What remedy can be used to treat alcoholism. Treatment of alcoholism at home with medicines - a review of modern drugs. Drugs that reduce alcohol cravings

A properly selected effective remedy for alcoholism will help to tear a person away from addiction. Today, there are a variety of drugs of medicinal properties, options for traditional medicine and alternative methods of treatment. Which one to choose? These can be drops and powders, infusions and decoctions, “sewing in” blockers and hypnosis techniques. They will help you choose the best remedy for alcoholism reviews and the availability of an explanation of the effect of the drug on a person.

Drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence

Any drug is used only after prior consultation with the doctor. If a person cannot or does not want to heal himself, the narcologist will select drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence, indicated for use without notifying the patient. Medications are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Compositions containing disulfiram and cyanamide are components that break down ethanol and cause severe poisoning, which explains the aversion to alcohol.
  2. Compositions of a systemic type, with the help of which alcoholics can be gradually weaned from cravings for drinking. Such tablets or suspensions, drops, have a restorative effect, normalize the central nervous system, the functionality of internal organs.

Compositions and tablets help from intoxication of the body: Alco-Seltzer, aspirin, glycine, lemontar. Medicines help to reduce the suffering of a hangover, which allows you to give up the desire to "drink to improve your health." But drunkenness will not stop this; stronger and more effective remedies for alcohol addiction will be required.

Important! Human coding is another remedy for alcohol. Drugs of this type include drugs with the presence of disulfiram and teturam. The introduction is carried out by injection, drip or sewn under the skin. Then, over a certain period of time, substances accumulate in the body that block the action of enzymes and cause a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages.

  1. Colme is a drip drug that has no taste, no smell, so the drinking person will not be able to determine the presence of the drug as an additive. Helps in drunken states, a strong remedy in the treatment of chronic alcohol. Causes vomiting, nausea, dizziness as soon as a person takes a dose of alcohol.
  2. Torpedo is a common tool that also uses a psychological effect. It is injected into a vein as a liquid, then the patient is invited to drink a small dose of alcohol, after which an acute poisoning reaction occurs. The essence of the technique is in the subsequent psychological “treatment” of the patient by the narcologist: the doctor literally puts into the patient’s head the thought of what will happen if you continue to drink. The effectiveness of Torpedo is confirmed in 75% of cases.
  3. Esperal is a medicine based on disulfiram. It has a powerful poisoning effect as soon as the patient takes a dose of alcohol. The resulting symptoms: palpitations, panic attack, severe headache, vomiting, nausea - all this causes a strong aversion to drinks containing ethanol.
  4. Coprinol is a very effective remedy, the action of which is based on two components: dung fungus and succinic acid. It helps not only to get a person out of a deep binge, stop cravings for alcohol, but also with severe hangovers.
  5. Teturam is the most effective drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Discharged in cases where other drugs or methods do not help. As a result of taking a pill (powder or drops), alcohol is oxidized in the body - poisoning with the presence of all side effects is guaranteed.
  6. Alcobarrier, Barrier is a metabotropic drug that accelerates metabolic processes and the processing of ethanol. Due to the immediate effect, a modern effective drug is considered one of the most effective for the treatment of alcohol dependence. But it is worth remembering that this is a biological supplement, so psychological support, constant monitoring and subsequent therapy are very important.

  1. Naltrexone is a new drug that is used at home. It has proven itself as a remedy for alleviating a hangover, as well as as a component for the complex treatment of an ailment.
  2. Alcofinal is also a fairly new drug that is indicated for the treatment of chronic alcohol dependence at any stage of the disease. The effectiveness of this drug has not yet been officially confirmed.
  3. Proproten-100 is an analogue of a foreign medicine, which has confirmed its effectiveness in alleviating the symptoms of a hangover, removing a drunkard from a binge, but the final effect of refusal is achievable only in the absence of a “breakdown”. The drug is not a medicine, it is a biological supplement that needs to be consumed in a course, but can be given without the knowledge of the patient.

Important! Proproten-100 is more effective as an additional means of complex therapy, where there are more effective drugs and pills for alcohol dependence.

