What is the ejector used for? The main parts of the PM and their purpose. Loading and unloading the PM pistol

Makarov pistol, PM, Makarov, Makarov pistol - under what designations this weapon does not occur. For almost 70 years, PM has been known to many residents of Russia, the former Soviet republics and Eastern European countries as one of the main elements of the equipment of military personnel and law enforcement officers. Not a single film of the Soviet and post-Soviet period is complete without the participation of this legendary pistol.

Often, the PM is criticized pejoratively as an inaccurate and unreliable weapon. But such a conclusion is made on the basis of pistol samples that have lived a long and difficult life, and have shot more than 10 thousand shots. A serviceable Makarov in the hands of a good shooter is a formidable and accurate weapon, which is confirmed by many years of experience in its use in various conditions.

History of creation

The creation of a new version of the weapon began shortly after the end of World War II, which showed the shortcomings of the TT and . The condition of the competition, held in 1947-48, was the creation of a pistol with a design similar to that of the 1929 model.

Initially, two calibers were provided for weapons - 7.65 and 9 mm, but the first was quickly abandoned. Under the 9 mm caliber, a domestic PM cartridge with a size of 9 * 18 was developed, which was slightly larger and more powerful than the "Walter" original.

The main advantages of such a cartridge were a greater stopping effect (compared to 7.62 * 25 from TT) and the possibility of using a simplified automation scheme with a fixed barrel and a freely moving shutter in the Makarov pistol.

The developments of many designers-gunsmiths were announced for the competition, among which were the famous names of F.V. Tokareva, S.A. Korovina, S.G. Simonov and many others. N.F. also presented his project. Fedorov.

Pistols from Walter, Mauser, Beretta and a number of others acted as opponents to these designs.

According to all test results, the design of the 9 mm Makarov pistol turned out to be the best, which was recommended for mass production, as well as for adoption under the designation PM. The designer was able to perfectly calculate the relative position of the cartridge relative to the chamber and the optimal geometry of the mating parts.

Thanks to this, it was possible to completely avoid the problem of jamming in the inclined part of the chamber. Since 1951, supplies of PM 9 mm for the needs of the army and police began. Thus began the gradual displacement of TT pistols.

Composite parts

A set of accessories was attached to the pistol, consisting of a spare clip, a set for cleaning and wiping parts, as well as a holster with a safety strap. The device of the pistol is quite simple, due to which it consists of only fourteen main parts.

Complete disassembly will divide the weapon into a larger number of parts - 32.

The PM pistol includes the following key components:

  • One-piece frame including barrel and trigger guard. The barrel is installed with an interference fit with the help of a press into the body part of the frame and is additionally fixed with a pin. This node is non-separable. Some pistols were equipped with frames of a special lightweight design - with several drilled holes.
  • The bolt part, which includes a striker, a safety element and an ejector. The last detail serves to remove empty, spent cartridges.
  • The spring that carries out the return stroke of the shutter.
  • The mechanism that is responsible for the functionality of the drummer.
  • Facing handle, which is attached to the frame with a screw.
  • Shutter delay.
  • Interchangeable magazine located inside the handle.

Many parts used in the design of the PM have a dual purpose. For example, shutter lag parts are used as a device for reflecting cartridge cases. The mainspring, due to its special shape, is used to support the cocking lever, as a sear drive spring, to retract the trigger when the weapon is set to the fuse. The lower part of this spring is used for the magazine latch mechanism.

Scheme of work

After installing the magazine, the shutter pushes the cartridge into the chamber cavity. The cartridge is loaded from the tapered upper part of the clip. Then the PM is put on the fuse.

To carry out this operation, a flag switch is installed on the left side of the shutter. This device removes the trigger from the cocked position and completely blocks its movement. At the same time, the trigger element of the pistol is also fixed. An additional latch on the safety mechanism completely blocks the shutter. When carried in a holster, the PM must always be with the fuse on.

Before starting firing, the PM must be removed from the fuse. The pistol is taken in the right hand, and the flag moves down, where it becomes in the "fire" mode. In this case, the pistol trigger is automatically set to a special safety platoon.

Pressing the front of the trigger for the first time requires a lot of effort - about 3.5 kg. This is due to the fact that when this is pressed, the trigger is cocked.

The next shots require less effort (no more than 1.5 kg), since the trigger will be cocked by the power of powder gases. For more accurate aiming on the first shot, the trigger has a manual cocking function. At the same time, it is moved with a finger down, and the trigger goes a little deeper, towards the handle.

If necessary, the trigger is removed from the combat mode manually. To do this, the shooter pushes the trigger, while simultaneously holding back the movement of the trigger with his thumb. After releasing the hook, it will take the safety position. Due to the traction system, he will put the trigger in the same position.

The scheme of the mechanics of the Makarov pistol is as follows:

  • When you press the trigger with your finger, it will move back and move the hammer, which will sharply set the drummer in motion.
  • The drummer destroys the primer, located on the bottom of the cartridge case, and ignites it.
  • The flash from the primer is transmitted to the main charge of gunpowder, which burns and forms a large volume of gases.
  • The gases eject the bullet through the barrel and exert opposite pressure on the bottom of the case.
  • The sleeve carries along the bolt, which begins to move backward. This compresses the return spring.
  • The sleeve continues to be in the ejector until contact with the reflector. After that, it is thrown out to the right side.
  • The shutter continues to move until it reaches the rearmost point, at which it turns the trigger on the axis and sets it to the cocking mode.
  • Then, under the force of a compressed spring, the shutter begins to reverse movement.
  • In the course of movement, the shutter, using the rammer on it, captures the cartridge from the clip and sends it to the barrel chamber.
  • At the end of the stroke, the bolt closes the barrel. Since the bolt and barrel have no connection, the barrel bore is locked solely by the mass of the bolt itself and the force of the return spring.
  • The shooter again presses the trigger and the next shot is fired.

After shooting the last cartridge from the clip, the shutter enters the delay mode. After installing a new clip, the delay is removed using the lever on the left side of the pistol frame. In this case, the first cartridge from the clip is fed into the chamber. The magazine installed in the handle is fixed with a latch located at the bottom of the handle.

This design completely eliminates the possibility of spontaneous extraction of the clip when carrying or when removing the pistol from the cavity of the holster.

Weapon Maintenance

To clean and check the condition of the components, a partial or complete disassembly of the Makarov pistol is carried out. Such procedures are one of the main conditions for maintaining the good condition of weapons.

In combat conditions or during exercises, cleaning should be carried out daily. After firing blanks or live cartridges, the bore and chamber cavity are cleaned immediately. Then it is necessary to carry out regular daily cleaning for several days.

When storing a pistol at the owner's, a preventive weekly cleaning of the weapon should be carried out.

Before lubrication, the surface of the weapon should be thoroughly wiped from moisture residues. The main types of lubricant are liquid rifle or a special RFS solution used to clean the bore in the barracks.

