Which toilet paper is better in quality rating. What should toilet paper be? Such a familiar thing

I found this sentence: “Sometimes the level of civilization can be determined in the most unpredictable way. For example, the quality of toilet paper.

I'm sure a lot of people use toilet paper. Have you read recently that toilet paper is a thing of the past? How so? How many have already lived, there have never been any problems and complaints. Where is this world going? In most developed countries, this product has already been attributed to the Stone Age.

As it turns out, there are several reasons for this.
The very first and simplest reason why it can be harmful to health is cheap grades of paper, which often contain lead and other impurities, as they are made from recycled materials.

The second reason is that the use of toilet paper can never replace "water procedures", and will also lead to various troubles: itching and irritation.

As a result of these two factors, various diseases can begin to develop, such as: hemorrhoids, various inflammatory processes, and even rectal cancer!

There is a solution, but so far little known in the CIS - this is multifunctional electronic bidet covers.

And this device does not just replace toilet paper, but is also rich in functionality. The bidet cover will heat the seat and water, give you a hydromassage, dry it with an infrared hair dryer and even purify the air in the toilet. That's the miracle of technology. And if there are children or elderly people in the family, then this is just another plus in the direction of such an invention.

There are no problems with its installation either. It is easily installed in place of a conventional cover, and then connected to cold water and electricity - the installation is over. Simple and without much wisdom.

But, Korean and Japanese scientists did not stop there. For the most demanding and selective customers, a fully electronic toilet was invented - this is a technically perfect device that will not only give you a high level of comfort, but will also be a beautiful and elegant element in your bathroom.

And now the time has come when the Soviet people do not need to stand in line for hours for food, including toilet paper. Now the shelves are littered with various types of this paper: white, gray, with wet impregnation, with extracts of various plants, with perfume. As soon as the manufacturer does not try to please customers.

There are certain statistical calculations, according to which more than 80% of the world market for toilet paper is produced using:
. mercury compounds for pulp bleaching
. industry standard chlorine for pulp bleaching
Mercury and the industry standard chlorine are highly toxic compounds that, when in contact with the skin, enter the human bloodstream through hygiene products. And the enterprises themselves, when using these chemicals for making paper, lead to the fact that they are emitted into the atmosphere furans and dioxins are known carcinogens.

And in order to get exactly white paper, it is necessary to cut down forests. The US Committee on Environmental Protection and National Resources recently wrote: "If every family in the US instead of one roll of white toilet paper took a roll of recycled paper, we could save 423,900 trees."

If you live in the CIS countries, then the choice here, of course, is not as big as in Europe. The paper here is mostly gray and rough, but does not do any harm to you or the environment.

In Europe, you need to pay attention to eco-paper. There it comes in two varieties: white and grey. Preferably, of course, gray, but white is also made without the use of mercury and chlorine. The only difference is the price, and that is not significant.

For a moment, I want to return to toilet paper with various impregnations, patterns and extracts. There are certain nuances here. You need to pay attention to what is included in the composition of such paper with different drawings and illustrations. There is a simple rule: "The simpler the better."

There is another trend: if the consumer begins to get smarter, then the manufacturer will also get smarter after him. And therefore, if you walked around the shelf on which there was a roll of white and beautiful toilet paper, then you should not think that you have already directly changed this world. It wasn't there. Here the world begins to change, obeying the power of your choice).

I remember the times when in the vastness of Moscow you could see people wrapped in toilet paper garlands. Now teenagers do this most often at some holidays or when they indulge and throw paper from high-rise buildings or train windows. Then such paper was in short supply and people, if possible, bought it at once in 20-30 rolls, and how the rest of the residents managed can only be guessed at. Today, of course, choose any one - your eyes can diverge from the amount of choice. Choose any: pink, white, blue, flowered, smooth as silk - the problem remains only in the choice.

So all the same: colored or white?

In general, it was believed that the highest quality paper was white. And all because it is made from primary raw materials. Second-rate paper is dyed to hide its gray color.
And today try to force our man to buy rough paper. No, give him a soft one - you quickly get used to the good. And that's why, when choosing, quality paper made from natural cellulose prevails.

