What if the clock is dreaming. Clock with the number six. Wangi's Dream Interpretation - ahead of a change for the better

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Seeing a watch in a dream

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Break the clock - portends troubles and losses.

Breaking a glass in a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society.

If a woman loses her watch in a dream, this means that domestic troubles will cause misfortune.

To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

To give someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.

If you hear the beat of the clock - upsetting news is possible.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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What does sleep Clock mean

To the absence of a genuine clear goal in life.

You have the gift of clairvoyance (prophetic dream).

Chess clock - you need to hurry up.

Quartz watch - you will be late for an important event.

Hourglass - in a short period of time you will have to solve an important life task.

Interpretation of dreams from the latest dream book

What do dreams mean? Clock

Always point to the technical precision of the "Super-Self" and are therefore a warp mechanism that watches over vitality in order to empty it. In other cases, the signifying action of the mother matrix; the mechanical repetition of the image testifies to the state of mental obsession of the subject, who is under the influence of an irreversible deviation monitor program. Point to the determinism of the reflective matrix.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Dream about Clock

If the clock was working properly and showed the correct time, a dream means that your work is going smoothly, you will have time to hand it in on time.

A stopped, broken or broken watch is a warning that you risk not having time to finish an important task.

Wind up the clock - in the near future you will have to do urgent work, which will be paid very well.

If you dreamed of a broken watch, imagine that you gave it to the watchmaker and he fixed it very quickly. The clock is running again.

If you've seen a broken watch, imagine being given a brand new, expensive Swiss watch that runs with exceptional accuracy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of dreams Clock

Winding up a watch in a dream means a successful resolution of a difficult task. Hearing the beat of the clock portends that you will be suspected of a misconduct that you have not committed, which can greatly undermine your prestige and authority. The ringing of an alarm clock is a positive change in business.

Wristwatches mean a successful career. A watch on a chain is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. Wall clocks say that you will suffer from the false slander of slanderers. A gold watch promises in reality superiority in tacit competition with stronger, but less successful rivals and competitors.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of Sleep Clock

Looking at an old watch in a dream is a sign that in the future you will repent very much for the mistakes made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will have something that will radically change your life.

If you dreamed of a watch, then such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to carry out your plan. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler, who is now in power in your state, will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects.

Determining time in a dream by a clock that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you.

Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is evidence that one of your loved ones really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Interpretation of sleep Clock

Clock - a clock in a dream counts the vitality. If you hear the ticking of the clock, then you have to go through some kind of extreme situation, or your body warns you about a developing internal disease.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

What does the clock predict in a dream

If you dreamed of a tower clock, this dream will be followed by the destruction of your house, the collapse of your affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age and health.

There is a belief among the people that if the clock stops in the house, this is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a wedding for young people, as folk wisdom says: “Happy hours do not watch.”

If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the beat of a clock that had stopped a long time ago, this threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones may find themselves without a livelihood. You may be at risk for a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set yourself an alarm, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

A broken watch reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing in an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably, and if you do not hurry, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

Interpretation of sleep Clock

The time on the clock may correspond to the time of a real experience in the past.

Mother's control, reflex.

The heart and therefore emotions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

What predicts sleep Clock

Your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Hearing an alarm clock ringing in a dream - unpleasant news may await you.

Breaking a watch in a dream is a nuisance.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

The meaning of the dream Clock

If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

In a dream to see the Clock

Seeing reminds you of a decent use of time.

If you dream in a dream that the clock is running forward, then this means death.

And if you see that they are lagging behind, it marks a long life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless dream book

What does sleep Clock mean

Buying a watch is starting new business.

Someone buys a watch - get unexpected news or offers.

The clock symbolizes changes in life.

If you managed to remember the hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean the year and month, or the month and day of change.

Broken or broken watches - unfortunately and all sorts of troubles.

Look at the clock - lose in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch is a nuisance.

Lose - to a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a clock still promises you an acute shortage of time, being late.

Slowly running hours - to a long life.

Fast going - to short.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for the patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

Rushing hours - to travel somewhere.

Lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean? Clock

The fight of the clock in a dream always warns of something. If in a dream you hear the beat of a clock and count the blows that strike the time until noon, it means that you have great happiness ahead. If the clock strikes the afternoon, expect trouble. A sharp single blow of the clock warns of a deterioration in your health and, perhaps, even of an approaching death. If you just dream of a clock strike, it means that you will get married soon and will be very happy.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Clock

Are you tied to time? Should you be accurate more often? Is your time running out? Does time pass you by? What is your relationship with time? Mystics perceive time in a completely different way than ordinary people.

The deeper you penetrate into the center and come into contact with the divine principle, the less power the shackles of time have over you.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

What does it mean in a dream Clock

"happy hours do not observe" the timelessness of joy.

"your hour has struck" a crucial period of life, an opportunity, the end of life.

"watchmaker" (accuracy). "The clock has stopped" interruption of activity, death.

"to be accurate as a clock", "an established course (order) of affairs" (mechanism).

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

Meaning of dreams Clock

Expectation; change; tests; rush. Stopped happy time; death of one's own or a very important person, parents. Sandy feeling of the transience of his life. Long life with cuckoo. A clock with a pendulum can symbolize the work of the heart. See add. Household accessories.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What does Clock mean in a dream

You are wasting your life; if you see a broken watch, then this dream is at the end of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of Dreams

Meaning of Sleep Clock

Watches - pocket - settled family relationships - find - must be punctual - gold - You will be robbed by close acquaintances - not going - you are wasting time - give - deceive your heart - big with a fight - remember that time is money - break - wait for the unkind - unwound - the death of a distant acquaintance - broken - a broken life, sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Interpretation of sleep Clock

A symbol of inexorable time, a reminder that life passes.

Conventional designation of the period of life, which corresponds to the marked time.

Seeing a stopped clock is a sign of stagnation in life.

A watch without hands, a broken watch - to be rejected by the family, society.

Winding up a watch in a dream is a change for the better.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

What does the clock predict in a dream

I dreamed of a clock - you have to visit an official.

Street clock - your efforts will be appreciated.

If the clock is not very large, you will have to make a decision without hesitation.

You wind up the clock, which means you will plunge headlong into work, and the result will not be long in coming.

If the clock strikes - your time is running out, hurry up to finish the job.

Wearing a watch or looking at it - a very important person will visit you.

The clock on the facade of the building - dreams of obtaining approval, recognition.

Small hours - you will have to make a decision quickly.

Wind up the clock - you will have to work hard to get the desired return.

The ringing of chimes is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - get public recognition.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

What does it mean to see a watch in a dream

Watches, tower clocks to see - a symbol of inexorable time.

An ominous dream about a tower clock - you will fall behind the requirements of the time.

They beat - an important social event has approached, the time has come for your test, test.

To look at a watch - to waste life on trifles.

To break them is a mess in your life / loss of a family.

Lose - a kind of delay / loss of a friend.

The clock knocks loudly - an anxious expectation, there is little time left for something.

Watch in the form of a cabinet to see - you have somewhere to hide from the difficult present.

The clock in your house echoes the battle with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

To have a pocket watch is a little money, luck, happiness.

The clock stopped - the end of something, death.

To see without arrows - your time has passed, you will stay out of business.

Let's go back - you will return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring at the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to repair a big watch is a reasonable hope, you should not believe in your impotence.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in trifles.

Winding up any watch is an impatience to experience.

Trying to stop the clock, hold or break the arrow - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of running time.

To break the clock on purpose - to be dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

Find the spider in the watch - find the culprit of something.

To find a skull in a watch is to think about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrows - to feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time for yourself.

Walkers, cuckoo clocks to see - a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is a danger of losing a loved one.

Turn them over - be the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

Interpretation of sleep Clock

Watch - In a dream, bring a watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, then you will be surprised to have sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.

If you dreamed of a tower clock, then you have to find out some very important news, and long-awaited. A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too direct and do not want to put up with some, in your opinion, of your partner's eccentricities, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of the dream Clock

If you see a watch in a dream, you can succeed in playing the stock market.

If you checked the time on them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone - get ready for trouble.

They broke the glass in the clock - you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

Stole a watch - know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

We heard a clock strike in a dream - upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then at home she might have various troubles.

Let down the watch on your hand - get a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward can be intangible.

If you dreamed of a large wall or floor clock, then you will be surprised by the person whom you always considered reserved and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting, he expresses his feelings very clearly.