After washing with a solution, the weapon is wiped with a rag and lubricated. Caring for the Makarov pistol holster consists in regularly wiping it with a soft cloth from all sides to remove traces of water and dirt.

The sequence of steps for incomplete disassembly is as follows:

  1. Press the latch with your finger, pull the clip by the lower ledge with another finger and pull the clip out of the handle.
  2. Turn off the fuse.
  3. To check the absence of a cartridge in the inside of the chamber, it is necessary to push the bolt all the way back. After fixing the shutter for a delay, it is necessary to visually check the chamber.
  4. Release the shutter from delay mode.
  5. Move the trigger guard down a little and then move it to the left. The bracket should rest against the frame and be further in this state. Additional retention of the bracket during disassembly is carried out with the finger of the right hand.
  6. Then the bolt should be dismantled from the gun frame. Initially, it is taken all the way back, while simultaneously lifting it by the back side. During movement, the shutter will move forward a little from the action of a compressed spring and will be removed from the frame.
  7. Install the trigger guard in place.
  8. Remove the return spring mounted on the surface of the barrel. The part is removed by rotational movements. When reassembling, you must correctly install it in place. The reference point is the front coil, which has a reduced diameter.
  9. Clean and lubricate parts.
  10. Assemble the pistol in the reverse order of disassembly.

When assembling the valve in its original place, the end of the spring should be inserted into the channel in the valve. Then you should take the shutter all the way back, keeping the back of the raised.

At the rear point, the bolt is lowered by inserting the existing hooks into special grooves on the pistol frame. Then the shutter part is released, and it abruptly returns to the location of the extreme forward point under the influence of the spring. When installing the shutter in place, it is not necessary to move the bracket to the side.

For a more thorough inspection and cleaning, a complete disassembly is used. The instruction does not recommend carrying out such an operation too often, since it leads to wear of the material part of the Makarov pistol.

The main reasons for carrying out a complete disassembly are the long exposure of the gun to atmospheric precipitation, in conditions of high dustiness and before applying a new type of lubricant.

When performing such work under normal conditions, it is performed on a table or any flat surface. Disassembly of weapons in the field is carried out on a clean substrate.

Complete disassembly is a logical continuation of the incomplete one and consists of several stages:

  1. Removing the sear and the mechanism for delaying the shutter from the frame. To do this, gently pull the trigger, slowing it down with your finger. Remove the tip of the sear spring from the attachment point on the shutter delay. Removal is carried out using a special protrusion on the wiping rod from the tool kit. Then you should rotate the sear body until the plane on the right pin coincides with the reciprocal slot in the frame body. In the next step, you will need to lift the parts up and carefully remove them from the frame.
  2. Separation of the handle and the main mainspring from the frame. To remove the handle, unscrew the screw. A wiping rod or a shutter delay reflector acts as a screwdriver. After unscrewing the screw, the plastic casing of the handle is pulled down. To dismantle the spring, it is pressed against the base of the handle, and then shifted down along it. At the same time, the spring valve is removed and it itself is separated from the tide, made on the lower part of the handle (there is no valve on the early releases of the PM).
  3. Disengagement of the trigger from the trigger, as well as the trigger pull and the cocking lever. Before starting this stage, the hook is moved to the maximum forward position until it stops, while turning the trigger forward. When turning, the special planes made on the axes of the trigger must coincide with the mating surfaces on the pistol frame. At this point, the trigger is moved towards the barrel, and then removed from the frame. Then you should lift the end of the rod from the trigger with your fingers, and then remove the trunnion from the reciprocal hole. Place the trigger guard back down, turn the hook slightly forward and remove it from the guide pins in the frame. After removing the hook, return the bracket back.
  4. Removing the safety device, striker and cartridge case ejector from the bolt body. To do this, set the fuse box I to the upper position, take it to the side and remove it from the seat. Tapping the bolt on the palm, remove the drummer of the pistol from its place. Lay the bolt on a hard surface, drown the sleeves (the rod on which the spring is put on) of the cartridge case ejector with a wiping rod. Turn the partially recessed part around the retainer and remove. Then you should take out the yoke itself with the spring put on it.
  5. Disassembly of the clip into its component parts. At the same time, a spring and a plate are removed from the magazine, which serve to supply cartridges to the chamber.
    After completing all the planned work, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order. Regardless of the type of disassembly, at the end of it, the gun is checked. The checks include removing and setting the fuse, as well as checking the functionality of the shutter delay.


The main purpose of the 9mm Makarov pistol is to be used as a personal weapon for attack and defense at short distances.

A technically sound PM 9 mm in the hands of a good shooter shows excellent performance in terms of accuracy of fire. At a distance of 50 meters, all bullets fall into a circle with a diameter of 320 mm, while at a distance of 20 meters this diameter drops to 130 mm.

The standard PM cartridge has a bullet with a steel core enclosed in a lead sheath.

Because of this design, the bullet is unable to penetrate steel plates and will often ricochet when hitting hard surfaces.

They tried to correct this shortcoming by creating new types of bullets and cartridges, some of which reached mass production. At the same time, the lethal force of a standard bullet is maintained at a distance of up to 350 meters.

One of these developments was a special armor-piercing cartridge 9 * 18 PBM (index 7N25). The bullet design uses a carbide core coated with an aluminum aerodynamic shell. Due to this, it was possible to reduce the weight of the bullet to 3.7 grams, which allows a standard powder charge to accelerate it to a speed of 519 m / s.

At the same time, the recoil parameters practically did not change.

Such a bullet from 10 meters pierces a 5 mm sheet of ordinary carbon steel grade ST3 or a 2.4 mm sheet of armored steel. At distances up to 30 meters through penetration of body armor 6B5-12 is provided, while the bullet can continue further movement.


At the very beginning of the 90s, a modernized version of the main Makarov pistol was created, which received the designation PMM. The development of this option was carried out as part of the Rook project, as a result of which appeared.

But this will happen later, and in those years the work led to an improvement in the characteristics of the PM.

One of the differences between such a pistol was the use of a reinforced cartridge 9 * 18PMM (index 7N16), placed in a new two-row clip with a capacity of 12 rounds. To use such cartridges, the frame was reinforced and spiral notches were introduced in the chamber.

Such notches made it possible to hold the sleeve when fired. The clip body began to protrude somewhat from the handle, which improved the hold of the pistol in the hand and made it possible to somewhat speed up reloading. The modified ergonomics of the plastic grip pads contributed to improving the accuracy of offhand shooting.

To increase the penetration ability of bullets, the new cartridge received a powder charge increased by a third. The bullet itself has changed its shape. Thanks to such measures, at a distance of 20 meters, a bullet pierces a 3 mm sheet of ordinary carbon steel grade ST3, and at distances up to 10 meters - an army body armor Zh-81.

The aiming range of the pistol has not changed and is 50 meters.

