Seizures in the corners of the mouth

Zayeda is not a medical term, but an everyday one. But he very tightly entered the lexicon of not only ordinary people, but also medical workers. Zayed can be attributed to a certain symptom, which is based on the appearance of a skin defect in the corner of the mouth, accompanied by inflammatory changes in the tissues in the affected area and surrounding areas. Naturally, this cannot proceed without a trace for a person. And although such a state does not pose any danger, it brings some discomfort. This is especially true for a long process.

In general, such a harmless symptom as jamming should not always be considered unambiguously. After all, in the normal state of the body, it does not occur. Therefore, sometimes it can act as a kind of "small tip of a big iceberg." This means that jamming can be not only an independent insignificant problem, but also a secondary sign of various diseases at the time of their occurrence or exacerbation. This will be discussed in more detail in other sections of the article.

Here, it is advisable to indicate with what terms the jam is associated in medical circles. They can be heard at the reception at the dentist, dermatologist or therapist. These include: angular, angular stomatitis, slit-like. They should not cause any fantasies in the head of the patient about the severity of his condition, who asked for help in connection with a small, albeit annoying, snack. Similar terms mean the same state.

In its development, the jam in the corner of the mouth goes through a number of successive stages. It all starts with the formation of a small bubble filled with a small droplet of liquid. It may be clear or somewhat hazy. Usually, during a conversation or under the influence of external factors, the vesicle ruptures, exposing a small erosive surface on the skin or mucous membrane of the corner of the mouth. Soon there is an increase in it, and it is covered with a crust.

Clinical manifestations of seizures are reduced to the following signs:

    Redness of the skin with wetting, or a small wound in the corner of the mouth;

    Liver disease;


    Immunodeficiency states (decreased immunity);

    Courses of hormone therapy with glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, cytostatics.

At some points among the reasons for the development of seizures, it is worth dwelling separately, as this is important when choosing a method of treatment. First of all, it is worth noting the specific patterns in relation to the pathogen that caused the jam. Isolated seizures are more often provoked by streptococcus, while a fungal infection is always common with a parallel lesion of the corners of the mouth, lips and oral cavity.

Jade development factors

As for the mechanisms of development of seizures under the influence of causal factors, we can say the following. The direct pathological agent that causes skin lesions in the corner of the mouth is the microbial factor. But the realization of the pathogenic properties of these microorganisms is possible only under the influence of provoking factors that cause either damage to the skin at the site of a future bite, or a decrease in immune surveillance. In the first case, unprotected skin for a certain time is simply not able to resist streptococci and fungi until it is restored. Then there is a jam, as an independent problem.

By itself, the seizure brings moderate discomfort to a person, if its course is not complicated by anything. First of all, it concerns the formation of deep painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. Such a process is much more difficult to eliminate due to the presence of a relatively large wound defect and inflammation of the adjacent skin areas.

Consequently, the treatment process is delayed for a longer time compared to the treatment of uncomplicated seizures. The mechanism of crack formation at the site of injury is quite simple. An educated jam in the corner of the mouth can develop in two ways. In the first case, skin damage by microbes is superficial and the correct treatment of such a process leads to its rapid relief.

If you do not follow the rules for caring for such a jam, or it initially begins to progress, affecting the deeper layers of the skin, then sooner or later everything will end with the formation of a crack in the corner of the mouth.

If its depth reaches the level of the location of the lymphatic capillaries, this leads to the appearance of discharge from the wound, which, spreading to the surrounding skin, causes its compaction and overdrying. It shrinks and loses its elasticity. When it is stretched when eating, laughing, talking, the skin is torn.

The result of all the processes described, which close a kind of vicious circle, is the formation of cracks in one or both corners of the mouth. The most severe complication of such a local process is the transition of inflammation to neighboring areas of the skin in the affected area. As a result, the formation of new cracks with their association into one wound, covered with a crust and accompanied by constant wetting. If the necessary measures are not taken, the process will gradually expand with the transformation into a fairly large wound.

How to treat seizures in the corners of the mouth?

The treatment process for seizures in the corners of the mouth depends on the immediate cause of their occurrence. It includes local (local) therapy and general activities. It is always worth starting with local influences at a stop. They can be represented by folk methods and means of traditional modern medicine. First of all, it is worth dwelling on the most favorite methods among all who are faced with this problem. Naturally, everyone wants to get rid of it, as easily as possible.

Treatment at home

The first to come to the rescue are the improvised means of traditional medicine. Favorite and proven methods from this section are:

    Applying earwax to the jam. The method of treatment, although not entirely aesthetic, but very effective;

    Grind plantain leaves into a mushy mass until the juice comes out. Lubricate the cracks with the resulting mixture;

    Prepare a mixture of bee honey and pork fat 2:1. Use to moisturize the skin in the corners of the mouth;

    The use of natural vegetable oils in the form of lotions or simple rubbing. Well helps tea tree oil, olive, rosehip;

    Applying freshly cut pieces to the jam. It has an excellent antimicrobial effect;

    To combat seizures of fungal origin, washing the wounds with a concentrated soda solution or its mixture with vitamin B12 is well suited.

Medical treatment

With a typical course of seizures, only local therapy is indicated. These drugs include:

    Stomatidin. A good antiseptic used for rinsing the mouth and for lotions on seizures. It has an equally good antimicrobial effect on streptococci and fungi;

    Metrogil denta. It is represented by a balanced mixture of metronidazole and chlorhexidine bigluconate. Thanks to this composition, the entire antibacterial spectrum is completely blocked in relation to possible pathogenic microbes that live in the oral cavity and on the skin around the mouth;

    Bepanthen and D-panthenol. They are mainly used at the stage of wound healing. Their use should be preceded by the application of local antibacterial drugs or their simultaneous combination;

    Tetracycline ointment. You can use its simple fatty forms, or you can apply eye ointment. The latter does not cause an unpleasant burning sensation and is very well tolerated;

    Weak glucocorticosteroids with antibiotics. Indicated for severe inflammatory changes. The most common ointments are: gioksizon, trimistin, triderm;

    Cauterization of the jam with solutions of antiseptic dyes: fukortsin, iodine, brilliant green. After this procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin with any oil solution or cream.

    Clotrimazole. Antifungal cream. It is indicated in the case of exclusively fungal lesions of the skin of the corners of the mouth. With streptococcal seizures, it does not bring any effect.

Video: 2 steps of treatment for 4-7 days (translation):

Restorative treatment

If, against the background of the use of local therapy, it is not possible to achieve healing of the jam, this indicates serious health problems. There is a need for a detailed diagnosis and restorative treatment.

It includes:

    Vitamin preparations: ascorbic acid in high doses, aevit, tocopherol acetate, multivitamin complexes (duovit, vitrum, multi-tabs);

    Antifungal drugs and antibiotics according to indications (fluconazole, amoxil);

    Immunomodulators and general tonic;

    Treatment of the underlying disease that caused the formation of jamming.

Only a clear and consistent approach to some trifles can help to understand their true origin and quickly eliminate them. Do not stop halfway after curing a jam. It is best to see a specialist for an elementary examination. This will prevent this problem from reoccurring.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.

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