Enterofuril for infants. "Enterofuril" for children - two in one: antidiarrheal and antimicrobial drug. Joint use with other drugs

The birth of a child is a blessing for any family. After birth, the baby must adapt to the environment. The most common problems that he may encounter are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The child may have liquid or green feces due to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. To save the baby from suffering and the development of microorganisms, bacteriostatic drugs are used that suppress the ability of bacteria to multiply. Often in therapy, enterofuril is prescribed for infants.

Why choose Enterofuril

Enterofuril is a remedy that helps to save a child from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Has antimicrobial properties.

The drug is available in two forms - capsules and suspensions.

The age from which the medicine can be used is 1 month of birth.

The advantage of the drug is that it is not an antibiotic. The action occurs only in the place where the bacteria have accumulated, that is, in the intestines. Enterofuril is excreted along with feces. The advantages of the drug also lie in the fact that it is not able to cause dysbacteriosis, does not penetrate into the bloodstream and does not harm the internal organs of the child.

The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide and helps to cure intestinal pathologies that are associated not only with infectious diseases. The effect of the drug can be seen already on the second day of admission.

In what cases is enterofuril prescribed?

Most often, the drug is prescribed if a newborn baby or infant has stool disorders of an infectious origin. The painful condition of the baby often accompanies diarrhea, green stools and vomiting. This quickly depletes his body and leads to dehydration, which is very dangerous for the tender age of the baby.

Pathology can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • recurrent or chronic diarrhea;
  • diarrhea against the background of helminthic invasions;
  • diarrhea that appeared as a result of taking antibacterial agents.

The drug is often prescribed for infection with Klebsiella, rotavirus, staphylococcus aureus.


The drug showed good efficacy if the baby has a rotavirus infection. This disease is characterized by nausea and vomiting, the baby stops eating normally, he has general weakness. In some cases, rotavirus provokes an increase in body temperature.

staph infection

The disease is characterized by purulent and inflammatory processes. Staphylococcus aureus can multiply on the mucous membranes and skin. The name golden came from the color of the bacterium itself.

Staphylococcus mutates rapidly and is practically immune to antibacterial agents of the penicillin series. At the same time, this type of bacteria exists in the human body throughout life, only its amount varies depending on age and other circumstances.

Attention! The disease is very dangerous for babies. Late detected pathology can cause the development of meningitis or pneumonia.

The main thing is to diagnose and determine the number of bacteria in the intestines of the child. With a small amount, treatment is not required. It is important that the infant's body is able to produce antibodies that prevent the growth of microbes, especially since antibiotic treatment at an early age is contraindicated. If necessary, enterofuril is prescribed, due to which staphylococcal microbes begin to disappear or decrease in number.

Side effects of the drug

Enterofuril in childhood is well tolerated. In isolated cases, a manifestation of urticaria is possible, and then you should immediately stop taking the drug. Some children may experience colic, constipation.

The drug is not suitable for children who have not reached the age of one month. You can not use the capsule form of the drug under the age of 7 years. Enterofuril is not prescribed if the birth of a child was premature.

The medicine will not work if the baby has an individual intolerance to its components. With a deficiency of isomaltase and sucrose in the body of a child, this drug is not prescribed.

Rules for taking the drug

Any treatment regimen should be individual, regardless of the disease. Treatment and how to take the drug should be prescribed only by a pediatrician.

According to the manufacturer's instructions, it is recommended to take enterol in the following doses.

  1. From 1 to 6 months - no more than 2.5 ml and no more than 3 times a day. The break between taking the drug should be at least 10-12 hours.
  2. From the age of seven months and up to 2 years, the remedy can be taken in the same dosage, but more often - about 4 times a day.

The course of treatment lasts no more than one week.

There is no rule for when to give the drug to a child - in the afternoon or before meals. Before measuring the norm, the vial of the drug should be shaken.

The taste of enterofuril is gentle, from which the medicine can be drunk by babies from 4 months old without any problems. In very young children, medicine is usually given directly into the mouth using a syringe without a needle. After taking it is recommended to give a little water.

It is good if the drug is combined with parallel testing to reveal the body's ability to excrete the fructose that is contained in enterofuril.

