What is the name of public recognition in non-traditional orientation. What does the word mean. The main stages in the process of coming out

Coming out - voluntary disclosure of information about sexual orientation or gender identity. With on the one hand, a person reports intimate information about himself, which, in theory, no one should care about, on the other hand, the very process of reporting in the context of homophobic legislation can be perceived as a political act, although it rarely is. Is it worth it to come out, and how to do it correctly?

- Where does this fear of coming out come from?

- Public opinion presents heterosexuality as a social norm, thereby excluding people whose sexual orientation or gender identity differs from the generally accepted one. Therefore, many LGBT people say they are afraid of upsetting their loved ones with their confession or simply want to protect themselves from the emotions of people for whom homo/bisexuality is not the norm.

- Why come out at all? After all, sexual life and preferences are a personal matter for everyone.

- In order to feel comfortable, it is important to be in harmonious contact with yourself and other people. If a person hides what is important to him, it makes him constantly lie and get out. Coming out or not is a choice between tranquility and “life on a volcano”. Self-disclosure can bring relief, but you should consider the possible consequences and take care of your safety in advance, because often coming out becomes a cause of psychological and physical abuse.

Sometimes LGBT organizations claim that coming out is a prerequisite for the normal life of the community as a whole, and this largely affects the choice of a person. In most cases, in response to the question: “Why do you want to come out?” - psychologists hear: "In order to get close to your relatives, friends, to get support." Others say that they just want to get rid of their parents' constant attempts to arrange their personal lives. But, of course, whether to come out or not is a personal choice for everyone.

- Where to start if I have made the final decision to come out?

- You must be aware that the reaction of those to whom you want to open up may not be the one you expect. Answer yourself the question: “What resources do I have to survive a possible crisis?” If you live with your parents and are aware that they may not understand you, think about where you can go to sleep. If the person you are about to open up to is aggressive, consider whether you can protect yourself. The main thing - not to be left alone with possible pressure. If you understand that now you do not have enough resources to cope with the crisis, it may be worth waiting.

- I have enough strength to survive the possible negative. What to do next?

- Next step - forming a network of people who will definitely support you. First, trust someone you have no doubts about so that you don't end up alone. It's not always the parents, sometimes it's someone in the community, maybe a psychologist, a person on an LGBT forum, or your best friend or girlfriend. It is important to create a "safety cushion".

- What is the likelihood that the reaction of people to whom I plan to tell about my homosexuality will be negative?

- There are too many factors involved in this. Let's divide this question into several blocks:

- What to expect from parents?

- Psychologist Ekaterina Petrova in her study "Motives, obstacles and consequences of coming out in the relationship of homo/bisexual adults with their parents", having analyzed behavior of 80 parents who faced the non-heterosexuality of their children, came to the conclusion that the following reasons influence their reaction:

- personal: openness, willingness to perceive the child as a person. Remember how they behaved in situations where you made an independent choice;

- socio-demographic characteristics of the family: social and professional status of parents, religiosity, origin.

Some perceive the information more or less calmly, others take teenage children or already quite adult and accomplished people to a psychologist or psychiatrist and repeat that homosexuality - it's a mental disorder.

parental shock - normal reaction. Therefore, if you hope to receive support from your parents immediately after confession, it may be difficult. In this situation, parents themselves need support, they need time to get used to new, rather difficult information for them, because their life, previously built according to a heteronormative scenario, has turned upside down. In this situation, it is important not to put pressure on the parents, but to give them time. After that, you can, for example, invite them to go to "" - a support group for parents who could exchange experiences and support each other.

- How to tell friends and colleagues?

- Sometimes it's a psychologically safer conversation than talking to your parents. Try also to predict how your friends will react by analyzing their ability to perceive your right to choose or their attitude towards the LGBT community in general. At work, you can also report to some limited circle. If a company basically positions itself as loyal, there is less risk of facing a negative reaction.

In any case, it is impossible to predict the reaction of everyone. It is likely that there will be someone who will devalue your recognition with statements like: “It will pass with age, you will be pampered and calm down” - or write it off as "fashion and the desire to stand out." Such devaluation is usually explained by internal denial.

- How will life change after coming out?

- Some people, after coming out, have a feeling of inner strengths and opportunities, liberation from the stigma of “wrongness”, they begin to feel more comfortable and accept their identity. However, in the case of a negative reaction to the coming-out, the consequences are deplorable and even dangerous.If you are experiencing pressure after coming out and need support, please contactCenter for socio-psychological and cultural projects. The psychologists of the center conduct face-to-face support groups and free consultations. In St. Petersburg, you can turn to the Vykhod initiative group for help. Online counseling in the regions is handled by the Russian LGBT Network.