Many experts prefer formulations that facilitate the course of withdrawal symptoms. For example, Medichronal or Clonidine are drugs that help you stop drinking. By reducing the craving for a hangover, the compositions remove the remains of the breakdown of ethanol from the body, return normal functions to the organs, maintain brain function and calm the central nervous system. As a result, the drinking person no longer tries to return to the previous state, but gradually refuses the dose.

But it is not enough to use the most effective remedies for alcoholism, you must not give the opportunity to return to that state of euphoria. Many alcoholics do not give up alcohol because with its help they calm down, fall asleep, and do not react so sharply to depression and other psychological problems. Drugs such as Cipramil are designed to help restore all functions: normalize sleep, find peace of mind, eliminate anxiety, depression, and so on.

Folk remedies for alcohol addiction

As for folk remedies, here the choice is also quite rich. Very good help:

  • Infusions without the use of alcohol;
  • Decoctions of herbs of a sedative nature (sold in pharmacies);
  • Decoctions and powders for inducing aversion to alcohol.

Which means to choose is up to the patient or his family. However, it is worth remembering that if the tablets are certified, then folk alternative drugs are not always reliable. In the case of severe cases, when a person himself wants to know how to stop drinking alcohol, folk remedies will have the necessary effect. The best way to stop drinking is to prepare a powder of mushrooms or a decoction of thyme and give the formulations to the patient.

  1. Find a dung mushroom. It grows like a mushroom and is often caught in the first summer months. The mushroom should be light, without dark spots. The dung beetle is dried, ground into powder and given every second day in food to the sick. The dose is not more than 5 grams, count the days as follows: the first - we do not give, the second - we give, again the first - we do not give, the second - we give, while the "second" days should be exactly 10. That is, the course of treatment is a total of 20 days . This is a really good way to stop drinking, as the patient suffers terribly from poisoning: cyanosis of the face, swelling, tachycardia, convulsions, vomiting - not a complete list of symptoms.

  1. A decoction of thyme is made even easier, but it will act just as well. Dry grass (sold in a pharmacy) is taken no more than 5 grams, pour everything with a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, drain. Pour the decoction with boiled water up to half a liter of volume and give 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. The course is about 20 days, but the former alcoholic is cured much faster.

Important! Proven folk remedies are an effective way to recover from alcohol addiction. However, it should be remembered that an overdose is unacceptable! You can not immediately pour all the powder or pour in the decoction - the consequences can be fatal.

Regardless of which remedy is chosen for treatment, all have contraindications. In particular, these are: diabetes, problems with the heart, liver. The best option is to take medication under the supervision of a doctor. And do not forget about psychological support, a sick person needs it.

To date, there is an extensive list of drugs intended for the treatment and prevention of alcoholism. They are available in the form of drops, tablets or injections. Some can be used without the knowledge of the patient. The most famous drugs include medicines called Disulfiram, Teturam, Alkostop, Alkoprost and Alkobarrier, Proproten-100 and Antakson are also popular. Disulfiram is the most toxic drug and has the most side effects.

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    Types of drugs

    Treatment of alcoholism should be comprehensiveand prescribed by a narcologist. To get rid of This disease is mandatory use of medicines, which differ in the method of exposure.

    The main groups of drugs for alcoholism:

    1. 1. Aversive.
    2. 2. Blockers of alcoholic pleasure.
    3. 3. Drugs that reduce the craving for alcohol.

    Aversive drugs

    Medicines of this group form an aversion to alcohol. Against the background of their intake, the strongest reaction of the body occurs every time you drink alcohol. Tablets of this type should be taken regularly, otherwise the protective properties of the medicines will stop. There are also long-acting products, the effect of which lasts from 6 months to a year.


    It ranks first among drugs for getting rid of alcoholism. When using it, the accepted ethanol is transformed into acetaldehyde. This toxic substance can cause a sharp deterioration in well-being. Vomiting, headache, panic attacks and tachycardia may occur. It becomes difficult for an alcoholic to drink and he refuses to drink alcohol on his own. This remedy is of domestic production, they were treated back in Soviet times. After taking such a medicine together with alcohol, strong side effects occur, as a result of which the mere thought of vodka causes an attack of vomiting.

