What is the basis of the complex behavior of spiders to build. Mollusks, arthropods, crustaceans and arachnids. How Spiders Reproduce


Many tarantulas of both the New and Old Worlds are able to make sounds like a squeak. Some of them can produce quite a loud hiss or hum. Usually the spider makes these sounds when it feels some kind of threat, and often this is accompanied by raising the forelimbs and tilting the trunk back to show the underside of the prosoma. The effect is enhanced by the presence of bright or contrasting markings on the undersurfaces of the pedipalps and the first pair of walking legs, or patches of red and orange bristles around the oral region, giving the appearance of an open, snarling pharynx. Tame, calm tarantulas that have lived in captivity for a long time usually do not creak, while recently caught or warlike individuals usually make such sounds.

It is very difficult to describe the emotional reaction of a person caused by a hissing tarantula. One of the authors of the book (SAS) encountered for the first time the creaking of a tarantula performed by a male Teraphosa blondie, exceeding 22 cm in leg span. When approaching him, this spider raised chelicerae, pedipalps, front legs and emitted such a loud hiss that it could be heard even on the other side of the room, several days passed before the owner mustered enough courage to approach the spider again.

Sometimes tarantulas make sounds during rapid movements, cleaning, or when they are defeated by the enemy (for intimidation). This has not yet been reported in the scientific literature, but it is possible that this is one of the techniques for scaring off predators. When a male tarantula encounters a female, he must convince her that he will not cause her any harm, but, on the contrary, is an assistant in procreation. One of the things he may start doing is bending his legs or twitching them 2-4 times in one series of movements with short pauses in between. During each series of such twitches, the authors noted a specific scratching or rasping sound produced in rhythm with the movements of the legs. That the sound is produced by the tarantula itself, and not caused by contact with the substrate, became apparent for two reasons. First, the same sound was present on a wide variety of surfaces, including soft tissue. Secondly, in one of the experiments, the male Brachypelma albopilosum performed this maneuver while sitting on a human arm. A friend of the authors held a female of the same species, then took the male out of the terrarium. The sound was barely audible, but the tactile vibration was amazing.

This was not a creak in the traditional sense, because this species of tarantula does not have the traditional creaking organs on its chelicerae, pedipalps, and first walking legs, as do other species capable of making sounds (for example, Brachypelma smithi, B. albopilosum, and B. Emilia). Spiders of 'squeaky' varieties such as Phrixotrichus cala, P. spatulata, and Theraphosa blondi apparently do not move their squeaky organs when producing this sound.

The authors did not find any explanation of this phenomenon in the literature, and they themselves could not determine the source of such a sound. However, for the future, we suggest using the term "sexual creaking" to refer to this specific activity.

How and where is this sound produced? Is it a manifestation of nervousness on the part of the male? Or does he report that the male is a potential assistant in the matter of procreation? Or maybe these sounds carry a secret password, necessary in order not to be eaten by a female?

Many years ago, authors were amazed by the behavior of Aphonopelma seemanni individuals, which create energetic, terrifying sounds emanating from their terrariums in response to egg cartons (used in packing crickets) being struck against the walls of an aquarium when unpacking insects. These impacts, when reflected, produced low frequency pulsating sounds. The tarantulas apparently responded to this sound.

Since that time, the authors have repeatedly heard and seen female tarantulas making a wide range of calls of several varieties with similar terrifying sounds, possibly calling for males from neighboring terrariums to fight back. With the clear progress in the art of keeping tarantulas in captivity and from other keepers, information also began to come in about the exchange of signals between individuals ready to breed.

It turns out that these seemingly silent and primitive animals can communicate with each other! Do they do it in nature? Probably, but no one who watched the tarantulas in the wild reported this.

How many different sounds can tarantulas make? Do these sounds differ from spiders of a different sex, variety, age, and do the sounds depend on these factors? What other factors influence them? Obviously, tarantulas can hear, but with what organs? Do they use these sounds when signaling danger to each other? Do they signal the approach of competitors? While this may seem a bit implausible, it is a fact that other spiders use sounds in courtship rituals and competition. Why not tarantulas?
Here is a chance for the hobbyist to contribute to the general knowledge of tarantulas. Using careful observation and a well-placed VCR, one can try to catalog these sounds, determine how they were produced, and deduce their purpose.