Modifications based on PMM

The modernized Makarov pistol is produced in two main combat versions - PMM 8 and 12, which differ in the type and capacity of the magazine. Based on the PMM 12 pistol, a sports version of the IZH-70-100 (or 70-17A) is produced for a conventional cartridge, equipped with an adjustable sight and a 12-round magazine.

Baikal 442 is manufactured for export deliveries, equipped with a barrel with 6 grooves and clips for 8, 10 or 12 standard cartridges. Since the fall of 2015, this version of the pistol has received a certificate for sale on the Russian market.

For official purposes, the IZH-71-100 (or MP-71N from the autumn of 2008) is supplied, using weakened 9 * 17K cartridges. Such pistols are equipped with only 10-round clips.

Various variations and modifications

In the USSR, there were no sports or other versions based on the PM. The only attempt to modify the pistol was prototype weapons with a frame made of polymer materials. Such work was carried out at the very beginning of the 60s in the Instrument Design Bureau in the city of Tula. The results obtained during the tests did not satisfy the customer, and the experiments were not continued further.

The situation changed dramatically at the very beginning of the 90s, when dozens of variants of sports, gas and pneumatic Makarov pistols chambered for various calibers were produced on the basis of the PM and PMM.

The most common was the IZH-70, designed for a standard cartridge and cartridge .380ACP and equipped with an 8-round magazine.

It exists in several versions:

  • IZH-70-17A and 18A, chambered for 380ACP and PM, respectively, with adjustable sight details.
  • IZH-70-17AS and 18AS, with a chrome outer surface.
  • IZH-70-17AN and 18AN, a commercial version of the pistol.

In addition to these options, multiple variations of the pistol were produced for the use of gas and traumatic cartridges. The most popular were 9 mm 6P42-9 and 7.6 mm 6P42-7.6. These options are combat versions of weapons with a pin installed in the barrel, which does not allow the use of real cartridges.

Exactly the same design is 6P42 (or IZH-79-8), designed for the use of 8 mm gas cartridges.

In the early 2000s, the IZH-79-9T (or similar MP-79-9TM) "Makarych" became popular, which made it possible to fire a rubber bullet using a special 9-mm RA gas cartridge. At the ZID plant, a PM T pistol was manufactured in a limited batch of several thousand pieces.

All of these options were made on the basis of real weapons and were equipped with a baffle in the bore.

For official use, MP-471 is used, developed for the use of a traumatic cartridge 10 * 23 mm and has been mass-produced since 2004.

A variant is the MP-80-13T, which uses .45 Rubber cartridges as ammunition. Special mention deserves the signal version of the pistol under the symbol MP-371, outwardly similar to the "Makarych". Ammunition for him are capsules of the type "Zhevelo" or KV21.

Weight and size layouts

Based on the appearance of the PM, there are a number of pneumatic and signal pistols that differ in caliber and workmanship. For example, Umarex produces a 6 mm version of the weapon under the designation Legends Makarov with gas supply from a cylinder. The air pistol quite accurately imitates its combat ancestor, it even has a mode for setting the shutter to a delay. Two more pneumatic versions of weapons with the appearance of PM are widely known - these are the Gletcher PM and Borner PM49. Both options are designed for use as cartridges 4.5 mm steel balls. The bolt parts of these pistols are fixed.

Simpler options are 4.5 mm Baikal MP-654K in a standard black case and MP-654KS with chrome-plated external parts. These options are produced directly at the arms factory in Izhevsk. The pistols are equipped with clips for 13 steel balls with a diameter of 4.5 mm.

In pneumatic copies, the principle of starting firing is implemented, as in the combat version - either by pressing the trigger with great effort or cocking the hammer with your thumb. Early versions of the MP-654 were made on the basis of combat pistols, and differed only in some details.

With the tightening of legislation, the production of such options was stopped, and all modern pistols are only an imitation of the external appearance of the PM. The shutter delay mode, called blowback in pneumatic weapons, is absent on them.

PM is an indispensable type of weapon in many computer games. For example, in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. it is the most common and affordable type of weapon.

For those who want to try themselves in the role of a virtual shooter, there is a game that is a Makarov pistol simulator.

Model Disadvantages

One of the major disadvantages of the weapon is the greater tendency of standard bullets to ricochet off any hard surface. This shortcoming is partly corrected by the creation of new types of cartridges for the Makarov pistol. Another disadvantage of the design is the center of gravity of the PM, which is somewhat shifted to the barrel, which leads to fatigue of the shooter's hand during prolonged firing.

But with 10-15 shots, this drawback is not noticed.

The declared warranty resource of the weapon does not exceed 5 thousand shots. However, there are many examples of pistols with shots much larger than the warranty. However, they remain in perfect working order. On the classic PM, the magazine capacity is insufficient, in part this flaw was eliminated on the upgraded versions of the pistol, but 12 rounds are not a good indicator for modern weapons.

Licensed versions

In addition to the USSR, the Makarov pistol was produced on the territory of the member states of the Warsaw Pact. Such weapons, as a rule, went to equip the armed forces of the country where they were produced. Since 1957, the Pistole M has been officially produced on the territory of the GDR, which was an exact copy of the Soviet model.

There were attempts to create on its basis a variant chambered for 380ACP, but they could not move beyond the release of experimental samples. The performance characteristics of the German version of the Makarov pistol did not differ from the original model. After the reunification of Germany, the pistol remained in production, but only in the form of a commercial version under the designation Pistole Simson-Suhl Makarov.

Bulgaria became the second largest producer of licensed PM in Eastern Europe. Such pistols were called Makarov and were produced in land and naval versions.

Compare PM and PMM<–/noindex–>

In 1990, the Arsenal P-M01 version appeared, which was distinguished by the ergonomics of the trigger guard and handle. These pistols were produced in sports and civilian versions chambered for 380ACP and 9*18 cartridges, and could have chrome-plated external elements.

B1300 was produced in small batches, which had a shortened handle with a modified design of the overlays.

The third manufacturer was China, which launched in 1959 the serial production of an army pistol under the designation Type 59 and a training and sports version of the Norinco Sporting Pistol.

After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine became a major supplier of various variants of pistols based on Makarov. In different periods of time, traumatic versions of the PMR (aka Viy), PM-T, PM-GT, PM-RF and Berkut were produced at Ukrainian factories.

All these designs are based on Makarov combat pistols, which, after Ukraine gained independence, remained stored in army warehouses in large quantities. A characteristic feature of all Ukrainian traumatic Makarovs is a safety plate welded into the barrel. The reverse conversion of such weapons into a combat version is impossible. All traumatic pistols are chambered for 9 mm RA.

At the beginning of 2013, a small company "CEM" began production of the PMF-1 pistol, converted to use the 4-mm Flaubert system cartridge. In such cartridges, only the primer is used as a propellant charge, which ensures its low power. In the design of the PMF-1, a drum magazine for 5 rounds is installed, i.e. in fact, the pistol was turned into a revolver, the drum of which is located inside the case.


