Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat kohlrabi cabbage. Tips and explanations from nutritionists about whether cabbage can be breastfed. Seaweed while breastfeeding

Red fish is a delicacy product that is valued for its delicate taste and piquancy. All lovers of this yummy know and understand that it is much cheaper and more interesting to buy a fresh or frozen product and pickle it yourself and cook it at home. According to the proposed recipes, it turns out just incredibly tasty fish, which will amaze everyone with its tenderness and juiciness, and delight with the delicate aroma of the spices used. Despite the fact that salmon or trout are good on their own and do not require additional accents, we recommend experimenting with seasonings in search of the perfect taste.

Marinade for red fish allows you to prepare a unique product that can be either fried or baked in the oven or on the grill. We offer to use our recipes, which have been tested by a large number of housewives from all over the world.

Soy marinade for red fish


  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • lemon juice - 1 table. the spoon
  • honey - 2 tsp. spoons
  • onion - 1 pc.

Combine all marinade ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool the resulting mass, add the onion rings, put the fish in the marinade and leave for a couple of hours. Fry the fish in a good frying pan without oil and serve with rice, vegetable salad or any other side dish.

Marinade for red fish on cognac

A very simple, but at the same time spicy marinade that will help make the taste of the fish incredibly tasty and juicy.


  • cognac - 1.5 table. spoons
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • lemon zest - 0.5 tsp
  • dill - 5 g
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • sea ​​salt - 1 teaspoon

Finely chop the dill and grate the lemon zest, add cognac, lemon juice and sugar with salt. For a slightly salty taste, it is enough for the fish to stand in such a marinade for about 5 hours in the refrigerator. Having tried this pickling method once, you will no longer want to look for other recipes.

Spicy olive oil marinade


  • olive oil - 1 table. the spoon
  • parsley - 2 sprigs
  • cumin - 2 g
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice out of the rest, finely chop the garlic. Pour in olive oil, salt and pepper, season with cumin and chopped parsley. Before baking, marinate salmon or trout in a spicy marinade for 2 hours.

Marinade with herbs de Provence

You need to take:

  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • lime - 1 slice
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • basil - 2 g
  • rosemary - 2 g
  • dill - 5 g

Pour a little lemon and lime juice into vegetable oil, season with chopped dill and herbs with salt. Thoroughly dip the fish in this mass and hold for 30 minutes, then fry in a dry frying pan.

Honey marinade with sesame seeds

This recipe uses honey, which gives the red fish an interesting sweet taste.


  • honey - 2 table. spoons
  • soy sauce - 50 ml
  • sesame - 1 table. the spoon
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp. spoons

We mix all the ingredients and marinate the fish in it, after 20 minutes we bake the fish with sesame seeds in the oven.

Ginger marinade for red fish

An interesting version of the Korean-style fish marinade. Spicy, spicy and insanely aromatic marinade will make your favorite fish a real delicacy.

  • fresh ginger - 2 cm
  • butter - 1 teaspoon
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • rice vinegar - 1 table. the spoon

Pour finely grated ginger with rice vinegar, add soy sauce and melted butter. We marinate portioned pieces of fish in the resulting mixture, hold for 20-30 minutes. This time is enough for the fish to be saturated with the aromas and taste of the components of the marinade.

mustard marinade

A wonderful marinade that is ideal not only for red fish, but also for chicken.

Are breastfed babies really sensitive to the food eaten by the mother? Can kale and other gassy vegetables cause anxiety in babies?

To the question “Can nursing mothers eat cabbage?” answers the breastfeeding consultant, specialist of the Center for Distance Learning of Breastfeeding Consultants “Project ProHB”, member of the Union of Professional Motherhood Support (SPPM) Yulia Khomenko.

Substances from the food you eat can appear in milk within 1-24 hours after ingestion of the products, but on average this time is 4-6 hours. It depends on many factors and, first of all, on your individual metabolism, the amount eaten, the frequency of feeding the child and other things. The good news is that you don't have to worry too much about this. To date, experts on the opinion that there are no special dietary rules that a nursing mother should follow if the child is not worried.

“But what about gaziki and colic?” - you ask. Indeed, for many years there was an opinion that the use of gas-producing foods (cabbage, legumes, broccoli, etc.) can lead to increased gas formation in a child. This opinion is incredibly persistent, but completely unfounded and not confirmed by research. All children, regardless of the mother’s diet and type of feeding (breast / artificial), have days when there is increased gas production, there is anxiety and frequent spitting up. This happens because the digestive system of babies is still immature. Almost all children experience gas from time to time, and they all outgrow it.