How to store the drug

This item is not given attention in the instructions, but the quality of the drug depends on the expiration date and storage conditions. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

After opening, the medicine can be stored for no longer than one week. In no case do not freeze the product, otherwise it will begin to disappear. It is recommended to store the drug at a temperature of +15°C to +30°C.

Compatibility with other medicines

As medical studies show, the drug can be combined with any other medicines, including antibacterial agents. Even complex therapy is used when a child has a complex intestinal infection - antibiotics and enterofuril are combined.

It is this drug that reduces the harmful effect of antibiotics on the baby's intestinal microflora, although the drug acts indirectly.

Along with the drug, probiotics are often used, which allow you to "populate" the baby's intestines with beneficial microorganisms, restore its normal functioning. But probiotics can only be used after the baby reaches 3 months of age.

Only a pediatrician has the right to prescribe the drug. The statistics of infant mortality from intestinal bacteria is very high, so the use of enterofuril is justified in almost 99% of cases of diseases.

Weakened immunity of little explorers, poor personal hygiene, eating in public places are just some of the causes of diarrhea. "Enterofuril" for children is one of the most reliable drugs for the treatment of digestive problems. The tool is widely used in pediatrics, it is prescribed even for newborn babies. But it is important for parents to have information about the composition of different types of medicines, methods of use and indications for children.

Benefits of "Enterofuril"

The advantage of the antibacterial action of the drug is the functioning exclusively inside the intestine. The solution and capsules are not absorbed into the blood, so they do not harm the child's body. This allows the medicine to be used to treat the smallest patients.

"Enterofuril" does not affect the normal intestinal microflora. This means that after the course of treatment there will be no dysbacteriosis. Parents do not need to use probiotics to restore the function of the baby's digestive system.

"Enterofuril" has other useful properties.

  • During treatment, resistance to the drug is not developed. This is an important property for children who often suffer from dyspeptic disorders.
  • Due to the lack of absorption of the drug into the blood, it is used to treat infants.
  • With bacterial diarrhea, the medicine quickly restores the physiological intestinal microflora.
  • "Enterofuril" is sold at an affordable price.
  • The release form is provided for children from 1 month in the form of a suspension and adults in the form of capsules in a therapeutic dosage.

After use, the drug leaves the body. How quickly it is excreted depends on the dosage and the motility of the intestinal loops.

Description of the drug

"Enterofuril" is an antidiarrheal drug from the group of intestinal antiseptics. The manufacturer is the company BOSNALEK, JSC Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The tool was registered in Russia on 10/31/08 under Reg. No. P N014624/01.

The pharmaceutical company produces "Enterofuril" in the following dosage forms:

  • capsules of 100 and 200 mg in a blister pack;
  • suspension for internal use - packaged in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 90 ml. The cardboard packaging is equipped with a measuring spoon and instructions.

The contents of the yellow capsules of 100 mg and brown 200 mg - powder. The suspension is a yellow liquid. Children are happy to take banana-scented medicine.

"Enterofuril" is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. It is stored at a temperature from 15 to 30 °C. The product cannot be frozen. In the hot season, it can be kept on the top shelf of the refrigerator. The shelf life of the capsules in the box is 5 years, and the suspension is 3 years. The opened bottle can be used within 14 days.

Therapeutic action

"Enterofuril" is a means of a wide antimicrobial spectrum. Antibacterial properties apply to most of the pathogenic pathogens of the intestine:

  • staphylococcus;
  • campylobacter;
  • cholera vibrio;
  • streptococcus;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • Proteus;
  • clostridia;
  • enterobacter;
  • coli.

"Enterofuril" cures diarrhea caused by any of the listed microorganisms. The effectiveness of the drug is 100% for diarrhea in children and adults. As a result of treatment, children stop vomiting and diarrhea. They recover in 3-7 days.

How does Enterofuril work?

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the intestinal antiseptic nitrofuran.

5 ml of Enterofuril suspension contains:

  • active substance - nifuroxazide 200 mg;
  • additional components: preservatives sodium hydroxide and methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • lemon acid;
  • ethanol 96%;
  • flavoring that mimics banana flavor.