At present, the gradual replacement of the PM and PMM in service with the more modern Yarygin pistol has begun. But this process will take a very long time, since a huge number of new PMs of various years of production are stored in warehouses.

In addition to Russia, the pistol is widely used in the armed forces and law enforcement agencies of many states, so it should not be expected to be removed from service soon.


General arrangement and operation of parts and mechanisms. The gun is simple in design and handling, small in size, comfortable to carry and always ready for action. A pistol is a self-loading weapon, since it is automatically reloaded during firing. The operation of the automatic pistol is based on the principle of using the recoil of a free shutter . The shutter with the barrel has no clutch. The reliability of locking the bore during firing is achieved by a large mass of the bolt and the force of the return spring. Due to the presence in the pistol of a self-cocking trigger mechanism of the trigger type, it is possible to quickly open fire by directly pressing the tail of the trigger without first cocking the trigger.

The safety of handling the pistol is ensured by a reliably functioning fuse. The pistol has a safety located on the left side of the slide. In addition, the trigger automatically becomes safety cocked under the action of the mainspring after the trigger is released (the "hang up" trigger) and when the trigger is released.

After the trigger is released, the trigger rod under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring will move to the rear extreme position. The cocking lever and the sear will go down, the sear will press against the trigger under the action of its spring, and the trigger will automatically engage the safety cock.

To fire a shot, you must press the trigger with your index finger. The trigger at the same time strikes the drummer, which breaks the primer of the cartridge. As a result of this, the powder charge ignites and a large amount of powder gases is formed. Bullet pressure of powder gases is ejected from the bore. The shutter under the pressure of gases transmitted through the bottom of the sleeve moves back, holding the sleeve with the ejector and compressing the return spring. The sleeve, upon meeting with the reflector, is thrown out through the shutter window, and the trigger becomes cocked.

Moving back to failure, the shutter under the action of the return spring returns forward. When moving forward, the bolt sends a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. The bore is locked by a blowback; the gun is ready to fire again.

To fire the next shot, you must release the trigger, and then press it again. So the shooting will be carried out until the cartridges in the store are completely used up.

When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the shutter becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position.

The main parts of the PM and their purpose

PM consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

  1. frame with barrel and trigger guard;
  2. bolt with striker, ejector and fuse;
  3. return spring;
  4. trigger mechanism (a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a mainspring and a mainspring valve);
  5. screw handle;
  6. shutter delay;
  7. score.

Frame serves to connect all parts of the gun.

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the bullet.

trigger guard serves to protect the tail of the trigger from inadvertent pressing.

Drummer serves to break the capsule.

Fuse serves to ensure safe handling of the pistol.

The shop serves to hold eight rounds.

The shop consists of:

  1. Store cases (connects all parts of the store).
  2. Submitter (used to supply cartridges).
  3. Feeder springs (serves to feed up the feeder with cartridges).
  4. Magazine covers (Closes the store.)

Trigger pull with cocking lever serves to release the trigger from the cocking and cock the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail.

Action spring serves to actuate the trigger, cocking lever and trigger pull.

Disassembly and assembly of small arms and grenade launchers.

Disassembly may be incomplete or complete. Partial disassembly is carried out for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting weapons, complete - for cleaning when the weapon is heavily soiled, after being exposed to rain or snow, when switching to a new lubricant, as well as during repairs.

Frequent complete disassembly of weapons is not allowed, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

When disassembling and assembling weapons, the following rules must be observed:

  1. disassembly and assembly should be carried out on a table or bench, and in the field - on a clean bedding;
  2. put parts and mechanisms in the order of disassembly, handle them carefully, avoid excessive efforts and sharp blows;
  3. when assembling, pay attention to the numbering of parts so as not to confuse them with parts of other weapons.

The order of incomplete disassembly of the PM:

  1. Remove the magazine from the base of the handle.
  2. Put the shutter on the shutter delay and check the presence of a cartridge in the chamber.
  3. Separate the shutter from the frame.
  4. Remove the return spring from the barrel.

Reassemble the gun after incomplete disassembly in reverse order.

Check the correct assembly of the pistol after incomplete disassembly.

Turn off the fuse (lower the flag down). Move the shutter to the rear position and release it. The shutter, having moved forward a little, becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position. By pressing the thumb of your right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter. The bolt under the action of the return spring should vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger should be cocked. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up). The trigger should break off the combat platoon and block.

Full disassembly procedure:

  1. Perform partial disassembly.
  2. Disassemble frame:
    • separate the sear and slide delay from the frame.
    • separate the handle from the base of the handle and the mainspring from the frame.
    • separate the trigger from the frame.
    • separate the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame.
    • separate the trigger from the frame.
  3. Disassemble shutter:
    • separate the fuse from the shutter;
    • separate the drummer from the bolt;
    • separate the ejector from the shutter.
  4. Dismantle shop:
  • remove the magazine cover;
  • remove the feeder spring;
  • take out the dispenser.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Check the correct operation of parts and mechanisms after assembly.

Delays when firing from PM

Delays Reasons for delays Ways to eliminate delays
The shutter is in the extreme forward position, the trigger is released, but the shot did not occur
  1. The cartridge primer is defective.
  2. Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the channel under the striker.
  3. Small exit of the drummer or nicks on the striker
  1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting.
  2. Disassemble and clean the pistol.
  3. Take the gun to the workshop
The shutter stopped before reaching the extreme forward position, the trigger cannot be released
  1. Contamination of the chamber, the grooves of the frame and the shutter cup.
  2. Difficult movement of the ejector due to contamination of the ejector spring or yoke
  1. Send the bolt forward with a hand push and continue firing.
  2. Check and clean the gun
The shutter is in the extreme forward position, but there is no cartridge in the chamber, the shutter has stopped in the middle position along with the cartridge, without sending it into the chamber
  1. Contamination of the magazine and moving parts of the pistol.
  2. Curvature of the upper edges of the magazine housing
  1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting, clean the pistol and the magazine.
  2. Replace faulty magazine
The sleeve was not thrown out through the window in the bolt and wedged between the bolt and the breech section of the barrel
  1. Contamination of the moving parts of the gun.
  2. Malfunction of the ejector, its spring or reflector
  1. Throw away the stuck shell and continue firing.
  1. Condensation of lubricant or contamination of parts of the firing mechanism.
  2. Depreciation of the combat cocking of the trigger or whispered nose.
  3. Weakening or wear of the sear spring.
  4. Touching the shelf of the ledge of the fuse of the sear tooth
  1. Inspect and clean the gun.
  2. Send the gun to the workshop



The 9-mm Makarov pistol was developed in 1948 and was put into service in 1951 and is still being produced without significant changes.

PM is a personal weapon of attack and defense and is designed to defeat the enemy at short distances.

The effectiveness of firing - at a distance of up to 50 m.

