the disc label.

    Dahl, Vladimir I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl [Electronic resource]: prepared. on the 2nd oven. ed. 1880 - 1882 – Electron. Dan. - M. : ACT [et al.], 1998. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm + hand user (8 s.) - (Electronic book). – System. requirements: IBMPC with 486 processor; RAM 8 MB; operational Windows system (3x, 95, NT); CD-ROM drive; mouse. - Zagl. from the screen.

    Tsvetkov, Viktor Yakovlevich. Computer graphics: work program [Electronic resource]: for students in absentia. forms of training geodesy. and other specialties / V. Ya. Tsvetkov. – Electron. Dan. and progr. - M.: MIIGAiK, 1999. - 1 floppy disk. – System. requirements: IBMPC, Windows 95, Word 6.0. - Zagl. from the screen. - No. state. registration 0329900020.

    Description titled:

    Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: The history of two emperors / Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino", Intersoft. – Electron. Dan. - M .: Intersoft, sor. 1997. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM): sound, color 12 cm. – System. requirements: PC with 486 DX2-66 processor; 8 MB RAM; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; video card SVGA 256 col. ; sound 16-bit MPC card; stereo speakers or headphones. - Zagl. from the disc label.

    Atlas-98 [Electronic resource]: 3D: the most detailed. completely three-dimensional. atlas of the world. – Electron. Dan. and progr. - [B. Moscow], 1998. – 1 electron, opt. disc (CD-ROM): sound, color ; 12 cm - (abc) (The whole world in 3D). – System. requirements: PC 486 DX-33 ; 8 MB RAM; 15 MB HDD; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed drive; 256 col. SVGA display; sound map; mouse. - Zagl. from the container.

    Bibliography on social and human sciences, 1993 - 1995 [Electronic resource] / Inst. inform. by society Sciences (INION). – Electron. Dan. and progr. (33 files: 459658539 bytes). - M.,. – 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM); 12 cm. - System, requirements: IPS "IRBIS" 500 Kb; DOS 3.3 and above. - Zagl. from the container insert. – Contents: 1. Bibliography: 241280 entries. 2. Rubricator INION: 4901 entries.

  2. Description of remote access resources:

    The description of Internet resources is very difficult to adjust to standards, since it is far from always possible to determine the source of complete and accurate information about a site, server, portal. Therefore, the obligatory elements here are: the title proper with the general designation of the material and the mode of access.

    Valeev, Ramil. “I try to relate to various publications about the East with all my heart” (Letters from N.F. Katanov to E.K. Pekarsky) [Electronic resource] / R. Valeev // Gasyrlar avaza = Echo of centuries: a scientific documentary journal. – URL: (date of access: 01/12/12) .

    Dankina, Nadezhda. What was the passion of the scientist [Electronic resource]: [to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkologist Nikolai Fedorovich Katanov] / N. Dankina // Khakassia: daily republican newspaper. – URL: (date of access: 03/22/2012).

    Description titled:

    Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Center Inform. RSL technologies; ed. Vlasenko T. V.; Web-master Kozlova NV - Electron. Dan. – M. : Ros. state library, 1997– . – Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English

    Katanov Nikolai Fedorovich [Electronic resource]: biographical index // Chronos: world history on the Internet / ed. V. B. Rumyantsev. – URL: (date of access: 01/12/12).

  3. Description of legal reference systems:

    These include reference and legal systems "Garant", "Consultant Plus", "Kodeks" and others.

    On public associations: feder. law of 19.05.1995. No. 82 - Federal Law: change. and additional 07/22/2010 [adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 04/14/1995] // Consultant Plus: comp. ref. legal system [Electronic resource] / Company "Consultant Plus". - Electron. Dan. - [M.]. - URL: (date of access: 10.09.2010).

The examples are based on:

GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation. When copying information link to the electronic version of the method. instructions are required.

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.

GOST 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compilation.

GOST R 7.0.12-2011 Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules.

In more detail on the rules of bibliographic description (complicated cases of description), you will be consulted by employees of the scientific and bibliographic department - building No. 1, room. 124.

Compound. Doroganova, T.V. Bish, T.I. Istomin;
Responsible for updating the page: Istomina Tatyana Igorevna
Page updated 07/09/2013

When compiling a description of books under the name of the author, the following data are reported: the surname and initials of the author, the title of the book, information related to the title, information about responsibility, information about the repetition of publication, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, volume.