In principle, colored paper is not cheaper than white paper. This means that it cannot be worse in relation to its consumer properties. As a rule, food dyes are used for it, which do not harm human health. To each his own.

Then we put the question in a different way: if the coloring is a purely subjective factor in the choice, then what is the objective? What then are the criteria for choosing paper?

Still, the main requirements for toilet paper are strength and softness. Therefore, when you are at the counter, you can safely choose a multi-layer one. It is in these parameters that it takes precedence over the rest - it is much stronger and softer and at the same time has high absorbent properties, which is important. Also, multi-layer paper is much more economical in terms of consumption than single-layer paper. And here is a simple truth: the more layers the paper has, the higher its consumer properties will be.

Paper with patterned embossing looks beautiful. But this is also not just a design find. Due to this move, a greater density is achieved, and based on this, strength. Fastening between layers occurs mechanically.

There is scented toilet paper. A lot of people are concerned about this issue. But all doubts can be eliminated - after all, only the sleeve is flavored. That is, the paper itself will not cause allergies. Although impregnated paper is now being produced, it’s not scary, they use medicinal elixirs from medicinal herbs, such as: celandine, nettle, chamomile. Such additives will still bring more benefit than harm.

And how did they do without toilet paper in the old days? After all, people lived somehow. There are answers for everything, you just need to know where to look.

The history of toilet paper goes back to the depths of the 2nd century AD.
It was first made of silk in China. Instead of toilet paper, the Vikings used woolen bundles, the Romans had sponges that were mounted on a stick. And among the very first people who began to populate the United States, corn cobs were popular.

In 1880, toilet paper appeared for the first time in England. And it was not sold in boxes, but in rolls.

Previously, for some reason, people were ashamed of toilet paper, and the Englishman, who, in fact, came up with the idea of ​​rolling it into rolls, gave the name "Paper curlers".

But what people just do not come up with. Mike Bartel came up with a very unexpected and at the same time interesting idea: to print books on toilet paper. For many, it is no secret that many people like to read in the toilet. So why not start printing books on toilet paper?)

(C) Margarita Lavrova

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Even the choice of toilet paper must be approached with responsibility. Many do not pay attention to this, but the areas for which we use this product are sensitive and susceptible to low-quality material. So that the skin does not irritate or itch after using the paper, consider such points: material, manufacturer, layers, composition and dissolution (is it easy to do).


The brand of toilet paper matters, because trusted manufacturers are the best and safest option for your health. Each roll is wrapped in a wrapping layer on which the brand can be read. If you want to experiment and buy new paper, choose from those that are more expensive. The cost of toilet paper, even expensive, will not significantly hit your pocket, but it will not harm your health either.

Composition of toilet paper

Toilet paper is made from recycled material or natural cellulose. High quality toilet paper is made from natural polysaccharide or wood pulp. This is an expensive material from which paper and cardboard are still produced. Under the action of water, cellulose begins to dissolve, so used high-quality paper can be safely thrown into the toilet.

Wood pulp does not contain harmful impurities, so it is considered absolutely safe for hygiene. In addition, it is soft and absorbs quickly. Do not be afraid to buy quality paper if it is not the standard white, but pink, light green or any other color. Dyes that are used in the manufacture of paper from wood pulp are special safe ones.

Secondary raw materials are recycled waste paper, which is also used in the manufacture of paper. It is gray in color and generally unappealing. The paper is rough for delicate skin and rough, but has the following advantages: hygroscopicity, density and cheapness. In addition, in the manufacture of this type of paper, there is no need to cut down trees and disturb the ecological balance.

Toilet paper safety

A quality product must be manufactured in accordance with all hygienic requirements. This means that it should not contain questionable colorants, fragrances and antiseptics. If the paper combines all these additives, then in order to avoid allergic reactions, it must have the appropriate one.

