What does millet porridge look like. Millet porridge benefits and harms for the elderly. Millet groats contain few nutrients

All cereals, without exception, are useful for the body. Millet porridge is the queen of the table, as it contains many useful substances and trace elements. All kinds of diets have been created on the basis of this cereal, and the versatility of millet allows it to be used in a large number of recipes.

Today we will learn how this product is useful, how to prepare and use it correctly. So, we analyze the topic: "Millet porridge: benefits and harms."

Calorie millet porridge

Millet contains useful trace elements:

  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

There is a lot of protein and fiber in millet; in terms of the amount of proteins, this cereal can be compared with wheat. Of the vitamins, the presence of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5) and vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) can be noted.

This cereal has a low energy value. For example, the calorie content of 100 grams of porridge cooked with water is 90 kcal. The same amount of dry millet contains 348 kcal. But do not forget that during the cooking process, the cereal swells quite strongly, and a decent portion of delicious and satisfying porridge is obtained from a small amount of raw product.

Product benefits

Millet is a cereal that is obtained by cleaning millet. The Chinese were the first to grow this grain crop. And only then the knowledge of what kind of cereal to produce millet passed to Russia, India, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Such a rather large range of cultivation suggests that many nations have appreciated the taste properties of this product.

Millet porridge is extremely beneficial for the heart, as it contains a lot of potassium, and this trace element normalizes the heart rhythm and supports the cardiovascular system.

People who live in ecologically unfavorable areas are simply obliged to introduce this product into their diet, as millet removes toxins and toxins from the body and reduces the harmful effects after taking medications. In addition, this porridge cleanses the blood vessels of cholesterol. Use millet for:

  • diabetes
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas.

It is recommended to use porridge for children and adults to restore immunity after illnesses. More recently, scientists have found that regular consumption of this product reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 50%.

Harm and contraindications

Is millet harmful? Yes, like any other product, if consumed in large quantities. So, it is not recommended to use the product for people who suffer from frequent constipation, with hemorrhoids, as well as with stomach ulcers.

There is also an opinion that excessive consumption of this porridge reduces potency in men. Therefore, do not get too carried away with this product, everything is good in moderation.

How to cook porridge?

Millet porridge is very tasty. Before cooking, rinse the cereal thoroughly. If this is not done, then the porridge will be bitter. Millet is washed with hot water until the flowing water is completely clear. So the recipes:

1. Millet porridge on the water. To prepare it, we need:

millet - 1 cup;

  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt to taste.

Pour water into a small saucepan, put on fire. While the water boils, thoroughly rinse the cereal. As soon as the water boils, it should be slightly salted. Pour the washed millet into the pan. Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, and then the gas should be slightly reduced. Close the lid and cook for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. As soon as the time has passed, turn off the gas and let the porridge brew for another 15 minutes without opening the saucepan. Mix the finished porridge, you can add vegetable oil to taste. Bon appetit!

2. Porridge with carrots and beans. For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • millet - 1 cup;
  • pre-boiled beans - 200 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • carrots - 4 medium root crops;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil (such as olive oil).

We put a pot of water on the fire. While the water boils, wash the cereal. Next, salt the water and add millet. Cook it for 20 minutes over medium heat.

While the porridge is cooking, peel the carrots, cut them into strips and fry over medium heat under a lid for about 10 minutes. Add the beans, simmer for another 5 minutes. Season the finished porridge with vegetable oil, arrange on plates, spread the vegetable stew on top.

3. Millet porridge in a pot. We will need the following ingredients:

  • millet - ½ cup;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • pumpkin - 150 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • ground ginger - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • honey and nuts;
  • salt - to taste.

Before you start cooking, the cereal should be carefully sorted and washed. Then douse it with a little boiling water so that it does not taste bitter after cooking. Peel the pumpkin and bake in the oven until it becomes soft, then grind in a blender to a puree state, add honey and spices.

We spread the prepared cereals on the bottom of a clay pot and pour water. Then add the blended ingredients. We close the pot with a lid or foil, put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. This dish is served with honey and nuts. Bon appetit!

