Predatory rodents list. Varieties of rodent pests and signs of their appearance in the summer cottage. The degu diet includes

We saw a mink on a personal plot - it means that pest rodents have come to visit you. There are many digging species of animals, and all of them are dangerous for the economy in their own way. Depending on belonging to a particular species, it is necessary to build a method for combating rodents. The description and photo will help to identify them.

Signs of rodents. What you need to know about them

Rodents are hares, rats, mice, etc. There are more than 1700 species of them. All wild varieties also belong to the category of rodents, pests, but not all of them can be found on the site. Those that you find in the country will be medium-sized (8-35 cm). All rodents are capable of causing serious damage to the crop on your site. If they start up in the garden, it is easy to determine this by the following signs:

  • damaged (gnawed) bark on the trunk and shoots, branches, buds, roots;
  • a network of holes in the ground, eating underground elements of bulbous plants;
  • destruction of the crop in the process of ripening and its stocks during storage.

Attention! Pests of the garden are also considered shrews with moles, which are not included in the category of rodents. They are insectivorous and cause damage to garden crops by digging up the root system. On the other hand, along the paths of these pests, mice massively penetrate the site, which attack the crop.

Pest mice: classification

Mice do not like people and rarely settle in houses, but willingly come for food to inhabited and well-groomed areas. Varieties of rodent pests:

  • Forest mouse. It has a body 9-11 cm long and a short tail, up to 10 cm. Natural habitat: forests, gardens, fields, meadows. For life digs a deep hole. Moves by jumping. The diet of the rodent includes greens of garden crops, seeds, insects.
  • Yellow-throated mouse. The body is 10-12 cm long with a rather long tail, up to 13 cm. There is a characteristic yellow spot in the region of the rodent's abdomen. This mouse also does not run, but jumps, climbs well. It lives in a nest, which it builds in hollows or burrows. It feeds in the same way as the forest.
  • Harvest mouse. Short body (average 10 cm), short tail (up to 9 cm), black stripe on gray back. In winter, it lives in warehouses and barns, in nature it settles in fields, forests and gardens. The rodent is characterized by average fertility (4 litters of 6-8 mice per year). It feeds on earthworms and productive horticultural crops.
  • House mouse. Body length - 8-11 cm, tail - no more than 9 cm. Very prolific (up to 7-8 litters of 8 cubs per year). A group of mice lives in large families that unanimously attack people's plots and dwellings. They live in fields, in gardens, in autumn they move to residential buildings. Rodents pests feed on plants and invertebrates.

Voles: varieties and harm

The vole has similar characteristics to other mice. Its feature is a dark stripe on the back, slight differences in the muzzle, and a shorter tail. Classification of the type of rodent pests with names:

  • Vole ordinary. The body is about 9-12 cm long and has a very short tail (4 cm). The fur is grey. The rodent multiplies intensively. Young mice reach sexual maturity very quickly. On the basis of family ties, colonies arise, for which individuals build an extensive network of tunnels with pantries and other compartments. The rodent feeds exclusively on plants and grain.
  • Field vole. The length of the calf is about 11 cm, the tail is about 4 cm. It has looser and longer fur than that of the common vole. Color - brown. Rodent minks should be looked for in dense grass. He loves plants and can covet the succulent bark of young trees.
  • Red vole. Length - up to 11 cm, tail - up to 6 cm. It has a characteristic red coat. It can live both underground and in some kind of shelter on the surface. The rodent is not very fertile as for mice. Eats bark, plants and grains, insects and invertebrates.

Other rodents garden pests

From the category of rodents, pests are especially dangerous rats. Many of them can attack domestic animals, damage property, carry diseases and be aggressive towards humans. For example, a gray rat (pasyuk) reaches 27 cm in length and has a tail up to 23 cm. The coat can be gray and black. This rodent builds passages in almost any terrain.

Attention! The offspring of one female gray rat is 6-9 individuals 2-3 times a year.

The black rat is slightly smaller and less prolific. The color of the fur contains brown colors. The rodent can build a dwelling even on a tree, because it climbs well. Less dangerous than gray, because it prefers plant foods.