I dreamed of a tower clock - you will find out some very important and long-awaited news.

A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to reckon with the opinion of a loved one. Try to take the first step, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about watches.

We looked at an old watch in a dream - in the future you will repent very much for the mistakes made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

I dreamed of a wall clock - you have something that will radically change your life.

We saw a watch in a dream - you will not have enough time to carry out your plan.

In a dream, they determined the time by a clock that does not have a dial - an event that will happen to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - one of your loved ones is in great need of help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about hours as follows.

We saw an old clock in a dream - it's time to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by.

I dreamed of a watch - there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - unfortunately, your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Sleep Prediction Clock

Hours - Hand put on, see serviceable, going - to coordinated work; you are making good use of your time. Broken, stopped - problems with time, you do not fit into its course. In this regard, you will be forever late not only in everyday life, but also in the "distribution of blessings." Lose, drop - you missed the time, and your place in both personal and public life will be occupied by others. Wall - a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, do not miss opportunities, do not neglect dangers. Tower chimes - beat, ring - to important events in the state, which will also affect your life. See - you lack internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream

Clock - dream of a clock that is standing - this is for death; if the clock is ticking - a change in life for the better. The clock is dreaming - there will be an acquaintance; nice meeting. Watches are a good change in life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does sleep Clock mean

A clock in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time that the clock showed, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

Working hours in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

A watch with a bracelet to see or receive in a dream predicts an early marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and well-being.

The hands of the clock indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream portends a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you against imprudent actions that can greatly damage your well-being.

If you dream that someone took the stopped watch for repair, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure.

If the clock is in a hurry in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and speaks of declining health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slowed down, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken clock in a dream portends failure due to obstacles that you cannot cope with.

Seeing a broken clockwork in a dream means that you will lose your earnings. For patients, such a dream threatens death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should leave vain ideas.

Breaking the clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten off good luck.

Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it didn’t break, then you will have great luck in a business that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The fight of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving watches in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving it as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior, you may find yourself in an unpleasant position. Such a dream also indicates that you should take good advice from your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

To steal a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready for anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding up a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that a friend left his watch with you, then you will have a happy and lasting relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from Good hours - health.

Broken - bodily injury or earache.

To break them is the death of a relative.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychotherapeutic dream book

Dream about Clock

If you pay attention to the clock: this is an obvious reminder that time is running out and you should hurry.

Such dreams usually say that you run the risk of missing a favorable moment for the implementation of any plans.

Lose hours: usually a sign that you are wasting time in reality.

Give a watch as a gift: a warning that someone shamelessly uses your time.

Broken clock: they suggest that if you lose time, you risk a complete collapse in some of your endeavors.

Watch on a chain: symbolizes punctuality and precision.

To see the mechanism of a working clock - everything is in perfect order with your health. In the same case, if you dreamed of a broken, stopped watch, it can be assumed that some kind of failures also occurred in your sex life. Interpretation of dreams from

What is the clock for? In general, seeing a watch in a dream is a complex symbol that requires a clear analysis of the situation in a dream. A watch in a dream can indicate both the state of health of the sleeper and his age. A dreaming hourglass indicates that time is running out, and if you do not hurry, then all opportunities may be lost.

A dreaming clock can mean changes in the future. Seeing a clear time in a dream (hours and minutes) is the month and day of an event that can turn your life around.

To see the tower clock - soon you will find out important and long-awaited news. Hearing the chiming of the tower chimes - to changes in the state that will directly affect your life.

If in a dream you understand that your clock is in a hurry, this indicates that you have little time left to make a very important decision. Wasting away on the clock face is a sign of good health.

Trying to determine the time by a watch that does not have a dial - a serious danger awaits you. A pocket watch means that in the future your family problems will be resolved, and life will get better.

Why dream of a watch

A dream in which you see a wrist watch is considered a sign of obligations that occur in real life. Often it can indicate the sleeper's anxiety about the timing of the execution of important matters. Wearing a watch is a reminder that you need to properly allocate your time.

Looking at a wrist watch means that you have a strong anxiety about things expected in the future. Perhaps this is an important meeting that you would like to hurry. If you dreamed that you were late for something, looking at your watch, it means that in real life you have problems with the deadline for completing the tasks assigned to you. Looking at your watch and seeing the pronounced number "5" - in society you are impersonating someone other than who you really are.