The lethal force of the bullet is maintained up to 350 m.

Combat rate of fire - 30 rounds per minute.

The weight of a pistol with a magazine without cartridges is 730 g.

With equipped magazine - 810 g.

Length - 161 mm, height - 126.75 mm.

Barrel length - 93 mm.

Caliber - 9 mm.

The number of grooves - 4.

9 mm pistol cartridges are used for firing.

The initial speed of the bullet is 315 m / s.

Magazine capacity - 8 rounds.

Cartridge weight - 10 g, bullets - 6.1 g.

Cartridge length -25 mm.

The pistol is simple in design and handling, small in size, comfortable to carry and always ready for action.

A pistol is a self-loading weapon, since it is automatically reloaded during firing.

The operation of automation is based on the principle of using free shutter recoil. The bolt behind the barrel has no clutch.

Due to the presence in the pistol of a self-cocking trigger mechanism of the trigger type, you can quickly open fire directly by pressing the tail of the trigger without first cocking the trigger.

The gun consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

1. frame with barrel and trigger guard;

2. shutter with a striker, ejector and fuse;

3. return spring;

4. trigger mechanism;

5. handle with screw;

6. shutter delay;

7. shop.

Each pistol comes with:

1. spare magazine;

2. wiping;

3. holster;

4. pistol strap.

Frame with barrel and trigger guard.

Fig.1. Frame with barrel and trigger guard:

a) left side b) right side:

1 - the base of the handle; 2 - trunk; 3 - rack for mounting the barrel; 4 - a window for placing the trigger and the crest of the trigger guard; 5 - trunnion sockets for trigger pins; 6 - curved groove for placement and movement of the front trunnion of the trigger rod; 7 - trunnion sockets for the trunnions of the trigger and sear; 8 - grooves for the direction of movement of the shutter; 9 - a window for the feathers of the mainspring; 10 - cutout for the shutter delay; 11 - tide with a threaded hole for attaching the handle with a screw and a mainspring with a valve; 12 - cutout for the magazine latch; 13 - tide with a socket for attaching the trigger guard; 14 - side windows; 15 - trigger guard; 16 - comb to limit the movement of the shutter back; 17 - window to exit the top of the store

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the bullet.

Inside it there is a channel with four rifling, winding from left to top to right.

The rifling serves to communicate rotational movement to the pool.

The spaces between grooves are called fields.

Distance between two opposite fields - caliber bore, it is equal to 9 mm.

From the breech, the bore is smooth and of large diameter; it serves to place the cartridge and is called chamber.

The outer surface of the trunk is smooth.

A return spring is put on the barrel.

Frame serves to connect all parts of the gun.

It forms a single unit with the base of the handle.

Handle base serves for attaching the handle, the mainspring and for placing the store.

It has side windows /right and left/ to reduce the weight of the gun; bottom window for magazine insertion;

trigger guard serves to protect the tail of the trigger from accidentally pressing it.

Bolt with striker, ejector and fuse.

Serves for feeding a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber, locking the bore when fired, holding the cartridge case / extracting the cartridge / and cocking the trigger.

Fig.2. Shutter: a) left side; b) bottom view:

1 - front sight; 2 - rear sight; 3 - window for ejection of the cartridge case (cartridge); 4 - socket for a fuse; 5 - notch; 6 - channel for placing the barrel with a return spring; 7 - longitudinal protrusions for the direction of movement of the shutter along the frame; 8 - tooth for setting the shutter to the shutter delay; 9 - groove for the reflector; 10 - groove for the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever; 11 - recess for disengaging the sear with the cocking lever; 12 - rammer; 13 - protrusion for disengaging the cocking lever with a sear; 14 - recess for placing the uncoupling ledge of the cocking lever; 15 - groove for the trigger; 16 - comb.

Outside, the shutter has: a front sight for aiming; transverse groove for the rear sight; a notch between the front sight and the whole to exclude the reflection of the surface of the shutter when aiming; on the right side - a window for ejection of the cartridge case /cartridge/; on both sides - a notch for the convenience of retracting the shutter by hand; at the rear end of the bolt - a groove for the passage of the trigger.

Drummer serves to break the capsule.

Fig.3. Drummer:

1 - striker, 2 - fuse cut

It has: in the front part - a striker, in the back part - a cut for the fuse, which holds the drummer in the shutter channel.

It is made trihedral in order to reduce its mass and reduce rubbing surfaces.

Ejector serves to hold the sleeve /cartridge/ in the shutter cup until it meets the reflector.

Fig 4. Ejector:

1 - hook, 2 - heel for connection with the shutter; 3 - oppression; 4- ejector spring

Fuse serves to ensure the safety of handling the gun.

Rice. 5. Fuse:

1 - ledge, 2 - latch, 3 - fuse box, 4 - rib, 5 - hook, 6 - ledge.

Rear sight with fly serves for aiming.

return spring serves to return the bolt to the forward position after the shot.

Rice. 6. Return spring.

trigger mechanism

It consists of a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a trigger, a mainspring and a mainspring valve.

Fig.6. Parts of the firing mechanism.

I- trigger pull with cocking lever; 2 - trigger; 3 - sear with a spring; 4-latch mainspring; 5 trigger, 6 mainspring

trigger serves to strike a striker.

It has: at the base of the trigger - two ledges: the upper one is a safety platoon, the lower one is a combat platoon; on the right - a self-cocking tooth for cocking the hammer with a cocking lever; below - a recess for a wide feather of the mainspring.

Whispered serves to hold the trigger on the combat and safety platoon.

A spring was worn on the left trunnion.

The spring presses the nose of the sear to the trigger.

Trigger pull with cocking lever serves to release the trigger from the cocking and cock the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail.

Trigger serves to pull the trigger from the combat platoon and cock the trigger when firing by self-cocking.

Action spring serves to actuate the trigger, cocking lever and trigger pull.

It has: a wide pen for action on the trigger; narrow pen for action on the cocking lever and trigger pull.

The lower end of the mainspring is the magazine latch.

The mainspring is attached to the base of the handle with a valve.

screw handle

It covers the side windows and the rear wall of the base of the handle and serves to make it easier to hold the pistol in your hand.

The handle is made of plastic.

The handle screw serves to fasten the handle and the valve on the base of the handle, has a head and a threaded part.

Fig.7. Screw handle:

1 - grooves; 2 - hole; 3 - swivel; 4 - screw

Shutter lag

Holds the bolt in the rear position when all the cartridges from the magazine are used up.

It has: in the upper part - a reflector to reflect the shells / cartridges / outward through the window in the shutter.

Rice. 8. Shutter lag:

1- ledge; 2 - notched button; 3 - hole; 4-reflector


Holds eight cartridges.

Consists of body, feeder, feeder spring and cover.

Fig.9. Score:

1 - feeder; 2 - store case; 3 - store cover.

4 - feeder spring

Store body connects all parts of the store.