How to choose and store cereals

  • Everyone knows that you cannot cook tasty porridge from bad cereals. Millet groats are an affordable product. In stores, it is already sold in prepackaged packages of 900-1000 grams. It is best to take cereals in transparent packaging, so you can carefully consider the purchased product. Groats should not contain foreign impurities and caked lumps, the color should be bright yellow. If the color of millet is pale yellow, then such porridge will contain a minimum of nutrients.
  • The second thing to pay attention to is the expiration date. Millet does not need to be stored for future use, as it quickly acquires bitterness. Therefore, when choosing a product, give preference to freshly packaged cereals.
  • The optimal shelf life is 4 months. During this period, the cereal does not lose its taste. So that it does not deteriorate prematurely, it should be stored properly. From the package, millet should be poured into a glass or ceramic container with a lid. The product should be stored in a dark place. So that bugs do not start in the cereal, you need to put a few cloves of garlic next to the jar, and a bag of salt absorbs moisture well.

Millet has always been considered "golden groats". The price of this product is small, but the benefits for the body are enormous. Millet porridge must be included in your diet, because it is an excellent source of essential vitamins, trace elements, fiber and protein. Try one of our dinner recipes and your family will be pleasantly surprised!

Millet - everyone's unloved porridge in childhood - is considered one of the most useful cereals. Millet porridge is used to prepare various dishes and is often included in the diet of children. Millet is a natural porridge that is extracted from whole grains by grinding and retains all the benefits of cereals. Groats gained popularity during the Soviet Union, when it was considered one of the most affordable and satisfying cereals. Demand for millet has not subsided even now. It has a lot of positive properties and has a beneficial effect on well-being. Millet is especially useful for the growing body of children, since it enriches it with whole complexes of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the full development of the child. Despite the obvious benefits, many continue to be skeptical of cereals and ignore them in their diet. This is due to the fact that not everyone succeeds in cooking delicious porridge, but if you cook it correctly, then real millet is a fragrant, crumbly and satisfying porridge that even children will like.

Millet is a natural cereal, which is obtained by grinding from the fruits of hard millet species. Durum varieties are considered the highest grade, therefore, in fact, millet is a top quality product. Depending on the type of cereal from which it is extracted, the dish may have different shades.

The usefulness of the dish lies in its nutritional value and the content of a large amount of dietary fiber. Millet is well absorbed by the body and digested by the intestines, so porridge can be given even to children at an early age. Millet not only perfectly saturates, but also gives maximum energy, and at the same time it is low in calories.

The composition of millet includes a whole complex of useful substances:

  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • vitamins A, B, C, P, E, K;
  • macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc;
  • trace elements;
  • organic acids.

Useful composition of millet

The rich composition gives the dish useful properties, so regular intake of millet will ensure good health and a healthy appearance.

From grains of millet get a golden groats called millet. Millet is very healthy and nutritious, it is often recommended by experts as one of the cereals suitable for dietary nutrition. Millet has many useful properties that have been known for centuries and have been used in cooking, as well as for medical purposes.

The benefits of millet

This golden cereal contains a whole pantry of vitamins, healthy fats, proteins and amino acids. The latter are especially important for normal muscle function and good skin condition. Vegetable fats contained in millet are necessary for the qualitative assimilation of certain vitamins, such as vitamin D and carotene. Millet helps the body get rid of toxins and toxins. It is very useful to use millet dishes for patients with liver diseases and gastrointestinal disorders.

The low calorie content of ready-made porridge makes it indispensable for dietary nutrition. People who are trying appreciate millet porridge for its ability to remove fats from the body, due to its high lipid content.

Wheat has a lot of protein. In terms of its quantity and quality, millet is comparable to wheat groats and surpasses barley and rice. There is a lot of fat in it, in terms of their amount, millet is in second place, giving way to the first oatmeal. Millet contains almost a complete set of group B, folic acid and many minerals.