If the dreaming clock does not have hands, then a carefree pastime and a waste of life are expected. It can also mean that a sleeping person is waiting for circumstances under which he will forget about time (falling in love).

To dream of a fancy watch or a watch with a very beautiful dial means that very interesting moments are happening in a person’s life.

It is considered a bad sign to see a watch in a dream that has stopped, as a rule, such a dream can speak of someone's death. Losing a watch is a nuisance caused by a rash act.

If the time on the dial goes counterclockwise, then the person is in an extremely difficult situation, from which he cannot find a way out. Wiping a watch with a cloth in a dream means that you have to spend the rest of your life in a foreign land.

Summing up the hands on a wristwatch indicates the nearest reward for the work done, but you should not expect wealth, since most likely it will just be the praise of an influential person. Wind up the clock - changes for the better are expected.

A dream in which your acquaintance accidentally leaves his watch with you is considered a precursor to a long relationship with this person.

Golden watch in a dream

A dream in which a person sees a gold watch can be contradictory. It can portend unpleasant events, such as the betrayal of loved ones or the theft of a loved one. If a gold watch does not show the time, it means that in real life a person is engaged in unnecessary things.

Seeing a gold watch in a dream can mean that intrigues are woven around a person that can disrupt the state of mind of the sleeping person. Finding a gold watch is good news from loved ones.

Some sources interpret a dream in which a person sees a gold watch as an early gain in authority and recognition among others. Seeing expensive watches - to wealth and good health.

Why do wall clocks dream

To hear the ticking of a wall clock in a dream - to an extreme situation, the development of an illness or sad events. If the ticking comes from a watch that has been out of order for a long time, then the sleeper is in danger of serious problems related to his financial situation or health.

Seeing an old clock in a dream is a sign that you should think about the past and the future. Is life lived worthy, and what trace will be left after you. Examining an old watch - in the future, repentance and shame awaits for past actions.

To see a wall clock used for its intended purpose means that a sleeping person does not value his life and time at all. And also such a dream portends a situation that can radically change your life.

Starting an alarm clock in a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to face unfair accusations that can unsettle you. Hearing the alarm clock - it's time to make an important decision.

A cuckoo wall clock implies a long life. A clock with a pendulum usually symbolizes the work of the heart. Seeing an electronic wall clock is an argument with relatives or close friends.

To dream of a wall clock with a prominent number "1" - in a month, a person who cares about you will pay attention to you. If there is only the number “1” on the dial, this indicates your selfishness, which in the future may affect your relationship with loved ones.

If the arrows on the dial are curved, after a victory in real life, a losing streak will follow, which can drag on for quite a long time.

Why dream of a broken or broken watch

Seeing a broken or broken watch in a dream is a harbinger of a problem that will require urgent resolution. Repairing a watch - in real life, your attempts to stop the inevitable situation will not work. If the watch is intact, and only the factory is broken, this may symbolize that you will soon deceive your heart.

If in a dream you yourself break the clock, this can be considered a sign that a delicate situation or bad news awaits you. Breaking the glass in a watch is a sign of frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society for a sleeping person, which can end in an unforeseen situation.

A dream in which a broken watch appears suggests that one should not forget that everything changes and does not stand still. A broken clock symbolizes a difficult situation from which at the moment you cannot get out.

Dropping a watch in a dream, without breaking it - expect good luck in resolving a case that everyone considered hopeless.

What does it mean to find a watch in a dream

Find a watch in a dream - to loss and loss. Find a pocket watch - symbolize small problems. Finding a large wall clock is a big problem. The reason for such problems may be your lack of punctuality. The dream reminds you that you should take your responsibilities, both professional and family, more seriously.

If a woman dreams that she is losing her watch, it is a harbinger that everyday troubles can cause great misfortune. Stealing a watch means that someone is trying to tarnish the reputation of the sleeper. If a watch was stolen from you in a dream, ill-wishers are trying to destroy your happiness.

Why dream of buying a watch

Buying a watch in a dream may indicate your excessive carelessness, as well as your inability to independently cope with the prevailing circumstances and make difficult decisions. Also, such a dream reminds you that you need to take life more seriously and not waste your time.

The dream in which you buy a watch may indicate that you lack self-confidence. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as an early receipt of a gift that will be very valuable to you.