Lavrushin O.I. The evolution of the theory of credit and its use in the modern economy: Monograph / O.I. Lavrushin. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 394 p.

Srebnik B.V. Securities market: Textbook for students., obuch. according to special "Finance and credit" / B.V. Srebnik; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 288 p.

Korotchenkov A.M. Market failures. Debts, deficits, crises, defaults, pyramid schemes, financial bubbles, banking panics - links of the same chain: Monograph / A.M. Korotchenkov, D.A. Vinogradov.- M. : Prospekt, 2016. - 152 p.

Nureev R.M. Economic history of Russia (experience of institutional analysis): Textbook / Nureev R.M., Latov Yu.V. ; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 268 p.

Brusov P.N. Modern corporate finance and investments: Monograph / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatova, N.P. Orekhov; Financial University. - 2nd ed., erased. - M. : Knorus, 2015 .- 520 p.

Mirkin Ya.M. Statistics of financial markets: Textbook / Ya.M. Mirkin, I.V. Dobashina, V.N. Salin; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 250 p.

The title describes books published without an author's name or having four or more authors: collections of articles by different authors and having a common title, collective monographs, official documents, etc. In this case, the description contains the following information: title, information related to the title, information about responsibility, information about the repetition of publication, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, volume.

The description may contain information about all persons and (or) organizations indicated in the source of information. If it is necessary to reduce their number, they are limited to indicating the first of each group with the addition of the abbreviation "and others" [and others] or its Latin equivalent in square brackets.

Status, trends and prospects for the development of cash circulation in Russia: Monograph / M.A. Abramova [and others]; Financial University. - M. : Rusayns, 2015. - 167 p.

Taxation of non-profit organizations: Textbook for students, obuch. for example "Economics" / L.I. Goncharenko [and others]; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 272 p.

Collections of articles

Development of the Russian banking sector in the face of uncertainty: Collection of scientific papers of students and undergraduates / Financial University; ed. N.E. Sokolinskaya and V.E. Kosarev. - M. : Rusayns, 2016. - 184 p.

WTO law in the legal system of the Russian Federation: Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Moscow, May 19-20, 2015) / Financial University; resp. ed. AND I. Kapustin, I.A. Shulyatiev, I.V. Shirev. - M. : Ekon-Inform, 2016. - 456 p.

3. Description of the article from the collection

Pivovarova M.A. Cluster initiatives: general and special // Cluster initiatives in the formation of a progressive structure of the national economy: Collection of scientific papers of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (March 17-18, 2016). V.1 / Southwestern State University; resp. ed. A.A. Gorokhov. - Kursk, 2016. - S. 173-177.

Solovyov A.I. Assessment and monitoring of global risks // Strategic management in the sphere of national security of Russia: planning and forecasting: Proceedings of the Third All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, May 22, 2015) / Institute of Law and National Security; Faculty of National Security, RANEPA. - M., 2016. - S.121-133.

4. Description of the chapter or section of the book

Eskindarov M.A. Chapter 1 Factors that determined the Victory in the war // The glory of the Great Victory will not cease / Financial University; comp. N.Z. Kunz; ed. M.A. Eskindarov. - M., 2016. - S. 5-12.

Eskindarov M.A. Chapter 1.3 The place of Russia and the prospects for positioning in the world economy in modern conditions // Foreign economic policy of Russia in the face of global challenges: Monograph / Financial University; ed. A.A. Tkachenko. - M., 2015. - S. 35-51.

Makurina A.O. Information and analytical support for the development strategy of services of a telecommunications company: dis. … cand. economical Sciences: 08.00.12; defended in 2016 / Makurina A.O. ; Financial University. - M., 2016. - 225 p.

Rodina M.S. Increasing the information content of cash flow reporting: Ph.D. dis. … cand. economic Sciences: 08.00.12 / Rodina M.S. ; Financial University. - M., 2016. - 25 p.

6. Description of articles from magazines and newspapers

Fedorova E.A. Fedorova E.A., Fedotova M.A., Nikolaev A.E. Assessing the impact of sanctions on the performance of Russian companies // Voprosy ekonomiki. - 2016. - No. 3. - S. 34-45.