100/200 mg capsules contain:

  • nifuroxazide (100 or 200 mg) as the active substance;
  • additional components - sucrose, magnesium stearate, starch thickener;

The composition of the shell of the product includes gelatin and dyes: titanium dioxide, quinoline and azorubine.

The active substance 5-nitrofuran blocks biochemical processes in the microbial cell, thereby stopping its vital activity. In addition, "Enterofuril" inhibits the production of proteins of pathogenic bacteria. Destroying the shell of bacteria, the drug reduces the production of toxins that poison the body.


The instruction recommends taking "Enterofuril" with this form of bacterial diarrhea, when the child's condition does not suffer. The drug is used for diseases such as acute bacterial intestinal infection, chronic diarrhea of ​​​​infectious genesis without symptoms of helminthiasis.

The suspension has additional indications - unstable stools, heartburn, belching.

Is Enterofuril used for rotavirus?

This intestinal antiseptic is used only for bacterial infection. This tool does not have a detrimental effect on rotavirus.

The instructions for "Enterofuril" contain information - when infected with enterotropic (intestinal) viruses, the drug prevents the attachment of bacteria. This means that "Enterofuril" with rotavirus only prevents complications.

In case of rotavirus infection, probiotic agents ("Enterol", "Bactisubtil") or enterosorbents ("Polysorb", "Smecta", "Polifepan") are prescribed.

Methods for taking the suspension

Before using Enterofuril, it is recommended to shake the bottle so that the solution becomes homogeneous in consistency. The required amount of liquid is measured with a graduated measuring spoon. The suspension is given to the child, regardless of when he took food. The medicine can be taken before meals and during feeding.

The dose of "Enterofuril" is set by the doctor according to age:

  • a child from 1 to 6 months is prescribed 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day;
  • from 7 months to 2 years, give the same dose, but four times a day;
  • kids from 3 to 7 years old - 5 ml three times a day;
  • after 7 years and adults - 4 times 5 ml for 24 hours.

With a 4-time intake of Enterofuril, the break is 6 hours. Little children drink Enterofuril in the morning and evening at the same time.

How to take capsules?

"Enterofuril" in capsules is allowed to be given to babies only from the age of 3, so that they can swallow it. The medicine is taken without opening the capsule, washed down with water.

Age doses of "Enterofuril":

  • babies 3-7 years old - three times a day, 1 capsule of 200 mg;
  • older children and adults - 200 mg 4 times a day.

At the reception, the doctor after the examination will indicate how many days you need to drink "Enterofuril". Usually the course of treatment takes 2-7 days. The medication is stopped if loose stools do not appear within 12 hours.

"Enterofuril" destroys pathogenic bacteria, therefore it is able to stop diarrhea. The loss of electrolytes during vomiting and diarrhea occurs with a deterioration in cardiac activity, headache, and weakness. To replenish fluid and trace elements while taking Enterofuril, it is imperative to take rehydrant preparations.

At home, ready-made pharmaceutical powders are used for this, which are dissolved with cooled boiled water:

  • "Rehydron";
  • "Trisol";
  • "Gastrolit";
  • "Humana".

These products contain magnesium and potassium salts necessary for the body, which restore the water and electrolyte balance. The solutions are given to drink after each episode of diarrhea and offered to children every fifteen minutes in small portions. The baby is given liquid every 5-10 minutes. To make it easier for the baby to take rehydrants, they are alternated with breastfeeding.

In childhood, vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead to dehydration, which is very dangerous. Therefore, newborns and babies under 3 years of age with frequent diarrhea are always hospitalized.

Indications for calling an ambulance:

  • growing weakness;
  • diarrhea more than 10 times a day;
  • uncontrollable vomiting.

In a hospital setting, Ringer's liquid is infused intravenously to restore the water and electrolyte balance. Treatment of children is carried out under the supervision of staff.


If during the reception of "Enterofuril" shortness of breath, itching and rash on the body appear, the drug is canceled. These symptoms are indicative of an allergic reaction and require medical attention.

Side effects

Judging by the numerous reviews of parents and doctors, children easily tolerate the drug. In 90% of cases, taking "Enterofuril" is not accompanied by side effects. Sensitive people sometimes develop an itchy rash on the body. In rare cases, with intolerance to the drug or its components, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock may develop. An acute allergic reaction can occur not only to the main substance, but also to dyes and preservatives in the composition.