Other behaviors

These amazing creatures show many other unexpected behavioral patterns if given the chance. Scholars and enthusiasts are just beginning to appreciate the size and complexity of their repertoire. It is a pity that we cannot provide a complete list of them in this book. An enthusiast who has gained little experience in keeping one or two varieties of tarantulas begins to experiment further, studying their behavior and trying to learn as much as possible in order to tell others. The most interesting are the behavioral patterns shown by animals in a natural setting. An inquisitive keeper, if possible, could seriously engage in the placement of several tarantulas over a large area, creating a semblance of an artificial colony.

For a project that can last for several years, you will need a properly heated area, for example, 2x2 m with a layer of soil of 1 m. The soil should be as close as possible to that on which this species of tarantula lives. This area can be provided with a few stones, branches and other barriers to create a natural setting and enliven the site.

Several tarantulas of the same species will be able to establish their holes in different parts of the site. It is better to use immature individuals for these purposes. Observation of tarantulas for several years in such conditions will provide an opportunity to take unique photographs and videos demonstrating the most diverse elements of tarantula behavior. Since tarantulas are most active during the darkest hours of the evening and night, equipment such as red lights or infrared cameras for filming can also be used simply for nighttime viewing of animals. We can only roughly guess what wonders the tarantulas would show us under such conditions. It is also very attractive that such an experiment will not cost you too much. For example, red lamps can always be purchased at photo stores. For shooting, you can use a 35mm camera with a single lens, suitable for IR-sensitive film (with the appropriate filter). Neither the filters nor the film itself are fabulously expensive. This experiment is desirable to be carried out for several years, and it will require constant study and close attention in order to detail all observations and draw the right conclusions. Plan to spend more time watching spiders during the morning hours. Of course, the experimenter will simply be required to publish a detailed description of the construction and arrangement of the site, plus periodic reports on the results achieved in an amateur newsletter or in a professional magazine.

Habitat, structure and lifestyle.

Arachnids include spiders, ticks, scorpions and other arthropods, more than 35 thousand species in total. Arachnids have adapted to life in terrestrial habitats. Only some of them, for example, the silver spider, passed into the water for the second time.

The body of arachnids consists of a cephalothorax and usually a non-segmented abdomen or fused. There are 6 pairs of limbs on the cephalothorax, of which 4 pairs are used for locomotion. Arachnids do not have antennae or compound eyes. They breathe with the help of lung bags, trachea, skin. The largest number of arachnid species are spiders and mites.


settled in a variety of habitats. In sheds, on fences, branches of trees and shrubs, openwork wheel-shaped webs of a spider-cross are common, and in their center or not far from them, the spiders themselves. These are females. On the dorsal side of their abdomen, a pattern resembling a cross is noticeable. Males are smaller than females and do not make trapping nets. In residential premises, sheds and other buildings, a house spider is common. He builds a trapping net in the form of a hammock. The silver spider makes a cobweb nest in the water in the form of a bell, and around it it pulls trapping cobweb threads.

At the end of the abdomen are arachnoid warts with ducts of the arachnoid glands. The substance released in the air turns into spider webs. When building a trapping web, the spider, using the comb-like claws of its hind legs, connects them into threads of different thicknesses.

Spiders are predators. They feed on insects and other small arthropods. The spider grabs the caught victim with its tentacles and sharp upper jaws, injects a poisonous liquid into the wounds, which acts as digestive juice. After a while, he sucks out the contents of the prey with the help of a sucking stomach.

The complex behavior of spiders associated with the construction of trapping webs, feeding or reproduction is based on a multitude of successive reflexes. Hunger causes a reflex of searching for a place to build a trapping net, the found place serves as a signal for highlighting the web, fixing it, etc. Behavior that includes a chain of successive innate reflexes is called instinct.



Predators. They have a long segmented abdomen, on the last segment of which there is a stinger with ducts of poisonous glands. Scorpions catch and hold their prey with tentacles, on which claws are developed. These arachnids live in hot regions (in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea).

The meaning of arachnids.

Spiders and many other arachnids exterminate flies and mosquitoes, which are of great benefit to humans. Many birds, lizards and other animals feed on them. There are many spiders that harm humans. The bites of a karakurt living in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Crimea cause the death of horses and camels. For a person, scorpion venom is dangerous, causing redness and swelling of the bitten place, nausea and convulsions.

Soil mites, processing plant residues, improve the structure of the soil. But grain, flour and cheese mites destroy and spoil food supplies. Herbivorous mites infect cultivated plants. Scabies mites in the upper layer of human skin (usually between the fingers) and animals gnaw through passages, causing severe itching.