    Disulfiram is the most affordable alcohol remedy. The drug is toxic, so the treatment is carried out in small courses. With prolonged use, the liver is destroyed, and diseases of the nervous system occur. Without the knowledge of the patient, it is impossible to add tablets to food, since the drug has a specific taste and is difficult to mix with food or drinks. After a while, the desire to drink returns to alcoholics, but patients who have experienced all the "charms" of adverse reactions after using disulfiram refuse to take it again. The Russian analogue of this medicine is Teturam, the import is Antabuse. They contain the same active ingredient. Their prices are higher than the Soviet counterpart.


    The French analogue is Esperal tablets. Its main feature is a high degree of purity, so its side effects are lower. Otherwise, it is identical to Disulfiram. To achieve an aversion to alcohol, the drug is taken once a day. The first results are noticeable after 10-12 hours. Over time, a person will lose the feeling of pleasure from drinking alcohol.


    Release form - tablets. The composition of the product includes disulfiram and vitamins. The latter are added to it in order to reduce the effect of the main active substance on the human nervous system. The drug is well tolerated by patients, but has the same side effects as the traditional medicine. It can be used for a long time.


    Colme is a famous Spanish drug for alcohol. Produced in the form of a solution. The main active ingredient is cyanamide. This is what causes alcohol intolerance. The drug is similar to Disulfiram, but acts softer. Colme is a non-toxic drug. Treatment lasts up to 6 months. The clear liquid is tasteless and odorless and can be added to food or drink. The only drawback is the high price of the drug. Packing Colme is enough for a month of use. The effect will come in an hour after reception. This solution received a huge amount of positive feedback in many countries and was included in the list of essential drugs for getting rid of alcoholism.


    The agent is administered intramuscularly. The active ingredient is disulfiram. As a result of the use of the drug, an accumulation of the drug is formed under the skin of the patient, which acts for a long time after the injection. It is used once every 20 days. To achieve a lasting effect, a course of 10 injections is prescribed. When combining alcohol with Tetlong, strong adverse reactions occur.

    Alcoholic Pleasure Blockers

    Drugs in this group block the euphoria and narcotic sensations of pleasure from ethanol. The drugs are made on the basis of naltrexone. These include Vivitrol, Antakson, Prodexoton. This means of prolonged action, designed to eliminate the causes of alcohol consumption.

    Against the background of treatment with these drugs, the alcoholic loses the incentive to drink, as pleasant sensations disappear, and the severe consequences of taking alcoholic beverages are felt much more strongly. While weakening alcohol pleasure, these drugs do not completely eliminate it, so you should not count on a 100% positive effect from their use.

    Drugs to reduce alcohol craving

    Among the well-known drugs that reduce the irresistible craving for alcohol is Proproten-100. It belongs to homeopathic.

    For these purposes, the Italian remedy Metadoxil is also used. It has been used since the treatment of hangovers.


    The drug is manufactured in Europe. It has proven effectiveness in the fight against alcoholism. The medicine is available in tablets and helps to increase the duration of remission in the patient. The agent exhibits a pronounced anti-relapse activity, it is prescribed after stopping the hangover syndrome. Its active substance is not metabolized and does not react with other medicines and alcohol. This treatment is one of the safest. The practice of its use in conjunction with disulfiram therapy is known. Even if a relapse occurs, this will not be a reason for its cancellation.


    This well-known drug is recommended by Elena Malysheva. This is the latest development of modern pharmaceuticals. Clinical trials have shown high efficiency (96% positive results, of which 77% - a complete rejection of alcohol in one month). The medicine consists of natural ingredients. Has no contraindications. The tool effectively relieves cravings for alcohol, improves the functioning of the heart and liver, which suffer from the intake of alcoholic beverages. The composition includes succinic acid, vitamin B6, fibregam, artichoke and motherwort extract. After its use, the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol decreases, the work of the heart improves, alcoholic psychosis and craving for drinking decrease, toxins are removed and the function of the gastrointestinal tract, liver cells and nervous system is restored. The complex action of the drug helps to give up alcohol and return to a full life.