Feeder serves to supply ammunition.

On the left side of the feeder there is tooth - to turn on the shutter delay when all the cartridges from the magazine are used up.

Feeder spring serves to feed up the feeder with cartridges when firing.

Purpose and device of belonging to the PM.

Holster serves to carry and store the pistol, spare magazine and wiping.

Rubbing used for disassembling, assembling, cleaning and lubricating the gun.

pistol strap secures the pistol to the waist belt.

Designed to defeat the enemy at short distances.

The Makarov pistol has been in service since 1951. Since 1994, a modernized PMM Makarov pistol has been produced, using both a modernized 9-mm high-impulse cartridge and standard PM (9 × 18 mm) cartridges. Outwardly, it is distinguished by an enlarged plastic handle of a more comfortable shape. The rear end of the handle is serrated for a more secure grip. The PMM can be equipped with a single-row magazine for 8 or a double-row magazine for 12 rounds.

On the basis of the PM, other samples of pistols for the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as service weapons (for security activities) chambered for 9x17mm, are being developed.

The performance characteristics of the Makarov Pistol are presented in table 1.

Rice. The Makarov pistol
Table 1

The performance characteristics of the Makarov Pistol



Pistol weight with magazine without cartridges, g


Weight of a pistol with a magazine equipped with 8 rounds, g


Pistol length, mm


Gun height, mm


Barrel length, mm


Caliber, mm


Number of grooves, pcs


Magazine capacity, cartridges


Cartridge weight, g


Bullet weight, g


Chuck length, mm


Combat rate of fire, rounds per minute


The initial speed of the bullet, m / s


Sighting range, m


Range of effective fire, m


Range to which the lethal force of the bullet is maintained, m


The gun consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

- frame with barrel and trigger guard;

- shutter with striker, ejector and fuse;

- return spring;

- trigger mechanism;

- screw handles;

- shutter delay;

- shop.

Accessories are attached to each pistol: spare magazine, cleaning cloth, holster, pistol strap.

Rice. The main parts and mechanisms of the gun:

1- frame with barrel and trigger guard; 2 - shutter with a striker, ejector and fuse; 3 - return spring: 4 - parts of the trigger mechanism;

5 - handle with screw; 6 - shutter delay;

7 - shop

Frame with barrel and trigger guard

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the bullet. Inside the barrel has a channel with four rifling, winding from left to right. The rifling serves to communicate rotational movement to the pool. The gaps between the grooves are called fields. The distance between two opposite fields (in diameter) determines the caliber of the bore; it is equal to 9 mm. From the breech, the bore is smooth and of larger diameter; it serves to place the cartridge and is called the chamber. The chamber has a ledge. On the breech of the barrel there is a tide for attaching the barrel to the frame rack and a hole for the barrel pin. At the tide and at the bottom of the chamber there is a bevel to guide the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. The outer surface of the trunk is smooth. A return spring is put on the barrel.

The barrel is connected to the frame by a press fit and secured with a pin.

The frame serves to connect all parts of the gun. The frame with the base of the handle is one piece.

Gate serves to feed a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber, lock the bore when fired, hold the cartridge case (remove the cartridge) and cock the trigger. inserted into the slot in the shutter. Under the action of the spring, the ejector hook is always inclined towards the bolt cup.

Fuse serves to ensure the safe handling of the gun

return spring serves to return the bolt to the forward position after the shot. The extreme coil of one of the ends of the spring has a smaller diameter compared to the other coils. With this coil, the spring is put on the barrel during assembly to ensure that it is securely held on the barrel when the pistol is disassembled. The spring, put on the barrel, is placed with it in the shutter channel.

trigger mechanism consists of a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a trigger, a mainspring and a mainspring valve. trigger serves to strike a striker

screw handle covers the side windows and the rear wall of the base of the handle and serves to make it easier to hold the pistol in your hand. It has: a hole for a screw that secures the handle to the base of the handle; swivel for attaching a pistol strap; grooves for free sliding of the handle onto the base of the handle; in the back wall - a recess for the magazine latch. In the hole for the screw there is a metal sleeve, which is designed to stop the screw head from arbitrary unscrewing. The handle is made of plastic. The handle screw is used to fasten the handle and the valve to the handle base.

shutter delay holds the shutter in the rear position after all the cartridges from the magazine are used up.

Score serves to accommodate eight cartridges. It consists of a body, a feeder, a feeder spring and a cover.
Pistol cartridge 9×18 (9 - caliber, 18 - sleeve length) consists of a sleeve, primer, powder charge, bullet.

Rice. . Cartridge 9 × 18 and its device:

1- sleeve; 2- capsule; 3 - powder charge; 4 - bullet;

5 - bimetallic (clad) shell;

6 - steel core; 7 - lead shirt
Cartridges for loading a pistol are equipped in a magazine for 8 rounds. The magazine is reloaded by inserting and sinking cartridges by hand.

Cartridges are sealed in standard wooden cartridge boxes of 2560 pcs. in everyone. Each box contains two iron rolled or sealed galvanized boxes, in which cartridges are placed in cardboard packs, 16 cartridges per pack. One iron box holds 80 cartons.

On the side walls of wooden boxes there are inscriptions indicating the range of cartridges placed in these boxes: the batch number of cartridges, the month and year of manufacture of cartridges and gunpowder, the manufacturer, the brand and batch of gunpowder, the number of cartridges in the box.

The weight of one box with cartridges is about 33 kg.

  1. Remove the magazine from the base of the handle. Holding the pistol by the handle with the right hand, with the thumb of the left hand, pull the magazine latch back to failure, while pulling the protruding part of the magazine cover with the index finger of the left hand, remove the magazine from the base of the handle.
Check if there is a cartridge in the chamber, for which turn off the fuse (lower the flag down), move the bolt to the rear position with your left hand, put it on the bolt delay and inspect the chamber. By pressing the thumb of the right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter.

  1. Separate the shutter from the frame. Taking the pistol in the right hand by the handle, with the left hand pull the trigger guard down and, warping it to the left, rest it against the frame so that it is held in this position. With further disassembly, hold it in the given position with the index finger of the right hand.
With your left hand, move the bolt to its rearmost position and, raising its rear end, allow it to move forward under the action of a return spring. Separate the shutter from the frame and put the trigger guard in its place.

  1. Remove the return spring from the barrel. Holding the frame with your right hand by the handle and rotating the return spring towards yourself with your left hand, remove it from the barrel.

Reassemble the gun after incomplete disassembly in reverse order.

  1. Put a return spring on the barrel. Taking the frame by the handle in the right hand, with the left hand, put the return spring on the barrel with the end in which the extreme coil has a smaller diameter compared to the other coils.