It is very useful to eat millet dishes for residents of large cities. After all, the substances that make up this cereal perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other filth. Millet copes even with heavy metal ions and medical antibiotics. Although the latest information has not yet been confirmed by scientific research.

Harm of millet

Like any other product, millet has its negative sides. It has a beneficial effect on the intestines with frequent indigestion. But this means that a person with constant constipation is not recommended to eat millet porridge. Loose porridge tends to irritate the inner walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, in case of stomach problems, it is better to cook liquid millet porridge.

Millet has a high content of polysaccharides, because of this it gives a great load to the pancreas. Millet reduces the rate of absorption of iodine. Some experts note that it has a bad effect on the potency of men.

Millet contraindications

Although this product has a lot of wonderful and useful qualities, some people should still limit their consumption of millet porridge.

These contraindications include:

  • Sometimes a person is allergic to millet - indigestion and allergic rashes occur.
  • Since millet has a bad effect on the absorption of iodine, it is not recommended for people with endocrine diseases, children and pregnant women.
  • You should not get carried away with millet porridge and men who have problems with potency.
  • In diseases such as hypothyroidism, inflammatory processes in the large intestine, chronic constipation, low acidity of the stomach, millet is also contraindicated.
  • With some restrictions, millet porridge can be consumed with.

Millet treatment

Millet is very often used in folk recipes for treatment. Here are some very popular millet treatments:

  • To get rid of cystitis, it is useful to drink an infusion of millet. To do this, fill the cereal with boiled water and let it brew. Then strain and drink. Millet and water must be taken in the same amount. You can pour the cereal several times until the taste of the drink changes. After that, throw out the old cereal and take a new portion.
  • With kidney diseases, this recipe helps - rinse a glass of millet with water and pour boiling water (2 liters). Then boil the millet for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Leave to infuse until the water has cooled, strain and drink throughout the day.

  • For the treatment of diseases of the bladder, take note of this method - prepare a decoction of 3 tablespoons of millet and 750 ml of water, strain. On the first day, drink one large spoonful of decoction every hour. The next day, increase this portion to three tablespoons. Then, until the seventh day, you should drink a third cup of millet broth three times a day.
  • Millet porridge will help from heart disease. Before cooking, roast a little cereal in a dry frying pan. Then fill it with water (take 2 times more water) and boil the porridge. Eat it twice a day.
  • Millet porridge can be used to heal wounds and bedsores. Put a steep mass in a clean cloth and apply to the affected areas. The wounds will soon begin to heal.
  • For attacks of inflammation of the pancreas, use this treatment - pour a couple of glasses of cereal with 4 liters of water and cook until completely boiled. Then grate two cups of pumpkin and add it to the pan. Cook for another 20 minutes. Season the finished dish with salt and olive oil. Eat this porridge for two weeks instead of dinner. After completing the course of treatment, wait two weeks and repeat the therapy again.
  • To stabilize blood sugar three times a month, eat two tablespoons of millet, ground into fine flour.

Yellow balls obtained from millet - this is what millet looks like. This is a dietary, nutritious and quite healthy product that meets the standards of a healthy diet.

If the benefits of such a dish as millet porridge are beyond doubt, then few people know about the dangers of this product.

Our task is to fully cover the aspects of eating millet and give some practical advice on its preparation. Still, millet is one of the main components of the diet of modern man.

Millet contains a number of minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins and amino acids necessary for the full development of the body.

Amino acids keep muscle and skin cells in good shape, vegetable fats promote the absorption of carotene and various vitamin complexes. Cereals also contain carbohydrates - they cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Vitamin group B is the most valuable component of millet porridge. Each component of this complex is responsible for its own “site”:

  • B1 - with this vitamin, depressive states are not terrible for you;
  • B2 - say goodbye to acne and dandruff, get rid of problems associated with bone tissue;
  • B6 - when this vitamin combines with calcium, it normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • B9 - improves hematopoiesis, normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • PP - has a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes, improves appetite.