    The medicine is available in the form of drops. The liquid has no taste and smell, which allows you to quietly add it to the patient's drink. The drug acts on the body gently and does not violate natural processes, has no contraindications and side effects. Due to the strong effect of the natural components that make up its composition, in just 30 days you can get rid of cravings for alcohol. AlcoProst includes coprinus, beaver musk, artemia concentrate, mint, lovage, laurel, thyme. These substances cause a strong aversion to alcohol. They also restore nerves.

    The drug is taken 3 times a day, 10 drops. They are added to drinks or any dishes. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage. The effect of the reception can be quickly noticed. If the patient drinks alcohol, his health will worsen. There will be nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Seizures and rapid heart rate may occur. Thus, an aversion to alcohol begins to appear, and over time, the desire to drink becomes less and less.

    Alco Barrier

    This medicine relieves addiction in a short time, is a complex drug, helps to cope not only with alcoholism, but also strengthens the body and removes toxins and toxins, protects the immune system and restores the functioning of the nervous system. Alcobarrier consists of 95% natural ingredients. It consists of:

    • Acacia resin - removes the decay products of alcohol from the body, toxins and toxins. It normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Motherwort - soothes the nervous system.
    • Artichoke extract - reduces cravings for alcohol.
    • Vitamin B6 - compensates for the lack of trace elements in the body, has a positive effect on the mental state of the patient.
    • Succinic acid - helps to cope with a hangover, improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and removes toxins.

    The drug is available in the form of drops. It is easy to prepare a drink: the liquid quickly dissolves in water, then it is ready to drink. Take the remedy 2 times a day, 2 sachets. The course of treatment is 30 days. Improvement of the condition occurs quite quickly (after 3-5 days from the start of the reception).

    This medication has its drawbacks. The first is the high price. The second is individual intolerance. Despite the natural composition, an allergic reaction is possible.

    According to research results, in 75% of cases, the condition of patients improves and cravings for alcohol decrease. In 25%, patients stop drinking completely. During treatment with this drug, the alcoholic loses the desire to drink the forbidden drink. The liver is restored, the general well-being of a person becomes better. Toxins are quickly eliminated from the body. There is a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

    The composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients, so the medicine is easily tolerated. It includes succinic acid and fibergam. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system, improve cardiac activity, and also remove the hangover syndrome. Artichoke helps the body resist alcohol addiction. Motherwort relaxes and calms, lowers the overall level of intoxication during alcoholism.

    The drug helps to easily get out of a hangover and restore the body.

    Means such as Alkoprost and Alkobarrier affect the body in a complex way:

    • They help to completely overcome the craving for alcohol. Many are disgusted even by the smell of alcohol.
    • With regular use, the nervous system normalizes, healthy sleep returns, hand tremor stops, which most alcoholics suffer from.

For the treatment of various addictions, special medications are used. This category of medicines includes pills for the treatment of alcoholism. Addiction to alcohol is a complex disease that is difficult to treat. For the treatment of this disease, various drugs are used, which are available in the form of tablets, drops and solutions for intravenous administration.

Each of the drugs included in this group has its own unique distinctive properties. Conventionally, this series of drugs can be divided into three categories: coding agents, drugs that eliminate toxins and drugs that relieve hangovers. Let's look at the various drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence and learn about their features.

The intake of drugs depends on the tolerance of the body, the stage of alcohol dependence, the presence of diseases and pathologies in the patient.

Alcoholism as a disease

The ailment in question belongs to the category of chronic diseases and is one of the types of substance abuse. From the point of view of medicine, this ailment can be characterized as a physiological and mental dependence on the use of ethyl alcohol. The development of the disease leads to the fact that the alcoholic ceases to fight his craving for alcohol, which sooner or later leads to various pathologies. There are many risk factors associated with the development of this disease. Experts from the field of psychology say that poor heredity may be one of the reasons for the predisposition to the disease. In addition, among the provoking factors, experts note:

  • low social status;
  • lack of will;
  • frequent use of alcohol;
  • prolonged emotional stress and frequent stress;
  • psychic features and a tendency to depression.