  2. Attach shutter to frame. Holding the frame by the handle in the right hand, and the bolt in the left, insert the free end of the return spring into the bolt channel and move the bolt to the rearmost position so that the muzzle of the barrel passes through the bolt channel and comes out. Lower the rear end of the shutter onto the frame so that the longitudinal protrusions of the shutter fit into the grooves of the frame, and, pressing the shutter against the frame, release it. The shutter under the action of the return spring vigorously returns to the forward position. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up).
Note. To attach the shutter to the frame, it is not necessary to pull down and warp the trigger guard. At the same time, when retracting the bolt to the rearmost position, it is necessary to lift its rear end up to failure so that the lower front wall of the bolt does not stick into the trigger guard crest, which limits the movement of the bolt back.

  1. Insert the magazine into the base of the handle. Holding the gun in your right hand, use the thumb and forefinger of your left hand to insert the magazine into the base of the handle through the bottom window of the base of the handle. Press the magazine cover with your thumb so that the latch (lower end of the mainspring) jumps over the ledge on the magazine wall; a click should occur. Hitting the magazine with the palm of your hand is not allowed.

1.1.4 Delays when firing a pistol and how to eliminate them

A pistol with proper handling, careful care and saving is a reliable and trouble-free weapon.

However, during prolonged operation due to wear of parts and mechanisms, and more often due to careless handling and inattentive care, delays in firing may occur.

To prevent delays when firing a pistol and to ensure the non-failure operation of the pistol, it is necessary:

  • properly prepare the pistol for firing;

  • inspect, clean and lubricate the gun in a timely manner and in compliance with all rules; especially carefully monitor the cleanliness and lubrication of the rubbing parts of the gun;

  • timely repair the gun;

  • inspect cartridges before firing; do not use faulty, rusty and dirty cartridges for shooting;

  • during shooting and when moving, protect the gun from contamination and shock;

  • if the pistol was in severe frost for a long time before firing, then before loading it, vigorously retract the shutter with your hand several times and release it, and after each retraction and release of the shutter, release the trigger by pressing the tail of the trigger.
If a delay occurs during firing, then it must be eliminated by reloading the pistol. If the delay is not eliminated by reloading, then it is necessary to find out the cause of the delay and eliminate it, as indicated in the table.


Makarov pistol firing delays and methods

their elimination


Reasons for delays

Ways to eliminate delays

1. Misfire. The shutter is in the extreme forward position, the trigger is released, but the shot did not occur

1. Cartridge primer defective.

2. Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the channel under the striker.

3. The handle screw is not fully screwed in (in pistols without a mainspring valve).
4. The exit of the drummer or nicks on the striker is small

1. Reload the gun and continue shooting 2. Inspect and clean the gun.
3. Screw in the handle screw until it stops.

4. Send the gun to the workshop

2. Non-coverage of the cartridge by the shutter. The shutter stopped before reaching the extreme forward position; trigger release is not possible

1. Contamination of the chamber, the grooves of the frame and the shutter cup.

2. Difficult movement of the ejector due to contamination of the ejector spring or yoke

Send the bolt forward with a hand push and continue firing. Inspect and clean the gun

3. Failure or failure to advance the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber.

The bolt is in the forward position, but there is no cartridge in the chamber; the shutter stopped in the middle position along with the cartridge, not sending it into the chamber

1. Contamination of the magazine and moving parts of the pistol.

2. Curvature of the upper edges of the magazine housing

1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting. Clean pistol and magazine.

2. Replace the faulty magazine

4. Sticking (infringement) of the sleeve by the shutter. The sleeve was not thrown out through the window in the bolt and wedged between the bolt and the breech section of the barrel

1. Contamination of the moving parts of the gun.

2. Malfunction of the ejector, its spring or reflector

1. Throw away the stuck cartridge case and continue firing.

2. In the event of a malfunction of the ejector with a spring or the reflector, send the gun to the workshop

5. Automatic shooting

1. Condensation of lubricant or contamination of parts of the trigger mechanism.

2. Depreciation of the combat cocking of the trigger or sear spout.

3. Weakening or breaking of the sear spring.

4. Touching the shelf of the ledge of the fuse of the sear tooth

1. Inspect and clean the gun.
2. Send the gun to the workshop.


The 9-mm pistol for silent and flameless firing (PB) is intended for arming soldiers and officers of special forces.

Silence and flamelessness of shooting from a pistol are provided by gas outlets in the barrel, a mesh roll, an expansion chamber and a nozzle.

Rice. PB pistol device

1 - frame; 2 - trunk; 3 - latch; 3 - handle; 4 - trigger guard; 5 - shutter; 6 - ejector; 7 - ejector yoke; 8 - ejector spring; 9 - drummer; 10 - fuse trigger mechanism, return mechanism; 11 - handle ; 12 - expansion chamber ; 13 - front bushing ; 14 - rear bushing ; 15 - mesh roll ; 16 - separator; 17 - nozzle body ; 18 - shutter delay; 19 - store; 20 - trigger; 21 - mainspring; 22 - valve; 23 - mainspring; 23 - thrust with a cocking lever; 24 - sear with a spring; 25 - trigger ; 26 lever arm; 27 - return spring; lower stop with a hook; 29 - emphasis with a hook;
Incomplete disassembly of the pistol is carried out in the following order.

  1. Separate the magazine, for which the thumb of the left hand press the magazine latch and remove the magazine from the handle. Turn off the fuse (lowering the flag down), move the bolt to the rear position and make sure there is no cartridge in the chamber.

  2. Disconnect the nozzle, for which the gun is taken in the left hand, grab the nozzle with the right hand, press the camera latch back to the stop with the thumb of the right hand, turn the nozzle counterclockwise (when viewed from the muzzle) and, moving the nozzle forward along the axis of the bore, separate him from a pistol.

  3. After removing the nozzle, turn the gun in your left hand by 180 ° so that the handle latch button is facing the shooter, then separate the handle from the frame, to do this, press the handle latch button with your left thumb, and with your right hand remove the handle from the frame guides by moving it back parallel to the axis of the bore.

  4. Separate the lever of the return mechanism, for which move the shutter back by 10-15 mm and separate the lever from the frame with your right hand.

  5. To separate the expansion chamber, to do this, pull the front end of the trigger guard down and, skewing it to the right or left, rest it against the frame, then turn the expansion chamber counterclockwise (when viewed from the muzzle) until the stop protrusion of the expansion chamber disengages from the frame and, moving it forward, remove it from the trunk.

  6. Remove the front sleeve from the barrel by moving it forward, remove the mesh roll and the rear sleeve from the barrel.

  7. Separate the shutter, for which purpose take it back to the full, and, lifting its rear part up, remove the shutter from the frame guides, moving the shutter forward, separate it from the pistol, then put the trigger guard in place.

  8. Remove the return spring from the handle seat.

  9. Disassemble the nozzle, for which, putting the nozzle on the back of the support and holding it in your left hand, drown the separator latch with the end of the wipe and at the same time press the housing down, then remove the separator from the housing.