The taiga tick infects humans with the causative agent of encephalitis. Penetrating into the brain, the pathogen affects it. Taiga ticks get encephalitis pathogens by feeding on the blood of wild animals. The causes of the disease with taiga encephalitis were clarified in the late 30s by a group of scientists headed by academician E.N. Pavlovsky. All people working in the taiga are given anti-encephalitis vaccinations.

See also:

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The complex behavior of spiders - their "industry", that is, the construction of trapping nets, flight devices, underground or underwater dwellings, as well as the "care for offspring" developed in many species - may seem like a manifestation of intelligent activity of the same order as conscious human activity.

However, a study of the way of life of spiders clearly shows that the basis of their psychological activity is more or less complex instincts, that is, certain norms of behavior inherent in each individual species, which are not acquired by personal experience, but constitute a specific feature of a given animal.

Like all other species characteristics - a certain form of the body, the location of the eyes, the pattern on the surface of the abdomen, etc. - the instincts are inherited from generation to generation and immediately, already in finished form, appear at the appropriate age or at the appropriate stage of development.

So, for example, newborn cubs of the cross, leaving the egg cocoon only the next spring, that is, a few months after the death of their parents, stay in this cocoon all together, but in case of danger they scatter in different directions - “crumble like beads”.

Their behavior turns out to be very expedient: if, as the proverb says, it is impossible to immediately chase two hares, then it is even more difficult to chase a hundred spiderlings scattering in all directions at a time. But now the danger has passed, and the tiny spiderlings again gather under the shelter of a silky cocoon arranged by their mother, which protects them well from rain and dew.

The cubs of wandering spiders - tarantulas and smaller forms of eight-legged "wolves" behave quite differently. In these species, females "caringly" carry their egg cocoon with them, and when the eggs hatch, they begin to crawl over the mother's body or roam leisurely around her.

However, at the slightest alarm, spiderlings instantly gather in a tight heap on the mother's torso, which can really protect them from attacks.

But the days go by, and the close "friendship" between the brothers and sisters disappears: the grown-up predators scatter apart and, when they meet, treat each other as if they were a possible prey. This new instinct also turns out to be very useful, since it can be difficult for several predators to feed in one place and each of them occupies a separate hunting area for itself.

Young cobweb spiders begin to weave snares, and at the same time it turns out that they, who have never seen how their parents did, immediately “know how” to build them, and moreover, in exactly the way that is characteristic of this type of spider: crosses - in the form vertically stretched network, spiders of the genus Linifia - in the form of a horizontal arch. No one teaches a silver spider to build his underwater bell and carry air into it and so on.

We should not be surprised that these hereditary norms of behavior turn out to be well suited to the animal's life situation: as a result of the constant action of selection, animals that do not satisfy the "requirements" of the environment in terms of their bodily characteristics or according to their inherent instincts are inevitably subject to destruction.

Even such seemingly bizarre poses and “dances” that precede mating in spiders are explained by the fact that spiders are devoid of smell and can only see clearly at close range: therefore, visual signals remain almost the only way for them to to be seen by individuals of the opposite sex and not be mistaken for approaching prey.

Those spiders in which the hereditary instinct of “marriage games” or “dances” would not have manifested at the appropriate moment would either remain unfertilized or would be eaten, like an insect carelessly approaching, that is, in both cases they would be left without offspring.

Therefore, despite the outward similarity of the behavior of spiders with manifestations of intelligent activity, we have no right to "humanize" their actions or attach any moral assessment to them. It should not seem to us an incomprehensible contradiction of the behavior of the female tarantula, which after mating often “cannibalistically” eats the male who did not have time to escape, and then turns out to be an extremely “tender” mother, “caringly” dragging her egg cocoon with her everywhere, and after hatching, the spiders are just as “ carefully” guarding her numerous offspring.

The fact is that in spiders, the life of a male after he has performed his sexual function is no longer of value for the preservation of the species, and in females, after mating, their usual instinct towards crawling prey comes into force. As for maternal “concerns for offspring”, if the female did not manifest the corresponding instinct at the appropriate time in her life, her small, weak and defenseless offspring would be doomed to death, and, consequently, any deviation from this useful (in the data conditions!) for species life, the norms of behavior are invariably swept away by the action of natural selection.