How to get rid of addiction

Most people suffering from alcohol addiction are not able to cope with their problem on their own. To get out of the state of binge, you should contact a specialized clinic, where experienced specialists will help you find a way out of this situation. The key point of rehabilitation is based on psychotherapy, which allows patients to free themselves from the shackles of their own subconscious. In clinical conditions, drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at blocking the development of alcoholic fermentopathy.

This disease is typical for people who drink alcohol for a long period of time.

Ethyl alcohol, which is part of any alcohol, leads to a change in the level of enzymes in the blood, which becomes the main cause of destructive processes in the body.

There are two main methods of treating alcohol dependence, which are based on whether the patient recognizes the presence of his own addiction:

  1. Aversive method. This method is most often used when the patient rejects the diagnosis. The obstacle to treatment and the lack of a correct perception of one's own problem leads to the fact that the doctor has to use special means, the purpose of which is to develop a conditioned reflex of aversion to alcohol.
  2. Psychological rehabilitation. This technique is used only when the patient understands the severity of his condition. Psychological rehabilitation helps eighty percent of patients to get rid of their habits.

Drugs for alcohol dependence can be used in the form of tablets, injections, drops

Alcohol addiction treatment is divided into three distinct stages. Let's go over the basics of each of these stages:

  1. Removal of toxins. Detoxification allows not only to get the patient out of a state of binge, but also to prevent the development of complications against the background of poisoning the body with the decay products of ethyl alcohol. The average duration of this stage varies from fifteen to ninety days. At this stage of treatment, drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at removing harmful toxins from the body.
  2. remission stage. This stage of rehabilitation is aimed at normalizing the work of internal systems and organs. At this stage of treatment, various drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at reducing the physical and psychological craving for alcohol. In addition, tools are used that restore the functioning of internal organs. In addition to these funds, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy and antidepressant treatment are used. Among the drugs that prevent the development of relapse, it is necessary to highlight such funds as Esperal and Disulfiram. In more complex situations, drugs are used to code the patient.
  3. Stabilization stage. At the final stage of treatment, it is very important to consolidate the result. Psychotherapy helps the patient to successfully adapt in society.

Drugs for alcohol dependence

Medicines for alcohol dependence are divided into several types, and are classified according to the principle of action on the internal organs. A number of medications used can reduce the craving for alcohol, and other drugs contribute to the development of disgust.

In addition, there are a number of medications to combat the effects of acute toxin poisoning. There are drugs that can be given to the patient without his knowledge. Each of the listed groups of pharmaceuticals has its own characteristics in the form of indications for use and side effects.

Medicines in the form of tablets

For the treatment of alcohol dependence in most cases, it is pills that are used. This type of medication is divided into several groups that differ in their effect on the body. Because of this feature of the drugs, experts do not recommend the use of potent drugs for self-treatment. Let's look at each group of drugs separately:

  1. Contributing to the development of aversion to alcohol. The principle of action of these agents is based on blocking the oxidation of ethyl alcohol. Taking pills provokes the development of side effects, among which panic attacks, attacks of nausea and vomiting, tremors and a general decrease in well-being should be highlighted. From this category of drugs, such funds as Abstinil, Espenal, Stoptil, Radoter and Crotenal should be distinguished.
  2. Reducing the craving for alcohol. This category of drugs acts on the body more gently. Among this group of medicines, such tablets as Torpedo, Actoplex and Proproten-100 should be distinguished.
  3. Blockers. The action of blockers is aimed at inhibiting the receptors responsible for the feeling of pleasure. Among the numerous drugs from this group, it is necessary to single out the Vivitrol medication, which has a minimum number of side effects.
  4. Medicines that neutralize ethyl alcohol. This group of tablets includes drugs that reduce the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol on the human body. This category of pharmaceutical products includes enterosorbents and various vitamin complexes.

Treatment of alcoholism is a difficult and lengthy process.

Tablets used without the knowledge of the patient

The main difficulty in the fight against alcoholism lies in the fact that many patients are not aware of the existence of addiction. That is why many relatives of patients use various drugs to add to food or drinks. This method of treatment is not recommended for use by many specialists because of the possible catastrophic consequences for the patient's body. In addition, narcologists talk about the low effectiveness of this method of therapy. It is very important for the alcoholic to independently come to the idea of ​​the need for treatment. Otherwise, all measures taken will have a temporary effect. From this category of medicines, such drugs as Colme, Barrier, Disulfiram and Blocker should be distinguished.