Rats are sometimes referred to as water voles. An adult reaches 20 cm. The tail lengthens the body by another 6-13 cm. The color of the rodent is brown-gray, sometimes black. It swims well (including under water), so it often settles near water bodies. Dimensions allow the rodent to eat not only garden greens and seeds, but also roots with root crops. The water rat builds its extensive network of passages under the surface of the earth. Offspring - about 14 cubs 2-3 times a year.

Methods of struggle against mice and rats differ from each other. Therefore, by correctly identifying the type of rodent pests, you will find the best way to solve the problem.

Rodents on the site: video

In the article I will consider the different types and which rodent to choose as a pet, their maintenance and breeding. I will tell you about the features of caring for each type of animal from the list.

The most popular types of rodents for home keeping


The cost of the animal is from 200 rubles and more.

This is a cute nocturnal animal. It is quite difficult to tame him, but it is possible. For its maintenance, you will need from strong rods with a house, a pair of ladders or tunnels and feeders.

The cost of the animal is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Or the Chilean squirrel weighs an average of 300-500 g and reaches a length of 30 cm. The rodent itself is inexpensive, but its maintenance requires money and time. First of all, he needs a home. Since this is a protein, then the corresponding cell is needed. The cost of a cage for squirrels is 3000-3500 rubles.

Degu is a pack animal, so it does not get along well with other animals. Alone, the Chilean squirrel lives much less. They are comfortable to keep in pairs.

The degu's coat is dense and coarse, so it should be brushed regularly. The animal will cope with this on its own, but it needs a sand bath installed in the cage.

Grabbing or lifting a degu by the tail is strictly prohibited. If you pinch his tail, the skin will peel off and the animal will run away. The exposed section of the tail bleeds and dies.

Degus are very sensitive to heat and high humidity, cold and noise. The optimum temperature for it is 24-26 degrees. Pungent odors also adversely affect the condition of the animal.

Also, a cage with an animal cannot be placed next to such houseplants as:

  • Sanseviera;
  • Room feces (Spathiphyllum);
  • Feronia;
  • threader;
  • Flamingo flower.

The main quality of degus is their sociability. Walking is one way to bond with your baby.

Degas should be released into the apartment under exceptional supervision. He will chew on anything that gets in his way.

In this article, we examined several types of rodents and their breeds. They also learned how to care for each of the species. Noticed some features of the breeds.

Rodents are the most numerous group of animals. They are distributed throughout the planet, with the exception of only Antarctica and a few islands. Representatives of the Rodents squad are unique animals that combine exceptional skills.

Rodents are excellent builders, skilled swimmers and thrifty hosts. Below you will find articles about representatives of the Rodents order, in which you can learn a lot of new and surprising things about these animals.

The common beaver is a hardworking builder. Description and photo of the common beaver

The common beaver is a large semi-aquatic animal, a representative of the rodent order. The common beaver is also called the river beaver. The Beast impresses with his skills: he is an experienced builder, an excellent owner and an exemplary family man. The common beaver is the second largest rodent in the world. In this article you will find a description and photo of the common beaver, learn a lot of new and interesting things about these rodents.

The capybara is the largest rodent. Description and photo of the animal capybara

Capybara, or as it is also called, the capybara is a semi-aquatic animal that is a representative of the rodent order. This is a very unusual animal and many will be interested to get to know him. The capybara is the largest rodent. Below you will find a description and photo of the capybara animal, as well as learn a lot of new things about it.

At least once in a lifetime, every person caught himself thinking about the need to have a pet. However, the lack of space or time often causes the purchase of a cat or dog to be postponed indefinitely. For those who have little free time and a fear of mess, buying a pet rodent is a great way out.

Popular domestic rodents

Domestic rodents are very popular pets, especially with children. However, before buying an animal, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of each animal and choose the perfect little friend for yourself.

Hamsters are perhaps the most popular domestic rodents, and this is not strange, because they are extremely unpretentious cute animals. These rodents are of two types: ordinary (large) and dwarf. The color of the animal depends on its breed and habitat and varies from gray to brown tones. It is customary to start hamsters one at a time, because this is how they live in the wild, and therefore a companion will always be perceived as a competitor, even if they are of different sexes.