Thank you for reading to the end!

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I propose to talk about such a sensitive topic as sexual minorities. Or rather about what the term "coming out" is.

This expression came to us from the West and is already being used with might and main both in the press and among bloggers and ordinary people. However, not everyone understands what it means and when it is appropriate to use it.

So that you do not have misunderstandings, I will tell you what coming out means, how it is associated with gay people and how it can be interpreted in different ways.

Coming out - what is it

In the second half of the 19th century, various leftist ideologies developed very actively, which contradicted generally accepted norms of morality.

Against the backdrop of all this, scientists, psychologists and writers, one after another, began to introduce to the masses the idea that “forbidden” love between people of the same sex is normal.

Of course, a lot of disapproval fell upon them. At that time, and in principle even now, for such propaganda they could be fired from their jobs and even put in jail.

Nevertheless, the seed was sown, and since then, an active movement has gradually begun throughout the planet, designed to protect rights:

  1. homosexuals;
  2. lesbians;
  3. bisexuals;
  4. transsexuals.

Thanks to this, today many LGBT people have begun to openly talk about their sexual preferences. Such public candor and got the name coming out(in translation - "disclosure", "out of the shadows").

What does it mean to come out

When a person first becomes aware of their non-standard orientation, it is always frightening. To avoid condemnation and disapproval, many hide the truth, pretend and do everything possible so that loved ones do not suspect anything. Only a few dare to live openly, not embarrassed by their feelings, and even declare it publicly.

Coming out - this is a voluntary confession in their belonging to a sexual minority.

Recently, society has become more loyal to such gender deviations. Accordingly, more and more people decide to tell the truth. Increasing cases of coming out allowed specialists to divide it into two kinds:

  1. Revolutionary- when a person declares his identity to everyone and at once. For example, to report "news", he gathers all his friends in one place - at a party or at a birthday party. Famous personalities often voice their confession in the media or social networks.
  2. Evolutionary- when the number of people who know the truth increases gradually. First, the closest are told about the secret, then the circle expands. This method is considered more delicate and less traumatic.

As already mentioned, in translation from English, the expression coming out literally means “exit”, “disclosure”. Also, this phrase is used in the famous phrase: “coming out of the closet”, meaning “get out of the closet”, “ get out of the dark».

Every year on October 11, "National Coming Out Day" is held. Also, within the framework of this concept, a thematic emblem was created.

Celebrity coming out

Needless to say, there are more representatives of sexual minorities in show business than anywhere else. In this environment, especially prudent individuals use such confessions as a method of attracting attention.

In this case, coming out is a show, an additional PR move. Suffice it to recall the story of Ronaldo. A few years ago, he confirmed the accusations of homosexuality, but after some time he got a wife and children.

However, often celebrities talk about their orientation absolutely disinterestedly. Consider the loudest confessions of famous people:

  1. Actor Kevin Spacey at the age of 58, he published a post on his Twitter in which he said that from now on he prefers to be gay.
  2. Ian McKellen spoke about his orientation directly on the air of the radio station.
  3. Elton John not just publicly declared his homosexuality. The singer created a family with his partner. After a while, with the help of a surrogate mother, they had children.
  4. George Michael. Back in 1998, his confession was not approved and alienated fans, and therefore Michael's popularity plummeted.
  5. Actress and model Ruby Rose back in her school years, she told her classmates that she was a lesbian, for which she was rejected. However, this did not affect her orientation in any way.

In addition to creative personalities, such confessions are made by world famous politicians and businessmen.

For example, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic is unofficially married to Milica Djuric. They recently had a son, who was conceived by artificial insemination.

Moreover, Apple CEO Tim Cook came out in 2014. And, apparently, this did not affect the brand's reputation in any way. Cook himself, speaking about his orientation in an interview, claims that he was very lucky.

The first film dedicated to coming out was filmed in the GDR back in 1989. A year later, the film "Coming Out" directed by Heiner Karov won the Best Feature Film nomination.

And what about this case in Russia? Recently, the term has taken on a broader meaning. It is used to refer to any public announcement of one's personal, often provocative view of life or an event.

It can also be expressed in the usual recognition of their hidden actions or crimes.


Coming out, figuratively speaking, is the moment when a person gathers courage and loudly informs the public that he is “not like that”: gay, lesbian, bisexual or.