What does it mean if a watch was presented in a dream

To receive a gift in the form of a watch in a dream means that a new acquaintance awaits the sleeper in the near future. The presented watch fully symbolizes the person with whom the acquaintance will occur.

If you don’t like the watch, then the acquaintance will be unpleasant. If the gift drives you crazy with its beauty, you may meet true love in the future.

Giving a watch in a dream is a nuisance; in love affairs, this may mean that you are wasting time on a person with whom you will have nothing in the future.

If a woman dreams that she receives a watch with a bracelet as a gift, she will soon get married. If, after receiving a gift, the girl loses it - to vain hopes. If, after losing a gift, you still manage to find it - a good sign, then you can find a way out of a situation of any degree of complexity.

  • Clock - if in a dream you look at the clock and see only six on the dial, then you can stop doubting: you did the right thing, and if you accepted the offer that you were made 6 days ago, then in six months you will reap the benefits and praise yourself for prudence and wisdom. But if the number "6" is all mangled or covered with dirt, then your actions and decisions will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer by your mercy and because of your selfishness.
  • If in a dream you see that all the numbers on the dial are sixes, then this is a sign from above: you take your duties too lightly, so you may not notice that an error has crept into the documents. If you skip it and don’t fix it, then you won’t see any bonuses, promotions, or out of turn vacations. So be vigilant and try to focus your attention on the 15th and 14th of this month. In addition, the whole of June will be tense and troublesome for you, do not relax if you do not want problems at work. For schoolchildren, this dream promises the fulfillment of their desire if they complete the work they started 14 days ago.
  • If in a dream you look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number "6", then in 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you achieve what you secretly dream of. For women, this dream promises a complete victory in love due to the fact that they learn the secrets of their rivals and can use them to their advantage. But if at the same time the glass on the wristwatch is cracked, then the rivals will not doze off either and will deal a strong blow.
  • Seeing an electronic clock display in a dream is a warning to you. Pay attention to the time that is displayed on it, it is symbolic. Let's say 00:06 is a sign that you made a mistake in a love affair, but oddly enough, your miscalculation will serve you well and will bind you and your loved one even stronger.
  • If you see that 06:00 is displayed on the scoreboard, then be prepared for the fact that after 51 days you will unexpectedly accomplish a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all the national newspapers, and your face will flicker for several days on all local television channels. Try with honor to pass the test of glory and not be arrogant.
  • Seeing 17:34 on the scoreboard - to hard physical labor. For girls, this dream promises the danger of overwork and a protracted illness.
  • If any other time is displayed on the scoreboard, which, as a result of adding all the numbers, gives a six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, it means that you work too hard, your body will soon fail if you do not spare yourself and give your good rest for mind and body. Go to nature, relieve yourself of stress.

The clock symbolizes the continuous movement of time and measured minutes, which remind humanity of inexorability. A watch is not only an irreplaceable thing, but also a beautiful accessory. Esotericists refer to the clock as a conductor of time. This thing carries a strong energy that can affect our life and destiny.

There are many stories according to which, when a person dies, his. Stop measuring time and wall clocks in a person's house. This only confirms the invisible energy connection between a person and his watch, which has served him regularly all his life.

There is a sign that. Otherwise, the couple is destined to part. That is, the hands of the clock will measure the remaining time for love.

Psychologists can make a psychological portrait of a person by the watch face that he wears on his hand. If you know these characteristics, you can choose their form, which will change your whole life. And what can a dream tell about in which I happened to see a clock?

The clock is a multidimensional symbol, therefore, in order to interpret their appearance in a dream, it is necessary to take into account the very situation in a night dream and their appearance. This thing in a dream can characterize a person's health. The hourglass reminds of the inevitability of time, so if the dreamer hesitates, he will miss the chances for a happy life.

A watch in a dream predicts future changes in fate. And if a certain time was indicated on the dial, then it can be used to judge when an event will occur that can change fate.

Sometimes a dream indicates that the dreamer experiences a lack of time in reality or distributes time incorrectly, so he does not have time for anything.

It is possible that the dreamer is influenced by the norms imposed by society. Sometimes it is worth doing as your heart tells you, because constant tension and the desire to comply with the established rules and principles of morality leads to depression.