Assembling a pistol after incomplete disassembly
Assemble the pistol after incomplete disassembly in the following order.

  1. Assemble the nozzle, for which insert the separator into the body so that the limiter enters the groove of the body. Holding the housing in your left hand, sink the separator latch with the end of the wipe and at the same time press the separator with the thumb of your left hand so that the separator latch jumps into the slot on the housing.

  2. Insert the return spring into the handle seat.

  3. Attach the shutter to the frame, having previously moved the front end of the trigger guard down and to the side, as is done during disassembly.

  4. Put the rear sleeve, mesh roll and front sleeve on the barrel.

  5. Attach the expansion chamber to the frame, then put the trigger guard in place.

  6. Insert the lever of the return mechanism, having previously moved the shutter 10-15 mm back.

  7. Attach the handle to the frame.

  8. Attach the nozzles, for which the protrusions of the separator are inserted into the grooves of the front sleeve. Then send the nozzle back until it stops against the end of the front sleeve and turn it clockwise (when viewed from the muzzle) until the nozzle is fixed in the locked position by the chamber latch.

  9. Attach store.

  10. Checking the correct assembly of the pistol after incomplete disassembly is carried out in the following order: move the bolt to the rearmost position and release it. The shutter, moving forward a little, should stop at the shutter delay. Click on the shutter delay flag. The bolt under the action of the return spring should vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger should be cocked. At turning off the fuse, the trigger should break off the cocking.

Scout Knife NRS-2 is a combined weapon designed to defeat the enemy both with a blade and with the help of a silent and flameless shooting device. For shooting, special cartridges SP-4 are used.

The sheath can be used together with a knife for cutting wires (up to 5 mm in diameter) under voltage up to 400V, as well as for crimping a detonator cap in the manufacture of incendiary tubes.

General device

The knife consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

1. Blade with saw and guard

2. Shooting device

3. Scabbard

4. Belonging
Caliber, mm 7.62

Curb weight, kg 0.57

Muzzle velocity, m/s 200

Rate of fire shots per minute 2

Sighting range, m 25

1. Frame with barrel and trigger guard

Trunk- serves to direct the flight of the bullet. Inside the barrel has a channel with 4 rifling, winding from left to right. Rifling - serve to communicate rotational movement to the pool. The gaps between the grooves are called fields. The distance between two opposite fields along the diameter is called - caliber , it is equal to 9 mm.

From the breech, the bore is smooth and of larger diameter; - it serves to place the cartridge and is called - chamber keeper.

The barrel is connected to the frame by a press fit and secured with a pin.

Frame - serves to connect all parts of the gun. The frame with the base of the handle is one piece.

The base of the handle serves to attach the handle, the mainspring and to store the store.

trigger guard - serves to protect the tail of the trigger from accidentally pressing it. It has a comb (tide) at the front end to limit the stroke of the shutter when moving backwards.

  • 2. Shutter - serves for:
    • a) supplying a cartridge from the magazine to the chamber;
    • b) locking the bore when fired:
    • c) holding the sleeve, extracting the cartridge;
    • d) putting the trigger on a combat platoon.

Rice. 26.

a - left side; b - bottom view; 1 - front sight; 2 - rear sight; 3-- window for ejection of the cartridge case (cartridge); 4-- fuse socket; 5 - notch; 6 -- channel for placing the barrel with a return spring; 7 - longitudinal protrusions for the direction of movement of the shutter along the frame; in - a tooth for setting the shutter to the shutter delay; 9 -- groove for the reflector; 10 -- groove for the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever; 11 -- recess for disengaging the sear with the cocking lever; 12 - sender: 13 - ledge for disengaging the cocking lever with a sear; 14 - a recess for placing the uncoupling ledge of the cocking lever; 15 -- groove for the trigger; 16 -- comb

Outside the shutter has: fly for aiming; transverse groove for the rear sight; a notch between the front sight and the whole to exclude the reflection of the surface of the shutter when aiming; on the right side - a window for ejecting a cartridge case (cartridge); groove for ejector; on the left side is a fuse box.

Serves to break the capsule. It has: in the front part - a striker, in the back part - a cut for the fuse, which holds the drummer in the shutter channel. The striker is made trihedral in order to reduce weight and reduce rubbing surfaces.

Rice. 27

1 - striker; 2 -- fuse cut

Ejector - serves to hold the cartridge case (cartridge) in the bolt cup until it meets the reflector.

Consists of: - hook, heel for connection with the shutter;

  • - oppression;
  • - ejector spring.

Fuse - serves to ensure the safety of handling the gun.

The rear sight together with the front sight serves for aiming. Its base is inserted into the transverse groove of the shutter.

  • 3. return spring- serves to return the bolt to the forward position after the shot. One turn has a smaller diameter. With this coil, the spring is put on the barrel during assembly to ensure that it is securely held on the barrel when the pistol is disassembled.
  • 4. The trigger mechanism consists of: a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a trigger, a mainspring with a valve.

Rice. 31

  • 1 - trigger; 2 - sear with a spring; 3 -- trigger rod with a cocking lever;
  • 4 -- mainspring; 5 -- trigger; 6 -- mainspring valve

trigger - serves to strike the drummer.

Whispered - serves to hold the trigger on the combat and safety platoon.

The free end of the spring is bent in the form of a hook for connection with a shutter delay. The whispering spring presses the nose to the trigger.

Trigger pull with cocking lever - serves to pull the trigger from the cocking and cock the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail.

Trigger - serves to pull the trigger from the combat platoon and cock the trigger when firing by self-cocking.

Action spring - serves to actuate the trigger, cocking lever and trigger pull. It has: a wide pen for action on the trigger; narrow pen for action on the cocking lever and trigger rod; in the middle part - a hole for putting the spring on the tide with a threaded hole in the base of the handle. The lower end of the mainspring is the magazine latch. The mainspring is attached to the base of the handle with a valve.

  • 5. A handle with a screw covers the side windows and the back wall of the base of the handle and serves to make it easier to hold the pistol in your hand.
  • 6. Shutter lag- holds the bolt in the rear position after all the cartridges from the magazine are used up. It has: in the front part - a ledge to hold the bolt in the rear position; knurled button to release the shutter by pressing a hand; in the back - a hole for connection with the left trunnion of the sear; in the upper part - a reflector for reflecting the shells (cartridges) outward through the window in the shutter.
  • 7. Shop - serves to place 8 cartridges.

Rice. 39

1--store body; 2-- feeder; 3 -- feeder spring; 4-- store cover

It consists of a body, a feeder, a feeder spring and a cover.

Frame store connects all parts of the store.

Serves for feeding cartridges. It has two bent ends that guide its movement in the magazine body. On one of the bent ends of the feeder on the left side there is a tooth for turning on the shutter delay after all the cartridges from the magazine are used up.

Rice. 41

1 - bent ends; 2 -- tooth

Feeder spring serves to feed up the feeder with cartridges when firing.

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