The best and safest option is white toilet paper. But when buying, read the packaging: the product should not be treated with chlorine. Such paper will be snow-white, but will cause discomfort during application. Gray paper is also safe (albeit rough to the touch) if it has a special marking on the packaging.

The simplest paper in terms of production is single-layer. It is packed separately and wrapped in wrapping paper. Multilayer is sold in large packages of several pieces per pack. Packing cellophane allows you to safely store the product and prevent it from getting wet.

Pay attention to the quality certificate if you buy with flavors.

toilet paper hygiene

The more layers in the paper, the better it is and the better it absorbs moisture. But even recycled paper does not mean that paper quality is not the best. A premium quality multi-layer product can be made from either cellulose or recycled pulp. A quality product easily dissolves in water.

The convenience of toilet paper

If you want maximum convenience when using paper, choose a product with perforations. This is a tear-off line that will help you easily separate the right amount of paper. There are rolls with a dissolving sleeve. It is better to throw such a sleeve in the trash than to dissolve it in sewage, creating a load on the sewage treatment plants of the city and the planet.

You can see how toilet paper is made in the video.

Toilet paper is a daily personal hygiene product that allows you to keep certain areas of the body clean after a bowel movement. These areas in the body are extremely sensitive and delicate, they can have microcracks, and it is very important not to damage them and not to infect. Therefore, the choice of toilet paper is a serious issue, deciding which it is necessary to take care of safety from a medical point of view.

The production of toilet paper is a very complex process. The paper should be soft, should have tear lines in strictly defined places. In order not to clog sewer pipes, the paper must completely decompose in water.

Raw material

For the production of toilet paper, the following raw materials are used: natural cellulose, recycled raw materials, mixed raw materials.

Naturally, cellulose toilet paper (a polysaccharide, the main component of plant walls) is more expensive, but has significant differences in quality: it completely dissolves in water, which is important for the sewerage system; is the most hygienic, since it does not contain harmful impurities such as lead and chlorine; noticeably softer to the touch and has a high absorbency, which again is important for many. Toilet paper is made from natural cellulose and looks the most aesthetically pleasing: the color can be any, but always clean, not blurry.

Toilet paper made from recycled materials - paper and cardboard waste - has its advantages: it is quite cheap, has good hygroscopicity and density, meets high sanitary standards (manufactured using antiseptics and antiperenes), but is denser, rough, single-layer, does not have a pure color , and even colored green, blue or pink, has a grayish tint.


Color . The safest color is white as it is not dyed. White paper can still be after chlorine treatment. This is eco-friendly paper, but using such toilet paper is not very pleasant. The package must state that bleach containing chlorine has not been used.

Also, the paper can be gray, less aesthetic single-layer.

According to sales statistics, the consumer still prefers cheaper paper, gray, from recycled materials. This is quite understandable and normal, the main thing is that this paper complies with GOST and all sanitary and hygienic standards. In addition, recycled paper saves wood

Often the paper is tinted in some color or a pleasant smell is added.

It is not allowed to add antiseptics, flavors and dyes that can cause allergies.

Best before date toilet paper up to two years. Expired paper loses its useful properties.

Softness. The paper must be soft. Hard paper can cause discomfort and discomfort.

The packaging must indicate the GOST of the respective country, the address of the manufacturer, the footage (on average 54 meters), weight (from 13 to 40 g, depending on the number of layers) and composition.


The paper should absorb everything. Embossed paper absorbs much better.

Paper can be single-layer and multi-layer. It is better that there are 3-4 layers in the paper, not glued together, with an air gap. Two-layer and three-layer toilet paper is made from natural cellulose or from mixed raw materials and is the most expensive. Single-layer is made from recycled materials, therefore the cheapest. But the number of layers does not always ensure the quality of the paper, if the embossing of the paper is poor, then the paper will delaminate, causing inconvenience during use.


The paper should have a clear tear line at the perforation and should be well torn off the roll.

Zero waste

The paper must be completely soluble in water.

In Russia, only 25% of paper is produced from waste paper, so about 10 hectares of forest are cut down annually.

We wish you a good choice!

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