Gas is a by-product of the digestive process. Food causes gas because its mass and the carbohydrates it contains (sugars, starches, soluble fiber) enter the stomach, and bacteria begin to digest them, releasing gas in the process. This gas then accumulates in the intestines. But the food mass that the bacteria break down does not get into breast milk, it remains in the intestine along with the bacteria. Neither gases nor undigested carbohydrates (the decomposition of which can cause gases in the mother) do not enter the mother's blood, therefore, they cannot enter the milk and cause gases in your baby.

At the moment when the baby's intestinal bacteria break down the sugar and starches that came into his body from breast milk, he produces his own gases, which again is a natural part of the digestive process. This does not mean that certain foods will not bother a particular child - this happens sometimes, and most often it happens in very young children, in the first month after birth. But, if the baby reacts to some product in the mother’s diet (this also includes vitamin complexes, and iron preparations, and dairy products, etc.), then you will most likely see other symptoms, such as excessive regurgitation, colic, diarrhea, rash or runny nose. With the combination of several of these symptoms and the presence of increased gas formation, it is advisable to exclude the “guilty” product from the diet of a nursing mother for some time, but after a couple of weeks it can be returned again, but in small quantities.

Do not give up any product forever. After all, the list of foods that can cause gas and a baby's reaction is individual and almost limitless, and if you try to avoid all these foods, then limit your diet in vain. In addition, some nutritionists and lactation experts have identified another interesting side to the issue of providing a complete and balanced diet for a nursing mother. They believe that breast milk conveys the flavors of the foods consumed by the mother. Therefore, children have the opportunity to become accustomed to different taste sensations, and this generally results in them having fewer eating problems as they get older.

It is also important to remember that not only products can be the cause of increased gas formation in a child. Here are some of the possible "culprits" of this problem: a lot of milk from mom, swallowing air while crying, using the wrong bottle, thrush, rare bowel movements (remember that breastfeeding after the first 4 weeks is the norm!), all that what the child receives in addition to breast milk (vitamins, medicines, tea, herbs, etc.), a mixture (since it is not a specific and natural food for the child). If your baby is very worried about the presence of gas, contact a lactation consultant - he will help you identify and gently eliminate the cause of anxiety.

If your regular diet is healthy and balanced enough, then there is no reason to change it in any way. With the exception of certain foods, a nursing mother can eat whatever she wants, including chocolate and cabbage, but in moderation and carefully watching the baby's reaction. Remember the main principle of nutrition for a nursing mother - moderation. You should not overeat even the most useful product, but you should not categorically refuse the "unauthorized", but your favorite dish.

Let it bring you only joy!

During the breastfeeding period, a young mother needs a healthy diet rich in fresh vegetables. Cauliflower is one of the best vegetable crops for lactation. Today we will tell you how cauliflower is useful for breastfeeding and when it can be included in the menu of a nursing mother.

Cauliflower with HB - is it possible?

The diet of a nursing mother, especially at first after the birth of a child, is strict. The menu is thought out to the smallest detail, and each component must be approved by the attending physician. The patronage nurse gives the most specific instructions regarding the nutrition of the mother who has given birth, including recommendations on the use of vegetable crops.

Cauliflower is allowed during breastfeeding and is included in the list of products that can be consumed during the lactation period. But, according to nutritionists, it is not worth rushing to introduce cauliflower immediately after childbirth. When developing a diet for nursing mothers, experts noted that the best period for including cauliflower dishes in maternal nutrition is 3 months after the baby is born.

The introduction of cauliflower into the diet of a nursing mother

Every breastfeeding mother, for the sake of the well-being of her newborn, should know when to include a certain product in her diet.

With cauliflower, everything is quite simple. There are several rules that should be followed, and then the first acquaintance with the vegetable will be calm for the baby's tummy.

  • In the first month after childbirth, it is not worth introducing cauliflower during lactation. The digestive system of the crumbs is still quite weak and is not ready for innovations in the nutrition of a nursing mother.
  • When the child reaches 4-5 weeks, if desired, mom can try a small portion of boiled cauliflower. At the same time, other new products should be discarded for the first 2-3 days. In the second month after birth, the enzymes of the baby's stomach mature and gradually learn to digest new substances that enter the body with mother's milk.
  • In the fourth month of feeding, we can say that a healthy child will tolerate a new product in his mother's diet well. Cauliflower during this period can be safely consumed and used in the preparation of various dishes.