Siluanov A. Money in one hand: The head of the Ministry of Finance explained why a unified payment collection system is being created in Russia / A. Siluanov // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. -2016. - January 21. - No. 10. - S. 1.2.

7. Official documents

Constitution of the Russian Federation: official text. - M. : Dashkov i K, 2003. - 40 p.

On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs for the 2015/16 academic year; Admission procedure ...: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 No. 839 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2014 .- September 3. - No. 199. - S. 18-19.

8. Electronic resources


Corporate finance [Electronic resource]: Course of lectures / Eskindarov M.A., Kuznetsov O.V., Shokhin E.I. [and etc.] ; Financial University, Higher School of Public Administration. - M. : Financial University, 2011. - 194 p. - Access mode:

Money, credit, banks. Money and credit markets [Electronic resource]: Textbook and workshop for applied bachelor's degree / Financial University; ed. M.A. Abramova, L.S. Alexandrova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - Electronic text data (1 file: 27.7 Mb) 1CD-ROM


Udaltsova N.L. National innovation complex: main trends in organization and management [Electronic resource] // Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal. - 2016. - No. 3. - Access mode:

Balatsky E. Resource dependence of Russia: time for radical decisions [Electronic resource] / Federal Internet publication "Capital of the Country" ( March 2, 2016 - Access mode: /article/resursnaya_zavisimost_rossii_vremya_radikalnyh_reshenii/

Description of a book, article from a newspaper, magazine, collection, multi-volume edition, electronic document

Bibliographic description of the book

Author's last name Initials. Title proper: information related to the title (information clarifying the main title of the book) / information about responsibility (authors, editors, compilers). - Information about the repetition of the publication. – Place of publication: Name of publisher, year of publication. - Number of pages. - (Series).

Examples of bibliographic description

Bachinin: encyclopedic dictionary / . - St. Petersburg: Publishing House, 2005. - 288 p.

Gerchikov: textbook for universities / . – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. – 511 p. - (Golden Fund of Russian textbooks).

If the publication has a parallel title (in another language or script), it is separated from the main title by the sign =

English on Economics = English for economists: textbook. allowance for universities in economics. specialties / . - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2001. - 515 p.

If the book has been translated from another language, this is indicated in the continuation of the title and separated by a colon. The name of the translator is indicated in the statement of responsibility.

Steele in business: a practical guide: per. from English. / , T. Bizor; per. T. Ptashnaya. – M.: HIPPO, 2004. – 270 p.

At the beginning of the description, the surname of the first author is indicated, in the statement of responsibility (after the slash) the surnames of all authors are listed (initials are placed before the surname).

Belousova / , . - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003. - 256 p. – (Secondary vocational education)

Maslova / , . - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 400 p. – (Textbooks for universities)

If the book is written four or more authors then the statement of responsibility indicates either all authors or the first author with adding in square brackets the abbreviation "and others" [and others] or its Latin equivalent [ et al .].

Merchandising in retail: per. from English. / S. Esterling [and others]; per. S. Lukin. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 304 p.

Description of the book titled

Described under the heading collective textbooks, monographs, collections of articles, etc.

Business conversation. Business etiquette: a textbook for university students / author - compiler. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 431 p.

Ecology: textbook / ed. . - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M., Rostov-on-Don: March, 2004. - 672 p. - (Training course)

Separate volume of the multi-volume edition

Great Soviet Encyclopedia: in 30 volumes. T. 3: Bari-Bracelet / ch. ed. . - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. - 640 p.

Economic law: a reader in 3 volumes. T. 1 / under the general. ed. . - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 416 p.

Articles from magazines, collections and newspapers

Bibliographic description

Surname of the author Initials. title proper : information relating to the title (information clarifying the main title of the article)/ information about responsibility // Name of the publication (magazine, newspaper, collection of articles in which the article is placed). - The year of publishing. - Number. – Pages on which the article is placed .

Magazine article

Kondratov of a comprehensive economic analysis in the management of a commercial organization / // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2005. - No. 23. - S. 47-51.

Muratova in the declaration is not a reason for a fine: tax reporting // Chief Accountant. - 2005. - No. 13. - S. 46-50.

Daskovsky and the conditions for the transition to innovative development of industry / , // Food industry. - 2005. - No. 6. - S. 34-35.

others" [and others] or its Latin equivalent [ et al .].