Important! The hamster will not immediately become a tame animal. However, his trust is very easy to get thanks to the goodies that must be given from hand to paw.

Guinea pigs are also quite common as a pet. A cute large rodent has many colors and most often several colors are combined on the fur coat of the animal in the form of shapeless spots.

Pigs are very sociable animals that are always glad to their owner and willingly show him their feelings. They say that if something happened to the owner, the little friend knows how to sympathize. And to make a pet happy in return is quite simple: pigs do not tolerate loneliness, so it is better to buy a pair at once, and in order to avoid the appearance of unwanted offspring - a same-sex one.
It is important to remember that this animal is very emotional and with any sharp sound or severe stress, the pig's heart can literally burst.

Decorative rabbits have been very popular since the last century. It is a domesticated relative of the wild European rabbit.

Did you know?Spiny mice, living in the Middle East and Africa, have unique regeneration abilities for mammals: in case of danger, they shed their skin, which then grows back along with their hair.

Long ears, a cute muzzle and a variety of colors depending on the breed will not leave anyone indifferent. The owners of these animals will literally melt with emotion when dealing with rabbits, because the nature of this animal is very friendly and almost never aggressive.

Best of all, rabbits live alone, but if there is a desire to have offspring, then it is better to keep the female and male separately from each other.
Oddly enough, rabbits are very devoted animals, but for this the owner needs to devote a lot of time to the beast and endlessly stroke and treat the pet. If desired, these animals can be trained, but this must be done in the form of a game.

Chinchillas have become popular relatively recently. These incredible animals are originally from America, but, unfortunately, in many countries they are bred for commercial purposes - fur coats are sewn from their fur. But many people get this animal as a pet and often buy them a pair or more, because these rodents are incredibly cute, friendly and watching them play is a real pleasure.

Chinchillas come in several colors: the most popular are gray and black representatives, the more rare ones are white and beige. The nature of this rodent depends on whether he was born in a family or on a farm, because a beast that communicates with people from childhood will be open and curious, while one that lived only among fellows will be quiet and secretive.

Important!Chinchillas really dislike being squeezed against their will. If the animal wants affection, he will easily let you know about it, and if you forcefully try to keep him, you can get a well-aimed stream of urine (the animal expresses its displeasure with this).

Chipmunks are a rarity in pet stores in Russia and Ukraine, but with a strong desire, you can buy them on special farms. These babies are very similar to squirrels, but on their back there are five characteristic black stripes, thanks to which it is simply impossible to confuse a chipmunk with any other rodent.

Chipmunks are very sociable, active pets, often not afraid of a person if he behaves quietly, neatly and without sudden movements. It is quite simple to tame a baby: you need to constantly give him a treat and always from your hands, then he will remember that a person does not pose a threat to him, but, on the contrary, is a source of food.

You need to be prepared for the fact that chipmunks love to stock up, and therefore, even after a hearty lunch, this sly one will beg for more nuts and other goodies.

Many do not like rats, because they think that these animals carry dirt and dangerous infections. So it is, but this does not apply to decorative (domestic) rats. These animals are extremely clean and tidy, they know where their home is, and they can even follow many commands. Rats are animals that differ in intelligence and ingenuity. They know their nickname, they easily remember the command “come to me” or “no”.

The colors of these animals are many, but the most popular are albino rats (white with red eyes).

Important! A serious drawback of this pet is its rather short life span - 2-3 years.

The Chilean degu squirrel is a representative of South American rodents. The appearance of this animal combines several of its brethren: squirrel, chinchilla and jerboa. The color of the coat is usually dark or light brown, less often gray.
These squirrels are very popular as pets because they are extremely friendly., quickly become attached to a person and become his real friends. With the right upbringing, degus can be trained.

It is better to start degus in pairs, because in the wild they live in families. The ideal option would be to buy from two to five individuals.

The gerbil is a small rodent with a long, hairy tail. The color of this animal is very diverse: from light to dark tones of brown. This animal is very active and inquisitive, and caring for it will not be difficult.