Like any medication, "Enterofuril" has obstacles for use:

  • excessively high sensitivity to nitrofuran;
  • "Enterofuril" is not used to treat infants under one month of age and is not given to premature babies;
  • a contraindication is also a deficiency in the body of isomaltase and sucrase;
  • capsules are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Before you start taking the medicine, read the instructions or consult your doctor. The doctor will identify contraindications after examining the child. This will prevent side effects and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.


The pharmacy chain has a selection of intestinal antiseptics containing a nitrofuran derivative.

Analogues of "Enterofuril" in composition:

  • "Ersefuril" in capsules of 200 mg;
  • "Stopdiar" in tablets and suspensions;
  • "Nifuroxazide" in the same dosage forms;
  • Ecofuril.

All of them are sold at a budget price. The cost of a bottle of suspension is about 400 rubles. Analogues for action - "Baktisubtil", "Fthalazol", "Bacteriophage".

So, "Enterofuril" is an effective and affordable drug without side effects. The tool is widely used for bacterial diarrhea, is easily tolerated. The medicine should be in the family first aid kit. It is given to both infants and the elderly. Without "Enterofuril" they do not do when going on a trip.

The natural desire of all parents is for their baby to grow up healthy, but, unfortunately, it is the children's body that is most susceptible to various infections and viruses. Young children get sick quite often, especially in the process of adapting to kindergarten (see also:). As a result, mothers and fathers are looking for medicines and medications for certain diseases that would be effective and at the same time cause minimal harm to children. One of these safe drugs is children's Enterofuril.

Enterofuril preserves the normal intestinal microflora and eliminates the cause of diarrhea

Forms of release and composition

The drug Enterofuril for children comes in two main forms of release: suspension or capsules. The latter are found in two versions. Depending on the quantitative content of the main active ingredient - Nifuroxazide - they are produced with marking No. 0 or No. 2.

Capsule No. 2 contains 100 ml of active ingredient. They are produced in cardboard packages, each of which contains 3 blisters. In blisters of 10 capsules, which are hard, opaque, yellow-colored tablets. They are filled with yellow powder, and it is also possible that tiny particles of compacted mass will get in.

Capsules No. 0 contain 200 ml of the active ingredient. They are also produced in cardboard packages, in which there are 1-2 blisters of 8 capsules in one blister.

Additional components in tablets are presented:

  • corn starch;
  • sucrose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate.

Suspension for oral administration is thick, yellow in color, with a banana smell; tablets - gelatin opaque capsules also yellow

As for the release form of the suspension, it is a liquid syrup of thick consistency and yellow tint. It is taken orally and has a characteristic banana flavor. The packaging of the drug is a 100 ml bottle made of dark glass, with 90 ml of suspension inside. The set includes a measuring spoon.

The suspension includes:

  • for 5 ml - 200 ml of nifuroxazide;
  • sucrose;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • ethanol;
  • carbomer;
  • citric acid;
  • water;
  • banana flavor.

Indications for use

Nifuroxazide, which is the active component of this drug, is in the group of antimicrobial medicines that are directly intended for the treatment of intestinal diseases of an infectious nature. It tends to have an antimicrobial effect.

Enterofuril - the most effective drug for the treatment of diarrhea in children

Enterofuril has a number of indications for use. It is usually prescribed for:

  • Acute and chronic diarrhea, if it was caused by pathogenic microorganisms that are susceptible to the effects of the drug. An exception is helminthic invasion.
  • Chronic diarrhea associated with inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane in the colon.
  • Diarrhea as a result of the uncontrolled use of certain antimicrobial medicines, among which there are antibiotics.
  • Diarrhea in any form, the causes of which remain unclear.

Features of the impact on the body

The main component of Enterofuril - nifuroxazide - has a local effect, while it does not enter other tissues or organs, as a result of which the remedy is effective only for diarrhea. It prevents the production of enterotoxins. This leads to the fact that enterocytes are less irritated, the volume of fluid and salts released into the intestinal lumen decreases.