Pills that promote the development of aversion to alcohol

This category of medicines includes pills for alcoholism, the action of which is aimed at the development of side effects after drinking alcohol. The use of these drugs allows you to develop in the subconscious of an alcoholic a strong association of alcohol intake with a deterioration in well-being. This group of pharmaceutical products includes such medicines as Lidevin, Teturam, Desulfiram and Esperal.

Medicines available in the form of drops

Modern drugs for alcoholism are made in the form of drops, which are easier to use. They can be added to drinks and food of the patient. Many people often use this feature of drops, giving them to patients without their knowledge. Among the drops used to treat addiction to alcohol, one should highlight such funds as Lavital, Proproten-100, Esperal, Stopethyl and Colme.

It should be noted that the use of the above potent drugs without the knowledge of the patient can cause a significant deterioration in the patient's well-being. The difficulty with the use of these funds is characterized by problems with the correct calculation of the dosage. Often, self-medication leads to severe intoxication of the body, and can cause death. Most patients, having experienced the effects of drugs, come to the conclusion that the alcohol was of poor quality and are sent to the store for a new portion. It is this situation that leads to disastrous consequences. In the case of the need for "secret" treatment, experts recommend the use of "Colme", ​​due to its mild effect on the internal organs.

Drugs that reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages are highly effective, as a person almost loses the desire to drink.

Today, there is a wide range of drugs used to treat alcohol addiction. Each group of this category of medicines has several of the most effective medicines. According to experts, those means whose action is aimed at reducing the craving for addiction to alcohol help to achieve a stable result. This type of drug has a milder effect on the body, in comparison with those that cause various side effects. Narcologists recommend using potent drugs only when the patient refuses therapy and does not recognize himself as an alcoholic.


This drug belongs to the category of drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing the craving for drinking alcohol. In its composition, the drug has a synthetic substance, the action of which is similar to the amino acid contained in the brain. Once in the body, the active component of the drug acts on glutamate receptors, which are responsible for craving for ethyl alcohol. This drug is made in the form of tablets for oral administration.


An inexpensive and effective remedy for combating alcohol addiction, which has received good reviews not only from doctors, but also from patients. The principle of action of Teturam is based on the conversion of ethyl alcohol into a highly toxic substance that affects the internal organs. Acute intoxication of the body leads to the development of feelings of nausea and vomiting, tachycardia and migraine attacks.

However, this tool also has some characteristic drawbacks. First of all, this is a high toxicity, which does not allow taking the medicine on its own. In addition, the "therapeutic" effect is temporary and in the absence of medication, the patient may return to drinking alcohol.

Important: no medicines should be taken without consulting a doctor


Foreign drug, included in the group of aversive drugs. The use of Colme allows you to develop a persistent aversion to the use of drinks containing ethyl alcohol in their composition. This feature allows the use of the drug not only for the treatment of the disease, but also to prevent the development of relapse.

The active ingredient in this product is cyanamide, which is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Due to this, this medication can be used in small quantities, for mixing in the patient's drinks and food. It is important to pay attention to the fact that drinking a large amount of alcohol in combination with Colme can lead to catastrophic consequences for the patient's condition.

As you know, alcohol addiction is based on a complex process of disturbances in the functioning of the enzyme system that regulates the utilization of alcohol-containing substances. Such alcoholic fermentopathy is an incurable condition, so there is no universal cure for alcoholism. A person suffering from this disorder, every time he drinks alcohol, exposes his body to the effects of poison. It slowly destroys his internal organs, changes his psyche and destroys his intellect.

The first target of alcohol is the human central nervous system, which reacts very sharply to alcohols. As a result of the detrimental effect of toxins on the brain, an alcoholic quickly develops symptoms of encephalopathy with impaired motor function, sensitivity, memory, speech, and the like. Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have methods to cure a patient from alcoholic fermentopathy. But there are many therapeutic ways to help a person overcome alcohol addiction, once and for all getting rid of drunkenness and harmful addiction.