Pancakes for forecasting the development of regional markets for cellular communication of the GSM standard / [and others] // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2005. - No. 5. - S. 3-16.

Article from the collection

Ivanova Corporate Economic Education / , // Resource and economic potential of the region. Actual problems. - Vologda, 2003. - S. 78-82.

Newspaper article

Factoring agreement: legal basis and accounting / G. Savitskaya // Financial newspaper. - 2006. - No. 2.

Bibliographic description of the electronic document

Computer from scratch! [Electronic resource]: video course. - Electron. Dan. and program - M .: Best books, 20electron. opt. disk. - Zagl. from the screen.

Internet step by step [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. and progr. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 20Zagl. from the screen.

Bychkova / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http//www. *****/edu/ref/enc/k. htm1.

Changes that are constantly taking place in public life - the growth of information, the rapid development of new technologies - stimulate the transformation of educational processes. In this regard, the organization of library and bibliographic education of teachers, students, and pupils is of particular importance. These guidelines will help in mastering new knowledge of the information and library space.

Making a bibliographic list of used literature is an obligatory element of scientific work.

Bibliographic description of the document

A bibliographic description is the process and result of adding, according to certain rules, a list of information about a document that identifies this document and makes it possible to find it among many others.

Description of documents is carried out in accordance with GOST. The bibliography must match GOST 7.1: 2006. “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting.

Abbreviations in document description

Words and phrases are also abbreviated in accordance with GOST. When a bibliographic list is compiled in the title of the description, the first three words cannot be abbreviated. If the name is very long, then part of it can be skipped by marking the gap with an ellipsis.

How to make a bibliographic list: rules

Spelling when compiling a bibliography

The bibliographic list is compiled according to modern orthography. The first word of each defined area should begin with a capital letter. Also, all titles in all areas and the first word of the general designation of the material should be capitalized. The remaining elements of the description are written in small letters, for example: Physics [Electronic resource]: textbook / ed. K. Yakovleva.

Punctuation when compiling a bibliography

Punctuation in the bibliographic description is used as a separating habitual grammatical marks and prescribed punctuation marks. Recommended punctuation (conventional punctuation marks) helps to recognize individual elements in bibliographic descriptions.

Numerals in the bibliographic description

Numerals in the bibliography are written in the form (Roman, Arabic, verbal form) in which they are written in the publication. However, numerals that indicate volume, issue, part, number, page should be written in Arabic numerals: Issue. one; in 5 tons; T. 2; part 5; with. 12-16; 241 p. Also, numbers should be replaced with Arabic when indicating the number of classes, courses of educational institutions; serial numbers of publications; year or dates of publication, distribution of the document. Ordinal numbers are written with the ending: 3rd ed.; 2nd course.

How to make a bibliographic list?

There are such ways of grouping material in bibliography:

  • alphabetical;
  • systematic;
  • chronological;
  • numbering;
  • by section of work.

The most common ways:

  • Numerical - the material is arranged in the order of reference to literature in the text and citation.
  • Alphabetical - in the alphabet of the names of authors and titles of works. The works of one author are arranged alphabetically by title or in the chronology of their writing.


When writing a dissertation, term paper or thesis in the text in the reference to the publication included in the bibliographic list, it is necessary to indicate the number under which this publication appears in the list, in square brackets. For example:

Location of the link in the text

Most often, in scientific papers, alphabetical grouping is used, that is, when bibliographic records are arranged according to the alphabetical order of the names of authors and titles of works (if the author is not specified or there are more than three authors):

  • placement of bibliographic records when the first word of the title matches - in alphabetical order of the letters of the second word, etc.;
  • placement of works of one author - in alphabetical order of the letters of the first word of the title of individual works;
  • placement of works of authors with the same surnames - alphabetically by the initials of the authors;
  • if the surnames and initials of the authors coincide - in alphabetical order of the works.

When placing bibliographic records in different languages:

  • first according to the Russian alphabet or language with the Cyrillic alphabet;
  • then, in the order of the Latin alphabet, literature in foreign languages.

The correct bibliographic list contains descriptions of the sources used and is placed at the end of the work. The pages of the list, like other pages of the text, are numbered. Numbering through, continues the numbering of pages of the text.