Against the backdrop of an aggressive environment, these decisions are not easy to make. It is hard to imagine how much courage and confidence it takes to make such a statement. However, many are willing to take risks, because this is the only way they can protect their pride and self-respect.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Hello my sweet, my good.

allegory LGBT after many years concealment its orientation, is intended to be an act of release to freedom and farewell to the complexes.

“Everything is decided, mom, I'm gay!” - once said Apple CEO Tim Cook, and all the rainbow boys and girls immediately rushed to buy their own iPhones. By the way, contrary to prevailing misconceptions, homosexuality is not a disease or an ideology. It's just the result of a congenital brain mutation, so if you're gay, don't be ashamed of it! The main thing at the same time is not to be 3.14dor.

You learned where the word came from, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.
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The English expression "Coming Out" literally translates as "The act of exit". It was originally longer: "Coming Out of the Closet" (Exit from the closet). This bright rainbow allegory, my dear, highlights the isolation and alienation faced by a gay or lesbian in today's homophobic society. And the very “Exit Out of the Dungeon”, which is often performed by representatives

Not every person will dare to loudly and publicly declare their non-traditional sexual orientation. The story of Kevin Spacey's coming out received a great response even in the United States, where homosexuality has long been perceived adequately. In Kazakhstan, a major movie theater chain used the story to advertise by offering an annual subscription to Kazakh actors who dare to follow Spacey's example and come out. True, so far no one has confessed. And the actors can be understood: coming out is a serious and important step for an LGBT representative ..

No. 1. What is a coming out?

Coming out (coming out . - English)literally means "disclosure", "exit". This expression goes back to the phrase "Coming out of the closet", that is, "get out of the closet". From the same metaphorical closet in which LGBT people often sit, fearing public opinion.

The birth of coming out as a phenomenon is associated with the activities of fighters for the rights of sexual minorities in the middle of the 19th century and the beginning and middle of the 20th.

The idea of ​​coming out goes back to the work of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a German lawyer, journalist and mastermind behind the LGBT rights movement. At one time, Ulrichs was dismissed from the district court in Hildesheim because of his homosexuality.

He wrote a series of books " An exploration of the riddle of love between men", in which he proposed a somewhat naive, romantic theory about "Uranus", people who are neither men nor women, but some kind of third gender. Ulrichs considered the love between them to be more sublime than the usual connection between a man and a woman Despite the fact that Ulrichs mixed the concepts of gender identity and homosexuality in his work, LGBT people appreciate his contribution to the development of the idea of ​​coming out.The scientific term coming out was made by the North American psychologist Evelyn Hooker, who studied the problems of sexual minorities.

October 11th is considered the official coming-out day. On this day in 1987, 500,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Washington in support of the rights of LGBT people.

Of course, coming out is usually associated with the LGBT community. But sometimes this concept is used in other contexts. For example, "alcoholic coming out", "atheist coming out" and even "vampire coming out".

No. 2. The loudest coming-outs

Not only Kevin Spacey, but many other celebrities and even politicians have publicly acknowledged their LGBT affiliation. In 1988, British actor Ian McKellen (many know him as Gandolph from The Lord of the Rings) admitted to his homosexuality on a radio station. In 2016, Twilight star Kristen Stewart came out as bisexual.

In 2014, Apple CEO Tim Cook wrote in his Bloomberg Businessweek op-ed: "While I have never denied being gay, I have never publicly acknowledged it until now. So let me be clear: I am proud to be gay and I consider homosexuality one of the greatest gifts God has given me."

Over the years, actress Judy Foster, singer Elton John and even the famous Angela Davis have come out in different years. On November 6, 2014, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Edgars Rinkevics, wrote on his Twitter: "Proud to be gay".

No. 3. What is the meaning of coming out?

Coming out opponents or homophobic people usually say something like: "Do it quietly in the basement, why announce your preferences to everyone." Why is it so important for representatives of the LGBT movement to come out of the shadows? Human rights activists say that coming out is necessary for a gay, lesbian, bisexual or person with a non-traditional gender identity to declare himself.

Visibility is a step towards legitimacy and acceptance. Thus, the revealed one emphasizes that he is a full-fledged representative of society, and draws attention to the problems of people with the same orientation as his. When someone famous declares his belonging to the LGBT community, this has a particularly strong effect. Although in this case, the element of PR and attracting attention cannot be ruled out.

LGBT-friendly psychologists emphasize the importance of coming out to fight stigma. This allows the one who comes out of the shadows to get rid of frustration, constant tension due to the need to hide. Also, coming out allows a person to feel more comfortable and accept himself as he is.