Interpreters advise the dreamer to loosen self-discipline and keep track of time less, without setting deadlines for himself.

The dream indicates a person’s fears that he does not have time for something, or the dreamer is worried about unfinished business and debts that need to be paid off soon.

And an old clock in a dream calls the dreamer to introspection of his actions. Stop and think about what you have already done and what is still missing to achieve the goal, decide how you will correct mistakes and deal with outstanding tasks. If you start to understand this now, you can secure a clear future for yourself.

For more detailed interpretations, we turn to authoritative sources.

Miller's dream book

A well-known psychologist believed that if in a dream you looked at the moving clock hands, you would be lucky in making deals. You can get rich financially even if you take risks.

If you dreamed of a watch, do not count on success. You will be hindered by enemies who will put sticks in the wheels. You just need to survive the unfavorable period and try not to panic.

If a broken dial appeared in a night dream, money problems and problems on the love front await you. You will be ready to give up and give up, however, the psychologist advises you to look at things more positively. Fate specifically put you to the test so that you become stronger.

The glass broken on the watch in your dream indicates the frivolity of the sleeper. Sometimes he does not think about the consequences of his actions, making rash decisions. You may lose credibility. Think before you speak or you will ruin your relationship with people.

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful watch slipping off her wrist, she would have to face misunderstanding in the family. Quarrels with children and husband will begin. Stay wise woman.

If in a dream you decide to give someone a watch as a gift, there will be problems that you could not prevent in any way. You have to come to terms with the state of things.

If in a dream you heard the beat of a clock, sad news will come to you that will greatly upset you.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

A well-known Bulgarian soothsayer advised to pay attention to the variety of watches.

If ancient, antique time meters played a major role in the dream, you need to stop and reflect on the course of your life. It will be useful to remember the mistakes of the past. You offended someone, and now, the dream hints, it's time to ask for forgiveness and forgive the people who once offended you yourself. Answer yourself the question: are you going that way, are you really doing your whole life's work, perhaps it makes sense to change direction.

A wall clock in a dream indicates that the dreamer is deliberately destroying himself. It is possible that you have a lot of bad habits, you like risk and excitement, you are easily involved in adventures. The fortune teller recommends changing your behavior, otherwise you will leave this world ahead of time. Love yourself.

If you dreamed of a watch, you feel how time moves inexorably forward. Sometimes a dream is a harbinger of future changes.

If in a dream they did not have a dial, misfortune will soon happen, and fate sent you signs, but you were blind. There is good news: tragedy can be avoided if you analyze your past actions and thoughts.

If in a dream you did not see them, but clearly heard their ticking, soon the long-awaited harmony will come to life again, you will achieve your goal and feel happiness.

Wristwatch is dreaming

If you saw a watch in a dream, some kind of turning point will soon come. If you did not experience negative emotions in a dream, the upcoming event will have the most favorable effect on the dreamer. If the dream itself was unpleasant for you, a dark and difficult time is coming.

Sometimes such a dream hints to the dreamer that he is wasting his time on empty things.

If in a dream you saw a watch on the wrist of another person, you will soon meet a person to whom you will become strongly attached, and then truly fall in love.

The dream reflects the dreamer's feelings about the work entrusted to him. Probably, the deadlines are running out, there is very little time left, however, it is necessary to give the result.

If you put on a watch in a night dream, interpreters advise you to learn how to manage your time.

If in a dream you were just watching a watch, you are worried about the upcoming work. Unrest is associated with an upcoming important meeting, so you hurry up time even in a dream.

If in a dream you watched the time on the clock all the time, it means that you do not have time to complete some assignment in reality.

Did the wristwatch have no arrows in the dream? Soon you will not care about tomorrow, but at the same time waste time on empty entertainment. It is possible that passion and love will take over your mind, so you will completely forget about time.

If the dial seemed unusual or very beautiful to you, a series of memorable events is coming.

If the arrows are up, it is possible that one of your relatives or friends will leave this world.

If in a dream you managed to lose your watch, your frivolity in reality will add problems.

If the arrows were moving in the opposite direction, you fell into a trap or a dead end, not knowing how to proceed.

If you wiped the glass of your watch with a rag, you will live abroad for the rest of the days.

If in a dream a friend forgot them in your house, your friendship will last for centuries.