5 health benefits of cauliflower when breastfeeding

To understand whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have cauliflower, it is necessary to know what exactly this vegetable crop is rich in and how safe it is to use it, having a newborn baby in her arms.
The benefits and harms of cauliflower - watch a good video on this topic:

So, what is this popular and tasty vegetable useful for:

  1. Boiled cauliflower has a high nutritional value. It will easily replenish the mother's body with the necessary vitamins and microelements: B vitamins, vitamins C, E, K; as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.
  2. Fresh young heads of cauliflower contain flavonoids - substances that strengthen the body's immune system. Flavonoids also play an important role in the prevention of heart disease and heart attacks.

    Advice! During seasonal colds, you need to consume at least 350 g of cauliflower per week to resist viruses and strengthen the immune system.

  3. As much as cauliflower is healthy and tasty, it is also hypoallergenic. This is a vegetable that can be the first to be introduced into the menu after childbirth, and subsequently your baby will be the first to try it during complementary foods;
  4. It is not in vain that cauliflower is included in the children's menu and in therapeutic diets - it is beneficial for gastrointestinal diseases without irritating the gastric mucosa. With constant use, cauliflower helps to properly empty the intestines, preventing constipation with HB;
  5. For all its nutritional value, cauliflower is a low-calorie product, only 23 kcal per 100 g of fresh vegetable. This item is relevant for nursing mothers who want to keep themselves in shape after childbirth.

On a note! Cauliflower, unlike white cabbage, contains a low amount of coarse fiber (less than 2 g per 100 g of product). Rough dietary fiber causes bloating, gas formation and other unpleasant symptoms. In cauliflower, they are negligible, so this vegetable can be consumed during lactation.

We eat cauliflower during lactation correctly

Cauliflower is a delicate vegetable crop loved by many for its pleasant taste and versatility in dishes. When breastfeeding, this type of cabbage can be cooked in four variations:

  • boiled;
  • baked;
  • steamed;
  • stew.

Here are some tips for cooking cauliflower. This is not only healthy, but also a very tasty product, if you know how to cook it:

  • Boiled cauliflower is a great lunch snack for a nursing mother. It can be used as a side dish, or as part of a soup in a light chicken broth. For first courses, you can use frozen cauliflower. With rapid cooling, all useful vitamins are preserved in it.
  • If you like stewed cauliflower, then you will love the tender vegetable stew. To prepare it, you need to take the inflorescences of one cauliflower, carrots and 2-3 potato tubers. Pour diced potatoes and carrots with water, simmer for 20 minutes, then add cabbage and herbs, salt. Simmer the stew under the lid for another 7-10 minutes until cooked.
  • An omelet with cauliflower and greens will be no less tasty. It is necessary to cook it in the oven, filling the prepared inflorescences with beaten eggs.

Recipe for cauliflower soup in video format. A short video shot in a very interesting manner:

Note! Try to avoid fried cauliflower dishes cooked in a pan with oil during lactation - they can cause an attack of colic or an upset stool in the baby.

Cauliflower: are there any contraindications?

Shortly after the birth of a child, the mother's diet undergoes significant changes. Many familiar products acquire the status of "banned". Cauliflower is a safe product, it can be eaten with HB without any health concerns. There are only two conditional contraindications for which it is worth limiting the use of this vegetable. This is:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • the occurrence of food allergies in mother / baby.

Finding out how the baby tolerates a new component in the mother's diet is quite simple. It is enough to make sure that after the introduction of the product (considering the first three days):

  1. The child did not develop redness and rashes on the skin.
  2. From the side of the gastrointestinal tract of the child, nothing bothers.
  3. The baby has not deteriorated in general health, he is not irritable and does not show sudden, inexplicable discontent after feeding.

If there are no unusual symptoms, then a nursing mother can safely plan the preparation of dishes from tasty and appetizing cauliflower for her table.

Sauerkraut is a product familiar to Russian people. Many people love it very much and cannot imagine the autumn-winter period without this delicious dish. The desire to crunch sauerkraut can also occur in a nursing woman. But can it be included in the diet while breastfeeding? How will this affect the well-being of the baby?