Gerbils in the wild move quickly so as not to become the prey of snakes, and therefore, if you want to release the baby, you need to prepare the room well (hide all objects that can be gnawed and close all the cracks).

Did you know? Many species of mice lack clavicles, so the animals can crawl into rather narrow places.

Features of caring for domestic rodents

Despite the fact that rodents are one of the most unpretentious animals, each animal has certain needs and features in care that must be taken into account.

Climatic conditions

People used to think that room temperature is optimal for all animals, and they feel comfortable in it, but this is not entirely true. Most domestic rodents love warmth. Hamsters and mice will feel great in a room with a temperature of 24 ... 25 degrees. But guinea pigs need a stable 20 ... 22 degrees, otherwise they will often get sick.

Rabbits and chinchillas are relatively unpretentious, any temperature in the apartment is suitable for them, but drafts are highly undesirable for these pets. The chipmunk, being a tropical rodent, loves warmth and also cannot stand drafts.

housing requirements

Rodents can be conditionally divided into terrestrial and those who jump on trees. Depending on this, you need to equip your pet with a house.

Hamsters, guinea pigs and gerbils do not require special conditions. A small metal cage is suitable for them, but it is desirable that it has a couple of floors (the beast cannot sit in one place). You also need to buy a wooden house (or make it out of cardboard) and a wheel in which the fluffy can warm up.
Rabbits can live in small enclosures, but they must be given time when they can walk around the room. Locked up, this animal will quickly wither away.

Chinchillas and squirrels are skilled jumpers. They need tall cages with wooden shelves at different heights that they can jump back and forth on. A high cage with a house and a wheel is also suitable for a chipmunk.

Important! Since all these animals are not in vain called rodents, it is important that the walls of the dwelling are not made of painted or chemically treated material, since the animal can simply get poisoned and die.


Most rodents can do just fine with the food sold at the pet store, because it is balanced and contains all the microelements necessary for health and life. However, kids need to be pampered with something. For example, raw carrots and dry apples will not harm the pet, but cabbage should be discarded. Dried fruits are suitable for both large rodents and small ones (except for raisins).

Also, various nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews) will be an excellent delicacy (especially for squirrels and chipmunks). The main thing is that the nuts should be raw, in no case fried. Chocolate is contraindicated for all rodents, especially those who hide food in their bosoms.

Rodent in the house: is it worth getting a pet

If a child asks for a pet, and a cat or dog is too troublesome a friend, a rodent is a great alternative.


Among the positive aspects of keeping rodents at home are:

  1. The main advantage of rodents is their hypoallergenicity, because most of them do not cause allergies at all. For example, chinchilla is one of the few animals that sheds, but wool does not cause allergic reactions even in the most severe allergies.
  2. The rodent takes up little space and does not require round-the-clock care.
  3. All animals choose a place for themselves "under the toilet" and do not crap anywhere.
  4. Pets will quickly become tame if you give them as much free time as possible for the first few days.
  5. Watching these adorable kids play is a pleasure.

Did you know? The largest rodent in the world is the capybara. Its weight can reach 91 kilograms.


There are bad moments too:

  1. The main disadvantage of the rodent is its natural reflex to gnaw everything. When releasing a pet, you need to make sure that wires and other important items are not available to him.
  2. Not all inhabitants of cells can boast of high intelligence.
  3. These mammals have a very short life.

So, having studied the lifestyle and character of all domestic gnawing mammals, we can conclude that these animals are a great alternative for those who want to make a friend and do not have the opportunity to constantly go for a walk or clean the tray. A domestic rodent is a guarantee of a great mood, and even a child can take care of it.