Millet porridge contains trace elements, the benefits of which are undeniable:

  • potassium - improves the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • iron - fights anemia and improves blood circulation;
  • manganese - normalizes metabolic processes;
  • sodium - promotes the activation of enzymes of the salivary and pancreas, accelerates the formation of gastric juice;
  • magnesium - suppresses inflammation, increases endurance;
  • fluorine and silicon - serve as a building material for hair, teeth, bones and nails, have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • copper - fights wrinkles and age-related fading of the skin.

Millet porridge removes fats from the human body, and its harm seems to be something fantastic. And yet there are contraindications - we will talk about them later.

In addition to the listed trace elements, millet contains iodine and phosphorus, 70% starch, sugar, fiber and protein.

Scope of application

We have already found out that millet porridge is the main enemy of obesity, causing irreparable harm to excess weight.

Therefore, nutritionists have developed numerous programs that allow you to effectively put your body in order.

Here is an example of a typical millet diet:

  1. breakfast - millet porridge (1 portion), without oil, on the water;
  2. lunch - the same (second option - low-calorie cabbage soup);
  3. afternoon snack - fruits (apples, oranges);
  4. dinner - ryazhenka, millet, kefir (can be replaced with yogurt).

After a week of dietary course, you will begin to feel the first results.

Millet, as noted above, is made from millet. From millet grains you can cook:

  • flour;
  • pancakes;
  • soups;
  • pies and fillings for them;
  • casseroles.

To increase the benefits of eating millet porridge, you can add to the dish:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • liver;
  • cottage cheese;
  • mushrooms;

Beneficial features

Usually millet is recommended for patients suffering from disorders of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. If you live in an ecologically unfavorable area, millet will be an indispensable product due to its quality to remove heavy metals from the body.

The metropolis is causing slow damage to our biological systems. A good way to minimize it is to regularly consume millet. Promotes millet and the withdrawal of antibiotics, which must be disposed of after prolonged treatment.

If you are engaged in intellectual activities, magnesium will allow you to maximize your potential.

Millet will also please athletes, adding elasticity to their muscles. The benefits of this product are manifested in getting rid of cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis.

The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized due to the fiber contained in the product.

And yet, the main benefit of millet lies in its lipotropic effect. What does it mean? Once in the body, millet prevents fat from being absorbed into the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, porridge is successfully used in complex diets and on ordinary “fasting” days.

In some cases, eating millet can be harmful. If you have one of the following contraindications, do not rush to cook millet porridge. It is better to consult with a competent doctor.


Millet porridge can cause harm in the following cases:

  1. decreased stomach acidity;
  2. thyroid disease;
  3. tendency to constipation;
  4. violations of male potency;
  5. inflammation of the colon.

This completes the list of contraindications. It is worth noting that millet is an extremely useful product, and its negative impact on the thyroid gland remains the subject of controversy among medical specialists.

To minimize potential harm, remember to consult with nutritionists and health professionals.

Selection and storage

When choosing a grain for cooking, it is important to pay attention to how it looks. The most useful, tasty and nutritious is the yellow grain. Pale grain will lead to "smeared" porridge.

Special attention should be paid to the method of grain storage - this is the main difference between millet and other cereals.

It will not be possible to store cereals for a long time - it contains fat, which can quickly oxidize. The fact that the millet has deteriorated, you will learn quickly enough - the porridge will smell unpleasant and bitter.

However, there is nothing irreparable. If you douse the spoiled millet with boiling water, and then drain the water, the cereal can be safely boiled in a new portion of boiling water. A similar effect can be achieved by heating the cereal in a dry frying pan.

What to cook?

On the basis of millet, a lot of various dishes are prepared, the main advantage of which is the benefits. The taste and nutritional qualities of the prepared delicacies will also delight gourmets. It is best to cook this cereal in milk, while adding walnuts, pumpkin, prunes or cottage cheese.

An important point: if the cereal is contaminated, it is better to sort it out and then wash it. This should be done in cold water, focusing on the degree of its transparency. Millet is cooked until half cooked, pouring plenty of clean water.