No. 4. Outing or forced coming out

Outing is when information about a person's sexual orientation becomes public against their will. That is, someone intentionally informs the environment of an LGBT representative about his orientation. This can be done to discredit a person if they are in a homophobic environment. Outing can also be unintentional, for example, someone close to him saw the corresponding entries in a person’s personal diary or an unclosed messenger.

No. 5. How to properly come out

Before coming out, make sure that you are sure that it is really necessary at this stage of your life. Do not forget about personal safety and weigh how it can change your life. Remember the importance of coming out, because you are doing it primarily for yourself, plus expressing your civic position.

If you are going to come out in the family, for example, in front of your parents, then take into account their attitude towards the topic of homosexuality. If it is negative, then you should not declare your orientation suddenly and abruptly. In order to smoothly move on to this topic, it may be necessary to first prepare the context and try to change the negative attitudes of a loved one. Let the parent read non-fiction literature about homosexuality or gender identity, watch a film on this topic together. The one who is about to get out of the “closet” himself will also not hurt to familiarize himself with the special literature in order to be able to answer questions if they arise.

Of course, the reaction of loved ones can be unpredictable, so if you are, for example, a minor, it is better to think in advance about where you can go to spend the night in the worst case scenario.

If you intend to come out in front of colleagues, then also weigh the pros and cons. It may be worth starting with a limited circle of people with whom you have a good relationship, rather than making an announcement over the speakerphone.

It is recommended to refrain from coming out at work if it could pose a serious risk to you, such as the prospect of losing your job, or if it could have a serious impact on your professional life.

Coming out should be done in a sober memory and sound mind, remaining cool and firm, ready for any reaction to your statement.

No. 6. Criticism of coming out

The idea of ​​coming out is usually criticized by homophobic communities and anti-gay activists. For example, the Christian organization Exodus International, which even established the "National Day Out of Homosexuality" in defiance of the "National Coming Out Day". The organization ceased operations in 2013. And her former leader made a formal apology to the representatives of the LGBT community, admitting that it is impossible to change sexual orientation.

The feminist community has an ambiguous attitude towards coming out. In particular, queer feminist Judith Butler, in her article "Imitation and Gender Insubordination", argues that the very gesture of revealing a secret is, as it were, a recognition of one's otherness and exclusion from society. Thus, coming out, according to Butler, seems to support the fact that we live in a society where only heterosexual relationships are normal.

No. 7. Coming out symbolism

American artist Keith Haring created the official Coming Out emblem. This is a picture of a door and a man coming out of it. The unspoken anthem of the coming-out is the Diana Ross song "I'm coming out".

”), with whom she worked together on the film “Bloodrain”. At that time, the general public missed the signal, but in 2013 Michelle made a full-fledged coming out, talking about her love preferences to a national publication. Now the fried news was appreciated: it was not reposted and discussed only by the lazy. And early next year, Rodriguez officially announced her relationship with British model Cara Delevingne, adding: "She's cool, and we're doing well." There really doesn’t seem to be anything to worry about: as long as the famous franchises with her participation continue to bring in money, Hollywood is unlikely to dismiss Michelle so easily.

Shot from the movie "Starship Troopers"

Today, everyone already knows that Neil Patrick Harris prefers men: the actor staged his coming out with a pretentious take-out on magazine covers and perfectly monetized it by joking a slippery topic in Harold and Kumar Christmas. But, of course, his young admirers did not know anything like that, filling up Neil Patrick with letters after the premiere of Starship Troopers, which made him a star. Today, all girls who, for some reason, are not yet aware of the state of affairs, can read a comprehensive explanation on the actor’s website: “I am happy to dispel any rumors and speculation, declaring with all pride that I am one hundred percent gay, I lead a full life and am happy working with wonderful people in a business that I love.” Judging by the fact that Harris's popularity has not faded over the years, most fans have taken his recognition for granted, but someone may never be able to watch How I Met Your Mother with the same feeling.

Shot from the film "The Winners of the Show"

Many people didn’t perceive Jane Lynch as a sexual object before, and her molestation of the protagonist of The Forty-Year-Old Virgin was perceived purely with humor (mainly due to the age of the actress), but everything began to look very different after the announcement of her lesbian marriage in 2010 -m. Although after the film "The winners of the show", in which Jane reduced the "disguise" to a minimum, one could guess something. However, gullible spectators did not see the forest for the trees, judging that you never know who is playing whom. Did not arouse their suspicions and the lesbian series that followed this with the participation of Jane "Sex and another city". But sometimes a banana is just a banana.