Different dosage provides different antimicrobial effect:

  1. bacteriostatic action. It appears at low and medium dosages. As a result of the fact that enzyme activity is suppressed, there is a violation of the synthesis of compounds that are necessary for the existence of microbial cells.
  2. bactericidal action. It occurs at high doses of the drug. It destroys the structure of the cytoplasmic membranes of bacterial cells, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

At appropriate doses, Enterofuril does not affect the natural intestinal microflora. It affects a number of gram-positive and negative microbes, namely:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • Pfeiffer's stick;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • enterobacter;
  • klebsiella (we recommend reading:);
  • coli;
  • Proteus.

Enterofuril does not cause resistance of bacteria to the effects of nifuroxazide and other antibacterial drugs.

Almost 99% of the drug that has been ingested remains in the intestine and does not enter the bloodstream from there. Over time, which depends on the dosage and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the active substance, along with all the contents of the intestine, leaves the body.

Contraindications and side effects

This drug, like the rest related to the nitrofuran series, is contraindicated for people who are particularly sensitive to the main active substance or additional components in the composition.

Plus, Enterofuril has age restrictions. In the form of a suspension, the medicine should not be given to children who are not yet 1 month old. The capsule form of release is prohibited until the baby is 3 years old.

In case of an overdose, Enterofuril can cause abdominal pain.

This drug is considered quite safe, but, like all medicines, it can cause certain side effects, which, according to the instructions for use, are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergies in the form of a rash, Quincke's edema, urticaria or anaphylactic shock.

In the last option, the drug should be abandoned. With the rest of the symptoms, there is no need to reduce the dose or completely cancel Enterofuril.

Method of application and dosage for children

The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but in any case, it should not last longer than 7 days. The drug is taken without reference to food. Shake the vial with the suspension before taking it.

Enterofuril must be taken strictly according to the instructions

The table below shows the dosages of Enterofuril for adults and children according to age for each form of release:

There is no information on cases of overdose. This is due to the fact that the drug does not enter the general circulation, since it is not absorbed from the intestinal tract. In the case of intoxication of the body, the sequence of actions is similar to poisoning - it is necessary to wash the stomach and treat the symptoms that have appeared.

A prescription is not required to purchase this medication. The shelf life of the capsules is 3 years from the date of issue. The syrup is also suitable for this period, however, after opening it should not be consumed after 2 weeks.

Storage of capsules does not require any specific conditions, and it is desirable to keep the syrup in a dry, dark place at 15-30 ° C. The suspension cannot be frozen.

Similar drugs and their comparison

Among the analogues of Enterofuril, several main drugs can be distinguished:

  1. Interix. French made tool. Not intended for use by young children.
  2. Entoban. Manufactured in Pakistan. This analogue is cheaper, but also contraindicated in infants and young children.
  3. Furazolidone.
  4. Enterol.
  5. Smekta.


Like Enterofuril, this drug belongs to the nitrofuran series. It produces a detrimental effect on gram-negative, some gram-positive bacteria and on Candida fungi, but anaerobes and pathogens of purulent infections are resistant to its effects. From the point of view of pharmacology means:

  • inhibits the vital activity of bacteria;
  • blocks the flow of biochemical processes in microbial cells;
  • disrupts the structure of microbial cells.

Furazolidone is contraindicated in liver and kidney diseases

The cardinal distinguishing feature from Enterofuril is that this analogue enters the general circulation. This leads to the fact that the place where the active substance is metabolized is the liver. The drug is excreted from the body by means of the kidneys with urine. Because of this, it is contraindicated in liver or kidney disease.

The drug is prescribed for:

  • paratyphoid;
  • dysentery;
  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal infection.

Furazolidone is a qualitative analogue of Enterofuril

Furazolidone is approved for use by a child from 1 month of age. A number of side effects that it can provoke are wider than those of Enterofuril. Its reception can provoke:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • allergy;
  • anemia
  • shortness of breath
  • cough;
  • elevated levels of methemoglobin in the blood.

From the point of view of the safety of children, it is inferior to Enterofuril. Negatively affects the kidneys and liver.