The behavior of tarantulas during defense against enemies is different in different groups of species and is associated with their different physiological organization.
The entire body of tarantulas is covered with hairs that perform various functions. In the posterior upper part of the abdomen, representatives of the genera Aviculariinae, Ischnocolinae and Theraphosinae (that is, in fact, all species of the American continent and islands) have thousands of so-called “protective” (urticating, English) hairs, which are absent only in spiders of the genus Psalmopoeus and Tapinauchenius (not represented at all), and in species of the genus Ephebopus, the hairs are on the hips of the pedipalps.
These hairs are an effective defense (in addition to poison) against an attacker. They are very easily combed from the abdomen by simply rubbing one or more paws.
Protective hairs do not appear in tarantulas at birth and are formed sequentially with each molt.
Six different types of such hairs are known (M. Overton, 2002). As you can see in the figure, they all have a different shape, structure and size.
Interestingly, protective hairs are completely absent in Asian and African species of tarantulas.
Only tarantulas of the genera Avicularia, Pachystopelma and Iridopelma
have protective hairs of type II, which, as a rule, are not combed by spiders, but act only upon direct contact with the integument of the attacker (similar to cactus spines, Toni Hoover, 1997).
Protective hairs of type V are characteristic of species of the genus Ephebopus, which, as mentioned earlier, are located on their pedipalps. They are shorter and lighter than other types of protective hairs and are easily thrown into the air by the spider (S.D. Marshall and G.W. Wetz, 1990).
Type VI hairs have been found in tarantulas of the genus Hemirrhagus (Fernando Perez-Miles, 1998). Representatives of the subfamilies Avicularinae and Theraphosinae have protective hairs of types I, II, III, and IV.
According to Vellard (1936) and Buecherl (1951), the genera with the most protective hairs are Lasiodora, Grammostola and Acanthoscurria. With the exception of Grammostola species, members of the genera Lasiodora and Acanthoscurria have type III protective hairs.
Also, this type of hairs is typical for species of the genera Theraphosa spp., Nhandu spp., Megaphoboema spp., Sericopelma spp., Eupalaestrus spp., Proshapalopus spp., Brachypelma spp., Cyrtopholis spp. and other genera of the subfamily Theraphosinae (Rick West, 2002).
Protective hairs, most effective against vertebrates and representing an immediate danger to humans, belong to type III. They are also effective in defending against invertebrate attack.
The latest research suggests that the protective hairs of tarantulas have not only a mechanical, but also a chemical effect on the skin and mucous membranes upon contact. This could explain the different responses of humans to the protective hairs of tarantulas (Rick West, 2002). It is also likely that the chemical reagent released by them tends to accumulate in the human body, and the reaction to it manifests itself after a certain time of constant / periodic exposure.
Among tarantulas that do not have guard hairs, aggression is manifested by assuming an appropriate posture with open chelicerae, and, as a rule, in the subsequent attack (for example, Stromatopelma griseipes, Citharischius crawshayi, Pterinochilus murinus and Ornithoctonus andersoni). This behavior is not typical for most tarantulas of the American continent, although some species do demonstrate it.
Thus, tarantulas that do not have protective hairs are more aggressive, more mobile and more toxic than all other species.
At the moment of danger, the spider, turning to the attacker, actively shakes off these hairs in its direction with its hind legs, which in terrestrial species have small spikes. A cloud of small hairs, falling on the mucous membrane of, for example, a small mammal, causes swelling, difficulty breathing and, possibly, can be fatal. For humans, such defensive actions of the tarantula also pose a certain danger, since the hairs, falling on the mucous membrane, can cause it to swell and cause a lot of trouble in connection with this. Also, in many people who are prone to an allergic reaction, redness may appear on the skin, a rash may appear, accompanied by itching. Usually these manifestations disappear within a few hours, but with dermatitis they can last up to several days. In this case, to relieve these symptoms, it is recommended to apply 2-2.5% hydrocartisone ointment (cream) to the affected areas.
More severe consequences are possible if protective hairs get on the mucous membrane of the eyes. In this case, immediately rinse the eyes with plenty of cool water and consult an ophthalmologist.
It must be said that tarantulas use protective hairs not only for protection, but, apparently, also for marking their territory, braiding them into a web at the entrance to the shelter and around it. Also, protective hairs are woven by females of many species into the walls of the web that forms a cocoon, which, obviously, serves to protect the cocoon from possible enemies.