Shot from the film "Wilde"

Without a doubt, actor, director, writer, screenwriter and blogger Stephen Fry is one of the most famous gay men of all time. It is no coincidence that he played another famous gay Oscar Wilde in the Wilde film and was recognized as the best actor who managed to convey the image of a scandalous writer. In the same 1997, the British comedian also made a coming out, publishing an extremely frank autobiographical book “Moab is my washbowl”, in which he spoke about his early years, marked by unsuccessful attempts to overcome his own homosexuality. Fry utterly breaks the stereotype of gays as eternal sufferers repelled by society: you should look for a bigger humorist and merry fellow.

Having revealed the secret of his personal life to the world, he seems to have only benefited from this: proposals from Hollywood fly to his mail in batches mixed with fan letters, and his entries in the microblog now and then bring down Twitter because of the millions of readers who want to repost them (such no world newspaper can boast of the number of subscribers today). In 2013, the actor interviewed the Russian deputy Vitaly Milonov, known for his homophobia, during which he notably trolled the latter. And at the beginning of this year, Fry also got married - naturally, not to a woman. The chosen one was stand-up comedian Elliot Spencer.

Shot from the movie "Super"

Ellen Page is one of those young actresses whose coming-out looks like a real beast: her heterosexual roles in Juno, Candy, Inception and Super were very convincing. In "Super" Ellen even raped the main character, and in "Juno" she went pregnant - in general, it would seem that nothing foreshadowed ... But in 2014, everyone who built immodest fantasies about Ellen were forced to wipe themselves: the actress announced his orientation at the LGBT youth conference Time to Thrive. Paige is not yet at the age when the track record works instead of you, so it is still difficult to predict her future. But judging by the fact that now half a dozen films with her participation are being prepared for release at once (and this is not counting the upcoming directorial debut), Ellen's near future looks quite rosy.

Shot from the movie "Star Trek: Retribution"

Coming outs are done in different ways. For Zachary Quinto, it happened much like Eminem in the comedy "The Interview" - the confession simply surfaced in the middle of a phrase. In 2011, the actor spoke to The New York Times reporter about the sensational suicide of a gay teenager and unexpectedly stated: “Gay children should stop killing themselves because of the cruelty of others. Parents should teach their children the principles of respect and the coexistence of people in this world. I hope that we are in front of a big transformation in the field of sex culture. The story of Jamie Rodemire changed me. His death made me regret that I didn't come out sooner. Now I would like to serve as a catalyst for consciousness for at least one person in this world. Soon the tabloids confirmed that Zachary has a boyfriend. Well, after all this, how do you order to look at the strong male friendship between Captains Kirk and Spock?

Shot from the film "Elysium - Heaven Not on Earth"

Foster's career began at the age of three with filming in commercials. In the 70s, having played a prostitute in Taxi Driver, she moved to the rank of stars, and the famous role in The Silence of the Lambs only consolidated this success. Jodie earned two Oscars and two Golden Globes, in addition to many other awards, became a director, gave birth to two children from producer Sidney Bernard ... And at 50, deciding that she had enough of everything, she announced her imminent departure from the stage and admitted that she was never interested in men. It happened in 2013, and the following year, Foster married actress and photographer Alexandra Hedison. She does not plan new roles yet, but she continues to work in directing.

Shot from the film "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"

Ian McKellen is such a serious, sought-after and respected actor that he does not consider it necessary to hide and lead a double life. Colleagues on the theater stage, on which the Briton shone since the late 50s, claim that they were always aware of his orientation; this fact was brought to the general public in an interview with BBC Radio 3 in 1988 (the actor himself claims that he simply let it slip in the heat of the radio debate, but, however, he never regretted this act later).

In 1990, McKellen became one of the first openly gay men to be knighted. All this did not interfere with the Hollywood career of the artist: Magneto and Gandalf, repeatedly played by Sir Ian in the films of the X-Men and The Lord of the Rings franchises, made him a favorite not only of Shakespeare fans, but also of the youth of the whole world. And it seems that today no one is seriously interested in the question of whether Gandalf should be considered gay (as, for example, Professor Dumbledore from Harry Potter, who was declared as such by the writer JK Rowling herself). First of all, he is a great magician, and everything else is a matter of the tenth.