Enterol for children is prescribed to normalize digestion with diarrhea and vomiting (more in the article:)

Which of the two drugs and in which case is it better to choose - Enterofuril or Enterol? First, they have a different range of influence. The first agent adversely affects the microbes in the intestinal lumen, leading to the destruction of their cells. Enterol does not have such a wide range of those microorganisms that provoke digestive problems, which it adversely affects. As a result, if diarrhea is accompanied by fever and vomiting and is of an infectious nature, then it is preferable to opt for Enterofuril.

Secondly, Enterol not only prevents diarrhea, like Enerofuril, but is also responsible for normalizing the microflora in the intestine and increasing the adaptability of lacto- and bifidobacteria. This is a more topical treatment option for less severe diarrhea.

With dysbacteriosis, which often occurs after a course of antibiotic treatment, only the use of Enterol will be rational (we recommend reading:). Enterofuril will only lead to an increase in dysbacteriosis and other side effects of taking antibacterial drugs.


Smecta - a sorbent for the treatment of indigestion

Smecta is another effective way to replace Enterofuril and cope with dysbacteriosis, poisoning, rotovirus or other intestinal infections. It does not injure the intestinal mucosa in infants, does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. Among the side effects of Smecta, allergies or constipation are possible. However, after dose adjustment, they quickly pass.

Smecta begins to act almost immediately after use. It is recommended to take it 20 minutes after eating 3-4 times a day. Therapy should not last more than 5 days.

The nuances of the use of Enterofuril in children

In the instructions for the use of Enterofuril in children, there are a number of nuances that parents should know:

  1. Age restrictions. Syrup can be given with diarrhea to newborns from the age of one month, and tablets are allowed only from three years.
  2. Acceptance relevance. If diarrhea, accompanied by vomiting, is associated with helminthic invasion or a viral infection, such as hepatitis, then Enterofuril is not prescribed.
  3. An integrated approach to therapy. Often, a child may be prescribed to drink the drug at the same time as Smecta. The latter has a positive effect on the barrier function of the esophageal mucosa and increases the body's resistance to various infectious agents.

Possessing bacteriostatic and bactericidal action, this medicine does not belong to a number of antibiotics. Its main active ingredient is a completely synthetic agent. However, as mentioned by Dr. Komarovsky, the effectiveness of nifuroxazide remains unproven.

A variety of intestinal infections can overtake a child at any time of the year. Dealing with them is sometimes difficult. The treatment of these diseases in infants is also complicated by the fact that there is not a large selection of drugs that would be suitable for this age. Some can help, but will entail a lot of side problems.

Enterofuril is considered an effective antimicrobial drug against a number of intestinal diseases. Its main advantage is that even the smallest children can be given it without fear of consequences.

When is Enterofuril prescribed?

  • When vomiting.
  • With diarrhea.
  • With nausea.

The benefits of the drug

  • Due to its antimicrobial properties, Enterofuril is able to kill infectious agents, exhibit antiseptic properties and restore bowel function, thereby gradually removing all unpleasant manifestations and symptoms.
  • The effect becomes noticeable on the second day of application. This is very important, since diarrhea and vomiting can lead to, which is especially dangerous at such a tender age.
  • Enterofuril is recognized as a fairly safe medicine, since it absolutely does not penetrate into the blood. Excreted with feces. It does not have any harmful effects on the internal organs of the child.
  • Doesn't call.
  • It can help with various intestinal diseases, not only infectious nature.

In what form to give the drug to babies?

Especially for babies from 1 month old, it is produced in the form of a suspension of bright yellow color with a pronounced banana aroma and taste. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to convince the baby to take the medicine.

The composition of the suspension Enterofuril

Nifuroxazide is the basis of this remedy and is its active component. In addition to it, the suspension contains:

  1. Flavoring, which gives a pronounced smell and taste.
  2. Sucrose.
  3. Lemon acid.
  4. Water.
  5. Sodium hydroxide.
  6. Methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  7. Ethanol.
  8. Carbomer.

Who should not be given Enterofuril?

  • Not recommended for children who have a high sensitivity to it or sucrose, which is also part of it.
  • Babies under 1 month old.

It should be noted that babies after 1 month before the appointment of Enterofuril are advised to be tested for the presence of enzymes that can break down fructose.

How to take medicine correctly?