Men's wrist watch

Watches for men are dreamed of by people who need relaxation and rest from the routine.

If a man saw the watch, he will meet a beautiful woman and some positive changes in life.

However, if the arrows did not move on them, expect interference in business.

If the dreamer started the clock or checked the time, expect a surge of strength. Soon you will be very active, and therefore you will achieve what you want.

In a dream, a strap or bracelet broke on them, beware of dirty rumors behind your back.

If a woman saw a men's watch in a dream, she will soon meet a very pleasant man who will sink into her soul.

Women's watch

Women's watches warn the dreamer against rash acts. Without knowing it, you run the risk of framing the other person.

If a woman dreamed that she was presented with a watch with an expensive bracelet, she would soon go down the aisle.

If a man had a dream, the woman to whom he is not indifferent will respond to his feelings.

If a lady's watch breaks in a night dream, the dream indicates that you forgot about the important things, solving small things. Do a soul-searching.

If a woman sees a lady's watch on a man's wrist, she will soon find herself in a difficult situation. It is possible that your other half will be discussed, so you have to doubt your loved one.

Wall clock in a dream

If in a dream you saw a wall clock, you stopped appreciating life, believing that everyone owes you something. Learn to enjoy the simple things and thank those around you for kindness or help.

The dream indicates that it is time to get off the couch and start moving towards your goal.

The interpreters are convinced that a person from your environment is secretly in love with you, and the time will come soon when you find out about it.

If the clock from the dream was large, you are promised a fateful meeting.

The dream indicates that the dreamer is a secretive person who does not like to express his thoughts and show his feelings in the presence of others.

If the wall clock in your dream was ticking, a dangerous illness awaits you or you may find yourself in an extreme situation. There are also problems with money.

If they can be considered antiques, think about the goals and desires. Have you done everything? What words will you be remembered with? If you were looking at an old watch, you will soon feel guilty for unseemly deeds.

If they had a cuckoo, a dream promises longevity.

If you have seen crooked hands on a wall clock dial, you will have short-term success, and after that life will be filled with difficulties that you will have to deal with for a very long time.

If there were a lot of wall clocks, fate will give you a chance to choose among the opportunities presented to her. The choice is yours. You cannot decide on something, you do not have any specific plan. Get yourself together. Your fate is in your hands, and only you can decide what it will be.

Gave a watch in a dream

If you were given a watch in a dream, expect good changes. If you notice an engraving on a watch, you will soon be praised and rewarded for the work done.

A dream promises the dreamer success in business, cash receipts or an increase in wages.

If you have been presented with an antique watch of value, it is possible that you will receive an inheritance.

If the watch presented in a dream turned out to be faulty or broken, expect trouble. Oriental dream books predict the end of the dreamer's life path. Even a serviceable watch, as a gift, promises illness.

If in a dream you were presented with a men's watch, you will soon be responsible for another person. It will be a burden for you. Other interpreters promise problems. If a man had a dream, a new acquaintance awaits him. If the gift is to your liking, you will meet the love of your life. If you did not like the gift, the acquaintance will be unpleasant.

If in a dream you were presented with a women's watch as a gift, stop wasting time on gossip and discussing the lives of other people. A dream for a young girl promises a quick wedding.

Dream Interpretation find a watch

If you happened to find a watch in a dream, this is a good sign. You will be accompanied by good luck, prosperity and happiness. The dream says that in a dream you literally found time, that is, this is a hint that you need to learn how to come to meetings on time.

If you get a working watch out of the mud or puddle, despite the interference, you will achieve your goal.

If you find a broken watch, you will have a lack of money and time. Sleep promises losses.

If there were no arrows and glass on the dial, you will waste time on the work that you were very interested in, believing that it will bring you success.

If you find a pocket watch, minor troubles are outlined. If the clocks were wall-mounted, the troubles would be global. You must be a collected person both at home and at work. Be sure to keep track of the time!

If you find a men's watch, you will need to complete the work in a very short time. The dream promises that you will cope with the task and get a big profit or an increase in salary.

If you find women's watches, you will soon find time for yourself. A dream promises travel and pleasant changes in life, as well as moments that will give you a lot of pleasure.

Dreamed of a golden wristwatch

If in a dream you saw a golden accessory, there is a high probability that you will become a successful and rich person, but at the same time, the dream promises the appearance of envious people in your environment. These people will do anything to ruin your joyful life. It is possible that they will resort to all sorts of frauds to take everything you have acquired from you.