Frame from the film "Little Manhattan"

Shot from the film "Perfumer: the story of a murderer"

British actor Ben Whishaw, who became famous for his role in the film adaptation of Patrick Suskind's novel The Perfumer, approached his coming-out in stages: first he played a gay on the theater stage and gave an interview about it to the gay magazine Out. The masses turned a blind eye to this. Then there was the role of a gay in Lana and Andy Wachowski's "Cloud Atlas" - even the most dull-witted ones were already itching here, since the names of the directors were especially disposed to this. But this time too, everyone attributed it to the fact that "it's just a role like that."

In 2013, Wishaw decided that it was no longer worthwhile to fool the fans, and told the Daily Mail that he had been living with Australian composer Mark Bradshaw for a year, with whom he married in Sydney. The moment for recognition was hardly chosen by chance: as noted by many publications that reprinted the news, when you are assigned the role of Q in a franchise like Bond, you can no longer be afraid of anything. Moreover, it is believed that it was the recognition of the actor that helped him get the central role in the upcoming biopic about Freddie Mercury and the Queen group. Whishaw, however, has since preferred to communicate with journalists through his agent.

Shot from the film "Prisoners"

Even if Maria Bello was not your favorite actress, she played so many on-screen spouses that it was difficult to suspect her of loving women. But everything happens for the first time: in 2013, the star of The Captive made a coming out by writing an article in The New York Times about her relationship with journalist Claire Mann. The arguments were serious: the growing son was tired of lying, and the deceased husband, although a very close person, was still more of a platonic partner. “I like my modern family. Maybe, in the end, such a modern family is just a more honest family, ”the actress emphasized, not denying that recognition can hit a film career. The son, it should be noted, accepted the situation with full understanding. As for the favor of Hollywood producers, there is no clarity on this issue yet.

Promo frame for the series "Escape"

They did not expect? And yet! The star of the series "Escape", who, according to the plot, had a romantic relationship with a prison nurse, was silent about his personal life until the last. It was only an invitation to the St. Petersburg Film Forum in 2013 that forced him out of the twilight, which Wentworth was forced to decline due to the newly adopted “anti-gay law”. His decision, initially explained by a busy work schedule, he later commented in more detail in a letter published on a well-known LGBT website: “I cannot come to a country where it is impossible to love openly.” Because - yes, that's why. From the confession made, not only Russian viewers, but also Miller's American fans were shocked. Meanwhile, the actor does not deny that he has Russian roots, and he has been to Russia more than once before. But the public position so far outweighs everything else.

Shot from the movie "Best Friend's Wedding"

Times change, habits too. Today in the West it is much easier to announce one's gay orientation than in the 80s. In 1989, The Quiet Flows the Don, Best Friend and Best Friend's Wedding star Rupert Everett admitted in an interview with the French press that he was homosexual. The actor's name was immediately picked up by the tabloids and made into a bargaining chip in the debate about whether a gay man can be successful in heterosexual roles. The Briton was one of the first who pulled this topic out and forced it to be discussed - for which many of the younger players in this top should, in theory, thank him. However, the career of Everett himself, after the famous recognition, noticeably stalled: according to the actor, scandalous fame cost him the main male role in Basic Instinct and a number of other high-rated films.

Today, he seems to regret that he hastened to come out, and does not stop reproaching himself for missed opportunities. "I wanted to be a movie star," Rupert said in a recent interview, emphasizing that as an actor he doesn't care who he plays. - But in my case it did not work out - being gay, this is impossible to do. It doesn't work with gays." Well, with the fact that the film industry has ceased to quote Everett as a breaker of women's hearts, one can perhaps agree. Nevertheless, many believe that Everett is vainly crying: he is firmly established in Hollywood, his best films came out much later than the scandalous interview, he has been nominated for many prestigious film awards, fresh films with his participation are released every year ... And in between, he also makes good money in my own memoirs. In general, wake up, Rupert! Do you complain about fate?

Promo frame for the TV series "Ally McBeal"

Australian-American film actress Portia de Rossi, remembered for many roles in the television series Ally McBeal and Arrested Development, was actually married in the 90s. But today it is already known that it was a fictitious marriage in order to obtain a green card - and everything was clear to Portia's parents before, because she told them at school that she liked girls, and somehow not very guys. The actress came out in 2010, admitting that she had been married to TV presenter Ellen Lee DeGeneres for two years, whom she began dating in 2004 (DeGeneres herself revealed the truth about her orientation back in 1997 on the Oprah show). Probably, looking at how easily everything turned out for Portia, in 2012 did her television colleague Jim Parsons or Leo DiCaprio decide on public recognition? Judging by which way the Hollywood wind is blowing, there will be more.

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