Some species that have hard spike-like outgrowths on the back pair of legs (Megaphobema robustum) actively use them in defense: the spider, turning around its axis, hits the enemy with them, inflicting sensitive wounds. The most powerful weapon of tarantulas is chelicerae, which can inflict very painful bites. In the normal state, the spider chelicerae are closed and their stiff upper styloid segment is complex.
When excited and showing aggression, the tarantula raises the front part of the body and paws, pushing the chelicerae apart, and, pushing the “teeth” forward, is preparing to attack at any moment. At the same time, many species literally fall on their “back”. Others make sharp throws forward, while making well-audible hissing sounds.
Species Anoploscelus lesserti, Phlogius crassipes, Citharischius crawshayi, Theraphosa blondi, Pterinochilus spp. and some others, are able to make sounds with the help of the so-called "stridulative apparatus", which is a group of hairs located on the bases of the chelicerae, coxa, trochanter of the pedipalps and forelegs. When they are rubbed, a characteristic sound is produced.
As a rule, the consequences of a tarantula bite for a person are not terrible and are comparable to a wasp sting, and often spiders bite without introducing poison to the enemy (“dry bites”). In the case of its introduction (tarantula venom has neurotoxic properties), no serious harm to health is caused. As a result of the bite of especially toxic and aggressive tarantulas (most Asian and African species, and especially representatives of the genera Poecilotheria, Pterinochilus, Haplopelma, Heteroscodra, Stromatopelma, Phlogius, Selenocosmia), redness and numbness occur at the bite site, local inflammation and swelling are possible, as well as an increase in body temperature, onset of general weakness and headache. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Similar consequences pass within one to three days, pain may persist, loss of sensitivity and a “tic” at the bite site for up to several days. Also, when bitten by spiders of the genus Poecilotheria, muscle spasms are possible for several weeks after the bite (author's experience).
Regarding the “stridulative apparatus” of tarantulas, I would like to note that, despite the fact that its morphology and location is an important taxonomic feature, the behavioral context of the emitted sounds (“creaks”) has been barely studied. In the species Anoploscelus lesserti and Citharischius crawshayi, stridulatory setae are located on the coxa and trochanter of the first and second pairs of legs. During the "creaking", both species raise the prosoma, producing friction by moving the chelicerae and the first pair of legs, simultaneously throwing out the pedipalps and front legs towards the enemy. Species of the genus Pterinochilus have stridulatory setae on the outer part of the chelicerae, and during the "creaking" segment of the pedipalp trochanter, which also has an area of ​​stridulatory setae, moves along the chelicerae.
The duration and frequency varies from species to species. For example, the duration of sound in Anoploscelus lesserti and Pterinochilus murinus is 95-415 ms, and the frequency reaches 21 kHz. Citharischius crawshayi produces sounds with a duration of 1200 ms, reaching a frequency of 17.4 kHz. Compiled sonograms of sounds made by tarantulas show individual species characteristics of tarantulas. This behavior apparently serves to indicate that the given hole in which the spider lives is occupied, and also, probably, can be a method of protection against small mammals and predatory wasps-hawks.
In conclusion, the description of the ways to protect tarantulas would like to dwell on the behavior of tarantulas of the genus Hysterocrates and Psalmopoeus cambridgei, noted by many amateurs, due to the fact that in case of danger they take refuge in the water. Danish fancier Søren Rafn observed how a tarantula, submerged for several hours, only exposed its knee or the tip of its abdomen to the surface. The fact is that the body of the tarantula, due to dense pubescence, when penetrating through the water surface, forms a dense air shell around itself and, apparently, exposing a part of the body above the surface is enough to enrich it with oxygen necessary for the spider to breathe. A similar situation was also observed by the Moscow amateur I. Arkhangelsky (oral communication).
Also, amateurs have noted the ability of many representatives of the genus Avicularia, when disturbed, to “shoot” feces at the enemy. However, this fact is currently completely unexplored and not described in the literature.
At the end of this article, I would like to note that the protective behavior of tarantulas has not been fully studied, therefore, we, lovers of keeping tarantulas at home, have the opportunity in the near future to discover many new and interesting things related not only to protective behavior, but also to other areas of life of these mysterious creatures.