The name "Bibliographic List" is used .

Examples of the design of the bibliographic description of books

Characteristic sources

Design example

Alefirenko, N. F. Theory of language. Introductory course [Text]: textbook. allowance / N. F. Alefirenko. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 367 p. : tab., fig. - (Higher professional education).

Fitzgerald F.S. The Last Tycoon: A Novel / Francis Scott Fitzgerald. - M.: Hood. lit., 1990. - 333, .

Golovakha, E. I. Psychology of human mutual understanding [Text] / E. I. Golovakha, N. V. Panina. - K .: Publishing house watered. lit. Ukraine, 1989. - 187, p. : rice.

Repin, D. Mathematical logic and philosophy of mathematics [Text]: early. information about the foundations of mathematics / D. Repin, D. V. Nyusom; per. Z. L. Voropakhovsky. - M.: Knowledge, 1972. - 45, p. - (New in life, science, technology. Mathematics. Cybernetics).

Ackoff, R. L. Idealized Design: How To Prevent Tomorrow's Crisis Today. Creating the future of the organization / R. L. Akoff, D. Magidson, G. D. Edison; per. from English. F. P. Tarasenko. - D .: Balance Business Books, 2007. - 265 p.

Kolasov, P. K. Psychology of management / P. K. Kolasov, A. D. Livnetsky, I. M. Kirova [and others]; ed. D. S. Protasova. - 5th ed. - X .: Humanitarian. center, 2007. - 510 p.

History of the Middle Ages [Text]: textbook / ed. Kh. I. Irodova. - ed. 4th, add. - M.: Higher. school, 2015. - 520 p. : ill., tab.

Number and thought [Text]: [collection]. Issue. 9 / [ed.: L. I. Borodkin and I. N. Kiselev]. - M.: Knowledge, 1986. - 174, p. - (Knowledge).

Multi-volume document

Kon, D. E. Programming and its art [Text] = The art of computer programming: in 3 volumes / D. E. Kon; ed. O. V. Kozachko. - M.: Higher. school, 2003.

Vol. 2: Search for information / D. E. Kohn; [per. from English. Zh. N. Korbko] - 3rd ed. - M.: Higher. school, 2003. - 622 p. : tables, diagrams

Pukhnachev, Yu. V. Learn to apply mathematics [Text]: (Mathematics without formulas). Issue. 1 / Yu. V. Pukhnachev, Yu. V. Popov. - M.: Knowledge, 1977. - 142, p. - (People's University. Faculty of Natural Sciences).


Dictionary English-Russian Russian-English [Text] = English-Russian Dictionary: / [compiled by O. V. Dmitriev, G. V. Stepenko] ; [under common ed. V. T. Busela]. - TO. ; M. : Perun, 1996. - 481 p.

Geography: dictionary / [ed.-comp. Tsepin R. L.]. - St. Petersburg. : Khalimon, 2002. - 175, p.


Glazyrin, V. The synergy effect of the architect Topuz / V. Glazyrin, I. Novokhatsky, M. Rudkova // Passage. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 86 - 88.

Arsenyeva, T. Tourists want to see in Odessa ... museums! / T. Arsenyeva // Vech. Odessa. - 2013. - 6 April.


Ivanov, U.P. Young stars of solar mass: dis. ... Dr. Phys.-Math. Sciences: 12.05.01 / Ivanov Petr Grigorievich. - M., 2001. - 255 p.

Materials of conferences, congresses

Computational mechanics and structural strength and their problems: Sat. scientific works / scientific ed. V. I. Mossakovsky. - M.: Proc. book, 1999. - 215 p.


Cuerda X. Atlas of Botany / José Cuerda; per. from Spanish V. I. Shavkun. - M.: Knowledge, 2002. - 98 p.

Anatomy of memory: an atlas of diagrams and drawings: a guide for students and doctors / K. B. Antonov, Z. G. Uvar, D. O. Stepnoy. - 2nd ed., add. - M .: Thresholds, 1998. - 125 p.

Electronic resources

Churko O.P. History lessons in 7th grade. [Electron. resource] / O. P. Churko, B. G. Urazov, G. S. Borovin. - 1999. - 43 p.

The table shows examples of bibliographic descriptions of books and documents that are used in compiling bibliographic lists.

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