  • Enterofuril in the form of a suspension should be given with the original measuring spoon, which is sold along with the medicine. It is easy to measure the right dose with it, and it is also convenient to water the baby.
  • Shake the medicine before use.
  • The dosage should be prescribed only by a specialist. Usually, babies aged from 1 month to six months are recommended 2.5 ml of suspension 2-3 times a day. Children under 2 years old - the same amount 4 times a day.
  • The course of therapy with this remedy should not last more than 7 days.
  • The instructions for Enterofuril say that you can drink it regardless of eating.

Is Enterofuril an antibiotic?

Many mothers are afraid to give it to their children, assuming that it belongs to the group of antibiotics. However, it is not. Enterofuril is considered a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It also does not have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora, but, on the contrary, restores it after intestinal infections and other diseases.

What side effects may occur?

These side effects are extremely rare. However, allergic reactions to the drug or nausea are possible with individual intolerance to this medication.

It is important to follow all the instructions of the pediatrician and give Enterofuril strictly adhering to the desired dosage.

Rules for storing the drug

The total shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. It is important to remember that after opening the package, the suspension can be stored for only a week. After this time, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited. Do not freeze this medicine. The desired temperature is from 15 to 30 degrees.

Joint use with other drugs

Experts say that Enterofuril can be used together with other medicines, even antibiotics. However, it is up to the doctor to make the final decision on this matter. Its joint consumption with means for restoring intestinal microflora containing lacto and bifidobacteria is acceptable.

Despite all the advantages of this drug, there are many opponents of the use of Enterofuril in the treatment of children. The parents of the baby and a qualified pediatrician should decide on the appointment of this medication.

Acute intestinal infections in children are medical problems that never lose their relevance. It is especially difficult to cope with infections in young children and infants, because the range of recommended drugs is significantly narrowed due to the many side effects. Also, not all children are ready to take pills, which further complicates the task of effective treatment. Antibacterial drugs for children, in particular, enterofuril, which is a drug with proven efficacy against most pathogens of acute intestinal infection, can help in this situation.

Enterofuril for children: indications

Among the main symptoms of an intestinal infection are:

  • stool disorder (diarrhea);
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen.

The active substance of Enterofuril is nifuroxazide, which inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria in the body. Nifuroxazide acts directly in the intestine and does not enter the bloodstream, leaving the feces completely. This allows you to achieve a high concentration of the drug in the intestinal area for a successful fight against infection. In addition, during the action of the drug, substances are formed that destroy and damage bacterial cells. A significant advantage of the drug is that bacterial cells do not develop resistance to the active substance, that is, the drug, unlike drugs similar to it, does not lose its effectiveness and has a wide range of antibacterial activity. This means that it can be used as a starting therapy until the causative agent of the infection is identified.

Some studies prove that enterofuril does not cause disturbances in the composition of the intestinal microflora, which is very important in the treatment of children. According to studies, in children who took nifuroxazide at the initial stage of the disease, a more rapid recovery of the intestinal microflora was noticed compared to children who were treated with other drugs. Thus, a child who has taken a course of enterofuril does not need additional drugs for dysbacteriosis.

Enterofuril has a high level of safety and can be recommended for children under one year old. Especially for infants, the drug is available in the form of a suspension with a measuring spoon, and this allows parents to answer the question of how to properly give enterofuril to children and observe the exact dosage of the drug.

Dosage of enterofuril for children

Before taking enterofuril, children should carefully read the instructions. The drug is contraindicated in premature babies and children under 1 month. Also, for infants after 1 month, enterofuril is prescribed only after an analysis for the amount of enzymes that break down fructose.

For children under the age of 2 years, enterofuril is prescribed only in the form of a suspension. Sometimes enterofuril is called a syrup for children because of the yellow color and taste of a banana, although it is available in only two forms: suspensions and capsules. You can take the drug regardless of the meal. Shake the suspension well before use. It is also important to remember that the course of treatment with enterofuril should not exceed a week (7 days).

  • children from 1 to 6 months are recommended 100 mg (2.5 ml or 0.5 measuring spoons) 2-3 times a day;
  • children from 7 months to 2 years are recommended 100 mg (2.5 ml or 0.5 measuring spoon) 4 times a day.
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