On milk

If you cook millet with milk, you can get a tasty and extremely healthy source of vegetable protein. Milk porridge will energize you, serve as a general tonic, help people with excessive scratching and poor health.

For cooking you will need:

  • water (2 glasses);
  • millet (glass);
  • milk (2 cups);
  • a piece of butter;
  • sugar (3 tablespoons).

After sorting and washing the grain, fill it with boiling water and salt. During cooking, do not forget to remove the resulting foam. After evaporating the water, pour warm milk into the pan and cook for a while over high heat. When cooking, the fire must be reduced. The final touches are sugar and butter. After mixing, serve porridge on the table.

with pumpkin

The low-calorie content of millet-pumpkin porridge makes this dish extremely useful from a dietary point of view. A 100 gram portion of the product contains 300 kcal. This characteristic allows you to successfully resist cholesterol and fat formation.

Pumpkin is a source of plant-derived fiber, minerals and beneficial vitamins. In combination with trace elements of "millet" origin, the dish, with regular meals, gives amazing effects.

Recipe for "cores"

If you have been diagnosed with ailments of the cardiovascular system, the preparation of millet porridge will have minor differences. Let's look at them step by step:

In general, eating millet will benefit the vast majority of people. This product is the basis of a healthy diet, and there are very few contraindications to its introduction into the diet. Eat and improve your condition!

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Most of us often use some products, but rarely think about their origin.

For example, pearl barley is obtained from barley groats, and semolina from wheat. Do you know what millet is made from?

Let's see what kind of cereal this wonderful product is obtained from, as well as find out how it is useful and how to use it.

Millet is made from millet seeds, which are peeled from the outer shell. The Chinese discovered this cereal as early as the 5th millennium BC.

They called it golden groats. The Slavs began to cultivate millet in the 3rd millennium BC.

In the 18th-19th century, peasants used millet to make porridge. It was this kind of food that was the main food.
To make millet, millet of the bluegrass family is used. It belongs to the cereals of the second group.

The plant has paniculate inflorescences.

The color of millet is not necessarily just yellow. It can be red, white or even grey. Yellow grains have special nutritional properties.

In this case, the porridge turns out crumbly and lush.

Remember that millet groats should not be stored for too long, as the grains contain a lot of fat. This component oxidizes over time, which contributes to the formation of an unpleasant odor.

Such cereals are used to prepare a large number of dishes - cereals, casseroles and. Waste from grain processing is used for livestock feed.

Varieties of processed millet

After processing the plant, three types of millet are produced:

  1. The dranet has a shiny surface and a rich yellow color. It is suitable for preparing crumbly side dishes, but its structure is dense, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb. This millet contains a large amount of fiber, which makes it especially useful.
  2. For polished cereals, a more matte surface is characteristic, as well as light shades. This grain boils well, as it does not have a shell. This product is easy to digest. It is often used to make crumbly porridge. Often it is used as the basis for vegetable cutlets, casseroles or dough.
  3. Crushed millet is grains of irregular shape. From such cereals you can make casseroles and viscous porridge.
    Loose porridge will be obtained only from the first two options for millet.

Where is millet grown?

Capitate and common millet first appeared in China and Mongolia. It has also been grown in Russia for a long time. The largest volumes of millet are obtained in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

There are huge crop areas in African countries such as Tanzania, Uganda and Nigeria. grown in the world over 400 varieties of millet, and in Russia only 8 species.

Useful properties of millet

Let's find out all the beneficial properties of millet porridge. It turns out that it contains a large number of useful components.

The high nutritional value is due to the high content of starch in the composition. And there is more vegetable protein in millet than in rice.
Of the minerals worth noting phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, copper and potassium.

It also contains vitamins: PP, E, A and group B.
Present in millet and amino acids, which are necessary for the formation of new cells. Complex carbohydrates in the composition help from toxins and toxins.
Vegetable fats promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Initially, crushed cereals were used to feed birds and livestock. But the fact that such cereals are remarkably perceived by the human body makes it so attractive for human consumption.
Wheat contains a large amount of phosphorus. There is more of it in this product than in any kind of meat.