It is important to understand that alcohol addiction treatment will be successful only if the person himself wants to get rid of the disease. With this scenario, doctors prescribe to the patient an intensive course of complex therapy aimed at eliminating the desire to drink alcohol. In practice, the treatment of alcoholism is implemented with the help of medications, which must be combined with psychotherapy sessions. It is this approach that will achieve the desired result and save a sick person from an addiction that destroys his body and mind.

Basic principles of drug therapy

Treatment of mental disorders and reduction of the pharmacological effect of alcohol

The list of basic measures for the treatment of alcoholism includes the treatment of mental disorders provoked by alcohol intake. That is why it is customary to combine drugs for alcoholism with the appointment of antidepressants and tranquilizers. With the help of new treatment regimens, doctors are able to choose for their patients the most effective medicine for the prevention and treatment of alcoholic psychosis, depression, insomnia, and the like, which will allow a person to maintain common sense and overcome the desire to drink alcohol.

Today, drugs for alcoholism on the shelves of pharmacies are presented in a wide range. Most of them are positioned by manufacturers as effective remedies for alcohol addiction, although in fact they have nothing to do with the treatment of alcoholism and anti-alcohol drugs. These drugs can only reduce the pharmacological effect of ethyl alcohol on the body, that is, they act as a kind of antidote for alcohol poisoning.

In any case, it is important to understand that drugs for the treatment of alcoholism are not a salvation from the disease. Each remedy for drinking is a tool in the hands of the most addicted person, allowing him to get on the right track and put an end to addiction. Armed with some of the latest drugs, it is impossible to deprive an alcoholic of the desire to drink. This also requires the desire of the person himself to return to a sober lifestyle. Success from taking drugs for the treatment of alcoholism will be ensured only if the patient has consciously made a choice and firmly decided to give up alcohol forever.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects not only the drinker, but also all the people who live next to him. Often an alcoholic does not realize the full danger of his addiction and, not considering himself sick, deliberately refuses treatment and continues to cause a lot of problems for himself and his family. Although it is believed that the adult male population is more susceptible to drunkenness, women and children also suffer from it. There are many reasons pushing people onto the dubious path of addiction to the green serpent. It can be dissatisfaction with life, constant stress, unrequited love, problems at work and much more. Not the least role in the spread of alcoholism is played by the genetic factor.

Alcoholism: the search for a way out

The main symptom of alcoholism is a constant desire to drink.

An alcoholic finds any excuse to take a sip of alcohol. Constant drunkenness leads to personality degradation, after which a person no longer cares how he looks, what they think of him, what he needs to do.

Once in, people commit a lot of terrible crimes that they would never have done on a sober head. To date, there are many ways to get rid of drunkenness, the most effective of them are drugs for alcoholism.

To recover from alcoholism, a drinking person needs to realize his problem and make every effort to solve it.

But often alcohol addiction worries not so much the alcoholic as his family. So the household is thinking about what pills or powders can be secretly poured into a person’s food so that he has an aversion to alcohol. But few medicines can kill the desire to drink in an alcoholic. Any drugs for alcohol dependence have their own contraindications and features of the reception, so they should be prescribed by a narcologist. The task of relatives is to persuade the drinking person to be treated and provide him with a calm psychological environment in the house.

Classification of drugs prescribed for alcoholism

Let's look at what drugs for alcohol can be purchased today in pharmacies. All means of treatment for alcohol dependence are divided into 3 groups:

  • pills and drops that relieve hangover syndrome;
  • drugs that reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages;
  • drugs that cause an aversion to alcohol.

Medicines of the first group can be conditionally classified as anti-alcohol drugs, since they do not cure addiction, but only improve the well-being of the drinking person after alcohol abuse. The medical preparations of this group include Medichronal, Alka-Seltzer, they can also include the well-known aspirin and paracetamol, any multivitamins. The danger of these drugs is that, while easing the state of an alcoholic in the morning, they only aggravate his addiction, because they provoke him to uncontrolled use of strong drinks in the evening. They do not fight alcohol addiction and therefore are of no use to a person who dreams of quitting drinking.