However, according to other interpretations of your comfortable life, nothing threatens.

Interpreters are convinced that big money will appear in your accounts thanks to your abilities.

If you have any, even a bold dream, do not forget about it, strive for your goal. This is what the golden watch seen in a dream says.

If in a dream you put on a golden jewelry on your hand, you will soon achieve success without much effort. This applies to all areas of life.

If you found them in a dream, you are in for trouble through your fault. It is possible that you thoughtlessly spend the last money.

If the jewelry was presented to you by a stranger, you soon run the risk of borrowing money. It will take a long time to get out of debt.

If you yourself presented the golden jewelry as a gift, you miss the chances given by fate.

Buy a watch in a dream

If in a dream you bought a watch, you are acting very imprudently in reality. You prefer to sit still in the hope of wealth and fame. However, the dream indicates that you have to work hard.

Sometimes such a dream indicates your shyness and self-doubt.

According to other interpretations, you will soon be presented with a valuable gift.

If during the purchase process you find a malfunction in the walkers, soon expose the intrigues of ill-wishers, without giving them time to harm you.

If you bought a watch for the purpose of giving it to someone, a very powerful person will soon help you.

Dream interpretation broken watch

If in a dream you saw a broken watch, you will soon face a task that will require an immediate solution. If you intentionally broke them in a night dream, expect bad news. It is possible that you will find yourself in a situation where you will be very ashamed. It is possible that your frivolous behavior in the company of unpleasant personalities will be to blame.

If you saw a broken wall clock in a dream, you need to take control of the situation. It is possible that you have lost touch with reality. Organize your time, accustom yourself to self-discipline to avoid further trouble. Sometimes a dream indicates that you are not developing.

Other dreams

Broken watches are often dreamed of by people who are not obligatory, who are used to not rushing through life, which annoys others. This attitude will get you in a lot of trouble. A dream portends a problem with money due to your shortsightedness. Sometimes a dream indicates a stop in your development. A complete reassessment of values ​​is needed, otherwise it will be very late later.

Did you see the time on the clock in a dream? Remember the details. If it was morning, good luck will accompany you. If it was daytime, the long-awaited harmony will come into your life.

Evening time indicates the completion of the work begun. If the arrows indicated the night, you will find minor problems and dubious stories that you will fall into with enviable regularity. If there was no time on the clock, a threat loomed over you. Be careful.

If the clock in your dream has stopped, it's time to do something else. You are tired of your current job. Perhaps this is not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that you would like to be involved in. The dream says that the end of some milestone in your life has come. A new one is in a hurry to replace it. The interpreters promise the dreamer the end of his life.

If you had a chance to break the clock in a dream, bad news awaits you. The dream promises that because of your frivolity you will have to solve serious problems.

If in a dream you managed to lose your watch, you will soon have a quarrel with a friend. A dream promises separation from a friend, and sometimes indicates a betrayal of a loved one. If you have lost your chronometers, problems await you due to rash acts and ardor.

We hope that you have found an explanation for your dream in a kaleidoscope of various interpretations. The clock is a very complex symbol that is not easy to decipher. A dream testifies to missed chances and the loss of precious time, but it can mean imminent changes in a person’s fate. So don't waste your time! Even despite the most negative interpretations, hurry up to make your life better and happier!

A clock in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time that the clock showed, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

Working hours in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

A watch with a bracelet to see or receive in a dream predicts an early marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and well-being.

The hands of the clock indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream portends a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you against imprudent actions that can greatly damage your well-being.

If you dream that someone took the stopped watch for repair, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure.

If the clock is in a hurry in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and speaks of declining health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slowed down, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken clock in a dream portends failure due to obstacles that you cannot cope with.

Seeing a broken clockwork in a dream means that you will lose your earnings. For patients, such a dream threatens death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should leave vain ideas.

Breaking the clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten off good luck.

Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it didn’t break, then you will have great luck in a business that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The fight of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving watches in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving it as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior, you may find yourself in an unpleasant position. Such a dream also indicates that you should take good advice from your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

To steal a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready for anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding up a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that a friend left his watch with you, then you will have a happy and lasting relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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