Spiders are a special class of living creatures, which was named after a girl from Greek mythology. In the myth of the weaver named Arachne, who dared to challenge Athena to a competition in skill, it is said that the goddess won without recognizing the efforts of a simple girl. Out of resentment and frustration, Arachne wanted to hang herself. However, she was turned into a spider by Athena, tirelessly weaving her web.

And now let's take a closer look at some of the characteristics of these arthropods. What features of the structure and behavior of the cross-spider help these living creatures survive?

Special life of spiders

Spider-cross (photo confirms) is a typical representative of its class. To the squad

Arachnids also include mites and scorpions. More than 300,000 species of representatives of this class live in tropical and mixed forests of our planet. To find out what features of the structure and behavior of the cross-spider exist, you need to be a very careful observer. Most often, the "weaver" itself is invisible to us. But his web is quite noticeable!

The behavior of the spider-cross is due to its lifestyle and habitat. Forests, parks, gardens and various green spaces can all be home to members of this species. In human dwellings, it is also quite common to find araneus diadematus.

spider spider

The bodies of all spiders are similar:

  • small cephalothorax;
  • large belly ovoid;
  • 8 legs.

According to the pattern on the surface of the back, similar to a cross, this species got its name. The so-called eyes (8 pairs) are located in front of the spider's cephalothorax. The mouth of the cross consists of several "details": a pair of jaw-claws with poisonous glands at the bases, as well as tentacles (chelicerae) - organs of touch.

The structural features of the spider-cross allow it to survive, attack and feed with the help of its powerful jaws. On the legs are comb-like claws, with which the "forest weaver" creates its sticky network. Spider warts are located at the bottom of the abdomen. Despite having so many eyes, the spider family sees very poorly. The main assistant for survival is touch with sensitive legs.

The method of feeding the cross

A builder and hunter, the cross-spider feeds on anything that falls into its traps. It can be horseflies and flies, mosquitoes or various midges and small insects. All representatives of this species are predators, including the cross. The photo helps to see the process of catching insects in a sticky web. Grabbing the prey with its toenails, its jaw-hooks, the spider bites through it, injecting a paralyzing poison into the wound of the victim. At the same time, digestive juice enters its body, softening the insides of the fly.

With its insatiable appetite, this insect hunter is able to suck out more than a dozen flies at a time. If there are too many victims, the behavioral features of the cross-spider tell him to wrap the captives in a cocoon and leave "for later." Stocks are suspended from a trap on threads. Spiders are not adapted to eating solid food. But they can suck out the softened insides of insects. For this extra-intestinal mode of feeding, arachnids do not need stomachs.

How Spiders Reproduce

Only by the end of the summer period, eight-legged forest dwellers reach puberty. By observing what features of the structure and behavior of the cross-spider contribute to the reproduction of this species, biologists have found that females are more than twice as large as males. Living alone, only in the autumn the spider sets off to look for a “lady”. By attaching his thread to the female's trap and pulling it, he draws the attention of the female in this way. The mating that took place becomes the last event in the life of this male - the “lady” eats him after the fertilization process. Satiation instinct, nothing personal!

The female spider lays eggs in the autumn months, wrapping the masonry in a dense filament cocoon. With such silk protection, future offspring will easily survive any frost. Suspended in secluded places, in the crevices of tree bark, these cocoons will open next spring. Little spiders, having wintered, will come out to build their traps.

What makes a spider spin a web

Without its graceful trap, this predator would not be a spider. Let's look at what features of the structure and behavior of the spider-cross make it weave webs for life and food.

  • Hunger is the root cause of all actions of representatives of this species. To have food, you need to find a place suitable for a trap.
  • When the arthropod decides on the territory, the next instinct turns on - the arachnoid composition begins to stand out.
  • Each action causes subsequent signals about the necessary continuation. Everything is arranged simply and clearly.

A spider's web-weaving skills can be innate, built-in, or acquired, depending on the environment. However, the overall layout of the web always has many of the same details. Perfectly woven spiral coils are fixed along the radii of the network with equal angles. In this case, the center of gravity always coincides with the center of the web mesh.

About spiders, cobwebs and humans

Remembering the signs and scientific research, you can find out what features of the behavior and structure of the cross-spider were used by mankind to treat various diseases.

  • By applying the removed fresh cobweb to a small wound, you can stop the bleeding.
  • It is believed that the decoration with the image of a forest octopus brings monetary luck.
  • European doctors of the Middle Ages claimed that wearing a pendant in the form of a spider on the chest would protect against diseases.
  • If the "handsome" sits in the very center of his trap and does not crawl out, then it will definitely rain.
  • If spiders weave fresh webs, then this is for sunny weather.

In conclusion, about the benefits of the arachnid order

If it were not for this family, humanity could annually suffer great losses from
crop losses. Spiders play an almost leading role in the fight against insect pests. During the season, these gluttons destroy more than 200 kg of possible carriers of various infectious diseases on a hectare of forest territory.

Vivat to cross-spiders!

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