Pills popular in Europe and the USA, whose action is aimed at reducing the desire to drink, are practically not registered in the CIS countries. Prices for drugs of this group, presented on the medical market of our country, often exceed $100, and many of our compatriots simply cannot afford it. The Russian analogue of Western drugs that reduces cravings for alcohol, Proproten-100, did not justify the mission assigned to it. The maximum that this drug can help an alcoholic is to get him out of a long binge and make him feel better after drinking alcohol. A person who has undergone a course of treatment with Proprotein-100 may return to alcoholism after a while. A side effect of the drug is the possibility of hallucinations.

The most popular and effective medications aimed at suppressing alcohol addiction are those that cause alcohol intolerance in the body. Let's look at what are drugs for alcohol addiction that cause an aversion to drinking.

Pills for alcoholism

The first place in the list of drugs for alcohol is occupied by disulfiram (its analogues are Abstinil, Teturam, Antabuse). As a result of treatment with this medication, the alcohol taken is transformed into the toxic compound acetaldehyde, which causes a sharp deterioration in the person's health in the form of vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, headaches, and panic attacks. It comes to the point that the alcoholic can no longer drink and is forced to give up drinking on his own. Disulfiram is an old domestic drug, they were treated for alcohol addiction back in Soviet times. In medical and labor dispensaries, narcologists forced drinking people to take medicine at the same time as strong drinks, thereby causing violent side effects in them. After such treatment, even the mention of vodka caused a gag reflex in a person.

Disulfiram is the cheapest remedy for alcohol, so it is available to everyone. The drug has a toxic effect, so they can be treated only in short courses. With prolonged use, the drug destroys the liver and causes persistent nervous disorders. Without the knowledge of the patient, it is difficult to carry out treatment, since the medicine has a specific taste and therefore cannot be mixed with food or drinks. Some time after anti-alcohol therapy, the desire to drink may return to the drinker, but people who have experienced all the “charms” of treatment with disulfiram categorically refuse to repeat courses of treatment against alcoholism with this drug.

The French analogue of disulfiram is Esperal tablets. Its main difference from the domestic anti-alcohol agent is a high degree of purity, which is why the side effects are not so pronounced. In all other respects, Esperal corresponds to disulfiram. To achieve aversion from alcohol, the drug is enough to take 1 time per day. The first result can be expected in 10-12 hours. Esperal acts in such a way that over time, a person who is prone to drunkenness loses the pleasure of alcohol.

"Lidevin" is available in tablet form. It is a combination of the active ingredient disulfiram with the vitamins nicotinamide and adenine. Vitamins are added to the drug in order to reduce the harmful effects of disulfiram on the human nervous system. "Lidevin" is well tolerated by patients, but has the same side effects as traditional disulfiram. The drug is recommended for long-term use in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Solutions and injections that relieve cravings for alcohol

"Colme" is a popular Spanish drug for alcohol, produced in the form of a solution for drinking. The main active ingredient in Colma is cyanamide. It is his strength that causes the patient intolerance to alcoholic beverages. Cyanamide has a similar effect to disulfiram, but it is much milder than the latter. "Colme" refers to non-toxic drugs, the course of treatment can last up to 6 months. A clear, odorless and tasteless liquid can be easily added to food or tea, and the drinker will not even guess that he is being treated for alcoholism. The only drawback of the drug is its high cost (about $ 40).

Packing "Colme" is enough for an average of 1 month of treatment. The effect of its administration occurs within an hour after taking the first dose. This anti-alcohol solution received a positive response from most countries and was included in the list of essential drugs to combat alcoholism in Europe and America.

The most common drugs for alcoholism, produced for oral use, were listed above. Now let's get acquainted with the drug "Tetlong-250", intended for intramuscular injection. The active substance of the drug is the same disulfiram, but with a slower rate of absorption. As a result of treatment with “Tetlong-250”, an accumulation of the drug is formed under the skin of a person, which continues to act for a long time after the injection. The drug is injected into the body once every 20 days. To achieve a lasting effect, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment consisting of 10 injections. When combining alcoholic beverages and Tetlong, side effects occur that are characteristic of disulfiram treatment.

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