Baby's digestion

The digestive system of a newborn is not adapted to heavy loads. The comfort of the baby depends on the composition of mother's milk. When breastfeeding, a woman should take a responsible approach to compiling her own menu. At first, it is better to exclude controversial products.

Having eaten even a little sauerkraut, the mother runs the risk of causing increased flatulence in the baby. The first month is not the best time to experiment. But every day the baby's body is getting stronger. It makes no sense to refrain from eating your favorite food throughout the entire period of Guards. What is the best time for innovation? When can I try the desired pickled vegetable again?

Truths and myths about sauerkraut

Experts believe that sauerkraut while breastfeeding is not entirely safe. This is often motivated by the fact that cabbage can cause fermentation in the stomach. There really is some truth in this. Such a process sometimes occurs. But this does not always affect the quality of milk. It is unlikely that the baby will experience the same as the mother. Everything that a woman eats enters milk after careful processing by the mother's body. Eaten foods have a mediocre effect on the child.

Breastfeeding experts say that sauerkraut should not be remembered for the first six months after childbirth. It's hard to disagree with this. The dish is quite aggressive. It contains a lot of acid, salt and spices. Until the baby reaches the age of 6 months, the mother must be very careful.

Can an exception be made?

When you really want a forbidden product, allow yourself 1-2 tablespoons. After that, carefully observe the child. If the baby is acting more restless than usual, put off satisfying your desires for the future.

In addition to the negative aspects, there is still an incentive to consume sauerkraut. Useful properties of the product:

  • The product is rich in fiber. The use of this vegetable helps to establish the process of digestion. It is important for women suffering from constipation to include such dishes in the menu;
  • Cabbage is a source of vitamins. In the cold season - this is a great way to saturate the body with useful trace elements;
  • Sauerkraut contains natural antibacterial agents. They prevent the occurrence of decay processes in the intestines;
  • Sauerkraut included in the diet helps to increase appetite. This is important for those who suffer from a lack of desire to eat. Lactation, in turn, depends on good nutrition.

Having compared all the pros and cons, each mother decides on her own how to organize nutrition correctly so that she does not harm the baby and does not torment herself with senseless refusals from delicious food.

Rules for introducing sauerkraut into the diet of a nursing mother

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What matters is not only the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have sauerkraut, but also how to properly expand your menu . New products should be introduced gradually, all the time.

As already mentioned, sauerkraut can be tried after the child reaches 6 months of age. Why is this product allowed after six months? In newborns, digestive enzymes have extremely low activity. The first 1.5 months you need a strict diet. Up to 3 months, the restrictions are also quite strict. 4 and 5 months - the period when a woman can diversify her diet. Avoid those foods that cause bloating and allergic reactions.

By following some rules, you can avoid unnecessary problems.

  • observe the measure, do not eat the first time more than one, maximum two spoons;
  • introduce sauerkraut as part of the main dish;
  • a new product should be consumed in the morning;
  • watch the child's reaction.

To test the effect of sauerkraut on the child's body is required step by step:

  1. For the first time, use sauerkraut to cook cabbage soup. First, cabbage soup is boiled. Secondly, they have many other ingredients, which means that the amount of pickled vegetables is not too large.
  2. If everything went smoothly, the next time it is possible to add to the vinaigrette. This salad perfectly combines a lot of vegetables, is really healthy and rich in vitamins.
  3. After successfully testing the component of interest in the composition of the salad, you can try to stew it. Fry sauerkraut in a pan or in a cauldron. Eat a couple of spoons along with a side dish.

Only after a series of the aforementioned experiments, you can enjoy sauerkraut in its natural form. Of course, provided that you do not abuse it.

The famous doctor Komarovsky advises newly-made mothers to adhere to a balanced diet, do not forget about the variety in food. Every month, the list of allowed ingredients for cooking delicious dishes is expanding. The older the child, the more you allow yourself. You need to return to the usual menu in stages. Within 10 days you can try no more than three new products. Do this provided that the child is completely healthy.

  • no or indigestion.
  • If there are no contraindications, you can enjoy your favorite food. Over time, you will even return to chocolate, legumes, citrus fruits, pickled and pickled vegetables.

    As for sauerkraut, the conclusion is obvious. It is better to refuse it at first. For the first six months, refrain from adding this vegetable to the diet. At a certain time, slowly start introducing cabbage in raw, boiled, sauerkraut and stewed form on the menu.