RODENTS (Rodentia), detachment of the class of mammals. Fossils are known from the Paleocene. Small and medium-sized animals; body length from 5 (mouse) to 130 (capybara) cm; weight from 6 g to 50 kg. Externally, rodents are very diverse; among them there are various life forms: underground (diggers, gophers, zokors, mole rats), arboreal (squirrels, flying squirrels), aquatic (beavers, nutrias, muskrats), adapted to fast running (jerboas, maras, agoutis). The hairline of rodents is represented by soft uniform fur (mole rats, zokors), fur well divided into guard hairs and underfur (beavers, nutria), quills (porcupine), or completely absent (naked mole rats). The forelimbs are 5-4-toed, the hind limbs are 5-3-toed. Common to the detachment is the structure of the dental system. All rodents have strongly developed incisors (1 pair in each jaw), which do not have roots and grow throughout the life of the animal; their cutting edge self-sharpenes when abraded (due to the different hardness of enamel and dentin). In some rodents (gray voles), constant growth is also characteristic of molars. Canines are absent, resulting in a large gap (diastema) between the incisors and cheek teeth - premolars or molars. The brain is relatively large, the surface of the hemispheres is smooth.

Rodents are the largest (about 355 genera, more than 1600 species) and diverse order of mammals. It contains 30-35 modern families, 3 of which are the most numerous and include up to 2/3 of modern species: squirrels (about 40 genera and 230 species), hamsters (6-8 subfamilies, up to 100 genera, about 500 species) and mice ( up to 17 subfamilies, about 120 genera, more than 400 species). A number of families consist of a single genus of the same name with 1-2 species (beaver, long-legged, capybara, pacarnidae).

Rodents are distributed everywhere, except for Antarctica; inhabit all natural zones - from the tundra to the desert, from lowland swamps to highlands. The sharp incisors of rodents are used not only for chewing solid food, but also for digging. Most rodents are active around the clock; there are species that are active only at night or only during daylight hours. A number of species fall into hibernation of varying duration, accompanied by a decrease in the level of metabolism and body temperature (marmots, ground squirrels, dormice, etc.). Rodent shelters are very diverse: deep, complex burrows (viscaches, diggers, tukotukovy), nests above ground, ground or in soil voids (black rat, house mice, mice), huts with an underwater entrance from branches (beavers) or grass (muskrat) , hanging nests made of grass (baby mouse) or on trees (squirrels). Rodents feed on plant foods (seeds, fruits, succulent green parts of plants, bark and wood), many include small vertebrates and invertebrates in the diet, some are exclusively insectivorous (grasshopper hamsters), fish-eating (fish-eating hamsters) or predatory (a number of species of large rats) . They can lead a solitary or colonial lifestyle, including those with a division of functions, like social insects (naked mole rats).

In all natural areas, rodents predominate in numbers among mammals. As a rule, rodents are characterized by high fertility: several litters per year (usually 2-4), up to 8-15 cubs in each. Many tend to have early puberty (on the 2-3rd month of life). The number of small rodents (mice, voles) can in some years increase by 100 or more times, often giving way to years of their almost complete extinction over large areas.

The ecological role of rodents is everywhere great. For example, in the tundra, changes in the number of lemmings largely determine the dynamics of the entire ecosystem; in deserts, the burrowing activity of rodents supports the existence of many animals, promotes soil mixing, determines the moisture regime and the species composition of vegetation; creating dams and swamping vast areas, beavers form a specific landscape.

Some rodents (including chinchilla, beaver, coypu, muskrat) are valuable objects of the fur trade. Many rodents (forest voles, lemmings, gray voles, etc.) serve as the main food for valuable fur-bearing predators (Arctic fox, sable, marten, etc.). Among rodents, there are species that cause great damage to crop production, agriculture and forestry, as well as food supplies (rats, mice, ground squirrels, hamsters). Many species of rodents are distributors of human infectious diseases (including plague, tularemia, rickettsiosis, leptospirosis, leishmaniasis, tick-borne encephalitis, hemorrhagic fevers, etc.). Gray and black rats and house mice have spread all over the world together with humans, forming populations that are entirely dependent on human activity. Some rodents can cause significant damage to various technical devices and structures.

Among rodents, there are species with a small range, adapted to unique regional ecosystems (viscacha, Patagonian mara, pacarna). Many rodent species have become rare or have a steady decline in numbers. About 700 species of rodents are listed in the IUCN Red Book, 7 species - in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. There are examples of successful population recovery (beavers).

Lit .: Sokolov V. E. Systematics of mammals. M., 1977. Part 2: Detachments: lagomorphs, rodents; Gromov I. M., Erbaeva M. A. Lagomorphs and rodents. SPb., 1995.

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