But it's worth considering. That in polished groats its share decreases.
Compared to other cereals, millet contains a larger amount. This component is important for the health of the nervous system, as well as for the normal functioning of the hematopoietic function.
Consider the main useful properties of this product:

  1. Helps to remove toxins, residues from the use of antibiotics, as well as reduce the impact on the body. Therefore, such porridge is eaten after serious illnesses, up to 7-10 days.
  2. Reduces cholesterol levels, and also has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels.
  3. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  4. Has a warming effect.
  5. It is characterized by lipotropic action.

Millet also helps to restore a weakened heart muscle, and is also used to heal the liver and inflamed.

Interestingly, this cereal is the most hypoallergenic compared to other types.

Are there any contraindications

Valuable cereals also have certain disadvantages. Remember that millet is a heavy cereal, which is not very useful in the inflammatory process in the mucosa. A hard shell can become a powerful irritant, which will worsen the condition of diseased organs.
Groats can also cause discomfort in people with low acidity.

It is not recommended to take millet for problems with the endocrine system. This is true for diseases of the thyroid gland, as there are components in the croup that prevent the absorption of iodine. Millet is not the best product for constipation.

What to do so that millet does not taste bitter

Millet is often bitter, as it quickly becomes rancid if stored improperly. To prevent this, keep track of its shelf life.

And before work, do not forget to soak the cereal, and also pierce it in the oven or in a pan. The wrong approach to cooking millet can cause a bitter taste.

It is important to choose the right grain.

Millet for weight loss

Millet is also used in diets. Such porridge is high in calories and contains all the necessary vitamins.

If you want to use, then this product is the most ideal option for this.
Groats cooked on water are low in calories, only 85 kcal per 100 grams. Porridge allows you to remove accumulated fat from the body, and also prevents the formation of a new one.
Try to arrange such a fasting day:

  • boil 150 grams of cereal in 500 ml of water. At the same time, do not add sugar and salt;
  • you can put dried apricots, raisins or prunes;
  • The resulting dish is divided into several receptions.

Such porridge should be eaten during the day, washed down with herbal infusion or tea. A similar recipe allows you to lose about 700-800 grams.

It is useful to mix such porridge with pumpkin. At the same time, the calorie content is noticeably reduced to 70 per 100 grams. Pumpkin speeds up metabolic processes in the body, which enhances the effect of losing weight.
Try cooking porridge in the oven in pots. With this method, useful properties are preserved.

How to choose the right cereal?

When choosing cereals in the store, pay attention to the following points:

  • grains do not have to be uniform or identical in color, but they should not contain any impurities;
  • millet should not smell;
  • shades of yellow can even be bright, but not faded;
  • look at the shelf life, since cereals become bitter if this parameter is not observed;
  • choose the type of cereal depending on what dish you want to cook.

Do not stock large quantities of this product. It should be stored in an airtight container so that light and air do not get inside.

Healthy Recipes

You can cook a huge number of healthy dishes from millet. If you cook porridge in milk, then you can add pumpkin, prunes, walnuts and cottage cheese to it.

If the cereal is contaminated, then it must be sorted out and washed. This must be done in cold water. You need to cook cereals until half cooked.

At the same time, fill with plenty of cold water.
Milk porridge is useful for weakened health and loss of strength. The grain must be poured with boiling water and watered. In the process of cooking, you need to remove the foam that appears.

After the water boils away, pour warm milk and cook over high heat. When cooking, the fire should be reduced.

Then butter and sugar are added.

Nice pumpkin recipe.

Pumpkin is a wonderful source of fiber and beneficial vitamins. There is also a special recipe for vessels. First, the grains must be calcined on fire, and then pour them into boiling water.

Then cook over low heat. After boiling the liquid, turn off the stove. Wrap the pan in a towel and wait 15-20 minutes. The dish needs to be salted when it is completely ready.

Summing up, we can say that such porridge is not only a healthy product, but also very tasty. It can be used to create a dietary diet, as well as to improve the whole body.

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