    When it is closer to a year, there is no need to fear that the food eaten by the mother will cause indigestion in the breastfed baby. There is no need to forget about your favorite dishes for the entire period of Guards. The main requirement is a healthy diet. To keep your baby in good health, take care of your own health.

    Breastfeeding is shrouded in a mass of myths. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is that mothers have little knowledge about the processes taking place in the body of her and the baby during lactation. But everyone knows for sure that the mother's diet directly affects the work of the child's gastrointestinal tract. Doctors and numerous advisers recommend that some products be excluded from the mother's diet in the first months of a baby's life. And is it possible for a nursing mother to use cabbage, and if so, what kind and in what form is one of the most frequent questions in antenatal clinics and on thematic forums.

    Cabbage often causes gas in adults. It was from here that the myth appeared that the child would certainly have gaziki if the mother ate cabbage. They cause discomfort to the baby, causing pain. They appear due to the immaturity of the child's digestive system, and can be provoked not only by absolutely any product, but also by other reasons not related to food.

    From this we can conclude that bloating in children from the use of cabbage by their mother is a myth. But still, there are some rules that a nursing mother must adhere to so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs.

    While breastfeeding, you can follow the recommendations:

    • raw cabbage is better to eat no earlier than three months later;
    • start introducing the product in processed form. Can be stewed or boiled;
    • you need to start with the use of small portions;
    • In case of discomfort in the baby, you can postpone the input of the vegetable for a month.

    Is processed cabbage safe?

    You can process cabbage in several ways - boil, stew, ferment. To make the dish as safe as possible, you need to cook it very carefully. When extinguishing, it is necessary to avoid burning the product. Indeed, during this, carcinogens are formed that are harmful to a nursing mother. Contraindications to the use of stewed cabbage are also diseases of the pancreas, liver and intestines.

    Irina, 26 years old: the first son did not react to raw cabbage already in the second week after birth. Introduced the product early due to inexperience. But the second time I studied the issue and introduced a month later, in a stew, gaziki and colic bothered the whole night. So I didn’t dare to eat cabbage anymore until the end of feeding.

    Flatulence in the mother is also possible when eating a processed vegetable, but it manifests itself less often than after a raw product. So when entering into the diet, it is better to process cabbage.

    There are restrictions on the use of sauerkraut. It contains a lot of acid, hot spices and salt. During the first year of feeding, it is better for a nursing mother to refuse delicacies completely.

    Does the grade matter?

    Cauliflower when breastfeeding has a good effect on the body because it contains fiber. It is quickly absorbed. Of all types of heat treatment, it is better to exclude frying so as not to lose the beneficial properties of the vegetable. You can cook and steam.

    The product contains a number of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for mother and child. The content of potassium and calcium has a beneficial effect on the construction of tissues and strengthening of bones. Phosphorus, iron and zinc saturate the blood with oxygen and improve blood circulation.

    Seaweed when breastfeeding is useful only in limited quantities. Coarse fiber, which is part of the product, can lead to digestive problems. A large amount of iodine often causes allergic reactions in infants.

    Julia, 23 years old, does not advise eating seaweed: We got rid of allergies for a long time. The whole face was covered in red spots.

    It is also not necessary to exclude the product completely. Algae improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and normalizes stools. The liver and bile ducts are cleansed. Seaweed during breastfeeding is not prohibited. Amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary to strengthen the child's body.

    Broccoli during breastfeeding can be consumed in doses, in small portions, not earlier than two months after childbirth. If the mother has intestinal diseases, the product is contraindicated at all.

    The composition of the vegetable includes vitamins PP, carotene and methionine, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism. Harmful salts and metals are removed with the help of choline and phytin, which are part of broccoli. The work of the intestines will improve due to fiber, and sulfur, zinc and beta-carotene will be removed from the kidney stones.

    Maria, 31 years old: ate broccoli right after the hospital and my baby reacted well. I love this cabbage very much, but I ate it little by little. And introduced gradually.

    The influence of cabbage on the body of the mother and the newborn during feeding is undeniable. For lactating women, it can be harmful and beneficial at the same time, since food tolerance is individual, and the content of useful trace elements in the product is high. The main thing to remember is the basic principle of breastfeeding: introduce new food into the diet in small portions and monitor the reaction of the baby to them.

    Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat cabbage

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